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the only thing that could make it better? An option to turn off the opening cinematic for each dung




Why do I feel that this feature is awesome? - First, it will be easier to get other players (through this feature) to help you clear the dungeon you wanted. - There is a pity system that you will guaranteed a set item if you use this random dungeon finder feature. No more bad luck. - Third, variety. Instead of mindless spamming the best and most popular dungeon over and over, now you can play different dungeons, thus making the whole dungeon running less boring. Once again, NetEase knew what the players wanted.


I don’t get the first point. By choosing random dungeon you cannot control the dungeon you and your mates enter. How can it be easier to clear the dungeon of your choice?


Because you assumed that there would be enough people who want to run the dungeon you desired, so you have to wait for 3 who share the same mind as you do. With a random party dungeon, it will put me and the other 2 guys into your party so you can run the dungeon immediately instead of just waiting for the players who want to run the X dungeon as you do.


Thank you for clarifying!


Is that actually how it works though? Someone who wants to run a specific dungeon uses "find players" and then the game pulls others who've entered the random queue? Or does the game *only* combine 4 random queue players together and select a dungeon for them? Because I could see it working the latter way!


From the blog itself: >While searching for a random Dungeon, players may be grouped with another team at any time, which reduces the overall time spent matchmaking.


In practice though this still seems off. Whenever I try to go to a specific dungeon and find players I can be sitting there waiting for an hour and no one joins. But random dungeon and 10s later will get people. So while they may have intended it to work that way, it seems it's only putting people together who all use the random dungeon feature. Still though, it's definitely a good feature, it's nice not having to run them alone all the time as long as I don't have a specific one to go for.


Why would you credit it to NetEase?


You Might Be A Employee Or Associated With Neteasy.... Or A Newbie Player. The Truth, It´S Another Slot Machine In-Game: \- Does Not Increase Rewards As Said In Description Update. \- It´S Bad, You Can Not Target Farming Set Items \- The "Pit System" Is The Same From Boosted Dungeon, About 7-10, If You Are Lucky You Might Get In The First 4 Tries. \- Nobody Asked For This Feature, Everyone Asks For Increase Drop Rate In Dungeons, Still Up To This Day, Really Awful Even In The Boosted Dungeon. \- Party Find In Random Dungeon Was Increased In The Update Release, Players Realised That It´S Not Worth It, Just Stoped Queue, Might Take Longer Or About The Same As Other Dungeons. If Neteasy Want To Solve The Queue Problem, Just Allow People From Normal Up To Inferno 3 Players Play Together. Once Again, Neteasy Does Not Knew What The Players Wanted.


Scorchingly lukewarm take aside, is there a reason you capitalize every word?


>You Might Be A Employee Or Associated With Neteasy.... Or A Newbie Player. So if you praise D2 and other Blizzard games, it made you an employee or associate with Blizard too..or a newbie player? >- Does Not Increase Rewards As Said In Description Update. https://i.imgur.com/Gc27god.png Are you done embarrassed yourself? > The "Pit System" Is The Same From Boosted Dungeon, About 7-10, If You Are Lucky You Might Get In The First 4 Tries. Thanks for telling me that you didn't play the game. The pity is 7 for a random dungeon finder. The game outright shows you the pity metric unless you can't read number. >It´S Bad, You Can Not Target Farming Set Items We prefer to craft our own set item. We just want a quick wisp. You still can target farm set items if you have people to run for you. >- Nobody Asked For This Feature, Everyone Asks For Increase Drop Rate In Dungeons, Still Up To This Day, Really Awful Even In The Boosted Dungeon. It is a good addition for those who are sick of farming one dungeon over and over or quick 3 daily dungeon clear for free random set item. >- Party Find In Random Dungeon Was Increased In The Update Release, Players Realised That It´S Not Worth It, Just Stoped Queue, Might Take Longer Or About The Same As Other Dungeons. If Neteasy Want To Solve The Queue Problem, Just Allow People From Normal Up To Inferno 3 Players Play Together. The queue in the random party dungeon is almost instant compared to your regular party queue. I played 9 dungeons in less than 30 minutes today. Almost no waiting time, but OK.


1. I have only experienced much longer wait times for a random dungeon. Sometimes so long I just give up. Much more efficient to pick a dungeon and find players in my experience. Just my experience though, if others are having a better time, cheers! 2-3. That is a nice touch. However, not useful if the reason you are spamming specific dungeons is to obtain specific pieces.


Except the fact you can spam a dungeon a 100 times and not receive the item you want. So it's better to have a random boosted dungeon with a guaranteed green after 7. Wisp are more efficient than just running the same dungeon for a specific item. I've ran 15 or more dungeons without any green drops.


