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Bring back Bertuzzi


He is supposedly asking for multi-year deal,  a contract that starts with $5 million, and top six minutes.  I am a hard pass for a couple of reasons.   1. We have to keep open roster space at forward for players like Berggy, Mazur, Kasper or Danielson - ideally at least two of them - to make the team out of camp, and we need the cap space for signing Ray + Mo.   2. I just read an article (technically about the Rags, but I think it also applies to us). It advocated restraint in a fairly weak/expensive FA market to save some cap space to buy/rent a high end player at the trade deadline if we are looking competitive.  A second high end center? A goalie? A tough guy? Really whoever GMSY thinks will improve our chances in the playoffs. 


Now do Trouba and Stamkos want to play with Patrick Kane? They could be on the same line together a lot next season 👀


I doubt we get them both. I think I’d prefer stammer tbh. The more I think about Trouba the more worried I get. Especially after hearing the situation with his wife and how bad he doesn’t wanna leave New York. Along with the dumb penalties he tends to take, we already have Perron taking pointless penalties. We need grit sure, but at what price? And the fact he really doesn’t wanna uproot his family and leave, I feel like that is gonna effect his performance on the ice. Stamkos tho would be pretty sweet. Specially considering my best fiend / roomie is from Tampa area and is a lightning fan, and Stamkos is his favorite player. Told him I’m gonna buy a wings Stamkos jersey if he comes to us. Didn’t like that took much lmao.


The more I consider how much he doesn't want to be here, the more I don't want him. I only want players that want to be in Detroit.


Petry 36, Kane 35. Perron 36 Stamkos 34. That’s a lot of old guys in a fast, physical league. I don’t know what the other options would be for targets offensively but that’s a great team if it were pre 2020. They really need a young guy to come through on the top 6. Perron could stay if they weren’t paying Fabbri $4m.


Perron might not be back next season If we get Trouba, we will move Petry down to the 3rd pair so he will be sheltered more Stammer is a reach but there is no guarantee he is coming


I’m just saying. You got Kane, Petry at 35/36 and then Fabbri eating up $4m. No more old players.


If you can grab Stamkos at around 5M a year or two, it is not the worst thing.


Fabbri is the same age as Larkin, not really sure how he's relevant here


He makes $4 m a year


I hope Kane gets every single one of those bonuses


I love the $750k tied to making playoffs too


Yea. DRW will easily make the money back from jersey sales and ticket sales


[https://x.com/reporterchris/status/1807609619981742303](https://x.com/reporterchris/status/1807609619981742303) "Of note on Patrick Kane: This is the first summer in the last five years where he's training like an athlete trying to make gains, not one rehabbing or managing injury issues. Would not be remotely surprising to see him cash all $2.5M in bonuses on this new contract."


Somethin somethin make me believe again


I believe the phrase is "oh fuck yeah you're gonna make me believe"


I did save that meme when it was posted earlier. Gotta have that shit ready for October


Ok... so essentially 5.75 million for 1 year. That.. ain't bad.


$4 mill for this year, any bonuses are a cap hit next year. It’s very good.


Actually only counts the following year if the bonuses take Detroit over the salary cap. If they’re under the cap by 2.5M+ and he cashes in all the bonuses, then it counts this year


Yes, appreciate the additional info. Learning as much about bonuses today as I did about tiebreakers a few months ago 🫡


Haha it’s a bit confusing. Too many nuances to the cap


Ohhhhh that is even better! Hot damn!


A stamkos stadium series jersey would be peak next year I can’t lie.


I'm getting Kane for sure


i think ima order the white kane jersey to commerate the goal in chicago. i have the home jersey.


Raymond Larkin DeBrincat Kane Compher Kasper Perron Copp Mazur Fabbri Veleno Rasmussen // Chiarot Seider Edvinsson Trouba Johansson Petry This top four defense would be 6'3, 6'4, 6'6, 6'3. That's an average of 6'4, wow. Not sure what happens with Maatta/Holl/Berggren with a lineup like that. Didn't address goalies either because no clue what's going on there.


Sign Stammer. Bump Kasper down to 3rd line. Let Perron walk. Move Rasmussen up to 3rd line for Mazur.


