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It’s probably because it’s easy to get the train down from these areas. Paignton has a lot of northerners as they can get there by train easily. Might just be that their accents mean they stuck out a bit more than other people and are therefore more memorable and noticeable 😅


Paignton is brummie central


Torbay is basically a place full of transplants. Lots of Brummies, Scousers that moved down in the 70s/80s, used to be a lot of Scottish as well but they've become less prominent. Mix that in with a lot of Polish since 2004 and you often struggle to find actual long term Devonians there. It shows itself in that there isn't really a strong local identity there or much civic pride. You're as likely to see a Wolves shirt, as you are a Torquay United one.


It's so they can make sure that they have a wide network of voices across the south to tell us southerners that the best place to live is up north


South has better weather though


Hence why many northerns live down here. Better weather & beaches was a key factor to me.


One chap I met in Totnes who was from Derby I was telling him how beautiful Chesterfield and the Peak District beautiful are, he told me he would never move back as it's too cold.


Well, I grew up in Manchester and have lived in Devon for 25 years.


The real question here is Would you go to Honiton a 2nd time?


It was a rest stop on my way to Seaton.


I'm from Manchester and now live in Devon


NORTEL has a lot still to answer for.


Grew up on the Wirral n moved down here when I was 13… a family friend also moved down a few years later, yes we are everywhereeeee


Contrariwise, I'm from Devon and moved to Yorkshire! The direct train line does help; it's also comfortably "not London".


How very dare they.


THIS JUST IN: people often move from one part of the UK to another.


My parents live next to a farm in North Devon and the prior owner of said farm was from Yorkshire. He kept working until the age of 85, only being forced to quit on the insistence of his son after he suffered a bad fall in the cow shed…


Oh sorry to hear that. My prayer will be with him and everything works out well.


My wife is from Bradford. I moved to Leeds for a decade and brought her back with me!


Not just northerners, people from all over the country! It's been a popular tourist spot for years and a lot of people prefer the way of life in Devon. Coming from someone who lived in London almost his whole life and living in Devon now, I can see why!


Cause Honiton is just as shit as up north 😅😅


I stopped there for a rest stop on my way to Seaton. I avoid services as prices are extortionate. I had a full English breakfast and cup of tea for £5.


Its a damn shame isn't it


Nah northerner are more friendlier and I like their banter so it's all good, I It's just in a couple of my trips, when I was in the hotel, going to the shops, cafes, pubs etc everyone working there that I encountered was a northerner and that was one after another.