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We were getting Flynn riders autograph by the castle and Gaston comes up to challenge him to a "smolder -off". Classic


Omg who won??


I think we all know who won.


The audience?




I was having breakfast with my wife at the Red Rose Tavern, we were sitting by the door and Gaston came in. I yelled in excitement “Gaston” as I waved at him. He said “I know, I know” and he stopped to fix his hair in the mirror. No one fixes hair like Gaston.


He took a selfie with me and my daughter and proceeded to cut her out completely so his face was in the center of the shot lol!!


That is hilarious!






For background, I’m a big dude. 6’3”, 285lbs with a beard. Went to the parks in September 2023 and saw Gaston interacting with some folks. He looks over at me while I’m watching their interaction, gasps loudly, points at me and yells “BEAST!”. It caught me off guard so bad, I couldn’t help but laugh.


*Gaston sashays by* "Gaston I love you!" *doesn't break stride* "I love me too."


Quite a few years ago I planned a family trip to Disneyland for my granddaughter's birthday. My son who's a big old boy was pretty much hitting on him and it was quite amusing. Ask for his autograph because that's really funny as well. We gave him the autograph book and he was going to sign it but of course you know Gaston does not know how to sign so he actually kissed the page. My daughter-in-law took the pen and wrote where he had kissed that it was Gaston's kiss. We then went into the Royal theater and saw Cinderella and the other princesses and we asked for Cinderella's autograph. She took the book from us opened it up and saw where it was written and said Gaston's kiss. She asked if he really kissed the paper, we told her yes so she signed her autograph over his kiss mark. She told us to go show it to him. We almost started a riot between them


Did you show him?!! I need the rest of this story….


We tried! My granddaughter was running around that area looking for him to show byt we couldn't find something. She might bring her books down for Star Wars night in April when they come to visit me and if so then maybe we could start it then haha


This. Is. Amazing.


When my little one was 3 we had her first trip to Disneyland since the pandemic. We got her a dress at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique and as she was spinning outside to get her fairy dust Gaston walked by and stopped to tell her “ I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as me until now!” She then tried to spin for him and tripped and fell over and he said “ha! Don’t be embarrassed, it’s normal for princesses to faint in my presence “ We love him.


Now THAT’S a good memory


He doesn’t sign autograph books because he’s illiterate. Every time I’ve been there it’s been the same CM portraying him and he’s really good at improvising banter.


He kissed my daughter’s book. She told him “I’m 8 and I know how to read” and walked away.




Girls got a bright future ahead of her!


I love the villains! My daughter was wearing her Tiana dress and we ran into Dr. Facilier. He stopped right in front of her, looked her up and down and said, “That outfit is hideous.” 🤣😂


Gaston is easily my favorite character in the parks


I love that Gaston is a villain but we all love him. I was so happy I finally got to interact with him last visit.


As a non-lady bear — all kinds of mixed emotions with that gorgeous specimen.


Is he really a villain though?!


To women, yes. But in the context of the story, he’s at very least an antagonist


Gaston was absolutely NOT a villain. He was protecting the town and had Belles best interests in mind.


Well he had Gastons best interest anyway.


Username checks out


My goal is to be sassed by Gaston, you’re a lucky person!!


This post is making me so sad that I've never even seen him in the park, let alone interacted with him.


Last two times I saw him, (1) in the afternoon he was hanging out by the royal theater with a signing line, and (2) he was roaming between alice and the Matterhorn, and looked to be headed either over to the princesses, or towards the wishing well.


Thank you so much, next time I go I am absolutely gonna try and find him!


I saw him this morning! Every time I’ve seen him he’s just been walking around fantasyland near the Red Rose Tavern.


I saw him today near Peter Pan. When my friend was walking out of the store he happened to be right outside and she was a tiny bit surprised. He told her “It’s OK you can breathe now”😂


I once got a “you are beautiful, and so am I” from Gaston. He’s hilarious.


Two years ago we saw Gaston near the castle and there was a commotion. My five year old daughter saw him and said, “ew Gaston” and Merida was right behind her and said, “we’re friends now” and took my daughter by the hand and led her to a spot where she was going to meet guests.


Gaston hitting on Mary Poppins and throwing shade at Burt has to be one of my most favorite character memories! It was hysterical!!


I asked my (then) 4yo if he wanted Gastons autograph and he was like "no, he's the mean guy!" Really loudly in front of him. Gaston gasped like a school girl while holding his cheeks as we walked past. Thanks for the memory.


Last time I was there, we did pictures with all of us flexing. Afterwards, he said, “nice to meet you, you remind me of Belle” to which I replied, “nice to meet you, too” and he said “oh, I know it was nice to meet me, you don’t have to tell me that…”


My husband “swoons” over Gaston every time. One time my husband was doing his thing Gaston said “shouldn’t you be doing this?” I shook my head and he said “fair enough I like him better anyways” it was hilarious.


(At WDW) My daughter was 5 and wearing a Belle dress. Gaston was just coming out from backstage near his tavern, saw my kid and gasped, “Belle, my love!!!” My daughter was shocked and speechless. When she wouldn’t talk to him he said, “I don’t know what you’re mad at me for, I’m not the one who kidnapped you and locked you in a tower!” and stormed over to his meet and greet spot. My daughter looked at me and said, “I am NEVER wearing this dress to Disney world again!” She totally believed Gaston had confused her for Belle. It was all awesome and hilarious.


