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Both sides do suck. But one side sucks way more. Same both sides sucks is like saying both Tom Brady and Trent have Super Bowl rings in their careers. No one could seriously compare the two and say that they are any close to equal. But doesn’t change the basic fact that they both have rings.


Agreed. Dilfer. That defense was so fun to watch.


The game that Raven was played in the Super Bowl was probably the best game I’ve ever seen by a linebacker. Amazing.


Ray Lewis. Got MVP. Arguably the best to ever do it.


Republicans are going to get killed in down ballot elections. All the RNC money is going to trump legal bills.


As long as Trump is dragging the rest of that horrible party down with him, we should let him!


That’s my feelings. Trump bankrupts everything he touches. Let him bankrupt the RNC.


The Mierdas Touch


I watch them. They are really good.


I would like everyone to remember right before Trump got elected the first time and how so many people looked at it as an impossibility


True, dont be complacent. It can definately happen again.


Not just that but they stuck their noses up as if they were better, more educated, wiser, worldly. They’re not. OP is in for a big surprise if he keeps suppressing half the country down. It’s like no lessons were learned from 2016. But that’s always the Democratic party’s downfall. The arrogance is truly astounding.


“Suppressing half the country down?” What? Better, more educated, wiser, and more worldly than Trumpers is a pretty low bar.


There it is again. You never learn.


Yeah, I know, we’re supposed to pretend they’re decent and intelligent so we don’t hurt their feelings. There was no excuse for them in 2016, let alone now. The only thing wrong with Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” line is that she didn’t say all.


Suit yourself. Doomed.


a better narrative is strike while the iron is hot. even if its an impossibility for trump to win, this is a golden opportunity to really go further than just a presidential election. complacency means lack luster results even if they go our way. we want more. we want the house the senate and the presidency. in every state possible. we want the republican's party annihilated so bad that they have to close up shop and the dems become the new right wing party without shifting their policies right. while that isn't going to happen. striking that far will get us quite a bit further.


There’s a problem with this theory. If it was true, the entire history of America would have been different. However, most people do not elect presidents over some political issue. The vote is emotional and they vote for “us” vs “them”. Trump is the best example of this crazy pattern. And the more he gets criticized by democrats, the more his base gets consolidated, more solidified. It has nothing to do with Trump’s terrible behaviors. As such, nobody can forecast the November elections result.


That’s not at all how Trump supporters and Republicans work. They will vote for Trump no matter what… that was a done deal in 2015.. They don’t care about the truth, they don’t care about what Republicans do.. Republicans and trump could literally take away Social Security specifically from the elderly and they would be OK with it and still vote for him. They’re just ignorant people. Nothing more.


So how is that different from what I posted? But more importantly, how does it relate to the OP?


And this is exactly why Hillary lost. Name calling. Assumptions. Putting his supporters down. It will happen again and you would have learned zero lessons from your very recent mistakes.


The problem is that Trump is openly vile. His supporters like that? Are we just supposed to be ok with his message of hatred and contempt? His open corruption? His complete inability to speak the truth? His open racism? His open misogyny? His mocking and open contempt for veterans and those killed in action? His mocking of sexual assault victims? His mocking of the disabled? His calls to violence? Unfortunately there is a point where the difference is just too large.


Biden is openly vile. Remember when he said anyone being mean would be immediately fired? He’s vile. His hatred for half the country is palpable. His corruption with Ukraine/Hunter is presented and ignored because of politics. “A racial jungle”/“you ain’t black”/ “blacks and Hispanics are too poor and dumb to obtain a drivers license”. He raped Tara Reade and you again ignored it, but believe all women. Biden killed the Afghanistan 13 as well as all those killed by illegal aliens. He rescued a WNBA player and traded her in for a terrorist, while leaving a father behind in Russia. Let’s not pretend Biden isn’t all of those things and more. The party loves to make excuses for Biden but hold Trump accountable for the exact same thing. But go off. This is the exact behavior that got you Trump in 2016. You go off.


That's not it at all. Trump supporters are gonna vote Trump no matter what. It doesn't matter whether they get called names or not. Hillary lost because too many Bernie Sanders supporters decided to not vote at all rather than vote for Hillary. The thousand of people who wrote in a dead gorilla for their presidential pick didn't help either. It didn't have anything to do with calling Trump's dumbass supporters names though. They're gonna be dipshits no matter what.


The people that vote Trump do so for two reasons, and ONLY two reasons: 1. Trump is against abortion 2. Ignorance That’s it. There is nothing more. Trump isn’t even against abortion I don’t think. He only says that because he’s a grifter and serial liar who knows the evangelical vote only cares about that one issue. It’s pretty pathetic because those demographics are outnumbered, but part of his playbook is to convince people that voting is rigged in the hope that enough people stay home instead of casting ballots. Hillary lost because sane people looked at the choices and said “she got this” and stayed home. Trump only wins if the sane people stay home again.


the gaslighting here is unbelievable lol. I think Biden will win, but it's not going to be by a large margin. There are a lot of independents that aren't happy with him. But a lot of those people would vote for anybody over Trump.


“Typically, prosecutors and defense lawyers alike try to keep lawyers off juries, fearing heightened scrutiny from members of their own profession. But in a Manhattan jury pool that is largely seen as unfavorable to the former president, Trump’s legal team might see a silver lining in having lawyers on the jury. “They’re not emotional thinkers,” said Galina Davidoff, a Chicago-based trial consultant. “The profession requires them to do analysis, and emotional thinkers get more easily swayed by the side that goes first, that tells a good story.” [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/18/trump-trial-jury-lawyers-00152839](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/18/trump-trial-jury-lawyers-00152839)


Regardless of partisanship, whataboutism will be the end of us all


Republicans' current bills, called the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act, the Liberty in Laundry Act, the Affordable Air Conditioning Act, the Clothes Dryer Reliability Act, the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act, and the Refrigerator Freedom Act,


You can't make this shit up!!!!!!


Holy fuck its real! How you can know this and still be a Republican is beyond me. MAGA dumbfucks will suck any dick with the words patriot or freedom on it.


