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Not ALL of if I'd say - man talks a liiittle bit too kinky for the last one (and having a saggy butt implies having a butt to begin with, which I'm skeptical about šŸ¤­). But the general gist of this post? Oh boy yeah. So much.


Authority: "As if remembering he is, in fact, a decorated lieutenant and not a naughty boy." Electrochemistry: "Though these two things aren't mutually exclusive..."


Diligent boys remember where they left off...


"He [Harry] likes to be thrashed like a school boy"


"You wouldn't be able to hear if he were wearing anal beads"


Reaction Speed **\[Challenging: Failure\]**: Logic **\[Easy: Success\]**: "You've seen Kim go to the bathroom twice today, there's no way he'd keep it sanitized to his standards the whole time." Visual Calculus **\[Formidible: Success\]**: "His jacket, the lump there, he says it's designed for a baton, but he's never used one, and it's too small for that to be true... but a perfect match for the one you saw at Roy's."


"We are a very forward-thinking group!" - Student Communists, after assuming Harry and Kim are in a gay BDSM cop romance.


Savoir Faire: ā€œLooks like someone has an off-the-record appointment withā€¦ā€ *Puts on glasses* ā€œInternal affairs. Yeaaahhh!ā€ *Cue rock guitar*


Holy shit lmao I've succeeded those checks on like 3 playthroughs, how am I only understanding this now? DEAD.


When Electrochem isn't talking about drugs or alcohol, it's talking about women's bodies, and when it isn't talking about women's bodies it's talking about Kim or masturbation.


All of this just makes him cooler




If someone has plastic on their couch, they live in a state of fear so paralysing I'm baffled that they even go outside


This, of course, makes their mere presence outside of their house a feat worthy of awe


damn I leave the plastic on furniture and I don't go outside I never gave it much thought though


You need to be friendlymaxxing. You need to be speaking to strangers in public situations unprompted. You should appear as a congenial and disarming gnome-adjacent random encounter. You need to be having a radius of interaction creating a vortex of that sucks aloof and cavalier would-be enemies into a whimsical chat they'll be baffled and delighted by. The plastic on the furniture is killing you. Liberate yourself from the shackle of EZ-CLEAN safety and ascend to high-risk amicable cozyness.


Fluttered my heart more too


Odd to see what peopleā€™s frame of reference for ā€œcoolā€ is. Would they prefer if he was like crushing ass left and right and ripped or something? His methodical and levelheaded nature is exactly what makes him the capable and awesome juxtaposition to Harry. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s like some demi-god thatā€™s not how people work.


Looking good and competent compared to Harry is easy, itā€™s bowling against a guy with no arms. People tend to see Kim as being a deity of intelligence, sensibility, logic and skill, but a big part of that is that he is a largely normal person when compared to the train wreck that you spend the most time with in the game. The point is to take the piss out of Kim, just because heā€™s better than Harry doesnā€™t make him the best, itā€™s an easy comparison. Itā€™s funny if Kim himself was actually lame despite this perception


Very few people have the patience and level-headedness of Kim though. That's admireable.


Not actually very true. Harry is the best detective of precinct 41, he's way above the 90nth percentile for clearing cases. Of course, there's the whole massive hungover, emotional desecration and retrograde amnesia, but flashes of the excellent detective he was, come through often, like the bullet check. Kim is also described as "Precinct's 57 finest". He has a reputation beyond his own station, and even at the legendary 41 itself. He may be simply a lieutenant, and not a double-yefreitor, but it's clear he's an extremely competent and well respected officer of the RCM. All in all, neither are your average police officers. After all, this is a very important case, as shown by an Esprit de Corps check, where Captain Pryce notes down "IN MARTINAISE, LOOKING INTO KRENEL". It's fair to assume Harry was already briefed on the mercs before forgetting about them.


