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I had a skin condition (palmo plantar pustulosis) that I had to take twice the maximum dosage each day to keep under control. It was going to end up messing up either my kidney or liver (sorry, don't remember which). If I missed even one dose, I would have a flare-up. One day my pharmacy wasn't able to fill my prescription...and nothing happened. I contacted my doctor and we decided to go ahead and get more medicine on the way, but hold off on taking it. I have now been off the medicine for something like six years. My doctor's opinion is that the flareups were stressed induced and I'm no longer stressed since divorcing my ex.


My hair came back and I kicked a drinking problem post divorce. I'm also offy antidepressants too.


My anxiety went away. I sleep better. I don’t drink as much. Healing is beautiful 💕


When I was married I had horrible eczema outbreaks, so much that I covered my body up completely even in the hottest months. Since the divorce I haven’t even had one outbreak, I’m wearing shorts and bathing suits again. My x never made me feel attractive, he never complimented me, during his affair I was basically invisible to him. I’ve never felt more alone in my life.


Same here. I’m not post divorce yet but since he left us, I used to hate the cat getting places he shouldn’t be. I would get furious. Now I don’t mind it. My skin cleared up too.


Yesssssss 👏 Thrive, baby, thrive !! It’s only up from here 🙂


It’s amazing what stress does to the body. We often don’t listen to the negative triggers. I had a reoccurring nightmare for years that I always found odd. It stopped and hasn’t come back since separating.


Mine was giving me migraines.


Same! Had migraines non-stop the entire 21 years we were together. Once we split up they just stopped. Wish I figured that one out sooner!!


I have hope for my anxiety!


This could describe me, and I'm so pleased for you!


I had what I believed to be adult onset food allergies for TWELVE YEARS. I had allergy testing done that showed no food allergies despite having multiple allergic reaction symptoms to my trigger foods. The doctor told me it could be stress related and I almost fell out of my seat. My symptoms completely disappeared after separating from my STBX and I can eat foods now that I've had to avoid for almost my entire marriage. Towards the end of my marriage I developed severe, debilitating tendonitis in my wrist and ankle. There was no injury and I'm in no way athletic, when I was evaluated by my PCP he drew labs and found my cortisol (stress hormone) levels were dangerously elevated and causing inflammation all over my body. He felt that was the true cause of the food allergy symptoms and it was starting to shred my tendons. I went to an orthopedic doctor for a second opinion and he confirmed what my PCP said, and advised me that I would be facing multiple surgeries with painful recoveries if I didn't dramatically lower my stress level soon. I haven't a single issue since moving out. I've struggled with anxiety my entire life, it makes sleep very difficult for me. At the point I separated, I was taking a dangerous combination of sleep medications and anti anxiety meds just to get 4 hours of sleep at night. Within days of living alone I was falling asleep at a normal time without any medication at all, for the first time in well over 15 years. I have only needed my anti anxiety medication a few times in the past 6 months. I knew my STBX was a toxic person for more than half the marriage, and it was negatively impacting my mental health - I never would have guessed it would also cause physical health problems. I am thankful my therapist saw the direction my health was headed in and helped me do the inner work necessary to be able to leave my marriage before it killed me. The body really does keep score.


My goodness. What a life. 15 years ??? Iam so happy for you. These men can definitely destroy us


Had nothing much to say now, all I can say now is congratulations


When I was married I was allergic to gold. I am Hindu by religion and in our customs married women wear Mangalsutra (it is a black beaded gold chain) and bangles. I could never wear those and every time I wore I had a severe allergic reaction. Fast forward, now after almost 6 months of divorce I wear a gold chain all the time and there is no reaction. So was with my periods. I used to have extremely irregular periods when married. Now it is regular. Your body just knows what to reject.


THIS is so incredible to hear! That's so awesome, crazy asian! I'm really happy for you. I've (56M) been the same way...ever since we started the divorce, I'm happier, my anxiety has all but disappeared, and WHAT THE HECK?!?! I am horny ALL THE FREAKING TIME. That could also be as a result of losing 25 pounds and getting in shape. But still, it's kind of getting annoying. I mean, I have to go to work for crying out loud!


Toxic relationships are bad for anyone.


Good for you


Dang, that's awesome. I hope my GERD goes away, too.




He is Soo much better without you


Again, no one asked you


Hope You find better in the new relationship with yourself till this next person fails you and you don't talk about it and express what needed to change in the first relationship & you carry it on to the next. It will be the same with him & yourself until you break the cycle ; until then... it repeats over and over again. But glad you decided to get healthy i guess. Funny how Women won't Change for a Man & wait someone out to deteriorate past the point of reconsiliation to act. But I don't know your particular relationship , so I can't judge. Just seems to be a pattern of affirmation on this threat with zero context. Decided to chime in


You definitely seem to be judging and making tons of assumptions. Apparently women need to change for a man, even to the detriment of their own health? Nah, fuck that shit. You’re the type of person to give someone gastric ulcers. There is no new person, likely won’t be for several years. I mean, my cat bullies me and he’s the only man in my life but he gets a pass bc he’s cute.




Oh fuck off, no one asked you


It's so shocking, what being with a disorder person does to us. And sometimes how disordered and even malevolent, they are is a quiet thing that we don't know about. I gradually became disabled and pretty incapacitated until the person I was married to cut a very difficult diagnosis and then, strangely enough, as they got sicker, I got healthier until, when they died, I was great. after they died, I discovered why. It's very potent when we are in proximity to somebody who is disordered. They twist us, and they mess with our minds and then we can't really clearly perceive who they are or what they are quietly doing. I'm so glad that you are healthy.