Be funny to see Gaston and Cinderellas step sisters interact. They are funny too


At Disney World, pre-Covid, there was a restaurant with Cinderella, the Prince, the Stepmother, and the Stepsisters. They were amazing! A boy brought bracelets for the sisters and they yelled across the restaurant “MOTHER!!! Look what he brought!” Stepmother said my daughter looked like her last servant (she was blonde and blue eyed. Sadly, they will not be at that restaurant when it reopens. It was my favorite character interaction.


Sometimes I feel that people forget that Gaston is the bad guy! Fortunately that face actor didn’t forget!


Last time I saw him he was asking if we'd seen Belle and then said she must be at the 'liberry'. LOL


I sassed him last time I saw him(nicely). As I left I called out "nice to meet me!" which I know is something he says at times. He made a bewildered face. It was one of the funnest interactions I've ever had


I told him on my last visit, “Hey Gaston! I’m stronger than you!” He has no comeback.


We were in the Tavern and Gaston stopped by I told him my daughter’s frenchies name is Gaston. Oh he did not likey. Then I showed a pix of her dressed as Belle holding frenchie. He said give the dog away bring Belle to me we will look better Ha ha


That is so perfect 😆


He’s so dreamy!


Gaston asked me on a date in front of my husband


How did you answer tho?


he said if i wanted to get his autograph i had to go on a walk with him- then he asked me and i hesitated to think of a snappy response and said something like oh um no i have my own gaston , this autograph is for my kids and he said hmmm missed your chance or something very gastony i dont remember exactly but i do remember he sashayed away


How do they keep a straight face? Props to the actors


The villains are so much fun




Sounds like you just answered incorrectly.


I shouted “womanizer” at him as I walked by and he responded… but I couldn’t hear what he said! 🫠


I saw him today near Peter Pan. When my friend was walking out of the store he happened to be right outside and she was a tiny bit surprised. He told her “It’s OK you can breathe now”😂. I fangirled.


My 3 year old daughter loves Gaston and wanted a picture with him. I said, “she’s a huge fan.” And he said, “everyone is.” lol.


He once told me i had poo on my dress… it was a Winnie the Pooh dress so i guess he wasn’t wrong


That guy always brings it!!! Of all the characters we’ve met, he has definitely been the most memorable 😆


I really hope that the actor for Gaston sees these posts and knows how many people remember him and loved their interactions with him.


There’s a viral video that goes around every once in awhile of a woman putting her hands on Gaston’s chest and you can’t hear what he says but he shakes his head no and points like go away several times. Every single time it goes viral it’s with some serious sanctimonious caption and title about consent or insulting the woman saying she has main character syndrome and the comments are just tearing her to shreds and supporting the actor. I’ve always maintained that he wasn’t actually upset about her touching his chest, he’s IN CHARACTER and that character always acts like that at DL. But commenting that always gets me majorly downvoted and called names.


You get downvoted cuz he’s not being sassy and openly welcoming the attention — that character loves attention - therefore the cast member showing disgust or disdain is out of character and therefore a human response. Whether or not you think the character would appreciate it, that is superseded by the human playing the role. So saying anything other than that is basically condoning and supporting unsolicited touching. Which is bad for everyone. Especially at a place like DL.


Lol have you seen the video? Sounds like no


This one? https://youtu.be/cmkpPleXBSM?si=oDigjvgFsCFyDhUx Where she touches and he immediately motions and tells her to leave and that “you’re done”? Ya. I have. Have you? Sounds like no


Literally the living embodiment of the weird Disney adult stereotype. Why are y’all like this


It wasn't in character. The actor doesn't like being fondled by a guest. He had her removed from his presence and when she asked if he was joking, he stood his ground. FYI the actor has a serious girlfriend so if nothing else, it was inconsiderate to assume he'd want to be fondled. It's odd you couldn't deduce that. He kept his Gaston voice because he HAD to but why would he tell a guest "get out, leave" seconds after she arrived when she waited 15, 20 minutes for a photo? That's not how Gaston interacts and goofs with guests, forcing them to lose their turn they waited for.


Y’all attaching a whole backstory that you made up to it is hilarious. Why are Disney adults consistently so fucking weird


Didn't know I was a Disney adult. I just live near Disneyland so I check up on the message board once a month. But interesting you would rather try to slander someone's character than admit you're an idiot who doesn't know how to interpret context clues. Maybe the "fucking weird" is you projecting your self-loathing; after all, you found your way onto this subreddit. Also, there's no made-up back story. This actor was known outside of Disney and had a fiance at the time.


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PSG5-wUBmGnI1KrP6CFNtM6WXyxEnAlE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PSG5-wUBmGnI1KrP6CFNtM6WXyxEnAlE/view?usp=sharing) Here's a pic of him with his girlfriend at the time, now wife. What's so "fucking weird" to me is know-it-alls who know nothing about a subject, are corrected, and then act like the person telling them must be flawed and inferior because they're too insecure to admit they might not know everything. Best of luck to you.


a man went to france for a convention. he went up to the ticket desk and said, " i'd like to purchase a ticket to the paris convention. " the ticket master leaned over and asked, " would you like to buy a ticket? " " no, " said the man, " but i'm not wearing a ticket. "


Oh my goodness. I am now adding this to my list of Disney wishes!


*Oh my goodness. I* *Am now adding this to my* *List of Disney wishes!* \- Distinct-Race-9010 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")