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If you open the skills page (very top right menu, where you can switch what skills you are using), and click on the skill, it will give you a detailed description of the effect of the essence.


So I need to equip every new legendary, then go to the skills page and see if there are additional effects? That's pretty annoying. It should be mentioned in the item stats.


If you look at the essence description, it shouldn't be difficult to tell which essences change the way the skill works and which don't. For example, Lasting Hate helm is +30% duration to Wrath. Roar of Persuasion changes Wrath from move speed/attack speed to LifeSteal/CritDamage.


No essence on any piece of gear for any class tells you what the cooldown is. Depending on the change, some skills need to change the cooldown to keep it in balance. It's not a hidden effect.


It is not a hidden mechanism but rather a poor quality control. The essence effect was probably changed in a patch but the effect description was never updated? But at least in the skill description page it is correct. I think this is quite rare. I played crusader, blood knight and tempest and never found this issue. In general the description is correct.


It is not a hidden mechanism but rather a poor quality control. The essence effect was probably changed in a patch but the effect description was never updated? But at least in the skill description page it is correct. I think this is quite rare. I played crusader, blood knight and tempest and never found this issue. In general the description is correct.


The item called "Thirsting Berserker" lowers the cooldown of WotB to 12 seconds, Sundered Legacy would only do if it's awakened


From a quick Google search, I don't think I have any awakened equipment at this stage of the game. Edit: I also do not have thirsting berserker, whatever that is. Once I unequip Sundered Legacy, the cooldown goes back to 24 seconds.


https://ibb.co/TqkK7Zs Check through skills menu as mentioned in other comment. Sundered Legacy reduces cooldown to 12 sec. Awakening for that essence increases damage, not decreases cooldown.


You're wrong and I can tell you've never used it. The tooltip has been wrong since it released, and they've never fully updated it. Sundered Legacy gets easy 100% uptime just like Roar of Persuasion does.


Hidden mechanics: Filipinos be like: Yes we are pro! We wait for last hits to use all of our skills and we have no mininap coz we genius. Oh and we also dont have any initiative or common sense. We go where the lanes are the thickest just for kills and we leave the other games unguarded cause we are too smart.