• By -


I lost 12 gold leafs from an opened chest. It gives the little window when i opened it that said "You find 12 gold leafs", but it never appended them to my inventory. I had a similar issue with a chest i opened that said it gave me item X but actually gave me items Y.


hi i don't remenber the exact values but - yesterday i had less than 1000 gold bars - i set 150 gold bar to smelt during the night - today after the night i have 3103 of them My furnace capacity is 150 I have no potion active I have to log in this morning During the same time my red mushroom tree seed don't grow Does the game continue to smelt all night due to MAJ ?


I have now lost 3 total seeds. I lost 1 Star dust seed and 2 Blewit Mushroom seeds. I go to put them into the player store to sell them in the player market and when I click on confirm they disapear.


Ability to craft a Gold Furnace without the silver furnace. http://gyazo.com/524f74420d218c62cf2e42fa5c8f1d3b I did try it and it worked, but didn't want to abuse it again just for the sake of the gyazo.


My hammer bugged out somehow. I charged it and used it as I always have done but right after I recharged it and suddenly my hammer stardust amount is switched with what I have left in my inventory.. Everything looks like normal except "XP: +31200 Your cash 312000/420" in the bar convertion box. I have charged it with 313,932 and I always leave 420 in the inventory as a good luck charm.


i sold diamond for 400m and i dont get moneys. can i get my moneys back ?


When clicking on the pirate in your key items a pop up appears that has "okay" and "cancel" as options, but both appear to do the same thing...


New label of what's currently being smelting says "40% Steel" but I'm actually smelting silver.


Ever since the may 11th update the popups are no longer moveable and "x"-able... this isn't too bad except some of the pop ups do not have close/cancel links forcing you to do something to progress... The "train mining skill" option is like this on the Wizard Pickaxe, where it forces you to use at least one ore to close the window... I haven't tried it yet, but I'd hate to click on a replace gem window only to have it un-cancel-able....


Had a bug with Market: I set my Pumjack to sale at the Market and wanted to test something: after pressing confirmed i immediately switched back to inventory and clicked on the Pumpjack I wanted to sell then it disappeared , and was on the Market but i could still bind it. So I did and nothing happend after I tryed to get it off the Market it did not get back into my Invetory. lost Money and Minerals on that , but I was sure there was something buggy so it was worth trying :'( Ingame: sebonze


I found a VERY anoying and TERIBLE bug. You can't sell items, because when you try to select or wright anything, it removes it, and puts it back to the default


Use this to sell instead: Copy and paste this into console: function sell(item,quantity,price){ send("TRADE_SELL=" + item+"~"+ quantity+"~"+price+ "~" + 1); } Now you can sell stuff very easily by typing for example sell("gold",100, 50000); in console to sell 100 gold for 50k each


Farming grow timer is bugged.. if you plant Stardust seeds on farm no 3. it uses the farming timer for farm2, and if you plant a red mushroom seed on farm2, it uses grow timer for farm1. see code snippets below from farming.js else if(farmingPatchSeed3 == 7) // stardust seed { if(**farmingPatchTimer3** == -1) //dead leef { image.src = "images/farming/deadleaf.png"; status.innerHTML = 'Dead (click to replace)'; } else { var stage = getSeedTimerStage("starDustSeeds", farmingPatchTimer3); image.src = "images/farming/planted-starDustSeeds" + stage + ".png"; if(stage > 0 && stage < 4) { status.innerHTML = 'Growing'; if(farmingTimer > 0) status.innerHTML = 'Growing ' + parseInt(farmingPatchTimer2/60) + ' min remaining'; } else if(stage == 4) status.innerHTML = 'Ready (click to harvest)'; else status.innerHTML = 'Click to setup'; } } And this code: else if(farmingPatchSeed2 == 4) // red mush { if(farmingPatchTimer2 == -1) //dead leef { image.src = "images/farming/deadleaf.png"; status.innerHTML = 'Dead (click to replace)'; } else { var stage = getSeedTimerStage("redMushroomSeeds", farmingPatchTimer2); image.src = "images/farming/planted-redMushroomSeeds" + stage + ".png"; if(stage > 0 && stage < 4) { status.innerHTML = 'Growing'; if(farmingTimer > 0) status.innerHTML = 'Growing ' + parseInt(farmingPatchTimer1/60) + ' min remaining'; } else if(stage == 4) status.innerHTML = 'Ready (click to harvest)'; else status.innerHTML = 'Click to setup'; } } Really simple fix, just need to make the farmingPatchTimer variablesmatch up, clearly a simple copy paste edit mistake :)