Yea we definitely letting Perron walk if we get both Kane and Stamkos


We can dream right? God that would be sweet


Really not sure that Mazur makes this team out of camp. It's probably Berggren in that spot if any prospect.


Yeah there is no way that would be Mazur if Bergy is available, let's be honest, he did prove himself in AHL with his goals, Bergy should have that spot.


Berggy is such a delightful human being.  I am really, really hoping that he is full bore on the *Lucas Raymond Summer of Beans, Rice, Squats and Tough to Play Against Plan*.   I really want him to make this team and be a part of our success.  


I'm not smart enough to make better lines because while Kane and Berggren could probably score a lot, that might be too defensively lacking


We love our 7:5 6:4 games


Straight up, there's nothing better. It's why I watch so much Junior hockey.


Kane would get so frustrated with that second line


What if we give Kasper to the first line and have him learn the captain like how Larkin did under Zetterburg


It's tough. There was this article on the Athletic where it shows that Larkin's production explodes with DeBrincat. Kane would work on the top too but Raymond definitely deserves it as well. Maybe they just keep mixing it up.


Ideally we want Raymond to run his own line


now do Stamkos


Have to make a decision on what to do this week, my last week of summer break before my Clerking job starts. Do I go with my roommate to Panama City where there's jet skis, a boat and a beach for the 4th weekend? Or do I stay in town, try and save money, and go see A Day To Remember by myself the day before the 4th. I just talked myself into the beach weekend. Also bought tickets to see Hank Jr.


When a boat on the 4th of July weekend is an option, you always take the boat.


I'm sad I'm missing A Day To Remember especially cuz they're playing Since U Been Gone this tour but I figure they'll be back. Whereas Hank Jr. you never know how long he's got touring regularly.


I never doubted you, Stevie Y


i kind of cant believe kane was almost ppg player last season


OEL a free agent tomorrow. 10 years 8AAV, who says no?




You think Larkin hands the cup to Kane first?


Nah, Mcdavid first then Matthews, and Crosby and Ovi can fight it off


Kane ain't exactly Ray Bourque.


Raymond, after 3 consecutive GTGs to force game 7. Kaner's already lifted the cup


Feels like it would have to be one of Mo, Ray or Ras - players who suffered through the toughest years with the team should get some of the sweetness first.  


Smart contract because those bonuses can be applied to next year's cap and we have a lot of cap coming off the books. (Husso, Petry, Fabbri, Maatta. Etc. All guys we can live without.)


I love the structure, absolutely genius. I hope this means Steve is going to be active tomorrow and make some improvements. His last couple moves have had money savings in mind when they were not urgent. It feels different.


He probably made some promises to Kane as well to convince him to stay


Maybe Kaner was only going to sign if they got rid of Walman for trying to ruin his OT celly vs the Hawks…(/s)


Yeah we’re going with this




That's honestly not a bad conspiracy theory.


I always did find that funny and a little weird how he basically said fuck off


Same, seemed a bit awkward for the griddy pro.


Yea, he wanted to join the fun but Kane didn’t want to share the spotlight


Thank you Wings for announcing it yourself. That .0001% chance that everyone had it wrong might have given me nightmares.


$4 mil?!? What a steal! I want to see some kids this year but dang we could build something sweet. RD and goalie next please.


I'm over the moon. The bonuses are smartly structured as well.


https://preview.redd.it/ih1fsgm4jt9d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa3799e330ebe4932e05a4542f980865bb0a0b7 Debrincat SpongeBob Patty Kane Patrick






Who's got the non-tiktok link for the shepmates kane goal


Man our CapFriendly page is looking empty now without the UFAs on there anymore. Interesting to note there's only three players on the whole team signed for more than three years, and two of those three are signed for four years (Rasmussen and Compher at 4, Larkin at 7)


If we can move Fabbri and Holl, oh boy, who knows what Stevie could do 1st and Holl for Trouba (2.5 retained) They buy out Holl and get back prolly like 4.5 mil or keep him to have a d-man We sign Bert Fabbri and a second for Chychrun Cap is a wash Ray Larkin DCat Kane Stamkos Bert Compher Copp Ras Perron Kasper Berg/Mazur Chiarot Seider Ed Trouba Chychrun Maatta/Petry Lol, no way but I'd love it


Buyout window is closed. Trouba for Holl might have happened if Trouba didn't refuse to waive his NMC before it went to an M-NTC on Monday.


