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You merely adopted the endless grind, I was born in it, molded by it.


OP fights like a younger man. Admirable, but mistaken.


Gear level 17 -> Gear level 30. And Helliquary + Tableau. L Players call it "CR wall", you can see lots of similar posts and see same suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/DiabloImmortal/search/?q=CR+wall&sort=new


I'm in the same stat range...I got carried through ...and I'm just farming for better cr gear stats now..untill I get up...but I do notice I am always chasing the last heliquary boss cr req...it seems like I level and then the req.goes up over my stats....


I recently got a boost and ran the 400 keys I have been saving... brought up my armor and armor pen,damage, potency, resistance and life and do the horadrim run Everyday as there's a free chest in there and maybe open 1 or2 other chests and leave...this gets the first kill of the day rewards and it's close to the tower rewards and upstairs are your 5 keys and crests at the hilt trader..all part of the daily routines...also always upgrade your gear to high Cr and only keep lower Cr if it's other benefits like magic can logically out weigh a rise in Cr


Join inferno1 random dungeon and get free drops


Get carried in dungeons.  Put on any damage immunity you can get and movement speed to keep up. Dungeons are trivial even in Inferno 2 prefarming so no one will mind except a minority of douchebags. Most of us understand new players= good for the game and are happy to carry.


It’s like 12 cr per gear level, that’s where your missing cr is at.


Same boat. Para 328 33,340 CR. Hell 3 is too easy but don’t have enough Cr for last helliquery boss🥲 So just focusing on upgrading Tableu and Helliquery as well as gear.


Do WB stuff n get carried in DG.


I am same but figure I just need to get my gear to as close to 30 as possible. Is OWF and Dungeon the best way to get the scraps and essence?


Survivors bane is great for it, other than that just run circles in librsry


rdg hell till 6/7 and change to inferno 1 for rdg 7/7 run green drop reward..and get the green reward from codex 3/3 dg run..use any green set from inferno 1 dg until your cr enough for it..or just leech rdg inferno but dont be deadweight afk/always died and hindering other pt member


What server you on ?


warband and hellq upgrades. With your lego gear your missing over 1k cr getting those up to 30. You've become 'over leveled' your para level does not match your cr level. Need to find some good friends to grind with and get you through some inf dungeons for greens (like 800 cr) between those two that will get you over 36


Getting gear to rank 30 takes most lazy farmers half a year.


And they all suck


How is that relevant to him wanting to hit 36k asap?


Just came back after years away a few weeks ago. Went from like 9k CR to 34k in light speed, then took me a week of farming and just got to 34.9 yesterday (only to find Inf dungeons need just over 35k). My gear is the same as yours: secondaries 17-18, mains 16-17. I thought I had max gear already until getting some 3/3s which increased in +CR by even a 100. All your mains should be over 1900CR, all your secondaries over 1850CR. My Helliquary still suck at Lvl40, but it's still a huge buff. What should be your main focus is Terror Rifts imo, as nothing offers such huge buffs as the items from there. But if that's wrong please let someone let me know as as a returning player I obviously can be missing a lot and would appreciate to know


What’s your Reso?


A strong 1730


always have to laugh at folks who have "come back after years away" to a game that just had it's 2nd anniversary. "thought I had max gear"... tell us you bought a jacked account, without telling us you bought an account.... and you're here giving advice. /BabyJebusCries


Played until 2022 September/October. That's 4 months short of 2 years. Definitely closer to 2 than to 1 isn't it smartass?


No shame in looking for carrys when needed. We've all done it at one point or another


Make sure you're upgrading your ancestral tableau. Also, run challenge rifts as high as you can go for upgrade materials. And then get I1 set items by any method possible. Start by ignoring set bonuses just to get the cr up and then run I1 dungeons to get your desired sets.


do random dungeons and craft i1 bracelets and greens


Need to spend more money