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Also of note: he played behind some really good defensive teams. Not sure he has that here.


Yeah that's a great point, definitely going to be facing more shots here I'd say. I wonder sometimes too if there's something up with goalie coaching in Detroit as a few goalies have gotten worse here, or gotten better after they left.


Ya the 2 years he played with Ottawa were below these numbers we are seeing here and I think that is what we can expect this season. Still I think we can reasonably expect him to hover around .900


Nice! I'd love to expect that out of our goalies!


Ya, this guys gonna play pretty much like Lyon last year. Even Lyon can only handle so much though. Not sure what the goalie plan is here, could we be packaging up something?


We're home ship or bury Husso somewhere and run the classic 1B/1C combo. The league'll never know what hit em. 


Yeah that’s my concern. His numbers could remember his Ottawa season more.


Great breakdown. Hoping he plays a decent role in next year’s team & success.


Possibly the best goalie we've had since Howard. Tops almost all of our goalies stats in the last five years, except Ned's short year in Carolina. 4/5yr Avg is 5 years for everyone but Husso, who's only played 4 seasons.


I’d say best since Bernier but the point still stands


Spot check: Talbot's 5yr avg's are higher than Bernier's last five years, and has higher career best's in seasons playing 10+ games. Honestly I'm surprised how good his numbers look on paper. Excited to see the eye test this year.


Agreed but to be fair to Bernier we were a disaster team tearing it down when he played here.


Yeah he was the only bright spot on those teams. Was pretty consistent


The eye test and the revolving door of teams would say other wise. But I have watched enough games to see that he CAN play very well at times, but very poor also. Solid goalie to play 20-30 games a backup to Husso.


But the internet people said this was one of the worst deals ever


Thanks for this!


Caveat - he played for teams with better defense, and he is soon 37. So more or less he might be better than Reimer.


I hear you, but I would rather roll the dice on someone new and not go with the same 3 goalies again. It just didn’t work.


Big if true


Dude is as old as Terry Sawchuck. I jest. A little.


Talbot is way more consistent than anything the wings have had since Jimmy Howard.


Aren’t husso and Lyon still under contract?


Talbot is a solid back-up, 30/70 split game kind of guy. But I will say, he would have given us a better chance to make the playoffs than Reimer, so it’s an upgrade in the position.


People trying to spin this that Talbot is going to carry us into the playoffs are dreaming.


Idk who's saying that. That's a delusional take. But definitely an upgrade in net which is nice.


So his stats are comparable to our backup level goalies because he is also a backup level goalie. We need a great goalie not a backup.


Do any of those names look like backups? They were all starters at one point


Every name on the list is not worthy of being a starter at the NHL level currently which is important. It's not important what has happened in the past. Today none of those players are good enough to be a starter at the NHL.