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A close friend recently informed me about the DAS pass and how “it’s better than Genie+” (her words). She said she went to guest services and just told them her young son has anxiety after another friend told her they’ve been doing it every visit. Pretty shameful imo. 


this is why we can't have nice things.


Meanwhile I had trouble getting DAS for a very real but rare condition….


That makes me so mad. I used it for my autistic son who has trouble with waiting in long lines for a lot of reasons and it was a god send. People cheating the system may well make it harder for those who actually need it to get it.


For what it’s worth, speaking from firsthand experience, the disability access program in the past *did* allow you to skip lines. The reason that it’s now a return time system is largely because of people abusing it.


We also use DAS for my son (autism). But I have also done the line thing, just when my son gets to be too much to wait (I’ll take him out of the line and we will go sit close by and have a quiet time)? We try to use DAS only for the really long lines, and are trying to get him to learn to wait. Every year we stretch the wait, so hopefully one day he won’t need it.


I have a coworker who always talks other people to do this because it just makes the trip so much more fun. She was shocked that I don’t do it because “it’s not like they even check”.


I've used DAS a few times, and it's definitely a lifesaver for those who need it. Thankfully, you can't just say "anxiety" anymore. You need to be more specific and explain why you'd need DAS, and they're able to weed out those who actually need it from the people trying to jump lines.


This is why DAS has been cracking down so hard recently. I luckily haven’t been denied yet but I’ve seen people who really need it get denied. I don’t think I could do Disneyland without DAS


I saw something that they were considering trying to switch to the 3rd party approval system Universal uses at WDW away from current DAS as a further option for crackdown but it was from Inside the Magic so could easily be clickbait.


I had a really unfortunate incident where the lady kept asking me what my son’s problem was, when I went to explain, she was really mean about it. She started saying she can’t give me one because he throws temper tantrums. I tried to explain, that’s not it, when my son decided that was a good time to lose it. He was upset we were talking about him.. I finally just said, can we go somewhere where he can’t hear us?! She didn’t ask anymore questions and gave us the pass. It was a bit embarrassing and I understand, but man what a crazy way to start.


My friend has that pass because he has colitis, but he didn't have to prove it at all. Which made me wonder how many people just go in and make up a reason to get it. It's so messed up. I wish there were better controls for that sort of abuse.


I have the same thing and tbh I wish there was a way they could ask for some proof but alas hipaa 🥲


Requiring someone who is disabled to submit paperwork outlining their disability in order to receive accomodations is not a HIPPA violation. HIPPA only applies to health care workers and prevents them from disclosing without patient authorization. 


Oh hell yeah


They are going to provide new accommodations for people who need access to restrooms while in line. They are limiting access to DAS, which really needs to happen.


My grandson has severe ADHD, YY syndrome and learning disabilities. He cannot be around fireworks and hates World Of Color. We were so grateful that he got into the rides quickly. It certainly makes it bad for those that really have valid disabilities.


May I ask what is YY because I’m not feeling the ADHD reason to get a DAS pass Seriously curious


Double Y chromosome, also known as XYY syndrome or Jacobs syndrome or YY syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects males, causing them to have an extra Y chromosome in most or all of their cells. This results in cells having 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. It affects their attention span, temperament, etc as well as numerous physical characteristics.


Copy Thx


I have adhd, I don’t use das although sometimes I wish I had it. But I can see, and have felt, how it’s difficult. It can be very hard for a person with adhd to stand and be patient for that long with little area to move around. You have no room to fidget or run around. It can feel claustrophobic at times. As well, it is generally harder to be patient with adhd, so standing in a line could be a no-go for that as well. As well, there are often comorbidities of anxiety, autism, etc. which can present their own unique troubles.


DAS is awesome. Coming from a parent with two children who have real issues standing in line, it has really made the parks enjoyable again. The first time was miserable, then a CM told us about DAS and we’ve used it twice since. And, yes, it’s better than Genie+ but only because it lets you book a ride more than once.


No hate to you whatsoever but I feel like this comment is going to give more shameful people exactly what they need to cheat the system. I wish you were less specific in what she says she does.


Nah, it's all over social media. TikTokers post blatant videos of them cheating the system.


So let's just make a tutorial and post it then! TikTokers are doing it!


I’m so worried we won’t get approved. A family member in our party can’t stand for long periods of time


Yeah. Lots of people cant stand for long periods of time. Disneys policy and court cases have held that theme parks have lines as an inherent aspect, and standing can be mitigated by the guest using a wheelchair or a scooter.


THIS. Disney only offers wheelchair/ECV rentals to accommodate guests who cannot stand for long periods. None of the theme parks give boarding/DAS passes for mobility anymore.


Even if you can't get approved for DAS, for attractions in Disneyland whose queues are not accessible like Pirates, you can ask for a Location Return Time if someone in your group has struggles with mobility. You just have to answer some questions about the mobility challenges the attraction might present if someone in the party requires the use of a mobility device like a wheelchair or a scooter. Then, for attractions whose lines are accessible, which more and more attraction are getting updated to be so, you will be able to bring your mobility device to wait in the standby lines so you won't have to stand. I hope that helps.