The stupid part is that Congress is regulating home appliances in the first place.


I don't understand why more people aren't bothered by this?


Both sides suck so I'm not fully convinced Biden will win.


Hehehe, oh, you’re actually being serious…….let me laugh even harder! Democrats implement policies doubling gas prices and then tell people they’re bringing them down. Democrats open the border causing a massive crisis and tell people the border is secure. Democrats flood the economy with excess liquidity causing inflation and tell people it’s transitory and coming down. The list is almost endless. Sorry but facts are stubborn things and the people aren’t stupid.


Every single Republican in Congress voted against the Inflation Reduction Act. If Republicans in Congress get their way, prices will go up .


They voted against it because it wouldn't have done shit to actually reduce inflation.


Prove it. MAGA talk is cheap.


[Here's your proof](https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Economics-Thomas-Sowell/dp/0465060730/)


Lol, magas are all pathetic 🤣


I agree but that is irrelevant to this conversation.


Your answer is do nothing?


No, my answer is to balance the budget and abolish the Federal Reserve.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Basic Books Basic Economics', 'Basic%20Books')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Clear and easy to understand (backed by 3 comments) * Great introduction to economics (backed by 3 comments) * Highly recommended for beginners (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks proper references and citations (backed by 1 comment) * Presents a biased and one-sided perspective (backed by 5 comments) * Not a comprehensive introduction to economics (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Yikes did you really just copy paste a tweet word for word? It really shows just how incapable you are of forming a single thought for yourself 😔




Hehehe, the IRA was actually an inflation increasing act. When you stimulate the demand side of the economy before you increase supply, inflation is guaranteed! This is economics 101.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


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Yes there are some differences between left and right, but they both suck. Both sides are actively working together to drain the economy of all its money and take our tax dollars. Abortion and gas prices don’t really matter when there’s no jobs and no affordable housing.


>Democrats wanted to keep gas prices down, republicans voted against it. Voted against what? Congress doesn't determine gas prices, except to the extent that they tax the everloving shit out of it, in which case it has always been Democrats voting to raise prices. >Republicans stripped women of pregnancy rights There is no such thing as "pregnancy rights". What you really mean is that Reps are putting restrictions on murdering unborn babies. >Republicans spew hate speech that puts my friends and family in danger. Speech never put anyone in danger, dumbass. >The economy has done well under Democratic leadership in my lifetime, and substantially worse under Republican leadership. Misleading/irrelevant. Economic policies take a long time (often decades) for their full effects to manifest. >The choice is clear. Vote for sanity, humanity, and personal well being. Vote Democrat. Look, dear, you can do one or the other, but you can't do both. Third party all the way.


More delusions 🙄


The GOP certainly lost its way by embracing Trump. I wish they would select another candidate, but I think the real question is why do so many people like Trump? I just can't wrap my head around it.


I wish they would pick someone else as well. They might actually have a chance if they did.


We're more alike than not at the level of humanity... but the particular sect of the party that Trump represents seems to have come upon a worrying cynicism and a ruthlessness that's better not directed at one's countrymen at all. I can't speak to why the party holds to what it does of late. We've seen a horrid slide and often it's because of what they've done... I wonder what it is. What must those who lied about the core belief they have believe, that would make leaving people destitute just fine and hobbling the country where once it were easy to prosper. Sometimes as simple back then as just having a job. I doubt it's all classified... That's too easy an excuse. ... I don't get why they put themselves here. Trickle down is bullshit that hurts people, yet Reagan's lionized? And when a conservative (albeit a democrat one) balances the budget... he's some kind of monster for the high crime of a single vice, with people who would put a madman - one I know of no less - full of far worse on a podium? ... Gonna be honest, I think it gets ugly before it gets better right now. But God damn... I want to know the real reason. Right wrong, or secret for a reason, I can't help but suppose that there's gotta be something out there that could finally make it make sense? But until it does, and while I see the kinds of deliberate manipulations I'm seeing, I'm not with em. Because a lot if their platform, isn't, real? And I just don't understand why someone does that to themselves...?


"Its the economy, stupid!"


im so god damn sick of this lefty bait not a single thing youve put here is an original thought, i can see you reading and copy pasting tweets here i hate to break your reality, but democrats arent going to serve you just because you bend over and spread your cheeks for them both sides are the same in the ways it matters, they both manufacture made up culture war trash to distract you while they serve their corporate donors. This is nothing new Im so sick of this vote blue no matter who intellectually bankrupt drivel you seriously rival maga in your lack of thought, and people like you are why progressive change will never happen


Punctuation and grammar are your friends.


would you care to engage with my points, or are we so far apart that its a moot endeavor?


What points did you make?


im so god damn sick of this lefty voter shaming bait this guy just quoted what hillary said on that talk show last week not a single thing youve put here is an original thought, i can see you reading and copy pasting tweets here i hate to break your reality, but democrats arent going to serve you just because you bend over and spread your cheeks for them both sides are the same in the ways it matters, they both manufacture made up culture war trash to distract you while they serve their corporate donors. This is nothing new Im so sick of this vote blue no matter who intellectually bankrupt drivel you seriously rival maga in your lack of thought, and people like you are why progressive change will never happen


Don’t underestimate republicans. They will come out to vote, same as they always do. The only way to beat them is to turn out. Keep reminding people that elections matter, the GOP can’t govern, their policies are extreme and widely unpopular, and their leader is a rapist, fraudster, soon-to-be-felon piece of garbage and maybe GOP gets shut down this election. Maybe.


I think they just like crazy.


