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Agreed! Can you make it a tooltip popup when hovering over the exp bars?


A hover or just the numbers below the bars all the time, I'm happy with either.


I agree with this as well... I feel incremental games should have numbers to work towards (like ulric said)... and the top 20 list on the stats page will better show who the top 20 is... Having a tooltip (like zaggeh said) for the top ribbon bar thing would be cool too (for looking up how many points you need regardless of what tab you're in), but bring back the old stats tab/page too... I like stats...


I love to see EXACTLY how much XP I need to access next level because I love numbers. BRING BACK THE NUMBERS ! You can just add a little window that pop when our cursor pass over the XP bar just like we pass over the icon beside the level where we can read "crafting level". Thanks for your listening Oh Great Smitty !


I'll be bringing back the top 20 in hiscores, and the numbers aswell for the xp. Updates today


The system works!