Incredibly helpful to thank you!!!!




It's crazy because at DCA having a scooter doesn't let you skip line anymore because their rides are Ada compliant


A wheelchair or scooter doesn’t let you skip the line in any Disney park…. Guests may be given a time to return and enter through the LL or exit, if it’s not an accessible queue. The return time is based on the (usually inflated) standby time. The only guests who are allowed to skip queues are Make-a-wish kids and their family. And you know what, anyone who is going to begrudge a dying child the opportunity to skip the line? Well, I think there’s a special queue in hell those people will get to experience— a long, hot, never ending line.


Not true, you can pay for a private escort (VIP service) for 10 people for $500 - $800 per hour and they take you right to the front of every ride. My brother in law has purchased before.


Not anymore. VIP tours get to use the Lightening Lanes now. They only get to go to the front of the line if there is no Lightening Lane.


Ahhhh that makes a lot more sense. I can’t remember what ride I was in line for last month but there was a group with a plaid and I was deeply confused why they were also in line with me.


Since when? I was there in late January and plaid vests were still escorting your guests to the front of the line.


I’ve called to book a tour a few times in the last 12 months (latest being a month ago) hoping the policy of letting VIP tours go to the front of the line has returned, and it has not. I think plaids have some leniency if the Lightening Lane is super backed up, but the policy is VIP tours have to use the LL. There is now a super, duper expensive elite VIP tour now being offered that does get you front of the line privileges, but the price is insane.


OMG, there are two tiers of VIP tours now?! I'm sorry, but the second tier is not VIP anymore, then. They should rename it.




That's what I was talking about to begin with, my BIL is well off and did this with family the other day.


Was it the “Land of Dreams” tour? That tour starts at $14,000 a day, the $500-$800 an hour tour you originally mentioned is the regular VIP tour that does not give you front of line access on every ride. We used to do a VIP tour about once a year but there is now way we will spend $14k+.


Yeah it's ridiculous, but this dude is loaded. Not sure what it's called. I'm cancelling my passes because they're too expensive. We'll buy 2 or 3 day passes from now on if we want to go. I'm sick of not being able to go on Saturday anyway.


Before I knew DCA was a thing (7 years ago) I showed up with my cane and braces and asked a CM at an hour wait if I could have a return time (Toy Story mania, if it matters). They said the line was ADA compliant and wouldn’t do it. I promised to sit on a nearby bench so they could watch me do literally nothing for an hour, but please don’t make me stand in a line for that long. I got a too-bad-so-sad speech about how I could go rent a scooter or wheelchair if standing was too hard. We rented a wheelchair the next day so I could do the ride. For the record, I couldn’t stand or walk for long (about 30 mins before I’d need a break), but there’s so many places to sit and take breaks that I wasn’t worried about the walking in general. At night I’d double up my pain medication, soak my swollen feet, and pass out to do it again the next day. Sometimes I’d sit down on the ground if I had to - but that’s a story for another day.


Seems like you would qualify for a DAS pass in this case. You should have been directed to guest services.


Sounds more like going forward they are gonna point you in the direction of the wheelchair or scooter rental.


At the time, I was also denied sitting on a bench to wait for Colors to open (water light show in front of the Ferris wheel, we had purchased a meal&show ticket). We were there early so I could get a spot on the handicapped bench, and were told to wait until the rope dropped if I wanted to sit on a bench. I sat on the ground until rope drop, even though there was a bench three feet away on the other side of the rope. A CM directed my husband to stand and only I was allowed the bench once the program started. We brought these issues to guest services the next day, as both instances happened in CA, and they gave us preferential seating for the Electric Parade in Disneyland as compensation/apology (which was a highlight of our trip we didn’t plan on). In today’s DAS, I’d be directed to rent a wheelchair or scooter. Mobility is not a reason for a DAS pass anymore. Now I alternate between renting an ECV and using a stroller as a walker, depending who is coming with me.


That's an expensive price to pay for that. It's actually cheaper to get G+


A scooter is like $35 for a day. So it’s actually cheaper to be a cheat. Good for people who really need it though so can’t complain about the price, only the ethics of those who abuse it


You don't jump the lines with a wheelchair anyway, you get a return time for the lineup time (well, I guess you don't actually have to wait in line, is that what you're getting at?). The two exceptions I remember from my last trip were Small World and Web Slingers where there's a completely separate line for a separate loading area for an adapted vehicle you can drive right onto which was awesome because we could take as long as we needed to load without having to stress over holding up the able bodied lineup. And a pox on the houses of people faking mobility issues, life is tough enough on disabled mode without those jerks creating blowback for us.


And when you say I'm in a wheelchair they say "we have accessible lines". I have to go into the rest of my needs to get DAS.


Plus it puts a bad name on those people that are actually disabled. And it’s almost like no wonder people give those in a wheelchair dirty looks. (Note I said almost) Just pisses me off.


