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I like Walman, and I was shocked at first, but I've come around on the idea that he was the one we had to move because Petry and Holl weren't moveable. The thing that's still driving me crazy is attaching the second round pick to get rid of him. There has been some reporting after the fact that Yzerman didn't shop him around, other teams might've been willing to give something up to get him, and San Jose was surprised we threw in that pick instead of asking for something in return. Obviously, there's no way to know how accurate all of that is, but if it's true, that is BAD. Again, who knows what's going on behind the scenes, but it sure felt incredibly hasty and rushed, and it also seems like we might not have actually needed that cap space? I get that there may have been free agency hopes that didn't pan out, but man, if we dumped Walman in a rush, gave up a pick we didn't need to, and didn't even end up needing the cap space, that is extremely disappointing.


Steve is becoming odd in his old age. A bit ornery too


Even if he was only better than holl and petry, which I disagree with. Why is he the one going when they are both still on the team? We’re not cap crunched. Gus is also not a “massive improvement” Why did so many other teams let him sign so cheap here if he is. 


I think Gus is a replacement for Ghost.


Yeah, Ed is the Wally replacement, which means Maatta is likely expected to be replaced by Johansson through this upcoming season. I wouldn't be surprised if Wallinder forces himself into the conversation as well. My thing is that the player change doesn't actually matter in the big picture.....but why did we add a second?!


San Jose probably doesn’t think Walman is great and wanted a sweetener to take him on, they weren’t impressed by his griddy skills.


I mean maybe, but I guess that depends on if you think Sean Shapiro is a hack or not. I tend not to, and with "giddy" as the word for it, I have doubts a 4th wouldn't have gotten it done.


Sean doesn't have a source in the organization. Everything he "called around" about came from other teams - who aren't going to sit there and jerk off Yzerman just because.


Shapiro and Iyer are literal clowns, they’ve hated on a lot moves Yzerman made since Walman trade, they clearly have favourites and are salty Yzerman traded a favourite of there’s. Stevie Y has literally improved this team every year. Also honestly explain to me why Stevie Y would purposely take a lesser deal for Walman if he had so many suitors and teams were willing to give more as Shapiro reported?


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo) I'm out


Good one go buy your Shapiro jersey dummy. ![gif](giphy|JfnnZaJlXuit7pTnYx)


Gus isn’t really a replacement as isn’t Ed, they most likely will all have new roles once the pre-season comes closer, Gus will play PP2 as opposed to top pp like Ghost was, that role will probably go to Mo, Ghost also played both sides we Gus is left shot however Jo can play both sides, so like I said I think there will be lots of mixing and swapping in roles.


Both of those dudes suck more so they would be even harder to trade? That’s pretty obvious no? Gus was snatched up by the Wings and we’ll learn why he took less when he gives his interview. All signs pointed to him making atleast 3.5 but he obviously picked the Wings for a reason.


Because even a 2nd wasn’t enough for someone to take Holl And no matter what this sub might feel, Lalonde likes Petry.


So that means you gotta keep him on the roster? If you’re serious about winning this year you don’t keep worse defenseman on the roster and let them see the ice when the difference in cap hit isn’t that much. Throw in an extra second if u need to unload holl. What’s the point in signing kane for a 1 year deal if you aren’t serious about winning. They wanna sell tickets while not honestly caring about meaningfully improving the team. It’s a business, I understand that. What I don’t get is fans falling over themselves to justify it as what’s best for the team. That’s just nonsense. Also is Lalonde yzermans boss? Who cares if he is a coach favorite. Don’t give him the option. 


You are missing my point. Cost might have been a first to get him off roster. Way too much. So bury him in minors or just scratch him. Whatever they want, just don’t play Holl. But you seem hell bent at whatever cost to get him off the team. If he isn’t playing who cares? Cap space? We have loads and no free agents left: so why waste assets ?


Oh and I don’t think we want a scenario where the GM is trading players away because the coach is playing them. That type of dysfunctional environment is the last thing we need .


The reason to get rid of a bad player would be… stay with me here… because they’re bad… 


And I’m sure on your PS5 it’s that easy but sorry not in real life. Send Holl to the minors. You don’t spend multiple 2nd rounders just to get rid of him. And if you mean Petry, too bad. Check who was playing down the stretch. Petry was in and Walman was healthy scratch. Now look who got traded. You can hate it but they want Petry here.


I don’t hate it, I just think they made the wrong choice and will miss the playoffs again. My emotions aren’t all tied up in a hockey team. lol. I also don’t play video games because I’m not a child who needs to act out his fantasies. Lmao 


Nobody in here are acting like Walman was elite or anything. If you need to dump him, sure. But you dont pay for that dump.


Well seems like no one values him and he that’s why it took a 2nd with him. Don’t fall for things that bias journalists try spreading, literally no one wanted the dude or else Yzerman would’ve taken a better deal. Do you think Yzerman would purposely take a less deal if teams were actually trading picks/prospects/players for Walman?


How did literally no one want him, when other teams were not aware Walman was even on the block, and was traded before they could even table anything?


