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If Trouba waives for us, Steve better have Drury over a barrel in terms of salary going back/amount retained/assets going back, the whole deal If it's us or no one, it better be a damn good deal for us


I have a feeling the rumored deal will be close to accurate. Holl going the other way, ~32% retained on Trouba. I’ve heard Kakko in the mix too but that is tbd


That's a pretty good deal imo. Getting rid of Holl and them retaining 2.5 would be a net cap increase of only like 3 mil for a pretty big upgrade


Kakko would be an awesome player to pair with Berggren and Kasper. Two bigger guys with defensive prowess to give Berggren space to make plays.


Trouba is horrible, slow, and dirty. He's really not a big upgrade on Holl. They're both #7 defenseman who got bad contracts. Trouba was above average in Winnipeg and has been borderline unpayable in NY. The only reason he has been is because of the letter on his chest which apparently from NY insiders, he was asked after multiple people turned it down.


This is literally one of the worst takes I’ve ever read on this subreddit.


And there's a lot of bad ones since we got better. Trouba's fine, he's just not an $8m top pair guy.


Slow & dirty? *Maybe.* Better than Holl & Petry? *For sure.* I'm not saying "back up the Brinks truck", but it's an upgrade & he's only got 2 years left contract-wise. If Stevie can get some $$ retained, I say "go for it"... if Kakko really is part of it -- even better.


I can actually forgive the Walman trade for this.


Yeah I mean I’m really waiting to assess the whole situation until they’ve really made all or the bulk of their moves. If i can look at it with confidence that they improved the roster, then it’ll be easy to get over paying a little much to offload Walman.


Oh god please be true


I don’t want kakko and his cap hit He gonna make 2.3M next season


You’re crazy not to want to take a chance on a 2nd overall pick who’s only 23 years old and isn’t at prime age yet. Especially one with a toolset like his, who could flourish in a system that can offer more ice time and a greater role, in a less pressure environment. He may never reach his projected potential, but you don’t pass on a 6’2”, 200lb 2OA pick who’s barely 23. Especially not a team like the current Red Wings who should be desperate for a chance any possible high end talent.


I feel the same. Sure there’s every chance he doesn’t work out, but that’s some good pedigree if nothing else, and if there’s even a chance he can hit somewhere in the vicinity of what he could be…that’s the kind of player we should be glad to take on.


Especially considering that after Kane Ray and Veleno sign, we still need like 4 forwards anyway.


Why is this being downvoted lol. It’s literally true. Unless Kasper, Soda, Danielson, and Mazur are all being called up, which isn’t happening.


Does Berggren count towards the 8 already or would he make 9? Either way we need some. Kasper or Mazur I think have a chance, Danielson has an outside shot There's no way all 3 make it though


Berggren would be our 10th forward I believe. Which still leaves 3-4 slots depending on if we go 14/7 or 13/8


I think it’s mostly because people don’t want Trouba. Which is understandable.


I feel like given Kakko is a 2nd overall, if he turns it around in Detroit and it's proven that the Rangers' development system totally chupas juevos, then that's worth the low risk.


And it means Lafreniere has a target on him for trades lol


He's already done more at the NHL level than Zadina has, if it's a low risk acquisition might as well give him a shot.


Yeah I’m not really interested in him either


Larry Brooks is and always will be a jackass.


"Have you ever fought anyone before?" - Torts to Larry Brooks


That article definitely had the aggressive obnoxiousness you'd expect from New Yorkers.


Good luck moving him on waivers, 8 million is a big pill.


Perhaps this is the future considerations with San jose


But if we got him off waivers we’d have to pay his whole salary?


Yes unless SJS claimed him and somehow magically retained. Which I don't believe they can do as they are at the max. This really is the only way to make this deal logically happen. Holl to NYR, Trouba back to us with retained salary. NYR then buys out Holl and saves them cap space.


Right, sj cant retain any more salary this year at least.