great ill take a look at this when i get home


ok, so im having an issue with the enchanted hammer, a couple days ago i got an xp boost orb for the hammer from a treasure chest, and ever since i bound it to my hammer im unable to convert any bars into xp


ok ill fix this, thanks


On my test-acc I had 27/27 exp for mining but didnt level up, so is this different than it should or was it intended this way? -JHX


Stardust disappeared after putting it on my ruby-infused hammer :/ First time i've had this but it really is a bummer.


The road header when activating says it will use - 30L / road header but it actually is using 50


That was already reported https://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/30unof/diamond_hunt_online_bug_thread/cr285is I guess you are just updating it?


Hey smitty, I am rob in diamond hunt and I crafted a giant drill and it disappeared. I refreshed and it is still not there.


Multi-line chat messages get cut off after the first line.


Smelting 150 glass always seems to only give me 149 glass sheets, not actually 150.


Planted 5 stardust seeds this morning in plots 2-6. Harvested them when they were ready and planted 5 more. When I planted the one in plot #5, the plot got really tiny like it couldn't load the image, and still said Status: click to setup. The box for the image it can't load keeps blinking in and out. My console window was getting spammed with the following for awhile: 24 http://www.diamondhunt.co/online/images/farming/planted-starDustSeeds0.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) And then started showing this instead: planted-starDustSeeds0.png:1 GET http://www.diamondhunt.co/online/images/farming/planted-starDustSeeds0.png 404 (Not Found)


1. I charged my pickaxe for the first time and then burned 1300 stardust converting silver ore to start getting mining exp and the charge disappeared but I got no mining exp. I tried it a second time and then it worked. 2. Shovel is not listed in key items.


Posted titanium to the marketplace, removed it to add more to my total, and the amount never came out of my total, so I wound up with more than I started with.


So you need 1500 bronze bars to make a road header...but it only takes 1000...but if you have 1000, it won't make it


Roadheader says it uses 30 oil but it uses 50


Here is a gif that shows it off http://gyazo.com/276b020aa10cf96c9c3adfa5100e7465


The thing that resets what numbers etc that you're posting on the player market is someone making a comment in the chatroom. skoga94 figured it out.


Thats one of the things that does it, I found this out a while ago too [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/30unof/diamond_hunt_online_bug_thread/cr0bi2w) But there is something else that causes it was well that i cant figure out and I am only guessing its when someone updates the server by buying/selling anything in the player market.


Yeah, after I posted that I noticed that sometimes chat wouldn't trigger it, so it must be something else as well...


Lets Begin now. So I started off with 3 stardust seeds and i put ONE on the market for 6.5 mil, went to lower it to 6.25 mil and pressed REMOVE right before someone bought it and ended up losing 2 seeds and gained no money whatsoever. This bug is the type of bug that makes you feel like you stubbed your toe 3 times in a row then dropped a bowling ball on it.


Road Header states it requires 1.5k bronze bars but only uses 1k. Thanks for the fun Smitty!


Lost 178k stardust just now.. to a market bug. Was in a price war with another playing.. taking down the offer, reposting it 1-2g cheaper.. did this a few times.. then the stardust just vanished not in the inventory, not on the market.. just gone. wasnt bought, didnt get money for it. there is some bugs that can cause market stuff to vanish when removing the offer.. maybe if its done a few times in rapid succession.