You know what stands an actual real chance? That the Republicans lose every single election nationwide, except the uncontested seats. A shut out. The Republican negative voter numbers alone, for 2024, exceed the size of the current Republican Party, by about 2 to 1, maybe a bit more. Democrats are taking seats in districts Trump won in 2020 and Democrats are winning those elections by 30 points. The whole feel is off. From 2016 through 2020 you couldn’t go into any neighborhood in North East Texas and not see Trump signs, Trump flags, Trump stickers plastered all over the back of trucks. A veritable sea of Trump junk dotting most yards. But not today. Rarely, if ever do you see a Trump yard sign. Even the Republican campaign headquarters building doesn’t look like a growing concern at all. Every time the Republicans do something anti-democratic, unconstitutional, evil and wrong, the number of people specifically voting against the Republicans grows by millions. It’s hard, if not impossible, to overcome that.


They will deny they lost


Good deeds do not excuse bad deeds. Both sides suck. But otherwise you're right.


The Dems need to do a media blitz with a list of bills the fascists have killed and the ones they've passed. Objectively, that should do it. They have floored or passed a tsunami of bills that only hurt people financially and otherwise. Not one that helps. Not one. All cruel, punitive and antagonistic. Not sure how a person who says they can read could be okay with this agenda. The right tool shoot people and openly bigot or menace anyone you feel like has come at a devastating cost to society. I hope 2024 is the end of their reign of terror. We cannot survive as a country or society. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.


Both sides can be both unlike each other and suck BTW, but I get your overall point.


There's plenty of things to complain about when it comes to the Democratic party in the United States, but comparing them to the Republicans is like comparing a leak under your kitchen sink (D) to someone purposely attempting to flood your entire house (R).


Democrats care only about staying in power thry care nothing about people other than children being sex objects


“The $1 trillion move from $31 to $32 trillion took about eight months, and the increase from $33 trillion to $34 trillion took about 100 days.  While these numbers are bad enough, it becomes alarming knowing that another trillion dollars of debt will be added every 90 days, then 80, then 70, and in ever smaller time frames into the future.” Nothing anyone does can stop this ’train’ — Biden, Trump, Congress, whatever. So by all means vote for the criminals of your choice, the con artists in big cities rigging elections. Math is math. Oh wait…it’s white supremacy….JHC… “Currently, gross interest on the debt is roughly $1 trillion annually.  But in three years, annual interest could surpass $2 trillion.  In 10 years, interest on the debt could reach $5 trillion yearly. “


I wish you were right but no way. biden is going to get destroyed against Trump. Just by the border alone. RFK is the answer. If we spread the word he will not be a spoiler he can actually win. Do the. Research. But don't kid yourself , why didn't cannot beat trump. He has destroyed our economy, our border And Has no cognition left.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


This guy needs to pull their head out of their butt.


So, you're saying vote for Trump?


CoNsErvaTiVe BiAs In dA mEdiA 🌭🌭🌭👍🤡💩👌🏾🌭🌭🌭


Only leftists are saying both sides are the same, Republicans act like they would literally die if a Democrat was elected


The fact you'd make this post says not even you believe it. If Democrats winning was such a sure thing, you'd have better things to do than convince people to vote for the guaranteed winner.


It is a sure thing. You guys did the dumbest thing you could ever do with the Supreme Court. You’ve literally guaranteed at least 80% of young voters will vote Democrat codify roe. And this will be a direct result of you, People trying to legislate from the Supreme Court .. a factually corrupt right wing Supreme Court by the way


The polling suggests otherwise, but we'll see


I made a post on Reddit, others put ignorant skull stickers on their car, everyone expresses themselves differently.


If you have to tell people to vote Democrat, then i dont see how Republicans are going to lose big. Either you are confident or unsure. If you were the former you wouldnt have to sway votes Pick one lol.


lmao, Trump has lost women due to abortion, Independents due to adding 7Trillion to the nation debt and getting nothing out of it except tax cuts for the rich, and is losing Republican voters because of his anti-ukraine bullshit. Trump is going to lose by more than he lost the first time against Biden. Don't let social media fool you. The single mother in Iowa is happy her kids inhaler is cheaper. The 92 year old hates Putin and Russia, the 24 year olds are seeing more jobs come due to the infrastructure package that Republicans voted against.


Don’t forget, they voted against the border bill too.


I would imagine people will vote based on what effects them daily. The economy doesnt feel good because of the high inflation and high housing costs with high interest rates. These all felt fine in 2019 pre-covid. Not sure if Trump can be blamed for covid. Are people more worried about their groceries every week or the rare chance they need an abortion? Considering abortion is a state issue that Biden isnt changing i dont even see how you put that on trump himself. >The 92 year old hates Putin and Russia, I really dont understand how that hurts trump. In 2012 Obama asked president of russia medvedev for leniency on a hot mic. Russia then annexed crimea in 2014 under obama and bidens administration. Trump was elected in 2016 and was very bombastic. The collusion story was debunked. Russia did nothing until the invasion of ukraine under Biden and you somehow associate everything bad russia does as being in bed with trump. Its silly. >the 24 year olds are seeing more jobs come due to the infrastructure package that Republicans voted against. Wasnt that a bipartisan bill...? Also not sure on those job numbers tbh. Im not saying you are wrong i just dont know that ive seen many jobs which are directly attributable. But i work in software and i would expect to see some at least maybe from the chip act


> These all felt fine in 2019 pre-covid. Not sure if Trump can be blamed for covid. Neither can Biden. Covid happened, wrecked the country, and Biden was the one who had to work to clean it up **while** it was still running through the country. > The collusion story was debunked. Incorrect. > Wasnt that a bipartisan bill...? Every single Republican voted against it.


>Covid happened, wrecked the country, and Biden was the one who had to work to clean it up **while** it was still running through the country. Sure, but there are some valid criticisms of how he went about it. Especially considering the vaccine was developed prior to biden going into office. >Incorrect What?? Also glad you just ignored all that about obama and biden. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_report >>The report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities" >Every single Republican voted against it. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021369 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/10/us/politics/republicans-senate-infrastructure.html#:~:text=The%20passage%20came%20after%20weeks,in%20favor%20of%20the%20legislation. Well not every single one. Though very few.


