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No pressure, just practice your stick handling in front of maybe the best stick handler ever


You boys see Kaner, you think his stick handling is great Here’s the guy he looked up to This is your favorite player’s favorite player No pressure


Kane and Datsyuk just start making hockey versions of Rodney Mullen vs Daewon Song skateboarding battles


Rodney Mullen*. Love this analogy though.


Damn autocorrect, edited it, ty


Haslem vs Song: Cheese & Crackers


Nah. Rodney Mullen invented and pioneered modern street skateboarding. He literally invented 30 skateboarding tricks. Mullen is the Datsyuk of skateboarding. I grew up skateboarding and he is my favorite skater.


Homie, all I did was mention the skate video of Haslem and Song on a mini pipe.


LMAO and he COOKED you for it


Cookin ramen


Hell yeah what kind


Dollar store


Say LESS. Is Steve tony ? Lmao


Good question lol. Im trying to think of the godfathers of vert. Danny way, steve caballero, andy mac, etc.. my question is, who's our Nyjah?


Danielson if he ends up the guy we think


All I know is Crosby is Sheckler for sure


Crosby is definitely Sheckler. He's the poster boy 😅


Also, both guys lived up to the hype he had very young and won a lot of haters over, surprisingly.


Yep I fully agree. I've always liked sheckler and I never blamed him for taking the MTV deals. He got painted in a bad light and he's grown up to be an awesome person (from what I can see). Battled addiction and came out on top, continues to skate at a very high level. That's very deserving of praise.


What a great analogy


He is staying at my place of work this week. Got a chance to say hi. Cool guy.


I’m so fucking jealous. I think I would have fainted. Or stuttered so bad I wouldn’t of been able to get a word out lmao.




I can’t give out that info.


Blink once if it's Townsend


:O please dats teach the youth the way of the puck!


Some guys may have the chance to get stick handling tips from datysuk and Kane. Wtf


right?? can you imagine living that dream? AND getting paid big bucks for the privilege?


2 of if not the 2 best stick handlers


He didn’t have a puck on his stick because he broke an undrafted kids ankle while saying still got it and the team didn’t want to see ASP suffer the same fate


Jokes on you, there are three pucks on his stick.


To you, a puck is a 1 inch thick cylinder of frozen rubber that is 3 inches in diameter that slides or bounces along the ice. To Datsyuk, the puck is a conglomeration of vibrating strings passing through 10-dimensional space. If he chooses to poke check the puck away from you in a direction orthogonal to the reality you're capable of perceiveing, you just have to deal with that. It's a skill issue.


The pucks saw him step on the ice and all ran back into the bag.


Someone go get Trev and make him lace them up. We deserve more giggles.


Or Zetterberg, maybe he is already in town? And they can recreate that hilarious keep-away practice with the funny music they had decade ago.


Eh, I'm afraid Z's back would snap in half


He was never the stick handler either


that was such a fun segment, and it made Trevor so endearing. He's really a gem...just an outstanding broadcast team all around. Poor Jimmy will loosen up and get there someday hopefully.


Jimmy sausage fingers


Now this is a guy i wouldn't mind overpaying in free agency


So we have Pavel as stick handling and hockey IQ coach now? Player development program is in full gear


That's so cool.


I named my dog after Pavel: this is pasha: https://preview.redd.it/fmcxr69jl4ad1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c13730f27b67b7ad64f6e058c5b6be3be84852


So handsome


He tried stick handling then they told him to stop and make 4 extra unnecessary passes to make the Scandinavians feel more comfortable.


omg I don’t even think he’s back to the US since he left


No and the way he left was also very strange, the final presser was at the Olympia hotel and not the rink and he was in a track suit too. Looked like was leaving the country 5 minutes after it all ended.


Yeah I remember that one too. Most of his time in Detroit you could tell that just about everything was back home and he “worked” in Detroit




Ngl gonna steal this one


Jealous. Can I be a special guest at the dev camp too? We can show both ends of the stick handling/skating spectrum :)


"This is why they used to call me... StickWithIt" \*misses the goal by a mile\*




I’m surprised but excited to see him back with the organization. Makes me think the jersey retirement could be coming soon. Was worried he’d never leave Russia. I would love to see him involved somehow within the org long term.  I think some of his special talent can be taught. Nobody will learn all of it but the stick lifts, puck protection, and defensive positioning can be taught. 