I've heard rumors that the NHL is going to start cracking down harder on cap circumvention. If these rumors turn out to be true, I hope Wings don't get some penalty for these moves. The cap circumvention is mostly surrounding the rumored Tanev deal with TOR for 8 years as a 34yo


But if you’re Vegas it’s all good 👍


I keep hearing this, but what’s SJ gonna do?


Nothing it’s just a coping mechanism


Oh god could they go double retention on Trouba in a 3 team trade with SJS, Detroit, and NY?


No, SJ doesn't have any retention slots remaining.


My thinking is fuzzy on a Monday morning, retention is locked to the team, so nothing could be sent back from the Sharks to NY, right?


Okay, for real. As a player in his last season what’s a reasonable cap hit for him? Why has his game taken such a dive?


My comment wasn't meant for someone else, didn't make any sense in response to yours, my bad dude


All good. It kinda made sense. I’m just trying to think of why NYR would have signed him for 8AAV then play him 3rd line a couple years later. 


Did he play 3rd line all year? I genuinely don't know, I didn't pay enough attention through the season. Or was it just later in the year when he had the bone chip in his ankle?


Maybe I misread when I thought I read, but there was something from some New York Rangers guy who said he wasn’t worth 8 million year when he’s expected to play the third line. I just don’t really know anything about him other than he hits like a truck


That's all I really know too. It doesn't sound like he's worth 8 mil but the rumor I saw was 32% retained which puts him closer to 5.5mil for two years. Seems reasonable to me, high for a true 3rd pair guy but I feel like he'll play higher than that on the wings. Also the rumor included that kakko might be in the mix as well as dumping holl who is getting paid 3.4 aav for 2 more years to likely not play much at all.




Wasn’t he captain? Why would he ever be signed for 8m/year if he’s Holl level?


Well wtf it doesn’t sound like this guy will be exactly happy to be here


He just doesn’t want to be here now, he would be fine moving next summer when his wife finishes her residency


He forced himself to New York so his wife could be in the best position for her career and they just had a kid so he's using the No move the rangers gave him so he doesn't uproot his family However he is not playing up to the caliber of a 8M AAV D man


His No Move turns into a NTC today, 15 team no trade list.


If he refused to waive his NMC to come here, I wonder if we'd also be on his NTC list. Or maybe he just wanted to take a dump on his bosses desk before they could fire him.


I get it, but normal people (not making millions of dollars per year) have to do long distance because of residency placements ALL THE TIME, often for multiple years. He has the means to literally fly private whenever he wants and could afford anything else to make it easier on him and his wife.


how much do you think private flights cost?


Bro idk I’ve never flew private. But I imagine you can afford it on 8 million per year salary.


MC Hammer logic lol lmao


Good one


I was thinking and wanted to say this in another thread yesterday (the one about him being anxious about the media hub-bub surrounding the potential deal, especially when someone mentioned the rumor about him begging New York not to deal him and potential personal issues involved). People seemed to be gushing about how he'd make the defense better. I'm thinking: "I'm more concerned about whether he even wants to be here. If i'm a GM, let alone a fan i'm not keen on the idea of dragging a player kicking and screaming onto my team".


He’s already an iffy pick up because of his track record of dirty hits. I don’t want any part of a Trouba deal at this point. Seems like a recipe for disaster.


None of this feels like it's about our team. It sounds like he wants to be in NY because of his personal life and partner being stuck there for her last year of residency in NY. They're both driven, high achieving people and his wife is a neuroscientist completing medical school. She's a u of m grad so I'm sure she's familiar with and comfortable living here. I can understand why it'd take a few days to look at.options and to let it settle in. Some things are just bigger than the game.


Irrelevant to your point, but being in residency means she's actually done with medical school! She's a full fledged doctor, just completing post-doctoral training now. The issue is it's virtually impossible for doctors to just switch residencies, especially as a final year resident, which I imagine factors into the resistance here.


Yea it probably means she needs to find her next hospital after her residency too. Will be a big decision.


I think UofM would be glad to have a Trouba in their staff and is one of the best places to practice medicine in the entire world


She went to med school there as well. I understand the difficulty of having a kid and their situation, but it’s hard for me to have a ton of sympathy when they knew ahead of time the possibilities. Having a kid while one parent is gone half the year playing hockey and the other parent is deep into a medical residency seems….idk kinda like shit planning.