I get way more greens doing this too. Probably 1 every couple dungeons, it’s awesome.


Agreed. This feature is fucking AWESOME


Best feature so far make sense to do dungeons now


I agree with your sentiments and would add that progressive gem leveling is a pretty amazing addition as well. Now, if they would extend that leveling model to free to play and low-end spenders by opening that to 1 and 2 star gems, it'd be *chef's kiss*


I agree. I've been telling this to my WB mates. I think the addition will gain them money in the end. Some stop spending because to show any type of progression it was at the point you'd need to drop 1k or more. Which is a real turn off. Now every dupe that drops can show a little bit of progression to your character. Which might make people more willing to spend. I know it's not a huge bump in progression but it's still something.


As a returning player 450ish Paragon this has been great


Agreed. Best part of the update!


I hope they do the same for raids, castle defense, etc. All random.


random raids would definitely not work. be it helliquary or vault


Yeah it’s definitely something that should’ve been added to the game when they introduced crafting. This is long overdue. B


Yeah I just want to get my six done asap, don’t care which one. So this is perfect.


Now put it in D4


Yeah, is so much fun, and you are not getting bored doing the same dungeon all the time.


Wish D4 would have the same feature


It’s awesome as long as you don’t get silent monastery lol


Yeah no more awkward “ty gg last for me”


The new PVP mode is the MVP for me. That should be the new BG and ROE map. Done very well.


Sure thing but still need some tweaking at this point in time. The hearts should be set to 4x player in 4x player mode since I'm pretty sure that it's still set to 8x players. With a few tweaks this mode is simply amazing. Best Pvp fun since launch. Since everyone is at the same level you need skill and team play to win and not reso what's the case for normal Pvp We will see how this will work out in RoE with 8x players


It’s definitely nice but, it’s flawed. Or rather, the dungeons are (as we all already know), and this creates an issue with the Random Dungeon system’s design. If you exit a Random Dungeon before it has been completed, you are penalized in the form of being barred from entering another Random Dungeon for 5 minutes. So, when a dungeon errors/bugs out and prevents completion, leaving exiting early as the ONLY option, you are forced to be penalized unjustly and either wait those 5 minutes to re-queue or enter a NON-Random Dungeon instead.


love this feature. pretty much not running dungeons any other way now.


Yeah it's pretty good. I also like the new dungeon Tristram cathedral with the butcher. It's cool to get new content.




Done about 200 today much needed


I do like it but I would like it a lot more if it wasn’t silent monetary 90% of the time.


Yeah I get a lot of SM but it’s mostly whales running it so it’s not too bad


Yeah It’s not that bad. It’s just so much in there just slows you down. A lot of waiting. But really we need to just rename random to “Most likely SM” lol Over 50% of the time for me that’s what it is.


How’s the gem drop rate compared to tomb farming?


I’ve noticed a lot of gem drops using random dungeons


That's all fine and dandy, except I can't even access this new feature on PC 🙄


I am playing this feature on PC. Just go to party finder menu and you will see that.


It is sort of hidden, you can click the task in your codex to get taken to the matchmaking screen.


I didn't see anything, and I triple checked everywhere in that menu. Also, I haven't seen another update prompt from the game, so in theory my software is up to date.


im on pc and i can access this. dont know why u cant


For the record and If anyone cares, you can control the outcome (the pity drop) to a degree. If you don’t like the random dng, leave and queue again. This at-least ensures you get a drop from a dng you want.




Does it feel good to write in capital letters?


Let's use our inside voices.


Where do I find this?


Party Finder


My one wishlist item for it: better shuffling of the dungeons. I’m getting DE 2/3 of the time and forgotten tower most of the rest.


Are we supposed to be getting tableau points for random dungeons?


If you do any dungeons with WB members, you get some tableau points. But it's not only about the random ones, I think all are good for this


Agreed this is my favorite update. Quit BG for the season and just farming greens now


I got 3 wisps in less thsn a hour doing this, very satisfying to get gems as well since 4 players


Why do I still que for 5 to 10 minutes not a fan


Its a game changer for real


Yes, love this update. I did 15 dungeons on Sunday very quickly.


Where is this quick matching menu located?


Party Finder Menu


The chest opening automatically is my favorite part. Instead of having to wait for 4 people to click while one of them randomly runs around, sells items, then afks, it just opens and I leave when I want.


Hardly. A week in and it's already taking 45+ minutes to form a group.


Literally did it for like 5hrs yesterday lol it's so nice.


I received death threats for saying DI needed this feature in DI Discord almost 2 years ago. If we had it from launch I'd probably still be playing.