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Well they extended him a qualifying offer so by all means he’ll be back next year. Unlikely that he’s “going to pop” but he seems to be a decent enough bottom 6 center.


It doesn't necessarily mean he'll be back. It could be they see trade value in him so they want to keep him in the org's back pocket. But it can really lean either way. Regardless, IIRC they have a year to come to terms on an agreement else he walks (free agent).


Pump him up so he has value this season


4C on a good team that can jump around your bottom 6 as needed. Love me some JFV even though he never reached the exceptional status potential I think he’s our Luke Glendening replacement when we’re competitive.


Except Glendening can be a faceoff monster.


I’ve kind of seen Fischer as a bit of Glendening replacement. Obviously not for the faceoff ability, but he’s that heart and soul bottom six guy that can contribute some offence here and there.


I like the Glendening comparison, never thought of it but totally get it.


He’s better than Glendening. Downvoted, really? Are we still contractually obligated to pretend that Glendening was not a bad player consistently hemmed in on his own end?


Veleno is definitely better offensively. He is not better defensively.


Glendening is good without the puck which is great news because he never has it


I like him as a bottom 6. Imo, he was better last season than the year before.. He can win some faceoffs and doesn't turn the puck over.


Very please with his face off development at the NHL level. Tough skill to develop in the show and takes a few years. He was significantly better last year at faceoffs


Yep, Connor McDavid was low 40's his first three years. And year 6 until he approached near 50%.


I think as long as you level your expectations to him being 3rd/4th line player then you probably like him a lot. I certainly would like to see him return.


He’s progressing fine, he played top line a few times last season. Great speed and still developing at the NHL level.


He's a notoriously slow learner who has increased his production every year he's been in the league. Personally, I think he'll have a 20 goal season within his next five years. Maybe never a top six guy, but we can win with him on the third or fourth lines.


20 goal season by age 30 is quite the slow burn


Yeah I don't think that's out of the question at all. And even if he doesn't progress a ton from here he's a useful bottom 6 player at least


He’s slowly getting better and I’d like him back in that 4th line center role. This year hopefully he finally gets over the 50 percent FO and a lot better defensively


There’s definitely some upside to his game with his history/profile. He’s taken a bit to hit a stride at every level as well. But if he doesn’t break out production wise like that, which is more likely, he still does his current role very well and is effective and inexpensive in it. Very capable bottom 6 center / 4th line is where I’m expecting him going forward


He fills an important role and does it well. 4th liner who can play anywhere in many roles and can play on higher lines as a full in when needed. He wasn’t a top 5 pick, getting a guy who plays 70+ games a year and doesn’t embarrass himself is meeting a reasonable expectation.


Its weird, he has kinda everything you would want from your bottom 6 C, but i allways find myself wanting more out of him, he is speedy he is strong, but for *me* it seems like he dosent want to be ether of those things If that makes any sense


I think he needs to get right with his position in the lineup. Once he accepts its where he's likely to stay, his identity *should* evolve from there


Yeah this is actually very good point.


Similar to how Rasmussen is slowly shaping out. Big solid 3/4th Centers isn't a bad look in my book.


Exactly. It’s tough when you’re a top 10 pick or had exceptional status, but they can be solid pieces to a good team.


Players of exceptional size (ras) take about 400 games to hit their breakout threshold where we expect to see them take a big leap. Avg size players is 200. Ras is only at 313. He wont even hit it this year. Obviously its just a statistical trend and not gospel, but it really has some legs if you dig in and look at it historically. This is all to say I wouldn’t cap moose’s ceiling quite yet.


This is weird. You're right that he's fine in the role he plays but I rarely ever notice him during games, just seems invisible despite playing fine.


That's not always a bad thing, and while he may not win his minutes, he also isn't losing his minutes. You need players that can hold it down while the top 2 lines are resting


Right, that's usually how I look at 3rd pair d. He's fine, I didn't mean to sound like I was critiquing, just an observation.


I think it's important to remember that Veleno has always been a slow starter.


Neither. This was always his development path. He hasn’t impressed, nor has he disappointed. He is exactly what he was always going to be. Generic cheap NHL roster player. Every team needs them.


12 goals, near 30 points, does well as a 4C. He’s a good skater and can play center or wing, he’s got decent size and basically does what’s asked for him as a depth piece. He also improved his face off % from 42.5 to 49 this past year. I think he grows defensively and possibly gets to 15 goals next year. I like him as a young, cheap option in the bottom 6.


Good 4th line, nothing more. Maybe in a good year, 3rd line


Meh. I think he’s as good as he’s gonna be.


Bottom 6 player, that's it


He’s a solid bottom 6 guy with maybe a small chance at middle 6. He won’t be a 1 C but if he continues improving his game he can maybe be a top level 3C in the league. Overall he does a little bit of everything and isn’t bad.


Lol thanks everyone.


He is what he is. Another bottom 6 guy with limited upside. And I’d love for him to prove me wrong and be a yearly Selke candidate.


Pop what? He is going to be a bottom 6 player


In historical context he has one season left before his potential dries up, like 5% of players ever peak at 25 so, worth a shot at it


Idk if he’ll pop but he’s definitely a solid bottom 6 level two way forward. More than worthy of being in an NHL lineup - especially ours.


Gonna pop some buttons cuz hes so swole. But seriously, hes a 3rd liner on his best day.


Solid bottom 6 center as is. Maybe he will get 30-50 pts a season or two in his prime. Happy to keep him around as long as he isn't stomping on people's ankles.


Man if you asked this same question two years ago, this sub would tell you he was going to be our next first line center.


gets better every year and think he’ll end up being a 35-40pts 3rd liner


I was excited for Veleno. Specially when like a year or two ago they posted a picture of him riding a stationary bike and dude looked JACKED. I’ve lost hope a bit. I don’t hate him or think he sucks, just don’t think he is or will be as good as people think Hopefully he proves me wrong tho.


Hes not the player we drafted him to be.... but he's a good depth player. He also has his moments.


Would like to see him be great at FO, and be a big time PK guy. If not, move on


At this point, I think he is what he is. A 4th line center who can occasionally fill in other lines if absolutely necessary. Which is just fine. He’s not going to pop in a sense where he challenges for a top 6 spot. I’ll happily eat my words if I’m wrong 


I still think his ankle stomp at IIHF World Championship was an absolute bitch move. Veleno can suck it.


I think it’s interesting that with Larkin out last year he took some games centering Kane and Cat. Didn’t look great in those games, but not terrible either. When I think about his upside, maybe he could get to a Cerelli-type level. But it all depends on how the org sees him. If they see him as a 4C, that’s the opportunity he will get and his stat line will reflect it


I think he's slowly progressing toward becoming a solid third line center.


I have no confidence in Veleno. He's a skill player who doesn't have NHL-caliber skill. He tries all these dipsy-doodle moves and no-look passes that just just result in turnovers. That's totally fine if it's your first or second year in the league: dominating with that play style in the AHL is sure to give you confidence to do so in the show. It's been long enough for him to grow up and come to grips that he's a bottom 6 guy, and needs to adjust his game accordingly.


He is done


For fuck sake.