Hopefully he’s teaching these kids puck protection, timing and thievery along with the dangles


I still have his poster on my wall/ see it every time I leave my room, to inspire me lol. I love Datsyuk Lets sign him to a 1 year deal please on Kane's line haha! But fr, I would really love if they hired him in some capacity! https://preview.redd.it/kmkm98tzi4ad1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971dca155fea53511b9a59661251d18d1c7a5b9f




Fuck. Yes.


Correction. *Hall of Famer, The Magic Man


Would recognize that head shape anywhere. 


Love me some Magic Man!


Those guys felt how I fel when I got to bootcamp the way he skated by eyeing them all up and down.


Jokes on all of you. He’s got a Kachina jersey on under that jacket.


Oh my tender heart 😭


Maybe it's jusy my homer glasses and longing for nostalgia, but I think Dats could still do it in the NHL. Maybe not total "Magic Man" but probably still give you 10-12 minutes of top notch hockey.


think he can play 2C?


He looks like a predator sizing up his prey. My stars, I hope he comes back in some official capacity.


13 to the rafters


They should do one on ones versus Datsyuk to see if he still got it, though he probably does.


Holy shit. Never thought I’d see the day when Pavel would be welcomed back.


Why? From pretty much day 1 Pavel said he wanted to return to play in Russia at some point in his career. Yeah the contract situation sucked but we got rid of it relatively easy, I didn't even know he wasn't welcomed back at any point.


His retirement presser was dodgy as fuck, basically showed up at a hotel lobby in a track suit and said "Im out" . When you look back at the video and the picture it probably doesnt capture the feeling that was around that whole thing but i remember it really well. The video is btw not even named "Retirement" or something like that, its titled "Pavel Datsyuk - Press Conference on Decision to Return to Russia"


Even before that, Datsyuk did an interview with Mitch Albom, either before the playoffs or during, where he all but said that he wasn’t coming back. I remember Kenny saying that he didn’t think Pavel understood the contract and its implications as an “over 35 year old” deal, basically giving him an out, only for Datsyuk to later say “No, I understood what I was signing”. That whole situation was odd. Craig Custance and Keith Gave (who literally wrote the book on the Russian Five and helped the org with the defections of Fedorov and Konstantinov, so he’s not a nobody) delved into it further around the time on a podcast, and there was more to it than the org and Datsyuk publicly let on. A lot of people here either don’t remember or weren’t around when it all went down, but it wasn’t a simple “He just wanted to go home” situation and that was that.


Did I miss something? Why wouldnt he be welcomed back?


Yeah I don’t know what lil bro is cooking.


The way Pavel left was not well-received by people in the org at the time.


That’s bullshit. Datsyuk is divorced and went back so he could be with his daughter. If anybody holds a grudge over that, they’re the ones not welcomed.


They weren’t angry about him leaving in of itself. They didn’t like how he negotiated his last contract. How he and his agent pushed for a longer term deal, but that he never actually intended to see it through. They felt like he didn’t negotiate in good faith. How him leaving before the contract was up left them in a bind.


Nah, that’s also bullshit. He had every intention of playing all 3 years when he signed the deal and changed his mind after the 2nd year. Arizona paid him to trade up 4 spots in the draft, it’s wasn’t a big deal.


> He had every intention of playing all 3 years when he signed the deal and changed his mind after the 2nd year. That’s not true. He signed a three year deal, after he and his agent pushed for more term, then told Kenny a week or two after signing it that he was only playing one year. The org had to convince him to play that second and final year. That way they wouldn’t contest him leaving at that point.


Can you provide a source for that? He was asked that question straight up in his departure press conference and said he had legitimately intended on playing 3 years in Detroit but after the second season he couldn’t ignore the desire to go home anymore. [Datsyuk Press Conference](https://youtu.be/XoEJYeNvDH8?si=FfcpDPX8eekYhHZO)


A source that he told Holland that he wanted play one season only? [From this article](https://www.mlive.com/redwings/2016/06/red_wings_ken_holland_no_hard.html) > The first indication Holland received that Datsyuk wasn't going to fulfil the entire contract came during the 2014 preseason, when Datsyuk told him he wanted to return to Russia after the season. Holland spent the rest of the season explaining to Datsyuk the cap ramifications. >Datsyuk, in the meantime, hired a new agent, Dan Milstein, and they, along with Holland, met with team owners Mike and Marian Ilitch in June 2015. Holland told Datsyuk and Milstein that the club wouldn't try to prevent him from playing in Russia in 2016-17 if he remained in Detroit for one more season. Datsyuk agreed. He and his agent initially pushing for a longer term deal: > Holland explained why he didn't simply sign Datsyuk to a one-year extension in 2013? >"He's a star, he's our best player," Holland said. "His agent walked in and wanted to do a five-year deal. What do you think would have happened if I countered with a one-year deal? He would have been on another team. As for that press conference, he can say what he wants publicly and the org was gracious enough to not throw him under the bus like they did with Sergei. Keith Gave and Craig Custance discussed this situation years ago and they went into more detail about the behind the scenes. I’m not gonna go dig up that podcast, but it gives you a little insight on why the org was miffed by Datsyuk’s actions.