Believe i saw a similar market bug today except in reverse.. instead of the market stealing 178k stardust when removing it.. it somehow duplicated 5 pump jacks i believe.. cant explain how they showed up in my inventory otherwise.. I believe it was when i posted them it let me keep 5 in inventory.. but still put 5 on the market.. so when i took those down i had 10. I'll consider it karma for the 178k stardust lost.. but reporting it since i consider it may be slightly related.


http://gyazo.com/69de5e6772e9e25801984ddad399dc9e Tis only a minor bug, nothing major


Don't know whats going on, if this is happening to others or its just me, but my game keeps stopping for some reason. Everything just stops working and stays in one spot even the total time played and i get logged out. It's happening every 5-10 minutes or so. I would also like to add that I don't lose internet connection and my laptop doesn't freeze up or lag itself. It's just the game.


I lost 800 goldBars this morning by placing them on market and removing them. They were unsold, and not in my inventory anymore :/


Not sure if a bug or just an unavoidable server overload issue thing, but I'll say what happened regardless... So while harvesting and replanting seeds, I planted a seed maybe too fast... that's all I can think of... but this [picture](http://i.gyazo.com/6315f76a9ccad45a9569f30ce11254ac.gif) is something that happened to another player, and it happened to me, so I'll use their gif... because it says, "click to set up" I assume it will never be able to harvest, and it's not just a graphical glitch... therefor I planted a seed on top of it successfully voiding the seed underneath... Just thought I'd share in case there was a fixable solution...


Hi, my main account's furnace smelting speed didn't change. I have a second account next to and and they are smelting glass, the second smelts it about twice as fast as the first. Maybe there's something majorly wrong with the first account, because I also haven't gotten any gold on it yet. (Level 7 mining.)


Lvl 11 mining atm and not getting any quartz or flint Also, mining lvl doesn't stack with total level Cya smitty


First bug resolved, was just long until i got some quartz/flint


i found a bug with the player market. It happened many times before but i didn't know what caused it. When you are selecting something to sell it gets reset every time someone makes a new message. There is another thing that causes it too but im not sure about that cause. It may be anytime someone buys or sells something from the player shop.


The market just sponged 3 of my green leaf seeds as I was trying to put them up for sale. Edit: They are back up now, so it didn't just sponge them, maybe just a lot of lag for whatever reason. Edit#2: After selling one, I collected the money and it didn't go into my account.


I think I encountered a stardust/hammer bug - I charged my hammer with about 96k stardust, which disappeared from the inventory, but was not added to the hammer. I tried again with a small amount of stardust from a T1 box, which worked. The big amount is still lost, though.


Hi. I just tried binding a crusher, and in the chat box that appeared it said that a sawmill would be added to my key items. Not a big deal - only the text was wrong. Everything still worked fine.


Just sold two green leaves for 4mil each, when I clicked to collect the money I didn't get the money but the green leaves are gone. Any way to get the 8 mil? Tried refreshing, ctrl+f5ing and restarting my browser to no avail.


crap, more market bugs? I'll have to rebuild a lot of it. The 8mil, unfortunately, is gone forever:(


Nooooooo. Okay, no worries. Also, on a side note, is there any way you could make the chat not autoscroll to the newest message? When I am scrolling up to try and read everything it just goes to the bottom for every new message so I can never read anything.


Blewitt Seeds are probably bugged, haven't had them in my inventory for over 20 hours, 2 other people confirmed the same thing. Please have a look at it :).   Snuvsnuv.


alright I'll look at it


Ok, so i made a booboo and accidentily clicked to bind an iron furnace, problem is I had a gold furnace, and now under key items it shows an iron furnace with a cap of 75, not the 300 cap gold one i had. Please help




Yes, I did. I got it from the first treasure chest I opened




Any chance you could sort this out for me Smitty


Items sold in market do not generate money. I experienced it with 1mil oil for 4 each when i clicked collect cash it didn't give me anything.