Well check out JawletheJawless here’s post. He thinks we are all suckers for being respectful and not line jumping.


On the Disney side there are a bunch of rides that you enter at a different place. I broke my toe the day before my visit last year so I witnessed it first hand. The DCA side most cues are ADA accessible (because they are simply newer and planned for this) so it wouldn’t work on that side.


Yes, but you still wait as long as for the standard lineup. They scan our tickets and give us a return time so there's no line-hopping.


Well, not really. The pass allows you free access to the lightning lane, and allows you to literally be in two places at the same time. Regular guest stands in line for 60 minutes, disability pass gets a return time for 50, minus 10 for return time built in and goes and gets a snack, uses the restroom, watches a show, or gets on another ride with a short wait time since the das time does not expire. 50 minutes later das guest joins the lightning lane. After 60 minutes both regular and das have both gotten on the ride, but das was able to enjoy other things during the wait while regular guest either coughs up $20 a head or stands in line for an hour. There are, of course other issues with individual disabilities and how they can enjoy the park, but you cant just dismiss the improved wait times for the das guests


We haven’t been able to justify the cost of Disney as a family since my youngest son received his diagnosis. We went to Disney World when he was 4 and it was miserable for him, we just didn’t know why and couldn’t figure out how to help him. It was an experience so horrible that my father-in-law loudly proclaimed in the middle of Epcot “I’m never doing this with him again”. Thank any deity you want my son was too young to remember this statement. With a sensory processing disorder, severe ADHD, developmental delay, and probably more scary acronyms and phrases to come we now know his limitations and capabilities. We tried our local theme park over the weekend and because of learning about the DAS pass I asked if they had any accommodations for individuals with sensory processing conditions and they did. I heard several people complaining about my family jumping the line and taking their spot. After hearing him laugh and the excitement he had ridding 4 rides total before our first meltdown was incredible. When he did get overwhelmed we got him a soda on the way out, let him play with his favorite toy for a min in the gift shop and rolled out for the day. I have narcolepsy and this was the first time we’ve done any park that didn’t put me in a sleep attack that lasted the whole next day. He got 4 rides. No tears were shed, no one screamed, no mom had shame for trying to give either child she loves a “normal” experience, I didn’t have to worry what people would think about us as we tried to reduce an emotional disregulation episode…because it didn’t happen. For anyone that thinks we get some sort of advantage…I’ll trade you a boring hour in line over the hell that kid has endured as we try to help him operate in a world that doesn’t understand him. I’ll trade you a day of boring lines. Honestly I wish we could all schedule rides and spend more time watching shows, eating popcorn, and buying overpriced merchandise but don’t try to make it sound like people with invisible disorders have it peachy because we aren’t standing in line. We are just grateful something exists so we can try to be there and experience some magic with our family.


Yeah. Das is really meant for your situation. It is being abused by others who really could find other ways to enjoy the park. People who dont want to use a scooter or wheelchair when mobility is really their only issue. They dont understand that the das system will collapse under itself if every person with a bad back or bad knees/hips or poor stamina wants that pass. The internet has also created a situation where dishonest jerks now know the right words to say to get that pass. Im sorry your first visit was so miserable, but happy you have found a way to make it a more pleasant experience for your family.


This was almost exactly how my first experience was at Disneyland with my son. He was 3 and was only diagnosed with sensory progressing disorder. We did one ride and he was crying the whole time in line. I was ready to go. Didn’t care the amount of money I paid it was horrible. My friend at the time told me about DAS. She would (in my opinion) take advantage of it prior to them changing it and no longer allowing people to use anxiety as a reason for needing it. We immediately went and got the DAS pass for him and it was like a night and day experience. We stayed for pretty much the whole day after that. He’s 9 now and actually has a magic key pass and it still helps. We don’t do a lot of rides maybe like 2-3 at most but he’s able to actually enjoy the park and take the breaks he needs without any overloads


I'm not familiar with the DAS system, I only use the powerchair system.


Not familiar with that program.


Kinda depends where your rent the scooter from. I dunno if these cheats are planning ahead to rent from outside the park. But DL ECV rentals are $60/day. Definitely not cost effective vs just getting Genie+


If one scooter gets your whole group to cut, it’s still a better deal. There are several scooter companies outside the park that rent for cheaper, and deliver wherever you need.


It actually doesn't though. Disney official postion on mobilty accommodation is that the ECV/wheel chair rental, or one you bring in from outside (be it a rental or personal) is accommodation enough. They do not give a DAS pass simply for wheelchairs. The attractions that are not able to accommodate a wheelchair in the queue do offer return times but this is a case by case basis and not DAS. Idk if I'm explaining it well, but simply put, a wheelchair/ECV does not automatically grant a DAS pass and is not a viable way to cheat the system. I'm speaking as someone with a lot of personal experience. I have mobility issues. However, I do qualify for DAS for other reasons.


Wheelchairs and scooters on their own no longer qualify for DAS. I say right away I'm in a wheelchair and get cut off right away. They don't let me finish the rest of my needs


Scooters in the park are $70


We just went yesterday and I have a disabled daughter and our scooter rental was $85, but that included $20 bucks you get back when you return the scooter.


