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Had to check what year it was


This is making me feel young again


I just wish it made my back and joints feel young again


That’s what ginger ales during games are for


[Blast from the past](https://thehockeynews.com/.image/t_share/MjA2MTMyNTA4NDY5NzY1NjMx/cover2_ipad_portrait_cover.jpg)


If he signs with Tampa again I'm going to need to see a therapist


They just signed Guentzel for 9 x 7


So Stamkos can sign for $3.1 million for 8 years. It’s a raise from our last offer!


Just saw this and it made me giddy with premature, unfounded, unbridled excitement. With Kane now, on a super reasonable contract… this pipe dream mayyyyyyy be possible.


You'd think I'd learn from last time, but after some of the things that have come to light including Tampa's lowball offer and signing Guentzel, I'd sort of be shocked if he didn't end up somewhere else.


Plot twist: turns out that Steve never even talked with him


Stammer feels like a bit of a luxury to me, without those Seider/Raymond deals being done. It does seem like both are likely headed towards bridges and I’m not sure how I feel about that…


Not a bad thing. Saves money in the short term, allows the cap to go up in a few years, then sign them to the max deals.


Hedman, Kucherov, Point, etc all got bridge deals in Tampa from Yzerman. That's how he rolls. I think it is the safe move because it hopefully protects against a Phaneuf type scenario where a player has a big money long term contract that they never live up to.


Anaheim like the kid trying to get a spot at the grownups table by showing the adults their digimon collection *"Well if john gibson reverts back to Cinderella from his current pumpkin form... and Stamkos can put up a point per game without Kucherov...* *...we could maybe scratch out the last playoff spot then get swept in round in one like capitals!"*


Haha I agree. I think they to hard knowing they have cap space. Won’t make playoffs even with him but he sells tickets.


With Gibson linked to the red wings (though Ducks not wanting Husso back with money and term will likely prevent it from happening), I wonder whose opinion is more valid… those who say he can easily recapture good form and has shown recent brilliance but held back by terrible defense and team the last few years… or those who say he’s cooked/washed/done. Where do you / the fan base in general lean?


But we have terrible defense. We give up 100 grade A scoring chances a game


That’s the type of comment that inspires hope and fear in wings fans (because we also give up a ton of high danger chances, though hopefully less each year). Seems like a top level goalie still may be in there somewhere, hope he gets a change of scenery.


That’s what I mean. We don’t just give up scoring chances. We give up point blank shots , odd man rushes, breakaways. Something has to change. I want us to be more aggressive on the forecheck. I’ve said this all year we also give up to much space. We skate back and literally let the opposing team back us into our zone instead of stepping up at the blue line and trying to prevent them from entering. Trouba can really help that


Some coaching wrinkles would also be welcome IMO. Sure we need better players, but it’s not just the players, it’s the systems that put them in the best position and allow them to think less and play faster, I would welcome a more agressive forecheck.


Yeah it's pretty insane, I believe we finished the year top-10 in goals scored, our offense was that good most of the season, but we were low bottom-10 in goals allowed. I think we were one of the only teams in the bottom 10 with a winning record/playoff chance. Just really awful to think of how bad the defense handicapped this team last season. Score 4 goals a game and still lose most nights.


What number will he wear? 🙄




Both retired


You win the internet today


97 kind of looks like 91


I say let him wear it so the Illitchs will have to deal with more blowback from fans for not retiring it.


Put a patch on each number too. 


Anaheim lmao. Are they going to give him a Lionel Messi contract? ![gif](giphy|26BRwW3ckGjcZmsxO)


This is all nuts to me.  Come home stammer!(?)


…isn’t he from Markham?


Stevie Y is home 🥰


Nashville 4@$8


That's crazy to me. Sure he's good but he was also -21 last season. 8 seems a little high. We were likely never serious contenders for him. I like Kane a lot more for very similar numbers on a worse team.


I'd much rather make sure we get Seider and Raymond done vs. getting Stamkos. Hopefully we'll still be able to add some other quality pieces, mainly on defense.


The ONLY way this could work is if Seider and Raymond both get bridge deals. Then…the Trouba thing still hangs out there, which would need salary retained. Which we’re hearing is possible. I wouldn’t be surprised to sell Holl and Fabbri traded today, somehow, to clear up some money. Resign veleno and burgers for cheap. Mazur gets a spot. And boom.