No more buyout can happen before season?


I'm pretty sure it's just under certain scenarios related to arbitration


Interesting ok that obviously changes things lol


Why would we send a first for the right to unload trouba’s contract from them. Makes no sense. Then again I’m still very puzzled by the walman 2nd throw-in so wtf do I know


Because we want the cap space back and I'm guessing they don't want to retain anything I mean sure get it for nothing I mean just clear the cap lol


We wouldn’t save cap space by trading holl for trouba, troubas contract is much more


But they would get rid of Holl's contract. Trouba is a useful player, Holl not so much.


I didn't say save but we'd prob have enough then Net 2.5 for him then


Kane ✓ Stamkos Perron Trouba Raymond Seider


What do we think are the mo and ray offers


$7.5 / 3yrs After, big contract when cap rises


The qualifying offers are at 105% of their last salary. It’s just to keep their rights. The actual deals that they’ll eventually sign will be different and probably haven’t been offered yet


Nick Robertson is from Michigan, asked to be traded from the Leafs. 22yo winger. Might be a good pickup if cheap. 27p in 56g.


He's not set to be a UFA, Toronto qualified him today and he requested a trade.


Thank you, my bad. Edited


I wouldn't mind acquiring him depending on what Toronto wants. Also he's an RFA and if he's going to refuse to sign with them technically he could be offer sheeted. he notoriously averaged like 10 minutes a game with Toronto. Leafs fans used to complain a lot that Keefe hated him and wouldn't give him a chance in the top 6. He also got sent up and down a lot because of how the Leafs played cap gymnastics and he made a comment at one point that he understood the cap but he was getting sick of it. He's a lot smaller than his brother (he's 5'9 and Jason is 6'3) but he does have a good shot and high offensive upside, though he's not very strong defensively. Him being another undersized winger may diminish our interest in him. Also should point out that he's not from Michigan. His Dad was born in Michigan and his Mom was born in the Phillipines and the Robertson brothers were both born in Cali. They moved to Michigan around 10-12 for hockey so they do both have connections here but they are from Cali.


I’d take him


Bert is not staying in Toronto


His year there was surprising. I thought for sure he'd pop off with Matthews and company and cash in. Now he'll probably end up with a fraction of his current deal


Probably for the best for them. He's good, but he's a prime candidate for a guy who's body will give out on him early.


It's a good day to know that Patty Kane is Patty Stayin'


Excited to see Kane next year after a full off season of actual training. If he can gain a little bit of quickness compared to last year I don’t see why he couldn’t put up 75+ points


ya last year he had like what, 3 or 4 practices with the team and jumped into live games like 10 days after signing? He gets a full offseason this year, training camp, pre-season, etc.


Ya, and he was supposed to ease into the lineup with breaks every game or two to get accustomed, then we had injuries and he ended up playing like every single game lol.


ya and he was also playing like 19 minutes a game almost immediately lol


Took a break from constantly refreshing to play in my flag football game, and of course that's when the Kane news goes down lol. Also my team got absolutely smacked around today.


Funny how that works. I remember being glued for Debrincat updates last year and then it broke when I was busy


Can you do us all a favour and disconnect your internet so that Raymond and Seider can get extended?


your flag football team got smacked so Kane returning to Detroit could live


If the Leafs are really giving Tanev $5m AAV I have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They'll have roughly $7m in cap space left, they have one goalie signed to a contract who has played more than 0 NHL games and he's played 36 (Woll), they still need to sign their RFAs and they are once again going to have absolutely no depth and will likely have to carry exactly 20 players to make the cap work.


That contract is gonna be so bad in 2-3 years time.


Treliving won’t have his job in 2-3 years.


Boy, I sure feel bad for em.


me too, that's why I keep posting about their cap issues so we can all solemnly feel bad for them


Sending them all of my thoughts and prayers.


and their best RFA Nick Robertson just requested a trade lol


i guess it’s time to pull the trigger and start looking at a Kane jersey.


10/10, would recommend. I got mine before the game against the flyers last year when he put up a hatty


You mean a patty? 