Ok I will look into this. Thanks. I'm going to try to get the market nice and cleaned up this week. Thanks again for your contribution


Reporting two (or three) Missing images: When you plant gold leaf seeds, the image in the farming plot doesn't load. Smelting potion image shows fine in brewing window but doesn't show in inventory or in the top area where it shows potion timers. I've cleared my browser's cache completely.


When selling Flint and Quartz to normal store I didn't receive any money. Tried several times but nothing :(


will fix ty


I can select the sawmill to make 1 plank, it takes 10 oil, then gives me two planks. It seems that for almost any amount I make it fluctuats from the specified value by a few planks.


Seems selling anything right now, makes it disappear. Lost 38 red mushroom seeds. 20 iron bars also, while I was testing to see if there was an issue. -------- Along with white chat, sounds like server issue. -------- Not worrying, should be sorted soon. Good luck bud.


It appears that when you exit the game and reopen it the sawmill stops working. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take all the oil at the begining.


Since this day I have the bug of white chat, randomly I couldn't see myself or other talk in chat. I have tried relogging several times but this didn't work. However different browser would be weird because on the other characters I have online I can still see myself and other talking (with myself I mean the character that's bugged).


Also this just happened in chat http://imgur.com/EJGyKOK Not sure if glitch in chat or haxx


And it happened 3 more times since then.


Yep me also. Don't refresh or close tab or it will happen.


No no, I meant that loppanboy glitch/hax happened 3 more times.


Silver ore won't work when you try to sell in market, after inputting amount/price then clicking sell the button will go down like it has been pressed then just stay there without putting it up on market


With the upgraded purple hammer from the hammer upgrade orb, you still need to have enough stardust as if you were using a normal hammer for the "Convert bars to xp" button to work. For example, right now, my purple hammer (diamond) has 9672 stardust charged into it. With that much stardust I should be able to convert one gold bar for 800 xp at the cost of 8000 stardust. However, nothing happens when I click convert. If I had over 10400 stardust, it would let me click the convert button and it would work and I wouild have spent 8000 and gotten the 800 exp. Know what I mean?


Yes, thanks. This will be fixed in the next patch


So it's just like the sawmill, and bronze furnace issues of last week... Also my question on a previous thread about the orb... I see here that it turns the hammer purple and isn't a physical item... but still purple hammer, pretty rad...


* I put up 10 million oil up for 5 coins each meaning I would get 50 million coins/gold total if it all sold * I got 8 million coins/gold to take and the sell thing took away the offer which made it so it left me 42 million coins/gold or over 8 million oil short. * This really sucks because I spent so long grinding up that oil just to have it not be worth it.


Ok, I'll be looking into this. Sorry for your lost, but we are in beta so there are a lot of annoying bugs to fixed. This should be fixed next patch.


I'm going to have to double check once I get 25 more blewit mushrooms, but I think the oil potion took 10 lime leaves instead of the 5 is says...


Confirmed... The Oil Potion uses 10 Lime Leaves... Please change the code to either reflect the posted 5 requirement... or change the label to reflect the code...


I have a treasure map that says "You're down 1 gold for making someone happy." When I solve it by [Spoiler](/s trying to sell one gold in the market place), it says in chat I solved it, but it doesn't [Spoiler](/s place the sell order), and it doesn't solve the map. Edit: It works with a bar, just the ore that gives the error.


The hover text for ingredients when crafting a glass vial still says 100 glass even though you updated it to 50.


will fix thanks !


Several people are reporting that once they have found a legendary item, they can no longer fully log into the game, giving errors at line 144 of engine.js. We've had them ctrl+F5 and it hasn't fixed it! Someone said there might have been a typo in the ID.


