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I've done about 40 since Abyssal was released. I only got one rune, and funny enough that was before the "fix". Received 0 since the fix.


better to just have them randomly dropped in dungeons or outer world grinding/farming. As I have heard, some ppl even got the highest one (~~rae~~ was it?) just from random dungeon runs. Edit: highest is ece


Agreed but it seems like they nerfed the drop rates on dungeons, ow and elder rifts. At least for me


Yep, just had 3 from the Clan Tower thingy (sorry, just came back to the game recently and unsure about names yet..), 2 normal and 1 blue


No, i have ran prolly 100 where you run from the red shyt, and 50 ish of the one with all the chests. Not one rune. And maybe 15 legendary gear peices from the orange/red miniboss so if anything i think it’s garbage. I have gotten about 20 blue runes from rando dungeons but I literally run back to back dungies for 4 hours straight a day. (Im retired so fk it my time to waste lol). Found a few in the wild circle farming just low grade ones. Found a few higher greys in accursed tower running shards. So far my opinions on collecting them is random dungeons has the most frequent appearance. Even with all the dungeons I run im still only getting maybe 5 a day. Haven’t had any drop in terror rifts or lairs so idk if they drop there or not.


Zero in new modes since the “fix.” OWF & Dungeons are where I’ve gotten mine recently. It’s hilarious they can’t get this right. New activities don’t even give BP points. It’s silly at this point


Same 😀


Not really getting anything from anything right now Terror Essences seem to be dropping a little harder, averaging 1 every 2 spires which is nice. But no gear there or oblivion pillars, and definitely no runes at all in dozens of the designated best ways to get runes.


None, so I dont know what kin d of increased drop chance they were talking about, but its either not applied yet or its total bullshit lol


Maybe this issue will be addressed. I definitely get more runes from dungeons than those garbage new modes.


Nope.. OW drops is where it’s at.. even a blue..


I've gotten 4 runes from abysal out of approx 50 runs


My combined total from verge and Erebban runs are 1. And 2 from turn ins. Owf and dungeons are dropping them much more frequently.


Most of my runes have dropped in dungeons or OW farming. I got 2 blues in Iben Faud yesterday, too


I’ve gotten a bunch from towers including a blue. And some from dungeons and the key dungeon


Ran over 60 myself, only got 6-7 Grey from Abyssal Essence exchange. Horrendous modes to farm runes.




No. But blue one dropped from usual world mob xd


Both modes are shit tbh. May as well buff the drop rates on these runes for OW and DG, for those of us who aren't fond of being rail loaded into shit modes.


I ran like 6 Verge and an Erreban yesterday and got 0. Ran 5 or 6 dungeons and got 2. Higher drop rate in the new content feels like a myth.


Never got a single rune from either two event


Don’t waste time on those 2 modes I run 20 and no single rune dropped hahaha


I've gotten one blue and 12 Grey out of 6 hundred runs total. I got more runes in the accursed towers then anywhere


Who hurt you? =(


I’ve done quite a few and have received 2 blue runes as well as a lot of the normal runes. Taking out mobs made it drop and a nice bonus when you have 10 can help.