> Sure, but there are some valid criticisms of how he went about it. Especially considering the vaccine was developed prior to biden going into office. The vaccine is a little less infected when half of the country has been convinced that it’s all a conspiracy theory. > The report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities" What did Mueller write **immediately** before that? > Well not every single one. Though very few. That’s an oopsie. For some reason my brain defaulted to the Inflation Reduction Act, which all republicans voted against.


>The vaccine is a little less infected when half of the country has been convinced that it’s all a conspiracy theory. I agree. We should mandate the vaccine. That wont make people think its even more of a conspiracy 😂 >What did Mueller write **immediately** before that? Idk, im citing wikipedia and dont care to look it up. No conspiracy or coordination according to him between trump and russia seems pretty clear to me. >That’s an oopsie. For some reason my brain defaulted to the Inflation Reduction Act, which all republicans voted against Wouldnt be surprised, im not sure how blowing more spending decreases inflation. It seems more like a climate bill than inflation bill.


> I agree. We should mandate the vaccine. That wont make people think its even more of a conspiracy 😂 I don’t believe I suggested anything of the sort? That’s beside the point entirely, also. A vaccine existing isn’t going to just undo all of the economic damage caused in 2020. > Idk, im citing wikipedia and dont care to look it up. No conspiracy or coordination according to him between trump and russia seems pretty clear to me. He found that the Trump Campaign believed it would benefit electorally by the support being offered to them by the Russian government. By accepting those offers of support, they *colluded* with Russia. Mueller’s statement merely attempts to deflect from collusion entirely. > Wouldnt be surprised, im not sure how blowing more spending decreases inflation. It seems more like a climate bill than inflation bill. Inflation has been on a downward trajectory ever since.


>I don’t believe I suggested anything of the sort? Biden did that. >That’s beside the point entirely, also. A vaccine existing isn’t going to just undo all of the economic damage caused in 2020. Yet biden was still doing things in 2021 while many states had opened. >He found that the Trump Campaign believed it would benefit electorally by the support being offered to them by the Russian government I don't see how that changes the following statement. >By accepting those offers of support, they *colluded* with Russia. Mueller’s statement merely attempts to deflect from collusion entirely. Collusion doesnt have a legal meaning. Conspiracy and coordination do. They did neither. >Inflation has been on a downward trajectory ever since. Didnt it recently go up again? Also sitting at 3.5% which is almost double the target of 2%. Sure we are down from the peak of 9%, but still at a high inflation rate relative to where we should be.


> Yet biden was still doing things in 2021 while many states had opened. “Doing things”? lol. He was the president, of course he’s doing things? The point is that the vast majority of the damage caused by Covid occurred in the last year of Trump’s presidency. > Collusion doesnt have a legal meaning. That’s irrelevant. Collusion has a meaning. It is a word with a definition. What the Trump Campaign did fits that meaning. > Sure we are down from the peak of 9% Downward. Trajectory. Thanks for acknowledging it.


>Sure, but there are some valid criticisms of how he went about it. Especially considering the vaccine was developed prior to biden going into office. And it was developed before Operation Warpspeed. Also, Biden was the one that actually bothered to create a vaccine rollout. Trump just told people to take Ivermectin and Covid would go away in 2 weeks. >What?? Also glad you just ignored all that about obama and biden You know you just posted proof of Russian collusion, right? >Well not every single one. Though very few. So not at all bi partisan to anywhere near the degree you pretended it was, lmao.


>Also, Biden was the one that actually bothered to create a vaccine rollout. Trump just told people to take Ivermectin and Covid would go away in 2 weeks. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/21/operation-warp-speed-head-says-trump-administration-responsible-for-90-of-vaccine-rollout/?sh=59244ef71848 Do you just make points up? >You know you just posted proof of Russian collusion, right? >>To establish whether a crime was committed by members of the Trump campaign with regard to Russian interference, investigators "applied the framework of conspiracy law", and not the concept of "collusion", because collusion "is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law" >>They also investigated if members of the Trump campaign "coordinated" with Russia, using the definition of "coordination" as having "an agreement – tacit or express – between the Trump campaign and the Russian government on election interference." Investigators further elaborated that merely having "two parties taking actions that were informed by or responsive to the other's actions or interests" was not enough to establish coordination.[91][92 Point to where it shows the collusion happened. >So not at all bi partisan to anywhere near the degree you pretended it was, lmao. Well if we are being pedantic you said zero republicans and it was far from 0. 19 senators is almost half.


>Do you just make points up? Lmao, you just quoted a Trump crony covering for his own failure 22 days into the Biden administration. Too bad their information, even if it was accurate at the time, is no longer accurate. "90%", lmao. More so, that person, and Trump, didn't bother to create the systems to distribute vaccines at anywhere near a fast enough rate, instead having abysmal distribution rates due to leaving it up to the states. >Point to where it shows the collusion happened. The Trump Tower meeting where sanctions on Russia, and getting dirt on Hillary. Duh. >Well if we are being pedantic you said zero republicans and it was far from 0. 19 senators is almost half. 13 House Republicans voted for it, while 200 voted against it, lmao.