Having a kid during residency is certainly a choice.


[plenty of residents have children during residency.](https://www.ama-assn.org/medical-residents/medical-resident-wellness/impact-parenthood-residency) it isn't the 1950's anymore.


fuck this attitude. frankly, you don't know what their plans are, what their limitations are, what their lives look like. maybe they have parents or grandparents who aren't well, and they'd like to have their children before they die. maybe they want to have a lot, and they're worried about her age and the risk that comes with advanced age. you don't fucking know. judging their life choices and planning based entirely on incomplete information from reports you've heard on the news is kinda shitty.


Grow up.


I'm not the one judging other people's life choices based solely on my knowledge of their jobs. I don't know why you think that makes you the grown up.


Aww did I say something that hits a little too close to home? Maybe people should be better parents and not plan a little better


grow up


DET receives: Trouba (25% retained), Kakko SJS receives: Walman, a 2nd, Goodrow NYR receives: Holl, what else? Is it Veleno?


Holl and a prospect..... But who? Berggren pops up but is that on the Rangers radar?


Oooo Berggren. He played 67 games two years ago but only 12 last season. I wonder what that says about his future in DET? Yeah, I could see him going the other way for sure. Honestly, might be a best case scenario for the rangers here.


I think it says “sorry kid we signed Kane”


lmfao, duh. Yeah that is probably what it says.


I think many of us agree that he won't be a Wing for long. He doesn't seem to fit into what we're doing. I felt like if it did, he would've been up instead of Czardnik last year. Does NY need a winger? Honestly that would seems like a pretty solid trade. Does SJS just play the part of cap dump for both teams?


My theory a couple days ago was that the Trouba trade was already in the works when SJS took on Goodrow from NYR. Basically, the future considerations we got back from SJS was to make the Trouba trade happen. Either we reached out to NY, or NY reached out to us, maybe its the case Trouba is willing to waive his NMC for a small number of teams and we are one of them. It could be the case we are not the only team in on Trouba right now. Maybe, Steve's bargaining chip was that he found a way to clear NYR cap space in Goodrow, by sending what he did to SJS and having them take him. The future considerations is the completion of that three way trade. Regarding Kakko, NYR need his cap space too. A Kakko/Berggren trade would make sense here. Same positional player, but cheaper. Does NYR need a winger? They do if they send Kakko our way too. He is under preforming his cap hit right now and NYR are pinched on cap. Berggren will be cheaper than Kakko. We have the cap space to take him on and he looks like he could use a fresh start. DET receives: Trouba (32% retained?), Kakko SJS receives: Walman, a 2nd, Goodrow NYR receives: Holl, Berggren This looks good to me. Value is spot on imo, especially considering how hard it seems to move money right now. Remember when Steve said that about the Walman trade? Its hard to move money? Maybe, he was actually talking about NYR moving money, not DET. Trouba isn't like... great. But he is a defensive upgrade for sure and brings something to our team we desperately need, tough guy shit. If NYR retain a good amount on that contract, its not too bad at all. Looks like the writing was on the wall with Walman and Berggren anyways, something wasn't working out with them. And, Holl needed to go, which NYR will likely buyout if this trade happens.




Shesterkin still under contact for this year, he's a UFA after this upcoming season but regardless, point still stands re:Trouba


The Walman deal has nothing to do with this one lol


https://preview.redd.it/a1rv8y5kvv9d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d367d10efbcbc03422cea3e9758b7184593108a9 Just thought I’d post Trouba’s advanced stats so we all know what kind of defenceman we’re dragging here kicking and screaming.


I'm not familiar with hockey advanced stats. What do %s mean? e.g. does 35% mean he is in the 35% percentile of defenseman or 35% better than an average replacement?


They’re percentiles. So 35% generally means he’s better than 35% of all NHL defenceman (and worse than 65%). It’s an ugly stat. Obviously fancy stats are not necessarily the gospel, but people in here are misunderstanding what kind of player Trouba is. He’s not a defensive defenceman, he’s a physical defenceman with good even-strength offence but that offence is drying up.