Or a wheelchair. Seems like it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be but we did recently see a musical chairs situation with a scooter in line.


My last trip to Disney I ended up with a huge gout flare up and couldn’t walk. Felt like an ass all day in the scooter, but my kids would have been devastated if we had to cancel. I can’t image doing that without a legit medical issue.


Ohh yeah. Next time I would be preventatiive and get the scooter before it causes a flare up. Your family doesnt want to see you in pain. So many scooters at the park. Just dont honk when behind me, or I guarantee my overdeveloped startle reflex will have me scream like a banshee. No one cares about scooters. Take care of yourself. Enjoy the park on the scooter. Your joints and family will thank you


This is often because someone who doesn’t normally need a mobility device in normal life, may not be able to manage a full day at Disneyland without one. However, if you aren’t a regular wheelchair user, they get painfully uncomfortable after a while. A common suggestion is to use it as a walker/rollater and that way you have an instant seat when you need it. In the meantime, why not let someone else in your party have a seat when you aren’t sitting in it?


My friend needs one to last all day, but her back will start to lock up on her if she uses it all day. You may have seen us rotate. Cause someone has to drive it while she walks for awhile.


I see that all the time. Pretty common for joint and back issues. Do your thing, enjoy your day


This is me on day 3 usually. I don't need one in my normal life, but by the third day of walking around both parks, I can barely walk.


My husband doesn't need one usually but did in WDW, we are aiming not for DL and DCA as he is OK at DLP (our home park). I have set budget away though for if we need it. I had to drive it a couple of times when he had it and it was difficult and I hated it, but he need to stand up as his back was sore.


Disneyland Paris you actually have to show a medical note or proof (state issued disability pass or something like it). I heard Universal Studios does something similar where you have to turn something in ahead of time and they review it. Don’t know much about that process but maybe someone here can explain?


Universal uses IBCCES. You need to create an account and upload relevant medical info to get approved. Once approved you’ll talk to someone for universal and they’ll get you setup with the disability pass.. they are still analog and give you a sheet to hand to the ride attendants. I’m hoping that Disney goes to this as well.. it will weed out the scammers.


Fuck them and fuck line jumpers. I don’t mind people being uncomfortable, I’m going to call those idiots out.


See and I felt bad because I needed a wheel chair when I had an ankle injury. I had no idea that it gave me front of the line access. I could stand but I would get fatigued because I was using a boot.




100% how I felt.


Pfft. You will never see them again. Smile and wave.


I don’t blame them. I used a scooter when I blew my knee out. We had a trip paid for so I went with my family and it was honestly fun as fuck. I recommend to anyone who is comfortable with it to visit while injured and take advantage of any line perks. It’s a lot more enjoyable when your feet aren’t on fire the entire day and you get to people watch and sometimes cut in line. Never had to fight for a bench and people stay out of your way in the crowded areas. It does not justify it for the people who abuse it at all lol. Just an idea of why people go as far as not giving a fuck and faking an injury for this kind of stuff. I know I’ll get downvoted for my view but idc. “I’ll fuckin do it again.”


It's amazing the petty things people are willing to lose a soul over. But then, if they are willing to admit to small things, think about what they do in secret.


My guess is she has zero idea that she’s doing anything wrong. Her parents most likely presented the same behaviors and well…bad parenting is a vicious cycle


I wish I was that optimistic. I think she knows what she’s doing is not right and thinks that just because she’s figured a way to ~~game the system~~, take advantage of people, that she’s better than everyone else. You are right that she probably learned this mentality from a parent, but it sounds like she’s a grown-ass woman herself now. She knows what’s right and wrong and just doesn’t give a duck.


Scary thought.


Some people are so awful. This story has stuck with me. https://nypost.com/2013/05/14/rich-manhattan-moms-hire-handicapped-tour-guides-so-kids-can-cut-lines-at-disney-world/


The good new is DW has begun cracking down on this nonsense this year


For that kind of money I would change my stance on this and work this job.


Same. That story has been knocking around in my head for a decade.


That story and ones like it were the impetus for the current DAS system. It’s no longer an effective strategy, because DAS doesn’t cut the line anymore.


Yeah the people hiring "tour guides" were a big reason the old system ended. At the point where they decided to make the conversion 1 in 10 guests was using GAS.


I was with my SIL and her kids recently when we met up with her friend and her daughter who happened to be at Disneyland at the same time. This woman told us how she gets her daughter to distract the CMs so she can sneak through the LL. She then proceeded to demonstrate with my SIL and her daughter. I stayed with my nephew because I felt that was wrong. Then my SIL decided it was “brilliant” and took my niece to Space Mountain to repeat the “trick.” My niece asked why I didn’t want to and I said it was wrong and dishonest. She didn’t get it. And no wonder with examples like that in her life.