Economists were predicting a recession even before covid. Trump printed over $10 trillion which devalued the dollar, and started a trade war which made everything more expensive. He lowered the interest rate to zero in a booming economy. The printing money and lowering the interest rate to zero both gave a false sense of a booming economy so he could brag about what a great job he was doing, but was unsound economic policy. Inflation and a recession would have happened even without covid. Trump is a business idiot! (All the money he has made in his lifetime was by cheating partners, investors, and contractors. All his businesses lose money and go bankrupt.) Every time a new administration comes into power, there is a delayed effect from the previous administration. When Clinton left office there was a strong economy and a budget surplus. Things seemed ok for Dubya's first couple of years, but by the time he left office the country was in a recession and the national debt grew by $8 trillion. Obama inherited that mess. For the first couple of years he was getting blamed for the mess Dubya left, but he bailed out the banks, rescued GM, and pumped a few trillion into the economy. By the time Obama left office the economy was booming again and he had a record setting 75 months of job growth. Trump inherited Obama's booming economy and things seemed ok for the first couple of years, and would have continued to be good if Trump had left the ecomomy alone. Trump hated Obama, (because he's a petty little baby,) and set out to undo or out-do everything Obama had accomplished. Trump printed way too much money and cut the interest rate to zero. That, and his ego driven trade war set the country up for massive inflation and a recession. Of course covid made everything worse, and Trump fucked that up as well, and made it much worse than it should have been. ***Trump's tariffs made the cost of a washing machine from China go up by $100. American businesses, instead of beating the Chinese competition with lower prices, immediately raised the price of American made washers by $100 to match China, and raised the price of driers $100 as well because they knew they could get away with it. The price of anything made of steel is up. The price of all parts is up. The price of everything went up, and Trump caused it.*** Biden came in and had to clean up Trump's mess. The economy is recovering well, but inflation cannot be reduced to normal levels with Trump's trade war still going on. Even if Biden can get inflation back to acceptable levels, America businesses will never lower prices now because America businesses are greedy! Trump caused this. Possibly congress could take actions to force companies to stop price gouging, but Republicans in congress will never go along with that. They will obstruct every attempt to rein in corporate greed and continue to blame Bixen and Democrats for high prices. They already did exactly that with gas prices and the border. They blocked any attempt to force oil companies to stop price gouging and continued to blame Biden for high gas prices. **Republicans don't care how much the people of this country suffer, as long as they can obstruct the democrats and Biden.** They also prevented border legislation 3 times since Biden has been in office and continued to blame Biden for it. Yes, three times! The first two times they refused to let border legislation be discussed. This last time thete was a border deal worked out, negotiated by a couple of hard core republicans. Trump told Speaker Johnson not to allow it to come to a vote because he didn't want Biden to "have a win" before the election.


This is such a blatant rewrite but im on mobile so ill hit the major points. You seem to think every democrat admin is great for the economy and every republican admin is bad. Its just naive. The clinton admin did a good job with debt. They also created the subprime mortgage crisis which led to the 2008 economic recession. Bush Jr maybe couldve reduced the issue but i dont think he ended the program. Bush also had the 9/11 war which cost a lot and every major Democrat was in favor of. Obama slow grew the economy where it likely could have recovered faster with alternative policies. There is little evidence that Trumps economy would have inflated as it did absent covid. It was on a healthy trajectory. Chinese steel is lower quality and subsidized by the chinese govt like many other products. It is a national security issue in relation to steel to allow domestic steel to be put out of business by china. Price limits are proven to be bad for supply. Biden has the power to reinstate trumps border policies. He removed the policies like remain in mexico then says we need more money? Weird.


>Bush also had the 9/11 war which cost a lot and every major Democrat was in favor of. Bush and co. Ignored warnings from the Clinton admin that something was coming. Then when the 9/11 attack happened all flights across the entire nation were grounded except for flights getting Bin Laden's family out of the country. Bin Laden's family had oil deals going with Bush at the time. When this one particular intelligence briefing was happening telling Bush what they had found about the attacks, Dubya askes, "What do you have on Iraq?" The weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist were invented so Halliburton could get a no-bid contract to provide support. The Bushs and Cheneysare very involved with Halliburton. The problem is Bush and Cheney underestimated the war and weren't able to end it. That war cost over $6 Trillion! It happened so Halliburton could make a $40 Billion profit. (It might have been $400 Billion, I don't remember for certain.) Halliburton was paid a percentage of money spent so it was in their interest to waste as much money as possible to maximize profits,... and still provided shitty service to our service men and women. There was also the military transports (plural) carrying pallets of cash in unmarked untraceable currency to pay "contractors" with no receipt or record keeping at all. Republicans in congress declined to investigate the matter. Go figure... >There is little evidence that Trumps economy would have inflated as it did absent covid. It was on a healthy trajectory. Actually, job growth was topping out and the economy was beginning to slow. That's why Trump cut the interest rate to zero. He wanted to keep bragging what a great job he was doing. The economists were predicting a recession by the end of his term. Then when covid did happen and the economy tanked, he didn't have any tools available to him to restimulate the economy. (It's like eating your MREs in the middle of harvest season and not having anything left for winter.) >You seem to think every democrat admin is great for the economy and every republican admin is bad. Its just naive. Not everything a republican does is bad, (until Trump,) and not everything a democrat does is good, but the "party of fiscal responsibility" should never be allowed to touch the cash register again! Out of the last 6 administrations we have been through, Republicans cut taxes for the rich, spent more than the prior Democrat admins, and borrowed to do it, and still could not leave a booming economy in the process. Clinton came into office after 2 terms of Reaganomics and one term of Bush senior. (Read my lips. NO NEW TAXES. - GH Bush) After 8 years of Reagon cutting taxes for the wealthy and tripling the national debt, G H had to raise taxes. If a democrat had won that election, a democrat would have been forced to raise those taxes instead, and Republicans would gone insane creating propaganda about these evil taxing democrats. As I said in my previous post, Clinton left a good economy and budget surplus for Dubya. By the end of his two terms, dubya had a slowing economy, then the banking crisis happened! That made sure Dubya left a shit economy for his successor! Obama took office with boots on the ground in two different countries, a banking bailout, and a slow economy. When Obama left office, the economy was strong and he had 75 months in a row of job growth! Trump fucked up his one term, and left office with record job loss, a trade war, a devalued dollar, inflation, a mishandled pandenic, and a lot of things in short supply. (Toilet paper being the most memorable, but bread, flour, pet food, respirators and PPE,... It was honestly a mess!) My complaints about "republican bad for economy and citizens, dem good, dems fix!" is overly simple, but the pattern is there! Each incoming admin geta at least 2 years of their predisessior's boon or bust cycle to take credit for or to get blamed for. The economy of a nation is large and slow moving. It doesn't crash or right itself the moment the new admin walks in. Biden got stuck with a Trump sized mess to clean up. Bigly! His two years are up, but He has the economy pointed in the right direction. The trade war and the greed of corporate America causing inflation aren't going away anytime soon. The republicans in the house are determined to obstruct Biden and democrats. When they aren't obstructing progress, they are trying to eat each other. While they aren't perfect, Biden and the democrats are the adults in the room. (Johnson seems to be making a habit of reaching out to democrats. I am grateful for a few things getting done, but I would not have guessed this!) >The clinton admin did a good job with debt. They also created the subprime mortgage crisis which led to the 2008 economic recession. I am going to take your word for that. I don't know either way, but Slick Willy did make deals and compromises. It's possible, I mean, those shitty lax banking laws came from somewhere. I gotta go to sleep before I Covfefe. Good night. I actually would like to continue this tomorrow.