I'll be fixing this right away. Thank you for the help !


http://puu.sh/hvOey/aef6ff5557.jpg self explanatory




this happens in the sell field aswell, its pretty annoying


So a few bugs to note with the newest update (April 28) * The Sawmill's resources required is still off, but it takes the correct amount (still)... * Now the Bronze Furnace and Mining Drills are having similar "sawmill" issues... * Emeralds don't appear in the new alphabetical market listings... I've seen in the chat people say they have posted one, but it never shows up... * Thank you for fixing the 2 for 1 furnace bug and the >100% bug, but it still only gives 148ish when asking for 150 (with Silver furnace)...


i tried to log in and got this message Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/1040): Too many connections in /home2/smitty/public_html/online/php/SQLconnection.php on line 3 Failed to connect to MySQL: (1040) Too many connections Warning: mysqli::prepare(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home2/smitty/public_html/online/php/SQLfunctions.php on line 17 Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in /home2/smitty/public_html/online/php/SQLfunctions.php on line 18


Drills validation check looks for 50 bronze bars when the recipe only requires 25


I know my furnace is efficient, but [this is ridiculous!](http://i.imgur.com/UUEIY6S.png)


Its been doing that since the start of the game. Ive had mine go to around 130% one time


Lately Ive been getting logged off repeatedly in a day. Im not sure If farming or the furnace has anything to do with it but whenever I do anything with those 2 things I find myself logged out. My last log out took less than an hour to log me out and im not too sure why. It hasn't done this until very recently but it is very aggravating.


Ok, I think I know the source of the problem. I'll fix it first thing when I can


Thank you smitty. I am enjoying this game a lot. I know there are bugs but im glad this is working for the most part and Its very enjoyable.


in the online browser based version the titanium drills claim to require level 20 crafting but I have crafted them at level 15


thanks for the bug submit ill be fixing this


> Post all the bugs only for diamond hunt ONLINE


what does that mean? I am playing Diamond Hunt and it's online because I can't play it offline...




so the separate version is a standalone app that you run on your PC is the online? but the one you have to run in a browser while online is the offline version? I think I've gone cross-eyed ;-)


There are two separate Diamond Hunt games... Diamond Hunt Idle and Diamond Hunt Online... Diamond Hunt Online you must be online as all of the number crunching calculations are run server side and thus you need to be online to even play the game... Diamond Hunt Idle, while you still have to be online to access it, you could theoretically lose internet service halfway into your playtime experience and you'll still be on the page playing because the number crunching calculations are run on the player's end... also because your cache memory saves your data on your computer, you actually never have to be online at all... So despite being on the internet, it truly is an offline game, you just need to be online that split second to initially load the page... that's it... Hope this helps...


Thank you. That helps immensely.


put up 7 silver furnaces on market, someone bought one and all furnaces disappeared


Earlier today, I had several plants ready to harvest. When I harvested the plant on my third harvesting plot (dotted green, I believe, may have been regular green, I forget), it should have given me enough exp to level but the pop-up for leveling never appeared. I didn't think much of it and harvested another plant and then got the pop-up and leveled. BUT, now I can't use my third farming plot at all. Any time I click on it, nothing happens. I followed the instructions exactly as listed in the fix that Raven posted here https://docs.google.com/document/d/10k2T_K2jdgOspyzrwrDXaEs8IrqWdelmoLRFcV6VbEw/edit and they did not solve the problem for me. I have tried on multiple browsers on multiple computers in multiple locations and have done ctrl+f5 on them all, nothing seems to work.


So, some bugs with trading... I know I've definitely lost money in it. I put 1 million oil for 1 coin each and only got 950,000 back. When trying to choose what to sell, there is some kind of glitch where it will revert back to oil with the numbers reverted back to 0. I don't know if it's a bug, but some people don't see my stuff when I put something in the market. It's probably just people buying it as soon as I put it up. I still have to talk to you about my 6th plot not being able to plant anything. That can be taken care of this weekend when I'm done my final exam. lol EDIT: Also, I think I may have duplicated my copper....I put up 3 million copper into the market, and then when I took them out, I now seem to have over 6 million....I can't be sure, though, because I wasn't paying too much attention to it.


I don't think you duped the copper, it goes up really fast naturally. Are you able to reproduce the other bugs?


I dunno, my copper and tin are usually around the same amount, but maybe you're right. The losing money when selling and the selling glitch that makes it difficult to add stuff to the market can definitely be reproduced. EDIT: Okay, you're probably right about the copper.