Yeah, we rushed this trade trough and took an L for it.


Nope can’t admit that here


Seems like it lol


>Do you think Yzerman would purposely take a less deal if teams were actually trading picks/prospects/players for Walman? No, but i do think that he rushed that trade trough because he thought that there were someone availeble and that someone ether a/ wasnt availeble or b/ didn't want to singn whit us, ether way its a Bad deal.


You’ve got a legit point, Yzerman himself said at the draft that (paraphrasing) “he tried hard to find someone to take him and unfortunately that was the cost to move (money) him”, then St. Louis confirmed it when paid the same (2nd rounder) to move Hayes. Shapiro wrote that, maybe his “sources” were feeding him BS or were just inaccurate. It happens all the time. I’m not mad, the 2nd was part of the Gibson to Nashville trade, although I really had high hopes for Gibson.


I keep getting assured that there’s “more to that deal, we just have to wait”…well? Where’s the rest?


The downvotes are hilarious. There’s so much psychological baggage and coping going on in this sub and it’s a running theme. I don’t even necessarily agree or disagree with what you specifically said, but it’s a thing now that the “true fans” try and overcompensate by downvoting any criticism and calling people “doomers” if they have any legitimate concerns. Whenever we make a comeback win, “take that doomers!” to anyone that dare criticize how fucking terrible we are defensively. It’s as if certain people here being way overly positive and shutting out all criticism in favor of dogmatic worship think they can magically push away their worst fear. That being we will never win a cup in this rebuild cycle. I do personally hold both beliefs, that being we will win a cup in this rebuild cycle, but also we need to be criticizing every bad move as a concerned and responsible fan base. I get that we can’t all agree on what’s good vs what’s bad, but the Walman dump was objectively a failure if we’re assuming a big free agent was coming. Maybe there’s a blockbuster trade coming on that front instead, but according to Steve himself in a recent presser that likely isn’t the case. We will have to wait and see. Point being, you can be a fan who loves this team passionately and is excited about the future, but also concerned about specific aspects and want to share that concern with like-minded people for discussion.


That is true aswell haha


But he griddys


Eddy> Walman….we kept one ditched the other, as it should have been…trading hill or petry might have made more sense to us, but taking them needs to make sense to the other team.


Grant Hill needs to go


lol to be fair, holl didn’t see much more ice time than hill.


Highly underrated and obscure. POINTS!!!


Walman shot 11.1% this year after never shooting over 6.4% before. He’s still a career 6.5% shooter after that outlier year. That tends to get you overrated


Chiarot is not that good. Petry is not that good. Holl is not that good. Maatta is not that good.


Holl sucks, Petry is garbage, Chiarot is overpayed but serviceable, Maatta is mid.


This place is going to forget Walman exists in 3 seasons. He’s the most overrated player by our fan base I can remember.


He signed my hat at the start of last season along with Justin Holl. I s2g if they both leave. Let me preface by saying I got a bertuzzi jersey one week before they traded him lmao


Who else we want to hex boys?


Petry, Copp, Husso


Try no to hurt your back bending over backwards to defend this move.


doesn’t really matter what I think tho, Yzerman clearly agrees and sees that Walman is over hyped and a bad contract so he dumped him.


Because he is the god, we know. Never makes a mistake and we are all just ants trying to understand. We get it.


I didn’t say that, he clearly made a mistake with Holl, Petry, Husso, Copp, Walman, all those guys a terrible and whatever it takes to get them out is a positive, even if it takes a 2nd round pick.


Walman is not terrible. That’s bullshit and you know it. In the aggregate played great puck for us,you keep conveniently leaving out that he played hurt in the second half of last season.


Walman stopped being in this team’s plans halfway through last season. He was EASILY replaced on the roster and only the worst team in the league would take him WITH a sweetener. A sweetener SPECIFICALLY ACQUIRED by trading Gibson for Kiiskanen, all of which Yzerman HIMSELF explained was what he saw as a lateral prospect move in order to move out Walman’s contract. That’s not from some shithead hack sports writer with still-unnamed sources, but from the man himself. What do you not understand about Walman not having value LEAGUE-WIDE? Maybe being nailed day drinking in public while you’re on IR during the first year of your new extension is a bad idea? Stop with the Walman bullshit, because that’s all it is, BULLSHIT.


I suggest you take a fucking Xanax or count to ten at the very least dude settle down


Objectively he wasn't an overpay. Dude was a solid top 4 guy that we've failed to replace. Overrated or not he was better than pretty much anybody not named Mo and there's been no replacement brought in, and we got no return on it to begin with.


No he wasn’t, do yall watch the games? He turned over the puck in his own zone constantly, him and Ghost are absolute bums defensively in there zone, only difference is Ghost is amazing offensively and Walman is mediocre.


Yes I watch the games lol, and by most metrics Mo and Walman were a rock solid pairing. The guy wasn't elite or anything, but pretending he sucked is wild. The revisionism on Walman now that he's gone is astounding. Not to mention he didn't make much money to begin with. Anything to avoid criticizing a Yzerman move though right?