You don’t have the brain capacity to understand why you would want as many voters as possible to vote for a particular candidate no matter what? Do you realize how votes are calculated? You’re the reason why you guys fit the stereotype


I think it's false to say that one side had the country objectively better than the other side. There are a lot of things people blame the president for but actually the president has no control over this thing. You make it sound like one side clearly has the country better than the other, but that's not true. As somebody more in the middle (but more towards Republican these days I'd say (not a trump fan per say, I don't dislike the guy but don't blindly support him) ) , I have looked at both sides objectively and the stuff you are saying is pretty ignorant and doesn't give an honest view of either sides politics. -Democrats want to keep oil prices down, republicans don't Obviously that isn't true. Both sides would prefer to keep oil prices down, and if you wanna use the last few years to measure which side wants it more, Democrats would lose that battle. Gas prices were considerably higher under Biden,and still are I believe. -Republicans want to limit women's rights I can see how you think that, but I do disagree. But I won't argue with you about it cause I understand your side and what they believe in -Republicans normalize hate speech Again I can see where you are coming from, so I won't argue with you about it, but I disagree -the economy is better under the Democrats That's not an objective statement. Both economies had there ups and downs, but if you wanna analyze the Democrats economy, there are a lot of faults you can find. Gas, food, living are all up and cost more. Inflation has been higher for the majority of Bidens presidency, tho I read it has went down again these last couple months. That doesn't change the history of high inflation though. Not to mention, most people I have talked to felt the economy was better under trump. Inflation was lower for the vast majority of his presidency. Also the measure they use to judge Bidens inflation doesn't take into account the cost of everyday goods either Now before you mention anything, I'm not even saying this all has to do with the president at the time. For example, shrinkflation has a lot to do with corporate greed. I'm just pointing out it's false to say that under one present, the economy is significantly better because of the job they are doing or the moves they made. So when you say the economy is somehow better under Democrats, thats not really true. Plus, if you wanna dig deeper; large scale illegal immigration takes away over 1 million jobs that people in the black community or poor white community could have, and brought down black salary's by over 6000 on average. So if you wanna bring up the economy, you might wanna talk about the illegal immigration problem Anyway, I'm just saying that when you say it's "clear" who it is better under, it's really not. There are a lot of nuances and problems people blame on the president, but actually point to a larger problem overall that is out of the presidents control. I'm not even arguing which side is better, I'm just saying it's false to say one side had is clearly better over the other.


>I think it's false to say that one side had the country objectively better than the other side Only one side tried to subvert my constitutional right to have my vote counted by attempting a fake elector scheme to keep someone who lost an election in office So yeah. One is objectively better for democracy.


yup Democrats love democracy so much that they are trying to remove the opposition frontrunner from state ballots and are telling you "vote for me or else no more democracy". textbook fascism.


>trying to remove the opposition frontrunner Aka, "charging a guy for a crime he seems to have committed" >textbook fascism Fascism is an actual political ideology, it isn't just the government doing something you don't like lmao


People drastically overestimate how much impact a president has on their lives. If only they brought that enthusiasm to local elections.


mass formation psychosis


Wrong. Vast majority of Americans will continue to support Trump. You have not been out on the manufacturing floor. Most people I work with in a large manufacturing facility, from managers to engineers to technicians, will gladly vote for Trump for two issues, *inflation* and *illegal immigrants*, however misguided they may be. This is in a rust belt city in a blue state, mind you, not even the South. Same thing with my blue collar contractor friends and their friends. Democratic party messaging had been burying their heads in the sand. Stop telling people inflation is fine and jobs are secure, even though we are indeed doing much better than other countries. The official messaging needs to just acknowledge that many people are in fact not doing well, and that's due to Republican policies. Sometimes the issues are due to bipartisan policies too to be fair, but we all know at this point MAGA must be defeated to have a chance to fixing that. Not to mention the pro-Palestinian protester blocking traffic and screaming at town halls that leaves a bad taste in people's mouths, or the migrants that are costing tax dollars. Free marketing material for the Right. Please don't let 2016 repeat again. Never be complacent.


The vast majority of Americans don't currently and never have supported Trump.


define vast? he won the election in 2016 you can't do that if the vast majority is against you.


It's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about. I'll help you little guy. How many Americans were there in 2016? How many people voted for Trump? Go ahead little guy, Google those and come back.


You could just say something intellectual without it being an attack. You know that, right? People don't take you seriously if you're just condescending.




>Vast majority of Americans will continue to support Trump. If the vast majority of Americans supported Trump, you'd think he'd win the popular vote even once 🤔


Then why did the republicans squash Biden’s border bill? Oh yeah, optics.


because it doesn't do anything to secure the border. it's to pay for more judges to process more immigrants into the country


And how many border guards was it going to hire?


Not saying what has been done or hasn't been done. Republicans has been playing the optics bill on anger, outrage, and negativity, and Democrats has been playing optics on optimism. Guess which one is easier to get undecided voters to vote for you?


Well, yeah, but that's pretty much ALL of Trump's messaging. Negativity. It DOES work, and they DO live in an alternate reality, but it's gonna get real hard to keep that wizard behind the curtain.


