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Not a doctor, but I think that's a foot.


Not a detective but something is afoot


Not a referee but one more and it'd be defeat


This is the only time iver ever tried to give gold before.


Thanks 😂 me chuckling to myself was rewarding enough!


Looks like all the bones are there. Wassa problm?


Y'see how the structures leading up to the first four toes are all clean and solid individual pieces and then that last one on the right looks like what happens when a pretzel stick had a glass put on it? I think that might be the problem.


Meh they're all still there. 80% still good. Wrap it in some tape, it'll be fine. /s


Ouch!  Looks like that bone below your pinky toe, yeah?


Correct - the 5th metatarsal


I've suffered a similar break before. It was probably 20 years ago, when I was more stupid and took a slip down some basement steps after some drinks. I got frustrated with a walking boot and ended up just wrapping the bastard and still went out and acted as if nothing was wrong. I feel lucky that I didn't screw up anything more by playing hockey and just being an idiot with that break.


Yeah I'm in a boot right now and it sucks. Things just don't heal quite the same in your 40s as they do in your 20s, eh?


> Things just don't heal quite the same in your 40s I turned 50 this year and still feel many of the breaks and stupid injuries I suffered over the years. I took the "walk it off" bullshit of my era to heart and lived on a fractured ankle, torn rotator cuff, various other bullshit broken bones (orbital, lots of fingers/toes, nose (x 4 or 5 times), and tons of strains/tears. That foot break felt like a bullshit bone so it didn't really matter much to me. In the long run I wish I would've treated all of it much better than I did. The worst of it is my back but at least that makes me forget about the rest of it.


I ripped up first one shoulder, then the other, and also went with the "Ah, it'll heal on its own" approach.  Worst mistake I've ever made in injury management - the pain from the first one in particular was pretty spectacular.


Man, you aren't kidding.


I reaggravated my repaired hernia celebrating. So I feel ya brother! 😆


Pulled something in my hip that's being operated on in a few weeks with that celebration as well. I have to wonder if I finished off one of the partially torn ligaments. 1,000% worth it though. That was incredible!


Im im the process of recovering from two hip surgery's and a back surgery. Hope all goes well for you! Needless to say i fucked everything up jumping for that Perron bomb.


I’ve done this before, breaking my pinky toe celebrating Michigans win over Kansas in 2013. Walking boot for 6 weeks


https://preview.redd.it/8zpkcbsgubvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a70a218da68e862d11713cee8a291905e30f92 That's wild. It looks almost exactly like my spiral fracture on the 5th metatarsal of the same foot.


It's a very common break - the side view of my x-ray looks a lot like the break pictured here


It's a common break because it's common for us guys to do dumb shit like jump around. lol That's how I broke mine; jumped and landed wrong.


I'm just glad to know that me running around my house in excitement was the norm. My wife had me thinking I was some sort of psychopath.


Can't wait for how hungry this team will be next season it's going to be great hockey to watch.


I jumped off the couch and my beer spilt all over the living room from cellying that OT winner. Get well soon!


You got a boxer break on your foot 🤣


Lucas Raymond, the noted goon.


Rest up. We’re gonna need that foot ready to go in the fall!


Post this on feet finder stat for some extra money


What’s the deal with the floating chip behind your big toe? The seems less.. explainable than your break on the other side.


Just me or is there a face below the big toe