That’s 2 seasons ago, last year they were terrible, there’s a reason we played better when Chiarot and Seider were paired together. It’s all good y’all have some weird affection with the dude he’s overhyped and we’ll see how amazing he is next year. Ima probably get banned here cause I forgot how soft half the people in this community are but yall keep forgetting how many times Walman turned over the puck or just got beat by his opponents. But he griddy so we should’ve kept him.


Lmao you're gonna get banned for agreeing with the majority of the sub who refuse to criticize Yzerman? And then whine about it? Yeah everybody else is soft. He's in San Jose, I don't expect him to do anything out there lol, I wouldn't expect anybody to. I don't have some "weird affection" for him, I just would hope that if we're gonna drop the guy we'd replace him, he was on a friendly deal and was one of our better defensemen, regardless of turnovers. All we ended up doing was picking up some cheap bottom pairing guys, and unless Ed takes a pretty big step forward Walman is still going to leave a void. You're absolutely right, he made blunders here and there and definitely isn't a superstar. But he was our 2nd or 3rd best guy and we didn't replace him. You do know there's levels between loving and hating a guy right? You do know there's a reason other NHL GMs are wondering what the hell that trade was about right?


Walman wasn’t even playing near the end of the year even when he was healthy. Edvinsson was already better than him and an upgrade at the end of last season. And if he truly was worth more, and teams valued him more/were willing to pay more for him, why on earth would Yzerman take less for him? How does that even make sense? Yzerman himself said that he tried moving him for less but it was literally impossible to move players around. Like I said he’s better than Holl, and Petry and maybe Maatta (not imo) but Chiarot, Seider, Edvinsson, Ghost were all better than him. If it was up to me I’d trade Holl out too and the buy out Petry or vice versa but clearly they are to hard to get rid of in a trade.


Sure, and neither was Hronek or Bert. Honestly, you people make me sad.


Hronek is good? Fell of half way through the year and most of his assist are secondary from Hughes. A what a star Bert has been, y’all are the same people that probably wanted to offer those bums 7 mil a year, thank god Yzerman doesn’t take opinions from the fanbase.


This guy hasn’t seen sandin Pellikka play. Hronek who? And no one thought Bert was bad but it was time for him to move on, before he got traded to Boston he still hadn’t seen played a playoff game and his game is modeled for the playoffs. Just because someone gets traded doesn’t mean they’re bad, and for the record I don’t agree that walman is BAD, I do think he kinda sucks in the D zone and when he got taken off seiders pairing, it was like holy shit this guy can’t break the puck out under pressure or win puck battles.


Bertuzzi wanted 6-7 million a year for 5 years, Hronek also wanted 6-7 million a year for long term, both aren’t worth that, one leached of points from Hughes this year and was terrible in 2nd half and playoffs, the other is not good enough for a playoff team and him going to Chicago proves it. Bertuzzi was a good player and a fan favourite that doesn’t mean you overrate him, that’s the point, just cause they fan favourite stop overrating them, Walman is not bad but he is not worth what he was making and is not a top4 player on any playoff team.


I agree with everything you said except for bertuzzi not being a good playoff player. I think he is, but it’s not really the main point. It was time for bertuzzi to move on, obviously overpriced and his heart wasn’t in it fully in Detroit the last year he was here, he did well for Boston in the playoffs and looked like a different player even though it was only one series. But his play was night and day on Detroit then Boston that year. But yeah I agree with moving on from all 3 of those players even though they are good, just weren’t a good fit for the wings and like you said they are overpriced.


Plenty of people threw Bert under the bus on his way out of town. The same they did with Hronek. Sandin Pelica doesn't have anything to do with this. You people seem to forget that they threw Hronek to the wolves in his rookie season, because they didn't have anything else, and he handled it very well. They ground up Hronek and spit him out. Walman, 7 months ago, was the greatest Yzerman fleece, turned a bucket of shit into a 1st pair defender. Now we get Walman isn't any good. Piss off. Tell me again why we needed to open up cap space they never had any intention of using?


Piss off? I’m not even disagreeing with you haha. I thought Hronek was good, I thought walman was good, and bertuzzi. Anyone who says they’re bad, is just being hyperbolic or doesn’t know the game. It’s nuanced bro. A player can be good but just not right for the team, bertuzzi was trending downward but played great for Boston and Toronto, he was ready to play for a contender, yzerman is perceptive and felt that. Not every good player is a good fit for a team like the wings who are smack dab middle of the league fighting to break through to the top half of the league, it’s a whole different mentality than preparing for a cup run. I really am not disagreeing with you man.


Right they weren’t that good either, I guess Hronek is more valuable than Bert, who absolutely stinks. Not sure what people ever saw in his game. He’s a mess out on the ice.


The narrative that Hronek is hot garbage really kills me. Dude played crazy minutes for us in all situations and was effective on the worst teams we've iced in 40 years. I cannot stand kicking guys as they go out the door. It's a shameful, pink hat mentality.