I'm definitely not pro Trump but honestly why did they squash that border bill. It's simple as apple pie they squashed it because it wasn't about the border. The vast majority of that bill went elsewhere besides the border that's why they squashed it. If we had actually put a bill before them that was about the border just about the border and nothing but the border and they squashed it then you could say that they squashed it because it was the border. Honestly they also didn't like a lot of the things that were said in the border bill which are in my opinion incorrect but that's besides the point. If you want Republicans to vote on something honestly that they say that they're ahead of and that they're fighting you on the only way to prove their hypocrisy is to make a bill only about what they're claiming they support. When they vote down exactly what they've been asking for that's proof of hypocrisy. Until that happens they will show all the reasons why they didn't like it and why they were against it and most of those reasons are going to be because of things that were added onto it. Pretty much most Republicans are just severely neurotypical they can only concentrate on one matter before them at a time when you pull a building in front of them that has 10,000 attachments they go brain lock nope can't do this does not compute


Na that’s not true. James Langford is about as conservative as you get and that bill was his baby.. the border union wanted it too.. it was all about the border… read it for yourself.. Saying it wasn’t about the border is just Republicans lying to try to save face with low info voters. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/summary/00


Why is it that this does not show the money that they wanted to send to the Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine that were all added in to this bill? Because those amounts aren't about the bill and they don't need to list them in the bill directly but the costs are all there


Funny how that stuff is getting done now and still no border deal eh? The bill I read had nothing to do with Ukraine or Gaza.. maybe they were trying to piggyback that on this.. but I haven’t seen anything on that beyond politicians claiming that was so.. can’t believe anything any politician says so I go off what I have read myself.


Oh I hear you unfortunately this isn't actually showing the bill that's just showing up synopsis of what they're saying it says I'd actually like to find some place to actually read the bill in its entirety


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2/text Here ya go


Yup, that's all about the border. Trump just didn't want another Biden win, so he pressured them to squash it.


I work in manufacturing as well. It's a different environment here than the office or what you see on TV.


you got downvoted for having an open mind


Thanks for saying this, I'm even on their side when it comes to this election!! Requires an open mind to be moderate, and I'll continue to voice it. Not to be confused with the "bro you've got to open your mind about this \[conspiracy\]" (TM) (Q).


probably 30% support him. 45% will vote for him


“Vast majority” I really don’t think you understand what that term means.


“Democrats wanted to keep gas prices down…” Which party is more supportive of the oil and gas industry? Republicans. Which party try’s to hobble the oil and gas industry every chance it gets? Democrats. What president canceled Keystone? Biden. Premeditated murder of an unborn child is not a right. Each state can decide for itself. The Left spouts plenty of hate speech. Said in all seriousness, there’s no doubt in my mind that AOC and the other three members of the “squad” out-and-out _hate_ America, and are working to destroy it. Other than provide the kind of legal and physical infrastructure we expect from government, there’s not a lot government can do to improve the economy. To the extent that the economy is doing well it’s overwhelmingly due to entrepreneurs, investors, consumers, and everyone who buys U.S. exports. This November vote for the lesser of the evils, vote Republican.


Supportive? Republicans are not supportive of the gas and oil industry… they see it as wealthy people donating to them so they do things to benefit wealthy Republicans in oil states. They don’t give a fuck about what they do to the Earth… you don’t even care. You don’t give a shit about anything actually. You just don’t want the government doing anything that you don’t like .. the funny thing is the things that you are against almost always do not actually affect you. Keystone? Can you people at least try to look up the Keystone pipeline? it’s fucking oil that goes to Canada bypasses the United States and goes to Mexico.. This oil is not for gas… you know that if you were intelligent enough to look things up Jesus Christ always using lies.. other right wing bullshit.. like are you not smart enough to look things up? What is your fucking excuse for not anything up?


Republicans are stupid. Don’t try to reason with them. They think they are smart and that’s annoying. Otherwise they’d understand that the US oil industry privatizes their record profits that they sell to other countries, and not just give Americans cheap gas instead….


"I love the uneducated" - Trump We know.


When Trump was president, businesses were shut down, the post office was broken, and stores were having shortages so bad that people were fighting in parking lots. Russia was down the fucking street during 2019. And you can go get fucked talking about people hating America. All Republicans have to run on is hate and fear mongering, if anyone hates America it's Republicans, starting with your lord and master Trump. Have they passed any bills to deal with the upcoming water crises? No. Have they passed any bills to make it easier for individuals to start businesses without paying exorbitant licensing fees? No. Have they passed any bills to do anything about our increasingly vulnerable electric and electronic infrastructure? No. But they're all over book banning, trans panic, and rewriting history in schools. Your side is evil, you are evil, we just need to be honest and admit it, your side is evil and wants to destroy the country. You're not stupid, you're not mistaken, you don't have good intentions, you are evil.




Lmao premeditated murder of a bundle of cells. You MAGAts truley are the party of the uneducated. Thanks to covid there will be a lot less of you voting on this go around. Hurray for natural selection!


You must live in an impressive echo chamber if you think the results are a forgone conclusion. Although BLM's likely recieving funding right now so I guess we'll be in for a summer of fun.


BLM prob going for Trump this time


Crime, inflation and illegals will sink Biden.


Crime is down, as is inflation. And Republicans are blocking an immigration deal


LOL. Priceless. Biden literally invites the world to come to America, they all do, and it's the Republicans fault. Inflation is only down from the astronomical highs it reached a year ago...while Biden was president. I guess you can say crime is down since leftist DA's never charge anyone and just set them free.


Biden has literally stopped many times more people crossing the border, contraband, and persons on the terrorist watch list. Inflation was caused by trump. Trump printed over $10 trillion dollars to make the economy look better, but that devalued the dollar, meaning that our dollars cannot buy as much. He also started a trade war with China that is still going on to this day. (Trade wars are easy to win. - Trump) He had no clue what he was doing or how to negotiate a trade war. Everything costs more now because of Trump! Trump also caused China to stop buying grain from America and had to (insufficiently) bail out American faemers. THAT'S SOCIALISM! 🤣 I know you think you are smart, but you are not. You are repeating lies told by republican politicians and the fake news channels that pander to them.


