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Question for you, about how diamonds are generated. There are two methods that I can think of for how you could randomly generate them. 1. Every second, the server generates a random number between 1 and 1,000,000. If the result is a "1", that means a diamond is generated. At random, the server chooses one person who is logged in at that moment to award the diamond to. 2. Each player, while they are logged in, generates a random number every second. If that result is a "1", that player is awarded a diamond. Each player has a 1/1,000,000 chance per second, independent of any other player. If method #1 is used, that means hardly anyone will see a diamond because *not only* would you need to be logged in when the diamond is generated, but you *also* have to win a *second* random number drawing to choose your account to award the diamond to. Method #2 would be fair. Method #1 would be unfair. I've logged 31 days, 15 hours of time and have yet to see a single diamond. I'm just wondering if I am profoundly unlucky, or if the system is set up unfairly.


You are indeed profoundly unlucky, as method 2 is what has been implemented. That said, a lot of players with 20+ days have also not seen a single diamond. Hang in there bud


I don't think it's #1 unless that second RNG is only between those who have bought the Gem Finder... because not everyone has bought one yet... I believe it's #2 but it may not be 1/1M every second, but every tick rather... and because you have to buy at least one minor to start the game (and nothing more if you're patient until you can buy the gem finder), I also believe that RNG is tied to the minor rather than any piece of oil consuming machinery...


basically, no matter how much machinery or miners you have..the chance of getting a gem is not altered. That means having a maxed account vs having only 1 miner, you still have the same chance of getting a gem. I'll add this in the wiki


So, I was right...? As long as you have one minor (manditory) and the gem finder the RNG slowly decides if the odds of certain gems are added to your inventory AKA "mined"... Question though: Is it a separate RNG for each gemstone, it would have to be right... Isn't that pretty demanding on the server with 200+ players, potentially five separate RNGs every tick...


> Isn't that pretty demanding on the server with 200+ players, potentially five separate RNGs every tick... There are thousands of RNGs ticks per player. It is not something that is demanding to the server. There are many more aspects of the code that is forces the server's cpu to go up. (Constantly saving into the DB possibly?)


If i didn't spend any diamonds I would have 3 by now, and someone did have 3 diamonds, but must have spent them


Me, I've used 3. Rake, Hammer & Chest.


Time Played 33 days, 2:37:59 Total Diamonds Generated By You: 4 First one went in my hammer (before farming was implemented) Second one went into my rake (day 1 of farming!) Last 2 went into treasure chest keys.


This *is* fun! More, please!


I have 7 atm :D