A lot of fans really do seem to underestimate Harry because you enter into the game at what's almost certainly his lowest point and are given ample opportunities to flagrantly disregard the case, his own well-being, and basic human decency, but between the various feats you're able to pull off using some variation of his skillset (Shivers in the rain, Logic white check in the church, Composure red check when interrogating the Hardy Boys, literally anything with Visual Calculus) and all the things you learn about him while combing through Martinaise (*double*-yefreitor, *DOUBLE*), it eventually becomes obvious how he's managed to get away with being such a belligerent bastard cop: Harry's not just a great detective, *he is the goddamned human can-opener.* And what I find so remarkable about Kim, and why he seems so cool to us despite being the biggest dork on paper, is that he is so level-headed, pragmatic (especially wrt doing his job), and broadly accepting of people as they are (the only real targets of his personal ire are racists, go figure) that *he sees Harry's worth more readily than anyone else in the game.* It doesn't matter how goofy Harry acts, how many drugs he takes, or even how many seemingly unrelated diversions he pursues; if you get Harry to spend any meaningful amount of time tackling what's up with the hanging corpse, Kim will see past the sad joke Harry has tried to make of himself. There's certainly a bit of "thin blue line" baggage wrapped up in that, but overall I really think he's amazing at seeing the true worth of people past all the superficial ugliness in the world.


I don't think that's fair to say. No one is going around thinking Kim is the best detective in the world, we just think he's cool exactly because of how normal he is. He's a man trying to do his job the best he can, I think most of us can relate to that. He's a positive male figure as well, he's not toxic and he's a stand-up dude. Not rich, not hot, just average all across the board. He reminds me of some teachers I had growing up, that actually cared for me and respected what I had to say when no one else did. Most people wouldn't give Harry a chance, but Kim does. Not only that, but he's open enough to build a friendship even. *That's* what makes him cool to me, not any badassery or dope one-liners.


I dunno people on here are fancasting him as Tony Leung and shit, there definitely is a notable group of fans who perceive Kim as all those things, especially hot and competent.


Oh. They're just dumb then lmao, he's competent though. Just not the best at his job. But a very good policeman regardless


Well credit where credit is due. He does indeed make a superhuman shot at one point(though luck was no doubt a factor) and he has a level of patience, composure, and organization that most people couldn't hope to achieve. Most people could not maintain dignity and control of themselves the way Kim does with the shit he goes through.


I mean say what you want about the events of the game, but canonically they are two of the best detectives in the city. Harry's case load is massive and he solves most of them, killing far fewer citizens than many officers who take on a lot less. All this in a world where crime is so rampant that they ask the vast majority of suspects to turn themselves in rather than making arrests. Also: phasmid.


This wasn't people's take all along? Kim is "so cool" because he's a loveable dork. Not in spite of it. Kim is that friend you call when your radiocomputer is broken. He'll come over, probably be helpful because he's less of an idiot than you, and you can depend on him because he's a dork and he cares. You take Kim to the club because you love him and want him to be happy. You wingman for Kim, not the other way around. You're there because you want to help him, because he's always helping you. Kim is exactly right to be Harry's friend because he's all the things Harry knows are right and worthwhile. He needs Kim's example as much as Kim needs Harry to be all the things he just can't. He's a beacon of professionalism. He's humility and grace personified. Kim was always the nerdy friend who is kinda cool because he's quietly competent and doesn't give a crap what people think. I'm surprised anyone thought different.


> This wasn't people's take all along? Yes. This is what is known as a "shitpost"


Ah, I didn't get that. Which I guess is obvious. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Harrier thinks Kimball is cool because he's non-judgmental. Of course he's a huge dork, but he's not an asshole and nothing is cooler than not being an asshole.


What? Kim is incredibly judgmental. It's his biggest self-admitted flaw. He's always lecturing people and he's not proud of it. He totally can be an asshole too. Don't get me wrong, some of the biggest tearjerker or feelgood moments in the game involve him, and he is very well written - we all know a Kim. He's pretty callous about the serious health issues you have throughout the game, (obviously the first part is necessary for player agency, but the second isn't) simultaneously takes a back seat in the investigation while tut-tutting when you don't get it right (even in cases where a good outcome wasn't possible, like the Joyce or Evrart interviews), he wants to take Pissf*****t and Fuck the world's jackets out of spite/cruelty, he mocks the shit out of Cryptozoologists, he is embarrassed as best when you punch a 12-year-old to the ground, he is openly disdainful of any extracurricular activities on the grounds that you're on duty - but you're on duty 24 hours a day for over a week. Humans need downtime or they go crazy, especially when they've got psychotraumatic amnesia and have been rejected harshly by their station, not to mention losing nearly everything and having had a possible suicide attempt as early as 8 hours prior. I could go on, but I've tried to stick to non-optional game events, or at least less esoteric ones. He's as flawed as anyone, has a bit of a mean streak, and isn't a very empathetic person in general. It's admirable that he isn't worse considering his life experiences and career, but that's not a great excuse IMO. Agreed that his dorkiness makes him cool for a cop, although he should smoke more cigarettes. One a day is lame. I'm not saying he's some monster, mind you, but Kim is worshipped in this sub, and while I get why, I think there's a lot of bias due to his deuteragonist status in DE. The game would be worse without him, and he and HDB have a great odd couple dynamic. I'll add that him being in the HOMOSEXUAL UNDERGROUND makes him cooler in my book, too.