*Danielson. Let me hope here!


We can still do buyouts too, no?




This is not mathematically true.


Hopefully we actually make a pitch to him this time.


Well, Stevie does have a track record for getting Stammer what he wants.


I can’t stop about getting Stamkos and picturing Kane gliding like a shark on the power play and setting stammer for that one timer. It would just be too good . Does anyone know if Stamkos like Lalonde? I just don’t see Stevie passing this opportunity up. Also I wonder if Stamkos is excited to play with Kane , he doesn’t seem like a guy that is after money only . I hope we can get it done guys . It would just be way to sweet


Stamkos to Preds it looks like, along with Marchessault


Preds gotta be faves next year right?




It’s looking like stammer is going with Nashville from the sounds of it…?


how much do we have to work with right now? Assuming Seider and Raymond take 17M of the remaining cap, plus Kane counting for 5.5M


They could both get bridge deals for a few years too. 


True...but unless we have doubts, I'd rather lock them up now so their deals look like steals in the future. I also don't know shit about how RFA works...I'm just afraid of having to sign them both to 10M+ deals in a couple of years. I guess since the cap should increase, their % would continue to decrease of the years. I dunno...I think we can make the playoffs and then actually make a real push with a top 6 scorer and some of our prospects contributing in the following years.


Yzerman didn't sign any players in Tampa to 8 year contracts who were coming off their ELC. They all got bridge deals. So if history repeats, both Mo and Raymond will also get bridge deals.


Pass the tissues. I’m welling up with hopeful joy


Doing back of the napkin math in public, I’d assume $9m for each of Mo and Ray. So just short of $11m remaining for Velano and character guys. Petition to bring back Fischer!


Offseasons like this one are why I HATED the Copp deal when it was announced and still hate it today. I do not understand why we signed him to that kind of term. Like…fuck that guy


I wonder how quick it’s going to take for him. NHL free agency tends to move so quickly, but I’m sure his availability is an unexpected change for everyone involved (especially him)


I remember what happened last time. I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed


Obviously I'd love to have Stamkos on the team, but it needs to be a team friendly contract. No reason to mortgage the future for a player that, realistically, has around 6 years left in his career.


And probably not 6 good ones. I want nothing to do with Stamkos, guy is a powerplay merchant who sucks 5v5 at this stage in his career. This could be one of the best examples of paying a guy for what he did previously for another team. Yes, he may have Kane here now, but he won't have Kucherov, if they can sign him to a very team friendly deal then fine, otherwise I hope the let some else commit and carry the buyers remorse.


> guy is a powerplay merchant who sucks 5v5 at this stage in his career I've seen other people say that, so I looked at his stats. Last season Stamkos had 42 even strength goals and 39 PP, 49/35 in 2022-23, career he has 336/214. So I don't know where that narrative came from, a lot of people just repeat bad information without verifying. Even if we only played him on the PP, that would help because our PP is not good. But again, only if the price is right.


He's a big upgrade over anything on the roster currently from a goal scoring perspective, however I see no world where he gets signed to a deal that isn't too long and too much money. He'll be heavily declining with term remaining by the time the team is actually(if ever) in a contention window. His 5v5 play is not strong either, those numbers show that he is almost 50% points production on the powerplay. If he could be signed to a team friendly deal, most importantly team friendly term I could get on board but I just can't see it happening.


All Stevie has to do is throw in a 2nd rounder.... its so simple


Wow he went to Nashville with marchessault. Preds might be really fun to watch


Stamkos Larkin Raymond Cat Compher Kane Ras Copp Kasper Fabbri Veleno Berggren If it happens that’s a nice top 6, okay 3rd line and a 4th line that will need very sheltered minutes. But I’m down with it.


Let stamkos feed off Kane and leave cat up top and you got a deal


Exactly this.  Sorry but the Cat and Kane connection didn't work for us. Leave Cat with the speedsters and have Stammer and Kane play together. 


Yeah idk why I’m getting downvoted lol just switch cat and Stamkos if y’all want. If we don’t sign Stamkos or another winger then you bring up Mazur or Danielson. Barring any crazy unforeseen trades this is about it.


We have no reason to break up the Cat, Larkin, Raymond line. Stamkos with Kane is much better


Stamkos with another team is even better unless he can be had on a short term, team friendly deal.