The best kind of hatty is a Gordy Howe hatty. The second best kind is a Patty hatty


New favorite nickname for Tampa that I saw is Tamper Bay


I am excited for another year of Showtime


Word is Tanev is signing in Toronto, for around 5 instead of 4


Toronto: *Finally gets the tiniest modicum of a discount on a contract with Domi* Toronto: 5 million and term for a 35-year old sounds about right.


Toronto: no big deal we'll just LTIR him after year 2 NHL fans: why would Vegas/Tampa do this


Yzerman is a wizard


I believe in the Yzerplan


If we take Trouba from NYR, retained of course, how would you guys feel about also taking Kakko? I don’t know why, but I feel like there’s untapped potential there that they’re giving up on too early.


At this point his skating probably isn’t going to improve much, but he fits what we need very well. Solid at board battles, puck possession and defense. I see him just being a solid role player and never a star, but a helpful player nonetheless. No biggie if we don’t get him either.


I actually like Kakko's game for our play style. My only thought, assuming that we could either get rid of the Holl contract or attain Kakko, is that Trouba, Holl, and Kakko would equate to 11.3 million (25% retained on Trouba). Whereas just trading Holl for Trouba would obviously just mean taking on Trouba at 5.5 million (again, with 25% retained). The extra 5.8 million might be necessary for other contracts. But I still like the idea of Kakko.


That extra 5.8M could mean Stamkos


Honestly, I would rather send Holl the other way as a sweetener; the defense is a logjam and I’m not super impressed with Kakko.


I’ve heard his name included in the rumors as a sweetener alongside Trouba. I think he could break out a bit in a different location/role. Maybe not to a crazy degree but some upside potential


He makes 2.3M and might end up in the 3rd or 4th line


For shits and gigs: Cap Space: $32,767,360 Projections below: 34mil Cat Larkin Compher Kane-est.6mil Ras Copp Fabbri Chiarot Ed-1mil Maata Petry Extra D: holl, Johansson-1mil Lyon Husso Outside shot from ahl: mazur, Danielsson, kasper


High giggles to shit ratio, well done!


I'd like to see Fischer back on that 3rd line at 1.5mil. He deserves another year or two, the guy plays hard. This would allow us to go after a short-term 4th line vet and spend 4-5mil on a good partner for Ed.


Instead of waiting on news I decided to go to the boat. It was so windy that it made everything impossible and cold. I topped that off by losing a phone at the dock and taking two hours to finally find that it slid under another boat. Got it back for the simm, I assume everything else is screwed. I chose poorly tonight.


If you had sat on Reddit like the rest of us, the details of the Kane extension would have been announced tonight, smh.


Well I guess I can stop refreshing if Kane isn't signing until tomorrow


I wonder if Kane and Steve have a handshake agreement of every year from here on out until it's time to retire that he's welcome here on yearly contracts. Would be cool


That's what I was wondering too, why only one year. Kind of makes things difficult if they have to negotiate a new deal right up to the wire like this year every off season. It'd be nice if they have something worked out so it'd be more automatic going forward with just minor details worked out each year.


Emily Kaplan at ESPN just wrote an article that Kane will sign Monday. So no more news today?


Probably getting announced with other deals


Seravalli tweeted that Bolts have signed Guentzel. No word on the money.


Let's hope it's a 7x9


What's the number?


He refused Carolina's 8x8 and Tampa can only give him 7 years so I assume it's above 8.


I guess I need to watch kanes highlights on awoods channel again now.


After manipulating public perception into seeing Kane as seeking term, if he settles for one year that is brass balls move by Stevie. But also wouldn’t we want kaner for two?


Maybe after not making many moves at the trade deadline, Stevie wants the flexibility of moving Kane on a 1-year if we aren't in the playoff picture.


I think two would have been perfect for Detroit But Kane might be open to either one or three


Yeah, I gotta imagine the communication from Stevie here is sign with us and if we’re ass we’ll trade you somewhere you wanna go after season how things play out during the season


Yep. It makes perfect sense Kane wants to play meaningful hockey


Why does Steve have to drip feed us.


If Kane is returning to Detroit he might have broken a personal 25 plus year Jersey Jinks after I won a Wendel Clark #71 Jersey. I bought a Hasek jersey just before the 2002 playoffs and he left. I replaced it with a Cujo Jersey. Then a Fedorov jersey right before he left. Then a Hossa jersey... which stopped me buying jerseys but I bought a Kane jersey last season to piss off a Blackhawks fan coworker.


