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A trade for the 3.7 million dollar Filip Gustavsson #easymoney


I have Gustavsson PTSD still from being at the garden watching him get burned in OT while separating his shoulder. 


God damn what bad luck


Yeah for me! (I mean also for him) for those who don’t know that game was also the birth of the Tatar fan bow gif.


The Wild are my west team and the Gus bus is indeed a wild ride. Some nights he looks like a world beater other nights not so much.


I mean Samsonov cleared waivers last year so… yeah. I’m good on that. Gibson is a good shout, brossoit is really underrated imo and I think he would be a good fit in Detroit. He’s overshadowed by hellebyuck in Winnipeg, every time I see him play he looks really good to me.


Brossoit didn’t get the credit he deserved in Vegas or Winnipeg, definitely a sleeper pick


Yeah I’m biased because the few games I’ve seen of brossoit last year he looked like more than a backup. I feel like he and Lyon would be a good duo.


Gibson for me, provided it's a cap dump, and they are taking back Husso. If not, then one of the split timers out there on the cheap.


Everything I've seen is Anaheim wants a first for Gibson or he'd have moved a long time ago.


I'm curious what Trotz would want to pry Askarov loose. No way he's gonna play second fiddle to Saros for a max term deal.


I don’t think Askarov is in the cards for us given he’s still so young. We have 2 great goalie prospects coming through rn and are more likely looking for a proven good goalie rn


I agree that it'd be a gamble to go get him and put him behind our current goalies, but given their struggles, I wonder if it might not be worth it to a) bet on a skilled young tendy who wants a shot, and b) light a fire under the current guys to play good for their spot. I do think you're right that it's unrealistic and wildly unlikely to happen, given both teams' current positions.


Plus I think the preds are looking for either a top prospect or a already NHL level scoring winger, neither of which the wings can afford to lose


I definitely get your point. Who doesn’t want 3 A-tier goalie prospects? We just have other needs right now and it’d likely create a bottle neck issue in our goalie pipeline.


Word is NHL ready prospect/young player. Edvinsson is the likely ask. Cossa to reload the prospect in net?


I think Askarov is good enough to at least be a backup to one of Husso or Lyon, if not the 1B. He certainly seems to want the opportunity, at any rate, and won't get it in NSH. If they'd take a younger guy who meets their timeline better, I'd give them whichever G prospect we like slightly less. Knowing Augustine is on the way... I might be okay with a Cossa swap.


I realize "good enough to backup Husso or Lyon" isn't a high bar to clear. Unless you're a 22 year old goalie who's already played a few NHL games. Edit: fixed age, his b-day was 2 weeks ago.


No way the Preds are letting Askarov get away. They’re higher on him than they ever were on Saros. I agree, we need help in goal, but let’s stay in our lane.


I’m not big on Talbot. I wanted Ullmark but of course he went to the sens. i would at this point prefer someone who we didn’t have to trade too much to get.


Sebbtrey Cossastine


I'm more partial to Treastian Augustossa


Yea id have to agree. After last season I feel Augustossa is the better fit for sure. Amazing take!


I wonder what the word is on Husso. He had some really good stretches for us in front of horrible team defense. Same for Lyon, he again, just had horrible defense in front of him. Lets not forget, we were near the bottom for goals against, and that is not all on the keepers. Shit, Reimer even did OK at times. Would it really be that awful to just run this back and pray either Cossa or Augustine develop quick enough before we completely burn out Husso and Lyon? Lets say for instance we run it back, *but* we make a few big defensive signings and get Ed in the lineup full time. Really bolster the D. Then, we just run the tandem back of Husso and Lyon. Fingers crossed that works out OK. Then, next season when both of their contracts are up, we go big in FA, sign an 8 million dollar goalie, and have Cossa play back up. Would that be too crazy?


Naw it just all depends on how Husso is recovering. Having 2 injuries in a row his first game back is such a bad sign. Most sensible people here know Husso and Lyon could be a good 1A/1B when they’re not overplayed and are 100% healthy. Especially with an upgraded D lineup.


