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“Kane contract has bonuses. Per sources: $4M base $1.5M at 10 games $250k at 60 games $500k if they make playoffs $250k for 60 points AND playoffs. Total is $6.5M” per Elliotte Freidman EDIT: He also has a FULL NTC Any money he earns in bonuses will affect the cap this year unless we max out our cap space. Any money earned in bonuses over the cap, will subtract from our cap space next season (affects next seasons cap)


Imo that’s very worth it for his leadership alone. It’s one year of Patrick Kane at 4 million folks. That’s worth it every day of the week.


It’s 5.75 for the year….


Only 4 million goes against our cap this year. The bonuses affect next year.


Only if the 4 million brings us to the cap. If he earns the full $6.5 million and it doesn’t put us over the cap then it all applies this year


which would be fantastic news as it would mean we made the playoffs with cap space to spare.


Still worth it


Yeah totally but don’t downplay it


I’m sorry. I am drunk dude. Patty Kane is BACK


Honestly I was it was for longer term...




2.5m in potential bonuses make it easier to swallow as they'll apply next year if he hits them 


Wait so bonuses count against next year's cap?


If the wings don't hit the salary cap upper limit in the 2024-2025 season, it'll count against the cap in 2024-2025. If the bonuses pushes the Wings over the cap. The over amount will penalize the cap in 2025-2026.


If earned, yes Edit - if the Wings don't spend to the cap then theoretically they can take some of those this year if they choose.


Hmm what if he's traded at the deadline? Are bonus contracts just not common in the nhl?


Definitely not as common as in the NFL, for instance. It defers cap penalties rather than reducing or eliminating them based on the date signed/earned


i don’t really think so for a year


His cap hit is $4M.


Those are really good conditions


I like this deal. Only gets a little more expensive as he plays, performs, and we make the playoffs. Hell fuck yeah. I love these one year deals for where we are at as a team.


Performance Bonuses are paid to players based on their achievements and are not guaranteed. Only certain players are eligible for performance bonuses in their contract: -Entry-Level Contract Players -Players that are 35 years or older and sign a 1 year contract -Players with a minimum of 400 NHL Games Played signing a 1 year contract after having a long-term injury. A long-term injury is defined as a player on Injured Reserve for a minimum of 100 days in the last year. While performance bonuses count against the salary cap, teams are permitted to exceed the salary cap due to performance bonuses, to a maximum of 7.5% of the Salary Cap. If a team exceeds the Salary Cap due to performance bonuses, then any amount over the Salary Cap is considered a Bonus Carryover, and counts against the cap in the next season.


I wonder why it’s for 35+ only


probably for cases like this. Gives teams a little more incentive to offer higher (potential) pay for vets


I mean looks like he will for sure be getting $5.5m, the rest of those bonuses are excellent outcomes to the team. I think this is a fair deal and doesn’t nuke our free agency/RFA signings.


Yup and we have a lot of salary coming off the books next year so nice way to spread it out


$4M cap hit for a guy who was ppg for us seems good. Who gives a shit if there's bonuses, that's next year's problem.


I dig it. Nice deal. Another year of him on the ice is fantastic but another year of him in the locker room will be awesome for the team. Great reflection of the organization that he didn’t want to leave after a year too. I’m excited to wake up tomorrow and remember that this happened.


Interesting structure but I'm okay with it


Because of the value he brings also brings off the ice in terms of working with our young prospects in the off-season, he is well worth this price. What a great get!


What a great keep!


Dumb question, but how would conditional pay like this work in a salary cap structure?


If he earns any bonuses it will be a cap hit next season.


Only if it exceeds our cap this year when he earns a bonus though


Oh interesting. So if he earns the bonuses but it does not exceed our cap hit then it’s a hit against this year’s cap hit?


Yup exactly. Basically this just gives us more freedom to do what we want in free agency. This contract is very good for us. Tomorrow should be a crazy day.


Honestly it’s amazing, I’m expecting Yzerman to do some interesting things come free agency tomorrow. I am very happy with the contract. Grew up rooting for the Wings and Blackhawks - my family was split. Dad is from Chicago, mom is from Michigan - so I loved watching Kane so it’s sweet to see more from him on the Wings.


He also has a full no trade clause. Kane is one of the players that got me into hockey so it’s incredible watching him play for the Wings.


Interesting that they gave him a NTC; I wonder if that was to entice him to stay and not seek a 3 year term like it was rumored he was after.


I think more so for Kane to have more precise say in where he would get traded to if he waives it.


That’s a fair assessment. Though without the NTC I do wonder if Kane would’ve remained in Detroit or sought a bag in FA.


Team friendly contract all around, if things don't work out he can get traded to a contender and we move on. Win/win any way you look slice it.