I was able to reproduce the bug for not getting the correct coins back. My current trade for 32'000 Tin @ 6 each should have got me 192k but I only got 177k. I haven't collected the coins if that'd help you look at it on your end.


I just sold 1 million oil for 3 coins each and I only got 30,000 coins back. Also haven't collected it in case you need an extra profile to look at, Smitty. EDIT: Someone did a little experiment and found out that it's the last transaction that you can collect if someone only buys some of it.


oh and to add something small to this. The icon for when you are selling gold ore is the icon for copper ore. http://gyazo.com/2be8e8265f9d9aac1a19b6876c110211


The furnace frequently just randomly stops working. The progress bar reaches a certain point and then just halts right there. Only way to fix it is to stat a new job all over again. You can try refreshing the browser, logging off and logging back on, nothing seems to make it budge. It'll just sit there frozen at the same spot, never moving even after a few hours of waiting. You lose whatever oil you "invested" in the previous job and have to start over.


This usually happens when you log off whilst you're smelting. I don't know of any fixes but yes, I experienced this aswell


When you list an item for sale in the player store, the green box still says Items for Sale: None at the top. While browsing and filtering the items to buy in the player store, your filter will periodically be reset and will be broken until you back out of the store then re-enter it.


I am having trouble creating an account. Tried making one, name taken. Typed new name, name taken. Typed random letters and the name was still taken. How? I tried ten times and gave up.


I just made an account, it seems fine :O


I finally made one, but it was weird how many attempts i did.


When you're cutting wood, you get 500 planks regardless of what you type in the box. Want to cut 1 plank? Here, have 500. Want to cut 10? 500 planks coming right up. Want to cut 499? We'll give you the 500th free. Smelting has similar issues. Whatever number you type in, you're gonna get the max your oven supports.


Will look into this! Thanks


Re the furnace, have you typed in the amount you wanted THEN clicked on the ore? Double check that is the case as I have made this mistake before. I always get the right amount of bars crafted, but the progress bar is buggy and you usually get 1 extra ore than bars you put in.


Very possible, but either way that's a usability bug.


I've found that if I put in a small number I usually get that number plus one... but if I put in 150 (the silver furnace max), I'll only get 140-148-ish... definitely not 151 that would logically make sense...


Hmm, haven't made it to silver furnace yet so I haven't encountered that issue, what a weird bug though, no consistent logic to be found in your described results.


I've only actually tested it three times but each time I got less than the 150 asking... but it's still better than babysitting it every few seconds asking for one at a time...


Smitty, I just crafted a silver furnace when my crafting level is only 23 when it should be 25. Just thought you should know.


Thank you for the info !


The flint and quartz doesn't give you any money when selling...


I bought a Crusher and when binding it to my "key items" the popup said "Sawmill"


Donor zaggeh: Sometimes when harvesting a crop I'll disconnect. Donor zaggeh: I just hope I still got exp for it. Donor [Mod] zack: Pop it in the bug thread if you're on reddit What happened: Clicked on my dotted green leaf plant when it said ready to harvest, immediately got disconnected. Not sure what the cause is or how to reproduce, same thing happened last night with one of my lime green leaf plants too. I know it's not much of a bug report and pretty hard to track down, sorry.


Thanks for the info !


Yeah I have had the same thing happen, random disconnects when harvesting plants it seems. Not sure why this random thing is though.


Not a huge annoyance/bug, but I obtained [100% experience] (http://i.imgur.com/iP5foo8.png) for my next level and I did not advance a level. I needed to go beyond 100% to advance, which was a bit strange.


I can confirm this. If you need 8 xp to level up, you need one more to advance to the next level.