The procedure for handicapped patrons depends on the ride. Pirates lets you in the exit and you wait until they call you to get on. Indiana Jones does a similar thing. Disneyland was built before they had to adhere to the ADA guidelines but California Adventure has the lines set up to accommodate handicap patrons. At least that’s how they did it last time I was there.


Does anyone ever say no to line cutters and not allow them to pass you? When I’m at the back of the line and their party is the group right in front of me or only a few parties ahead I don’t mind so much but I’ve been about to get on and had people wanting to pass. Would love to be like “nope!” but also scared of confrontation lol


Instead of confronting them directly you can alert a Cast Member about it, I’ve seen them ask people to leave the line


Idk why I never thought of that! Ty!


That’s exactly why they get away with it.


I’m not scared of confrontation. I just yell it loud enough for everyone to hear or tell a CM.


Oh my god as a disabled person that infuriates me. We don’t use mobility aids cuz it’s fun, they are our legs. We wait just as long as everyone else we just don’t do it in the line. People are so damn entitled for no reason. If I could stand for longer than 5 min MAX, I would absolutely stay in the for however long the wait time is. It’s a damn privilege to be able bodied. Edit: my anger is at the woman OP is talking about, not OP themself. I agree with OP’s point of view.


DAS has accommodations for you and that’s fine. My problem is with able parties who have one member wait and the rest join when that member is near the front. I tried to state that difference in my original post, not sure if you missed it or just anxious to condone me as a discriminator.


Oh no no I wasn’t angry with you, I was angry with the woman you were talking about


Why cant you stay in your mobility aid? Unless you are a Disneyland guest? I understand a lot of their lines are not scooter/wheelchair accessible


I’m sorry I don’t fully understand your question. Can you please clarify what you’re asking?


Ahh. Im wondering why you are unable to stay in your mobility aid in the ride line. You said you were only able to stand 5 minutes or so without your mobility aid. I know some of the ride lines at Disneyland park are unable to be mainstreamed to allow wheelchairs and scooters so they have to use alternate entrance. But, otherwise people can stay in their mobility aid in the ride line.


Ohhh. Well like you said most of the lines in Disneyland park are not ADA compliant so I have to go through a different entrance anyway. For the rides that are compliant, I still use DAS because I am autistic plus I have severe social anxiety so I get return times no matter the physical accessibility of the ride. So basically if the line is ADA compliant or not, I get a return time because I use DAS, not because of my mobility aid. I see how in my original comment I didn’t explain as well as I maybe could have.


I am on the other end of that spectrum. When we take our kids, we hit the restroom before we get in line to be sure we don’t have to exit and return. I really do hate having to do it because so many people cheat the system.


This is reason to start a fist fight.


It’s interesting this behavior is tolerated nowadays. If a group tried this back in Walt’s day there probably would have been a fist fight.


This is generally sanctioned by Disney/many CMs. Case in point: We got in line for Runaway Railway last week. 45 minute wait posted. About 60 minutes into what turned out to be a 70-minute wait, the woman in front of us got on the phone with someone and said stuff like, “Yeah, I’m still in line… why don’t you guys come join me? Yeah I’m in a room with popcorn and stuff… Just keep going.” Eventually another woman showed up with a very cute little kid clutching popcorn. They were escorted by a CM who said, “Oh yay, you found them!” and leaves. Second woman tells first woman that CM saw them struggling to gets through the line and “came over and helped us find you.” They’re all happy and pleased to ride together. Appeared to have no idea this might be frowned upon. So I mean… it is what it is at this point. That group would tell you that the CMs have no issue with it! They didn’t even think they were “getting away with something,” so they’d confidently just keep doing that, assuming it was fine. 🤷‍♀️


I am sure the cm assumed the person left the line with a child to use the bathroom. That is allowed.


I had this happen with my son. We were about 3/4 of the way thru the wait for rise of the resistance and he had to use the bathroom. We let a cast member know and they told us to let someone at the front of the line know what was going when we got back which we did and they let us go in the LL entrance and meet the rest of the family at the merge point. That's reasonable I think!


Very reasonable.


Universal has a literal bathroom pass. Not used often, but Ive heard of it.


I mean put yourself in a CM's shoes- do you really want to get into a full blown argument with a guest who is willing to go a lot farther than you (possibly violence) and lose your job? On top of that, in this day and age, get plastered all over social media ? I can understand why many CMs prefer to avoid confrontation. A lot of People are willing to be crazy.


When I was a CM I had a visibly angry guest ball up his fists at me. I simply informed him “If you hit me, I get to go home early!” That disarmed him pretty quick


Nah, you’d get extended into cast health 🥲


Oh for sure - I’m just saying that there are people out there doing this that aren’t even trying to “get away with something.” It’s not so much a deviant behavior as something that’s just happening… so although it’s annoying, it’s not going to go away and is probably not worth remarking on at this point.


I mean..karma? I don't think it's right to brag about that and sorry you had to hear that!


My thought! Even if I was selfish enough to think about doing something like that, I’d be too scared of the negative karma vibes


Why'd you bite your tongue? I guess I can be passive aggressive so I would have told her how I felt then passed it off as a joke.