Let's be fair here, 2 of 4 phasmid seekers are terribly racist( or 3 potentially, if you let Harry side with Measurehead), and he doesn't criticize if you break down trying to inform what'sherface that her husband got drunk and bashed his head in on a boardwalk bench. Also he plays Suzerainty with you and he's nice about your karaoke.


Yeah I'm not understating his virtues or downplaying his likeable aspects, but the dude has flaws, you know? I think it's a disservice to his character to pretend otherwise


> he should smoke more cigarettes. KIM SLANDER. Do you realise how sexy the "have enough self control to only smoke one cigarette but not enough self control to quit" is? I can just imagine getting pined down by Kim, who lost all control of himself for the f irst time and then he takes off his pants and we-


t-this makes me feel so many things


It's only slander if it's untrue. I didn't even mention the ACAB aspect either, my comment isn't a takedown. I mean sexiness is subjective. I'm more of an impulsive hedonist, personally. I'm glad you're into him tho haha


the ACAB leaving my body when I look at Kim /s


You are right but how dare you


You are right but how dare you


I dare to say what others won't because I'm incredibly brave. Maybe even a hero. I'm at least Redditor of the Year and a national treasure. Jokes aside, one of the reasons DE is so well crafted is that it makes me feel sympathetic to the cops in the game. I wonder if it's intentional. Surely it has to be.


I dunno about that lol. Did u not dig into Mr. Costeau's case log. Not exactly inspiring imo but like many things under capitalism it's far from simply a failing of character so there certainly is some degree of sympathy.


no. kimā€™s best friend is harry.


Authority [Impossible Failure]: No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!! We're his only friend, we're his only friend, we're his only friend... He wouldn't befriend anyone else, he wouldn't choose *someone else* over us, he wouldn't BETRAY US!!! Authority: Do it. Tell them how much he loves you. DO IT NOW!!! You: "Hey, *FUCK* you! He would never have a best friend that isn't ME!!" (Point at yourself and puff up your chest) Authority: Yeah, that's it, but we need to go further! Dig deeper, demand that they see the truth! Logic [Easy Success]: The truth is you're an amnesiac, alcoholic cop with severe mental health problems and dangerous attachment issues. There's no reason he'd pick you over anyone else. Inland Empire: Attachment issues? But she never left... Electrochemistry: Don't listen to this killjoy, drugs are so cool. Tell them how many drugs you do. Kim probably does drugs, too. You: Didn't he tell us that he only smokes one cigarette a night? Electrochemistry: He's cool, really cool, which means that he must do a lot of drugs. Trust me. Logic: This sort of behaviour, right here, is exactly why he wouldn't want to be your friend. Volition [Challenging Success]: Don't listen to the mean puzzle man, Harry. Kim has stuck around with you this long. He must have his reasons. Esprit De Corps: In the driver's seat of a Coupris Kineema, Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi rests his hands on the steering levers, braking at the stop light. "I should try to get back to my partner, as soon as possible." He stares into the distant road, tapping his fingers on the static levers. "I don't doubt his ability as a detective, even if his approach... can seem a little contrived..." His hands move the levers and push the motorcarriage back into mobility. He sighs, "He always seems to get results, somewhere down the line and that record *is* impressive, even if it's hard to see below all of his... *personal problems*" He pauses, hesitating before reassuring himself. "He can do it, I'm sure of it. Whether he's the 41st's finest or not, he's all I've got... and I'm all he's got, too." Authority: Shut up and stay on topic, you idiots! Double down, DAMMIT!! You: Do I really need to? Authority: I don't know, do you "need" to *breathe*, idiot?! DO IT NOW!!! You: Kim and I are close friends. We care so much about it each other. Drama [Easy Success]: Sire, beseech them further, delve into all your harrowing sorrows and convince them beyond doubt that him and you are brothers of different mothers. Add more oomph! Authority: Keep going further!! You: Kim and I are like non-maternal brothers. Our connection is so *deep* and our bond is so strong. Empathy [Medium Success]: Tell them how much *you* care about him, you are partners after all. He would die for you. You: He's the nicest, kindest, smartest and coolest cop - no man! - that I've ever met!! He's such a good person and no one respects him as much as I do!!! (Point at yourself, again, and shake your head incoherently) Composure [Medium Failure]: Nope, you can't stop it. It's happening. You're crying now. Sucking air and snot through your nose and letting out choked whimpers and a flurry of tears. Inland Empire[Easy Success]: There's no stopping it now. You have to say it, you know you have to. You: His... s-soul is so... so vast... and I'll... I *will* always... come back to it...!! Authority [Trivial Success]: This is pathetic. We were meant to convince them that Kim was our best friend and now look at you. Crying like a... Worthless Little BABY!!! Physical Instrument: This is embarrassing. Man the fuck up and stop crying. You: (Blubber unintelligibly about the vastness of Kim's soul). The Random Citizen You Harrased: Uh... I'm gonna go... sorry for... bothering you?? Officer...? Are you okay? Composure [Medium Success]: Don't look at them. Just straighten your back and, inconspicuously, walk. Like a normal person who *didn't* just have a complete mental breakdown over whether their partner liked them or not. Esprit De Corps [Trivial Success]: Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi takes a nervous look out his Kineema's windows as he rounds the bend to a straight stretch of road. Seeing that the coast is clear, he relaxes his grip and switches his radio to speedfreak FM. As the sound booms through his speakers, he can't help but wonder, "Will he have done anything stupid while I'm gone, or rather anything *particularly* stupid?" A short sigh, "No, I have to have more faith in him if we're to continue the investigation as partners." "After all, how much damage could he possibly do in the space of a few hours?" He smiles, slightly, to himself and lets out a quiet chuckle before turning up the volume of his radio.