In case you don't see this bug in the in-game chat: Donor zaggeh: Hmm... Smitty, I planted 4 lime green leaf seeds before I said goodnight, then went to take a shower, then came back and all four were ready, it was definitely not an hour and a half. Plus even though I harvested them and got exp points, I didn't get an actual item in my inventory from the harvest.


will fix ! thanks !


when I lack the resources (gold) to build a crusher no message shows up


* So farming is buggy. I just had my plant go from "Growing" to "dead" when i was told by other people that it should say "harvest". Ok so i got 1 to harvest but 2 others died before even saying harvest. * I can also replace a already growing seed on accident. If there is a seed in a plot can there be a "are you sure" message?


* So I figured out its not a bug... you made farming a harvest/death chance game... * Plants should not be this way. They should always have a 100% chance (99% if you want it to be realistic) to be harvested and if it takes too long to do that THEN they should die. * When i did 7 plants only 1 i got to harvest(1/7 chance), when i did 3 more all 3 of them got harvested because of the chance thing. Right now my plants are up to 4/10 chance rate. * Also instead of 30 minutes they take 50-60 minutes to actually do something. * This chance thing for the plants really pisses me off and i think its because i know i have terrible luck when it comes to anything.


This game is very unique compared to other games, I personally am glad smitty is basing the game off RNG rather than following the same style of every other game




Firstly, this thread is for DH Online bugs, your issue is with DH Idle. Secondly, you do need deeper tunnels for blood crystals, they are for the charming potion, not the TNT potion.


Thanks, don't know what I was thinking, which would probably sum up 99% of these bugs :p. Feel free to delete your reply.


The chat box seems a bit broken in firefox http://i.imgur.com/3mV3eY1.png


ctrl shift r, or ctrl f5


thank you, that happened for me on chrome too and I thought it was supposed to be like that.


All the stuff for a crusher was taken from my inventory when I tried to make it, but I never received it. Also weird looking blocky things in my inventory that say they're seeds when you hover over them.


Switching from Firefox to Chrome made the Crusher appear in my inventory. And now there's only ONE weird seed block when before there were like 5....


I had a weird graphics bug (forgot to screencap) on firefox where the seed icons were in a vertical line in the middle of my screen. I also had a problem when crafting the new Crusher where it would not show up in my inventory. I was able to fix both of these by clearing my cache. I know the patch was just released (about an hour before this post) but I have yet to find a single seed. Not sure if the seeds show up in your inventory or your farm tab, which still says that seeds are not implemented yet. Quick question about the near future, when will we receive more ways to obtain oil? With the addition of the Crushers we have to stock up on oil before we can use them.


The seeds wuill appear into your inventory, so you should be able to get them.


https://i.imgur.com/pbB76ml.png This is what my inventory looks like for a split second before it actually loads anything. Once everything is loaded it doesn't display any seeds in my inventory. I am currently on firefox but I also tried on opera and it's the same story. Someone in the april 8 patch thread has a picture of their inventory where the seed is missing the box around it's icon.


Very wierd, I'l be releasing a patch tomorow


Got my first diamond yesterday but the stats page still says 0. Could it be because I put it in my hammer? And what will happen to it if I replace it? I would assume it bounces back to the inventory but I dont wanna risk destroying it by trying other gems. Also, I still dont get any gold for selling planks.


smittyy has said [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/31h487/diamond_yay_or_maybe_not/cq1hkmo) that the diamonds produced not showing on the stats page will be fixed in the next patch. Gems attached to the hammer do not come back to the inventory. If you attach another one, you will just lose the first gem.


it will indeed destroy the diamond if you replace it.


Thank you for the swift reply and for another great game!


Making planks has a weird timing thing. when I make 10 or less it ends up giving me around 10-15 but when i make 500 it gives me 450-490. I have no idea why this happens and it doesn't really matter right now, but it might be a big problem in the future depending what planks are used for.


it's impossible to play the game for me, i made a account (i tried it with multiple accounts) and even though it said "server online", when i logged in, it kicked me out, and it keeps kicking me out EVERY time i log in, sure i can be there for 4 seconds, BUT THAT IS NO TIME TO PLAY A GAME


What browser are you using? If your browser doesn't support websockets it will always kick you out


google chrome, and i thought the main source was cookies... weird... i was just eating cookies XD


When i sell planks, i get no money. I cant se price for emerald.