*Biden has literally stopped many times more people crossing the border, contraband, and persons on the terrorist watch list.* Yeah...I'm the one in the echo chamber... # Figure 1. There are fluctuations in the data, but since President Biden’s election the foreign-born population has grown spectacularly (in millions). [https://cis.org/Report/October-2023-ForeignBorn-Share-Was-Highest-History](https://cis.org/Report/October-2023-ForeignBorn-Share-Was-Highest-History)


https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/ Apprehensions and expulsions registered by the United States Border Patrol from the 1990 fiscal year to the 2022 fiscal year Edit: I Googled border aprehe... The rest autofilled and this was the very first hit. This isn't hard. It really isn't.


You got me there...amazingly there will be more apprehensions when millions of additional people are entering the country illegally each year because Biden literally told them to come.


Here is another question for you. Why, exactly do you hate immigrants so much? They are fleeing for their lives just like my grandparents did a century ago. They don't have any agenda except to be able to live, work, and raise their kids, and often enough go to church. I worked in a hotel in the 80s, and all the Mexican, South American, Latin, and Hispanic (what ever term applies best,) people working with me were Christian. Don't you like Christians? I thought this was supposed to be A "cHrIsTiAn NaTiOn!" I am an athiest from a Jewish family, and I don't have an issue with these people. Why do Christian Conservatives hate Christian immigrants? They are statistically less likely to commit crimes than natural born Americans. They take the jobs that no one else wants, and they bust their asses doing them! I worked with them, and they are harder workers than the average Americans I have worked with. (You aren't one of those people that say both that "they're lazy AND they're stealing our jobs" are you?) They are typically very hard working and mostly end up with the jobs no Americans want to do. (I'm sorry, did you want to ride around on that weird standing lawn tractor thing in the hot sun, or did you want to be the one fast walking along the sidewalk with the gas powered weed whacker breathing 2-stroke exhaust and going deaf?) They are mostly nice people! I have worked along side them. They are family people with kids to support. They don't have time to argue or be pissy. There will always be assholes wherever you are, but I dealt with more assholes in high school than I did working in a hotel full of South Americans. A detour, but it will be relevant: You know Social Security is underfunded because Congress kept borrowing from the SS pot of money and never repaid it, right. Now instead of supporting social security, (or fixing social security, or getting the wealthy to contribute more to social security, or paying back social security,) Republicans are saying, "eNtItLeMeNtS" like we haven't paid into it for literally our entire lives, and keep trying to cut our benefits and raise the retirement age. Why am I suddenly talking about social security? Because all immigrants have ss deducted from their pay, and are not even entitled to collect! Now I personally don't think that's fair, but ***immigrants are literally subsidizing social security for all the Americans that are eligible to collect!*** If you are working class, and don't plan on dropping dead before you can retire, this is a pretty fucking good deal for you!!! Now, let's go back to jobs again. There are too many older people vs younger people right now in America. There are not enough care workers to assist us as we age out and cannot care for ourselves. Who do you think is going to be wiping your ass when you cannot do it yourself? Do you think your grandchildren are going to change your diapers and then play go fish with you? Probably not. It's most likely to be immigrants from a poor country that grew up respecting their elders. It certainly isn't going to be the demographic that is constantly blaming boomers for everything! (Durn kids, don't 'preciate nuttin! Wait till they get old, then they'll see! Now git off'n my lawn!) How about businesses? Last year Meatball Ron Desanctimonius (Trump chose these names. Very mature!) went out of his way to drive out all of the immigrants. He told them they weren't welcome in Florida and made conditions for them as hostile as he could... So they left... And some Florida businesses and all of the construction sites came to a halt. All the business owners told the dumbass to knock it off while they tried to convince the last few workers not to leave and attempted to coax the others to come back. Immigrants aren't just cheap labor for business eith. They are also consumers! They need all the same things you do and simulate the economy just by living normal lives! To address the White National movement chanting "Jews will not replace us!" (with immigrants, if I understand these lunatics correctly.) I'm not trying to replace anyone, but if I was, and it was a true replacement, the replacements would have to be just as mean, hateful, paranoid, and ignorant. Man, that would be so much work, and for zero gain! How about we improve the education system so our population is smarter and more tolerant of others? Then we could welcome in the people that need a better place to live and help ourselves with with labor and consumption. They want to participate. I say we let them. We need them here as much as they need to be here. Win Win! Why do we need to be assholes about it?


Here's a real question...Would you allow every person in the world that wanted to come to America to live here?


There are vetting processes in place. There have always been. The vetting process probably works better when people can report themselves to agents upon arrival instead of forcing them to sneak in. That way, when the authorities do catch someone trying to sneak in, they probably have someone that won't pass the vetting process. Just thinking out loud here. *Way back when, Trump was saying nobody is even checked. Upon being informed that there is a vetting process, he started ranting that vetting isn't goog enough, he was going to institute "EXTREME VETTING!" (He didn't, by the way. He just ranted about it a few times and forgot about it.) Apparently he watched DragonBall Z. He is raising the existing vetting with Extreme Vetting. And when that gets boring, he will power up to Extreme Vetting 2! Then Extreme Vetting 3!... (Insert picture of Trump standing with his tiny fists balled up, screaming, and his combover glowing while waves of power radiate off of him!) After that Trump was raging about "CHAIN MIGRATION!" Where one person would come here all legal and proper, and then bring their family here to join them. (I thought the right approved of family values?) Sometimes he wouldn't even talk about the chain migration, he would just shout "CHAIN MIGRATION!" and the crowd would cheer. Then Melania chain migrated her parents here and he never said it again. Yeah... It's all bullshit to get the base riled up. It's sad that it works so well.


It occurs to me you never answered my question. What do you have against immigrants? And are the things you do have against them real or propaganda?


Being brown isn't a crime. Magat


You can be brown, white, black or purple and if you enter the country illegally you're an illegal alien. It's not racist and it's not rocket science.


they'll downvote, but there is truth to this. Even if it isn't his fault (he can't control California not prosecuting criminals, he can't combat worldwide inflation by himself, etc), people will still associate him with those things, and vote against him. Not hard to understand.