I'm not reading all that, but i'll give you my upvote


this is impressive but you must be actually fucking insane to have written all that




Huge dorks are sexy as hell.


Doesn't he drive a fast car


Okay but there's drive a fast car (cool) (lives dangerously) (flashing wealth) and drive a fast car (dorky) (knows a special-interest-amount about how cars and engines in general function) (personal expression of earnest interest). Doesn't the game literally describe him as a "torque dork?" Note: as with most of the thread, I'm using "cool" as it is used stereotypically, not what I find appealing


Yeah but not in a cool way, in like a middle aged divorced dad way.


He's a twink after 30 what did you expect? He's a dead man walking


Kim befriending an elderly immigrant with dementia is cool, sorry


Kim is ma boy and ma boy is cool


kim and harry both have to share grundle ointment




It's what makes him cool. He genuinely does not care about being cool, he is emotionally mature.


He's definitely gratified when you say he's cool (kim points go up), he just doesn't like to admit it, which I think is endearing.


Wasn't really expecting to have my actual life attacked like this on r/DiscoElysium today


The hypersexual and familiar way self-described "fandoms" talk about their favourite characters is so fucking weird.


What's the fanbase of the piss kink & anal acrobat game supposed to do again?


Have a healthy relationship with a piece of art (Impossible)


And the healthy relationship with a text enthusiastically telling you that the pov character is into autoerotic asphyxiation would be?


Genuinely don't know what you are on about.


What does a healthy relationship with a piece of art look like, pray tell


Examples of good and bad relationships with art: Good and appropriate (to be admired): Me with any media I've ever seen Bad and degenerate: Everyone else Hope that clears it up.


It definitely does lol


same bestie


Loving the use of the term degenerate when it relates to people loving a gay male character


He's probably being sarcastic.


Thanks I appreciate it


listen, I'm not saying you're wrong but this is not exactly new. I think it's the fanfic community spilling over because of the sheer quality of the source material lol


I'm always surprised seeing people on Reddit express confusion/discomfort over it because I've always found the "overfamiliarity" online to be an integral part of people's enjoyment of these things. Creating headcanons, building on the source material, making art, and writing stories is like three-quarters of what people do online with regards to popular media, even if some of it's cringe. I just can't think of what else you could do with it otherwise - just hang around and say, "yeah, that was a good game" while briskly shaking hands, maybe.