I've was able to generate one diamond, but the stats page still lists 0 for "Total Diamonds Generated By You:"


smittyy has said that this will be fixed with the next patch. :)




Yeah I noticed that too. One time I swear I saw it at 17 hours but then the next time I saw it it was at 3. maybe its the time of smitty's timezone? Or maybe it really is bugged.


the wood chipper bar remained after it was done


Not sure if it's a bug but the furnace progress bar only shows after the first bar has been smelted.


Are gems supposed to have a set price or are they supposed to be blank? https://i.imgur.com/q88jmtH.png


Farmers have no price listed. I bought a bunch of farmers and my money went down, but they don't show up in my inventory.


really, try hitting ctrl f5 ? :O


Already tried that. Just tried it again. They aren't showing up in the key items tab at all, and on the Hire NPC Worker screen, thre is a coin icon underneath their picture but no amount listed. It let me buy a bunch anyway (and I was able to see my money going down), but nothing else seemed to happen.


Ok I'm going to try to fix this right away


Looks fixed, thanks!


My name in the game is zaggeh if you need to look at my account data for any reason. Thanks.


So, I'm pretty sure this is something you can change pretty easily! http://imgur.com/5zqic8w Them ore! :D


The furnace progress bar is longer than the actual bar (and screen.) [As shown here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3LNiZ7qyrD8R281N2pXeVdKZkk/view?usp=sharing)


I can't craft an Iron Furnace to save my life. I have the requirements. It wants 250 iron bars, 50000 stone, and 1 Bronze Furnace. I click, click, click, click on the Iron Furnace. I've clicked just about every pixel and nothing ever happens. I know it's registering my clicks because if I try to buy something else I get an error saying I don't have the right resources. But I can't buy an iron furnace. If I click it, I don't get the furnace, nor do I get an error message. Just nothing. I've tried hard refreshing the page, closing the browser and re-opening, logging out and back in, everything. No iron furnace for me.


Is the bronze furnace in your inventory or is it bound? You need a fresh, unbound bronze furnace in your inventory to craft the iron one.


I never would have thought of that. I did the same thing for a while and gave up.


> You need a fresh, unbound bronze furnace in your inventory to craft the iron one. Well, that's good to know. I feel like I should still get the message saying I don't have the right gear to build it, though. It's kind of counter intuitive to need a fresh furnace to build the new one, but thanks for telling me that.


Im glad I'm not the only one that thinks this way.


i cant craft with my iron furnace


When i refreched my game its resetted my game :( and now i cant seme to get any ores ? What can i do ? im stuck


that means the server went down. Once it comes back up you will get everything back.


The silver furnace doesn't work, when i crafted it my iron oven, stones and silver bars disappeared, but the silver furnace didn't show up in my inventory. But I did get the exp so I have that going for me, which is nice...


Can you add number of online users before log in? It gives a pretty nice information if game is working :D


In addition to the planks and gold that have been previously reported, you also don't get any money from selling any of the bars. Copper, Iron, Silver, or Gold bars all do not give money when sold.


and server is back down... why does it go down so much?


The game's been out for three day, I'm working really hard on fixing the crashing.


it goes down so much because it is a beta version. it is up to the test so that smittyy'll find all the bugs and fix them, so just to stand out


Dev said in [another thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/30vrpe/server_problems_major_bug/) that there is a server overloading issue that happens after a few hours of use. He said fixes are coming though, so hopefully it will become a bit more stable soon.


A little while after that he made [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/30vbqd/a_fix_has_been_released_for_the_server_overload/) saying a fix was made. Or maybe he was lying 0_0


Different overload I believe, I think that thread was related to [this issue](http://www.reddit.com/r/DiamondHunt/comments/30unof/diamond_hunt_online_bug_thread/cpw0ad4) where people already logged in could play but anyone trying to log in after the login server overload got that error. Too many overloads to keep track of. The joys of beta testing.