Thanks! Doesnt look good. What does Competition and Teammates mean?


What’s shown in Trouba’s card indicates that he plays against relatively high competition but he is playing with the better players on his team while doing so. I think they quantify that by ranking time-on-ice for your opponents and your teammates, and that’s how they assess their relative quality.


I mean better than holl so...


Given what he's paid he had better be significantly better.


If he comes here I really hope he knocks off the forearms and elbows to the head and keeps the hits clean, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm just thinking about next time Matheu Joseph or someone else wants to take a cheap shot at Larkin.


Trouba ain’t any tougher than Chiarot for after-the-whistle stuff. He just throws flying elbows sometimes. I don’t see the appeal.


The thing is, he is not that different from Walman this past season. Walman had a great 22-23 statistically. The 23-24 year on his JFresh Hockey chart (like the one you show here) looks like Trouba’s 23-24. 


But Walman is not paid 8 million dollars.


RWs wouldn’t be paying him $8 million. Salary retention by NY aside, it’s his cap hit that is $8 million. His actual salary is lower.  And he’d be playing a completely different role than Walman.   I rather not have the trade. But saying he’s horrible without comparison to other RW defenders is misleading. Incidentally, Holl’s numbers from before he came to Detroit looked pretty good. Not sure what they were last year in his limited ice time. 


Trouba is a pretty bad defenseman, even retained. If it’s just Trouba I’d much rather sign Roy. The goal of the trade should be to acquire kakko. Simple as that.


Vacating his captaincy, doesn’t want to move, underperforming his price tag; I don’t know if we want Trouba here…


I certainly don't


Sounds like a perfect veteran to be around our young developing defensive corps….dirty player that is upset about getting dealt will surely be a good influence on the locker room and youngsters….


Please no


If he is that opposed to coming here, why are we pushing so damn hard.


Outside fan here, very confused. Why do you think Stevie Y is doing this? To get sweeteners? Is there glaring need for a physical defenseman? I haven’t followed rangers too close but consensus seems he’s a liability


Well, there is a need for physicality for sure, but I don’t know enough about Trouba to offer any opinion on his game other than I know he hits like a truck. Yzerman took advantage of a situation with the DeBrincat trade where Ottawa basically had no choice but to send him here, and I think he’s doing something similar with Trouba. Obviously Trouba doesn’t want to be moved, but NYR seem set on getting rid of him and they’re trying to accommodate him the best they can, considering he’s their captain. Detroit is probably the best case scenario for Trouba so they are willing to give us a better deal than any other team that would possibly be interested….Stevie knows this and is going to use it to his advantage because he’s smart like that. Now, is Trouba worth taking at any price? Who knows, but I sure hope he can find his game here if it happens.


Did this deal not going through today potentially effect Red Wings ability to go after a top tier FA? Fuckin trouba.


He’s literally from here and grew up a Wings fan 😂


Okay and? Would you tell your spouse they can go screw their career or accept a year away from them and your new baby just because the job you were being forcibly transferred to was in your hometown? There's more to life sometimes


Who cares? This whole getting players from Michigan thing is something I could not care less about, I care about them getting good players, not where they're from.


His play aside, after reading his reasons for not wanting to move I hope they don't move him. I can't imagine putting my wife and baby in that position.


If I were Trouba in this situation I would just come out and say any move out of New York and I will retire.


That works for NYR


Trouba wouldn't block a move to Detroit. Their us no reason for it. Brings him ti a team that should make the playoffs & have a great shot at Stamkos after resigning Kane.


His wife's career and his new baby is the reason for it. That's all he needs. There's far more to life than hockey for him. Accepting this trade makes him a geo-bachelor away from his family and completely on his own for at least a year. That sucks.


Sounds like he's getting moved either way though. He may as well have some say in where.


That's true, Detroit is at least fairly close to NY so it's better than getting shipped off to SJ.


Should make the playoffs?