To be fair to Hasek, he left when the cap was being implemented and only for one hear. Different situation than others in my mind but I also was thinking of getting a Kane jersey


I never thought too much about but it was a little weird that it kept happening.


Can’t believe Steve talked 88 into one year


It makes sense for Kane too, if we regress, he is free to go anywhere he wants


Still I have to imagine a lot of clubs were willing to sign the guy to a similar deal


I think chemistry matters, and he knows he is effective in this lineup and will get tons of ice time which might not be available if he goes to a contender. Likely point per game if he can replicate his performance. That will set him up for a nice final contract next season.


https://preview.redd.it/3utdzlyuus9d1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=60746c437f8506d6d9017594fcdc688003faef1c i went to check capfriendly and the Ducks signed some guy so the Wings currently have the least money spent in the league.


https://preview.redd.it/wk5y1qw2us9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32ac771322481314ebf68b7a649c8875d705364 My mother’s immediate response after I told her Kane was coming back. She continues her undisputed reign as #1 Husso fan.


I love the heart here


According to my ticket rep the partial season ticket packages schedules are being sent out tomorrow. Does this mean full season ticket holders have already seen the schedule?


I have not


Thanks... I suppose they might send the schedule out to them tomorrow as well. I just hope I can pick a package with more than one afternoon game so I can take my mother to a couple games.


Announce the extension, team!


Between refreshing here for the Kane announcement and refreshing the Leafs sub for info on Tanev I've accomplished nothing today. Their sub is going to have an absolute meltdown if Tanev doesn't sign with them, they've been including him in their lineups for next year all day.


Assistant GM Patrick Kane in a year or two


Well, at least 1 year, we can see what a full year of him is and if he can maintain his productivity. I actually like it if the price is good.


Performance bonuses maybe?


Shocked that it’s a 1 year deal. Wonder if this hurts or helps our Stammer bid. Depends on the cap hit I guess. Regardless, thrilled to have Kane back.


They don’t have enough for Stamkos, it’s just not a reality. They need to sign their RFAs and still need a righty and a lefty on D that can play with Seider and Ed.


Lefty is Chiarot Righty is Trouba or Roy We will see


If you trust Chiarot on the top pairing with Seider then yeah.


Seider wants to play with with Ed


He looked ok last season


He did, but I’ll ask again, do you trust Ben Chiarot on the top pairing with Seider?


We will start with them there and possibly move Ed up to the top pair The problem is we cannot really sign big LHD because that will likely block Ed. We won’t have the cap space to fill out top 4 if Ed and Seider are big part of the future RHD on the second pair takes more priority for now


Only one year? Wow https://x.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1807553041974915114?s=46&t=wlCRMFG_dX1LhbM5k7gVMw


Honestly I would think we would want at least two. But I'm not a GM so what do I know?


Two years is a long time for a player that old. Look at Perron. Went from good 2nd liner to fine 2nd liner to good 3rd liner who needed some sheltering over the course of two years.


Also I'd imagine 1 year makes him more movable to a contender if things aren't going as planned


I’m thinking if his hip takes a major hit and he’s on the LTIR, the Wings won’t be on the hook for a long contract. Safer to sign a 1 year.


Definitely that as well, at least from the team perspective




In non sports news, Steam's summer sale has been bad news for my wallet.


Always the case.


Was gonna play video games but hey it's a beautiful night to give the F5 key a workout


Same, was gonna play some Rocket League and now I'm in refresh hell.


Hopefully Stevie Y and the boys decide to give us most of evening back


The amount of non-news updates is really just building the anticipation. "They're hopeful", "They're talking", "They're hoping to work something out", it's all just so insubstantial.


It's the terminally-online sports-nerd's equivalent of edging. (It's me. I'm the terminally-online sports-nerd.)


https://preview.redd.it/qqm6er8nms9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e96af77136fa4e69d137bd02eaa2066e3212767 Oh my where was the Fedorov bot when homeboy had this one customized


Woof.  That's a bad day.  Nothing a seam ripper and a little trip to the customization shop can't fix...but still. 




And then proceeded to spell it correctly in the listing.


We’re getting close boys!


Kane nearing 1yr deal w/ Wings


Here we gooo


I need a Kane or Wings announcement to believe it.