Seriously, isn't half the point of art to inspire creativity in others


ā€œKim picks up no hoes at the barā€ well considering heā€™s part of the homosexual undergroundā€¦


no male hoes either


Well Iā€™ve head canonā€™d him as ace


He literally says he is gay


You can be both




We do know about his music taste and it's hardcore and metal AF


Oh wow, OP of the post on tumblr here: did not expect to wake up this morning and see that this had blown up on reddit lmao. Here's an addition I made over there that was made after this was posted here: Seeing a lot of people in the notes being like "this except Kim's kinky" Kim doesn't need to be kinky. Not everyone is into bdsm and that's fine. Let Kim enjoy his vanilla sex and hold Harry's hands while he cries his way through his through orgasm. On a similar topic: This post isn't saying Kim's not cool! Just that we're hyping him up too much. Let Kim be a normal middle aged man with his faults and medical maladies. Also, you can headcanon Kim however you want, this is just a fun experiment into giving Kim flaws and a rich and nuanced (but boring) inner life. He's a dweeb who's afraid of a taxidermied polar bear and giants, cmon.


how do you explain ā€œyou wouldnā€™t be able to hear if he were wearing anal beadsā€?


I mean one cigarette every night. Just one. Heā€™s cool as kelvin.


i just like kim because he's a super nice guy despite his stoic demeanor. i know he's dorky but that's what makes him a badass


If I had ended relationships when they weren't fun any more instead of waiting until they were long past their sell by dates and we full on hated each other when I was younger, I'd be in a much healthier mental state today.


Binoclard who wouldn't wear the Piss jacket no matter how much I tried


Kim isnā€™t cool because of any particular fashion choice or mannerism or body type or social position or whatever Kim is cool because of how completely self assured he seems to be, regardless of the situation. With that kind of presence of mind, Kim could pull off any look, any eccentricity, any turn of phrase. Of course, we know thereā€™s more going under that reserved exterior, but even that serves to enhance his essential ā€œcoolnessā€. He has that quality of ā€œsprezzaturaā€ - that seemingly effortless grace and nonchalance that carries through the most absurd circumstances It may or may not be deliberate that many of Kimā€™s other characteristics - gay, middle aged, balding, bad eyesight, paunch - are not emblematic of ā€œcoolnessā€ as defined by most entertainment/advertising industries around the world And if Kim were anything other than what he was - disciplined, composed, the epitome of ā€œhaving his shit togetherā€ - heā€™d come off like a nerd, or a tired old uncle. Heā€™d still be endearing, but be wouldnā€™t be ā€œcoolā€ But how heā€™s presented from our perspective, as the totally fucked up, devastatingly insecure, completely lost mess known as Harry Dubois, he is 100% coolest motherfucker on the planet. Even if Harry wasnā€™t such a total fuckup, like say, he met Kim when he was still sober, married, and a lean mean crime solving machine, he would probably still think Kim was a cool guy. The desperate circumstances only enhances that image


Literally me fr fr


I protest. Missionary is pretty kinky in the homosexual underground.


But like charm is his nerdyness


Rebuttal, no. He's confident enough to admit all. He was a fucking pilot and he defeated a skilled combat vet with decades in combat experience with invincible armor while the vet was in a good shooting position while diving and recklessly shooting. And you as the player have to Access your sense of authority hard enough to command him not to take a bullet for you after that? And if you fail, he still survives. I argue that you're wrong


Swamp crotch?


ESPRIT DE CORPS ā€” Thatā€˜s slanderous libel. AUTHORITY ā€” You should totally throw this guy in jail. HALF-LIGHT ā€” Maybe rough him up a little bit? DRAMA ā€” Those dark alleyways are full of debris. He might stumble badly.


\*Tony Stark gestures towards himself He elevates us with his stability the same way we elevate him with our rebellious spirit


Wait. Where do you learn so much details about Kim?


Most of this is not stuff from the game, it's just "fandom" people making stuff up based on his personality


Okay, so hear me out right, I've been down votes to absolute hell by saying I didn't like Kim. I'm so glad that this sub is finally talking about this. Edit: I'm so tone def with Kim kitsuragi.


i think the post is saying the exact opposite of not liking kim


For those of us who were deeply smitten with Harry, kim-fandom on the sub is ofc. unnecessary. ..but cuno doesn't give a fuck.


Damn if I dont love dorks tho...


Thatā€™s quite the head canon


Kim is cool AF despite of or even because of all those things because he is real as fuck.