It was a higher up at works spouse. I’m not starting that argument.


I feel like it’s a little sad you had to answer this question, haha. Like obviously there are plenty of social scenarios where starting arguments IRL that basically assert “you are actually a bad person” is a not a great idea.


I know it can be awkward to confront people - but if people like this aren't called out the behavior isn't corrected, it gets more and more normalized and it gets easier for the next person to justify cheating "just a little bit, because everyone else is doing it". I would've absolutely said something along the lines of "Don't you think lying about a disability to cut in front of people who followed the rules a pretty slimy thing to do?"


You know DAS doesn’t let you skip the line, right? DAS acts like a LL, you get a return time to come back. It sucks when one person holds a place in line for 7 others, but if it’s 2 or 3 and I haven’t been waiting for 30+ mins it’s not really a huge issue. If they’re waiting until the person in line gets to the very front and they’re allowed to “merge” in I blame Disney for that more. Fix a broken system, don’t let it be exploited. I’ve seen people who are told to wait at a certain point for the rest of their party to show up, they don’t just keep going all the way through.


I don’t know exactly what DAS does but if they don’t do it for you then you don’t get to push past everyone else. I’d be ok with a wait at a spot or a merge system but pushing past needs to end.


> You know DAS doesn’t let you skip the line, right? DAS acts like a LL, you get a return time to come back. Which means you don't have to wait in line...


No, you don’t have to wait IN the line for some rides, others do have DAS lines, but it’s also not a “front of the line pass” like people think it is. I’ve gone with guests who have DAS and I get to ride more with Genie+ than I did in that trip.


I rent a scooter because I cannot stand for a long period, or walk long distances. I'm 74. The DAS has been a godsend for me and my friend who is disabled too. I don't mind the wait in DCA which has accessibility since I can sit while in line. I di see people who look as though they are taking advantage, but they may have a disability that is not seen visually. My motto is to be kind, don't drive the scooter too fast, and enjoy the day.


I don’t have a problem with your scooter if you’re following DAS policies. Even if you and your party load the ride without waiting through the exit. I would have a problem if you made the line part so you could walk or scoot through and meet the person who waited in line for you.


PSA: the DAS doesn't let you "skip the line." You choose an attraction from the app, see what the current wait time is, and request a return time. You get a digital pass that starts when you would have reached the front of the line. So if the app says that Indy has a 55 minute wait time, you return time starts in 55 minutes. There is no window, like there was for Fast Pass (RIP; that was the best), but you can't request another attraction until you have used the pass you have. It's primarily for those for whom standing in line is a barrier to going on a ride. Neurodivergent people, people with some physical problems. I can't stand for long periods (like more than 10 minutes) due to back issues. I can walk, but have to rest. And sitting for long periods is painful, so scooters are out. And frankly, you do NOT want them to rent me a scooter. I would either tip it over trying to cross the trolley tracks or knock down every display in a shop. I'm too inept to use one. It's not easy to get a DAS either. The CMs are careful about that.


Unpopular opinion but Disney and other theme parks have made a real divide in fairness at the parks If you can pay to skip lines, then what is the point of lines? It’s suppose to be first come gets on before someone else now it’s just are you rich? You don’t have to stand in line but the others who can’t afford can wait an extra hour I wish we could just go back to FP it was the fairest system


I’ve seen an otherwise reasonable influencer talk about this as a hot tip. Just leave one person in line and take the whole family to go do a different ride, then just hop back in line! Blows my mind that some people think this isn’t a kind of cheating.


I’d like to know who this influencer is.


thats the thing that pisses me off, i understand if one of you has to leave the line to run to the restroom or something but having one person hold the spot so you can have your family of 6 cut everyone and meet you in front, thats not okay, thats what bothers me forreal


That would so not work on me, back of the line, we all had to wait. I have a disability Great, get a DAS pass


Faking a disability just to cut for a ride says so much about someone’s character. There’s people who could benefit from accommodations that don’t even use them because of the people abusing the system making everything harder for everyone else. What a shame.


Honestly never even worried about this. Was at the park for 3 days last week and it probably happened 4 or 5 times and honestly it maybe cost me 15 minutes at most. It's just not something to worry about. I go to Disneyland to have fun not get annoyed at every little thing people do.


It’s something that needs to be taken care of before it gets worse. It started as something you see once in awhile and now it’s something you see at least once a day and growing. Disney could also implement a system where only one member of the party is required to wait in line in order to make it fair for everyone.


I think we should be more upset with Disney for creating this issue too begin with. Do away with Genie+ and the wait times will drop again.


You still have to apply for DAS through Disney and receive a special DAS pass in order to use it, wheelchair or not. You can not just roll up in a rented wheelchair and expect to get DAS treatment at each ride. Nowadays, line skipping passes are rare, and most people just get special access to the virtual cue feature on the app and have to preselect their wishlist rides. They don't have to wait in line WITH everyone else, but they still have to wait the same amount of time, and then they get a call time to return. That's when you see people "skipping the line." There will be restrictions to wishlisting the rides that are extremely popular, like Rise of the Resistance in Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway, just FYI. However, some rides have accessible lines and do not qualify for the virtual cue. So, if you have a wheelchair and DAS, you can only skip or enter the virtual cue for some rides.