Thank you for providing the article.It’s still such a reach to say that Datsyuk wouldn’t be welcomed back in Detroit. Holland even said he had no hard feelings over the situation and clarified a misunderstanding between Datsyuk’s agent and their understanding of the cap implications. And Pavel had legitimate reasons to want to leave. And after clarifying he did stay for another season and they easily moved the money after he left. Pick 16 and Pav’s contract for Pick 20 and Pick 53 in the 2016 draft. They don’t give an arm and a leg to move the cap. So who is pissed off here? If they should be mad at anybody it would be the Agent which they said they don’t think they talked to pavel about retirement.


Where was that reported? [https://www.freep.com/story/sports/nhl/red-wings/2016/06/18/pavel-datsyuk-leaving-detroit-red-wings/86081818/](https://www.freep.com/story/sports/nhl/red-wings/2016/06/18/pavel-datsyuk-leaving-detroit-red-wings/86081818/) This article does not come off like that. They were disappointed he was leaving with a year left on his contract, but not to the point the he would not be welcomed back.


He was a wonderful player for a long time,” Holland said. “Pav is real honorable. Pav didn’t do this knowingly. Certainly I’m disappointed that he’s not going to honor the ‘16-17 season, but I understand his reasons” Yeah, Pav tried to scam the red wings for $15M? What a load of crap. He hasn’t been in Detroit because he played 5 seasons in the KHL and been living in Russia. The only reason he’s here now is because he came to North America for the HHOF induction. He’s had no reason to comeback and isn’t affiliated with the red wings in any capacity. Fedorov isn’t even close to the same. He legitimately forced the Red Wings to pay him the largest single season compensation in NHL history and rejected $40M and $50M deals to resign to go live a Hollywood playboy lifestyle in Anaheim. His behavior was so bad in Anaheim that they traded him so he wouldn’t negatively influence their budding young stars, Corey Perry and Ryan Getzlaf.


I don't know if that's why Pavel is back. The induction is typically held in the late fall, specifically November this year.


Hmm yeah I didn’t realize that, I wonder what does bring him to NA rhen


Beat reporters didn’t report it. The situation was talked about by Craig Custance and Keith Gave years back. Short story is, the org didn’t particularly like how he handled his last contract negotiation and viewed it as him not being totally honest about what his intentions were. > but not to the point the he would not be welcomed back. It’s been 8 years since Pavel was in a Red Wings facility.


>It’s been 8 years since Pavel was in a Red Wings facility. Hes been living in Russia? There is zero evidence he was not allowed in a Red Wings facility


Aside from him not being anywhere near the Wings in any capacity for nearly a decade, and the org barely making any reference to him in that time. The org has handled this a lot better than they did with Fedorov, where they publicly trashed Sergei. They went out of their way to not do that with Pavel, but they were not happy with how the situation went down at the time.


considering he was playing for a KHL team until 2021... Makes sense that a Russian team may not want him showing up for Red Wings...


That doesn’t stop the Wings from mentioning him, which they did very little of until now.


What exactly would the org have to say? He left for personal reasons urgently. The org made their statement. The issue was closed.  What is there to say?


There’s nothing to say. It’s over and done with. All I’m relaying is what the talk was at the time among people who had a little more insight into what happened. Nothing more and nothing less.


My head would be buzzing off Datsyuk highlight reels if I was in front of him


Imagine being drafted a few days ago and now you’re taking passes from Pav?


Wonder if he still wears Helm's gloves haha


All I can hear is the announcer on NHL Hitz Pro yelling “DATSYUUUK!”


FINALLY, David Blaine is joi... ... what? He's not? Well who the hell could it be?!


Honestly surprised to see him back in the US, what with all that crazy ass shit he was involved in back in Russia with that church/priest.


Ur making shit up. Just picking Russia over the US is crazy enough. Given the current political climate I'm just glad to see him over here.


Maybe he defected


That story was debunked. Well the part about Datsyuk being involved was debunked.


Ah hadn't looked into it since then, fair enough.