Stevie said Husso will be ready for training camp but I’d be holding my breath every time he goes into a split. I’d like to sign a third goalie with some reasonable upside, we have plenty of space for one. At camp if everything works out with our 2 we can waive, trade or carry 3.


I’m not gonna hope for any individuals just whoever dawns the winged wheel that they put up


Anyone who thinks Cossa and/or Augustine will be ready in the next 3 years as our starter has to really look at the position. As much as I do like Husso, I think if we can get away with trading him for Gibson it would be nice until one of our prospects comes up. Lyon is a great deal for us for the next year and he is some insurance. Low cap hit in case we are sellers at the deadline.


I'd like Gibson. Gives him a decent team to play in front of and he should be cheap


I'd love a trade for Blackwood if the price isn't too high. If it's FA, Talbot or DeSmith perhaps.


Omg no bruh Blackwood is ass


He's barely under league average playing for the worst team in the NHL. Buy low, sell high.


I would buy low on him last season Our expectation has changed for this season


That's the problem: He's not going to get high enough to sell at a profit.


Well, I guess we can revisit this later and see if he just fizzles out. I'd like to think there is potential there.


There are several goalies in the league that just kinda hang around, and I think Blackwood falls into that category. In fact, there isn't a whole lot left out there this off-season for me to get particularly excited about. None of the available guys are better than Lyon (in my opinion), but I might think about Akira Schmid. I think we're going to have to make a decent sized trade to get anything of value in net this summer; at least more value than we already have.


I'm just worried Husso's $4.75mil is not gonna give much more performance than someone like Blackwood. Maybe I'm just wrong here, but as SJS can take on cap, Husso for Blackwood plus some eh sweetener sounds good to me. But if Walman's $3mil took a 2nd pick to move, then I'm probably way off base.


The thing about Husso is he's just had injury concerns; nothing's been reported or even rumored regarding his work ethic, team buy in, etc, so the only major concern should be injury. Since that's the starting point, about the only thing that would be worth an honest go is a trade with Ana(l)heim for Gibson. Husso for Gibson (retention and/or pick/prospect) is just about the only deal that would move the needle for me. Now, if someone like Schmid or Brossoit doesn't mind sharing the backup rotation, I'd totally run a 3-goalie rotation again this year, as long as it doesn't interfere with other roster spots.


Welp Talbot it is


We already have two goalies lol


Husso cant stay healthy


Right now he’s healthy. You’re not gonna sign another goalie unless you move one of them. Makes no sense


We ran three goalies last season... Wouldn't be shocked if the team opts to do that again.


Yes but 2 of those goalies were near league minimum. We can’t have 2/3 goalies making significant money.


I really don’t want Sammy. The guy gets into his own head way too much and can’t make the big saves consistently. I’m hoping Gibby if he’s cheap enough. I don’t hate the Talbot idea if it’s like 2 years or something. Also maybe Brossoit


I think Gibson is the best option if we can make a trade for him. I’d kind of like to see Husso and, while it may not be a popular opinion, Fabbri go back in return. Anaheim could use a veteran forward and we could use some roster spots for a few of the younger guys that are ready. There may be some other assets but I feel like that’s something workable.


I think that’s great. They wouldn’t take on the fabbri contract though. At least, not without a sweetener. Clearly they’re too high on Gibson since they’ve been trying to deal him for 3 years now.


That’s probably true. But given that Anaheim’s GM used to be part of our organization, it may be easier. He does seem a bit like Yzerman, though, so maybe not.


I’d love to have him at the right price that’s forsure.


Let's pick up someone like DeSmith or Brossoit and see what happens. Definitely need to have 3 options for possible health or regression issues.


If you want to move Husso Calgary (29 Mil cap space) would make a perfect partner but you're gonna need to send picks & prospects. Wolf will need another goalie to tandem with as Vlader is recovering from an injury. Getting 4.7 mil in cap space can open up lots of options. Jeremy Swayman isn't happy in Boston, it would cost you in both cap, picks, and prospects but you could possibly pry him away.


Cam talbot


And Jack Campbell?


Where did Reimer go? I missed that


What happened to Jack Campbell, is he that bad?