"I hate when people do that," would have been my response.


I would’ve said something. Sure, they can do whatever they want. It’s up to cast members to call them out if necessary, but they don’t need to assume you think they’re awesome for cheating the system.


Renting a scooter does mitigate get you a line jump. It get you a pass with a return time. That time is usually the same as the current wait time. I had to rent-one in December so,I learned this.


This has gotten rampant since Genie+, standby lines are a shit show, people are sick of waiting endlessly. The big wigs didn’t think this through and now this is where we’re at. I see line cutting every time I go, it’s going to erupt into a fight at some point. The average guest isn’t catered to anymore, it’s pay the upcharge or forget about rides. It’s madness.


I had someone cut me in line in a SINGLE RIDER LINE. I waited a while and when I was almost to the front this dude comes through the whole line to catch up with his girlfriend, and then their friend came up right after. This was like half an hour after rope drop too. I was not happy. It would have been shorter to wait in the regular standby at that point


Last friday, While in line for incredicoaster, some teenage brat kept trying to get her friends to cut everyone and she dead ass looked passed all of us and said “I’ve seen people do worst.” So the line kind of cut them off from talking and the girl at the start ended up waiting but man that behavior is disgusting.


We were in line at DCA and I watched this happen so many times. One of them, a single adult was in line wearing a church event type shirt and I took notice that it was sort of odd they were alone. Whattaya know, a few minutes later a guy comes with what felt like the whole damn youth group to cut in line. At least 8 kids plus him. So that 1 spot in line became 10 people. This was the most egregious but I saw it 3 more times in line for that one ride alone with 3 and 4 people adding into line ahead of us. It’s no wonder the wait time listed when we got in line tripled by the time we got on.


I wonder if the wait times are thrown off by how common this has become? Probably not by that much. I’m bothered more by the cutting through than the extra wait.


I have a DAS pass but I have a real diagnosis I could even offer letters from doctors and therapists so is extremely shitty to know some people just cheat the system. I even get imposter syndrome I can’t imagine the people that lie. I heard a family the other day say “I just said my kid has issues” in a laughing matter and I was shocked.


What a POS


She's a bad person.


Why did you bite your tongue? You should have called her out for being the problem.


Bad form, bad form! -Hook


I have to use a scooter or a wheelchair… I do not skip lines!!! We are given a time to come back which is usually the same wait time as the standby line. Sometimes it is even longer… especially for Pirates! Not everyone on a scooter or wheelchair is abusing the system!


it’s annoying bc me, actually being in a wheel chair, and needing it, other people are fine pushing me out of the way


Went to the park one time with some friends, and a couple of us were arriving a bit later. In Space Mountain line for a good hour and a half or more, and our two friends roll up and just jump in with us. I got really upset and told them how wrong I thought it was. Their response was basically like "whatever, who cares." Needless to say we argued for a bit and it was awkward for rest of trip. Worst Dland experience I've ever had but glad I stood on principle.


Arm the cast members with cattle prods!


Can’t stand people like this. They’re the worst type of people! This is why Tokyo Disney was so good - they have more respect for their fellow man.


I always hear that about Japan. I should move there.


It was amazing. I’m from Australia - but have been to California Disney and the park goers and castmembers were so much more respectful and nice at Tokyo.


I am a person with DAS and a son with DAS. The DAS pass I get is basically a Lightening Lane pass good for 6 people. Being in Lightening Lanes does result in rather long wait lines at certain rides. There are many legitimate disabilities that aren’t projected visually that still require a DAS pass. Where I can, I wait in line. Where I can’t, I scan our Lightening passes then my daughter & her friend will wait in line while I wait near the front with my son & his friend who helps us. Do you consider that line jumping? How is having a DAS pass truly different from paying for Genie+? If I’ve scanned my valid pass shouldn’t I be allowed to momentarily leave my party to step out of line when needed?


I’m talking about people who don’t go through DAS procedures. If they give you something by all means use it. When you’re in a normal line, No you aren’t allowed to step out of line if it means you can’t rejoin your party without cutting through the people behind you. It’s called a line and you commit to waiting in it when you join it. You can always leave and try again later if there’s an emergency.


Yes you can leave a normal line if need be and rejoin your party. Many people are denied told and told to do this.


You can leave and rejoin your party if you don’t mind being inconsiderate to others.


When a child has to go and you have been waiting a long time it is fine and not inconsiderate. If you never got in line and are trying to join your group that is inconsiderate


Right! If you have a legit disability and you need to sit I really don’t think anyone would be upset with that. It’s the obnoxious people that are able bodied and lie to take advantage of DAS.


Yes, someone may need to sit, they may need to run to the restroom, they may need to run & buy something to eat. My point being, you don’t know if someone has a legitimate DAS. Of course, those that falsely take advantage of the program ruin it for all but you can’t know if someone is DAS or not unless you ask


This might make it harder for people to "fake" a disability. https://wdwnt.com/2024/04/disney-reportedly-switching-to-third-party-disability-access-service-more-daily-recap-4-7-24/


Hope this true-- they need to clamp down


This actually happens a lot! I've been twice in the last 6 months and I saw it at least 6 times. One person waits in line and when they get closer to the front, the rest of the family follows. It happens at universal studios too.


Yeah it does. It’s been snowballing for the last several years and is out of hand now. The more people that do it, the more people that see it and think it’s ok because they saw someone else do it. Pretty soon everyone has to do it or get shortchanged.


It must suck to have a family that's willing to allow you to stand in line for an hour while the rest of them are having fun only to join you when you get to the front. I feel bad for that person.


People are really out here cheating the system. I get that the lines are long and you want to be able to accomplish everything you want for your trip, but so does everyone else. I hate hearing about people taking advantage like this.




i had friends tell me that too. “we went with a friend who pretended to have a hurt leg so we got a wheelchair and front of the line passes”


I had families cut the line up for food kiosks! All excited that I'm next in line and then 6 family members cut in front of me and proceed to order. Happened multiple times over 5 days last summer... always large groups of 'families' in the most popular long wait rides. 🙄


And to think how I was embarrassed to meet up with my family when I went during my first trimester and needed a million potty breaks


Most rides people who are pregnant are not advised to ride anyway. For ones they are it comes down to either you are inconvenienced by not being able to wait the duration of the ride without a restroom break or everyone else is inconvenienced by you cutting through to meet up with your party. Why should one outweigh the other?


I have a disability that I would qualify for DAS with. I never get it since as a CM I can’t get it in advance like other guests and frankly I look able bodied, so I don’t want to answer any questions that people may have. It genuinely makes my blood boil when people fake a disability to get the little “perks” that are afforded to us.


Oh you had the strength of Hercules not to say anything. I hope that lady kicks rocks with open toe shoes.


And this is why Disney has to revamp the system. We have two kids with significant disabilities and I al beyond tired of people abusing DAS.


I have PTSD and can't be stationary with an open area behind me (I get anxious that someone can sneak up on me), so I have to have a wall or a large partition behind me. I have to have a clear path to any exit, or I freak out. I'm fine walking around, I'm fine on rides as long as I'm on an end. I usually get around this by using Genie+ or knowing they layout of the queues. I'm afraid to ask for the disability service because last time I tried to get services I felt like I was being put on the spot, and it's worse if it's a male, and I don't look disabled so I get really anxious and I have to stand at the thing with my back exposed and I'm sorry I'm rambling... Last time I had a panic attack was on the Pandora ride (on the dragon things), I tried to switch with someone in a different party to be on the end, but they refused and I ended up having a bad panic attack. It was my fault for not knowing the ride layout ahead of time, but most of the time, people love getting the middle seats because it offers a better view. Anyways, sorry for the tirade it just drives me nuts when people abuse the system, because it would be awesome to not have to worry about those things.


I have been wondering about getting a scooter for when we go to Disney for multiple days because our feet hurts so bad by day too. Is anyone allowed to just get a scooter just to drive to each attraction? I wouldn't have a problem standing in line, but it would be nice when I get off a ride to just hop on a scooter and drive to the next one...


I have plantar fasciitis but I just sit down in the queue or sit on the railings if I can. Honestly don’t care if I’m sitting in a walkway. I’ll get up and move when there’s a decent gap.


Unpopular opinion alert but you should just deal with your feet hurting. Everyone else would like to scoot to their next destination too but only the truly disabled should be given that option.


Yeah you are right. Maybe Disney can bring back people movers 😂


Ok so I don't see a problem with this. If someone stays in line and the other sit some where and meet up before getting to "inside". Like Peter Pan's outside line (before the sign). It just reduces cranky kids. Typically "outside" lines wait times only allow for potty breaks or snack runs


If you can plan accordingly to meet your party at a strategic spot where they can join the line easily it’s not a problem. If your party has to say excuse me to everyone behind you it is a problem.


The amount of people cutting in front of you on any given line would have to be significant for you to ever feel a material difference in waiting. Like if 10 people cut (and I’m at DL once a week, never seen that many people cut at a time), at best it cost you an extra 3-5 minutes. Just do what is right for you and be chill. OP who pulled the ultimate Reddit move - doesn’t engage with a perpetrator of something they dislike in real life when given the opportunity but instead runs to the sub to crank like a baby.


Had someone tell me I should get DAS for my sciatica that was acting up. I said no that’s for people who actually need it


Bro it’s not that serious. A long line is a long line


Is it line jumping if someone in their group stays in line the whole time? That's a real one for sure, I wouldn't stay in line while my friends all have fun but I don't consider that "line cutting".


I know someone who gets priority front of the line passes due to her fake disability. She can’t stand for long periods of time but I’ve only ever seen that problem at theme parks. They brag about getting front of the line passes to everyone and it’s annoying.