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Wolf to Blue Shark (they both hunt in packs) Elk Totem: Hammerhead Eagle: Reef Shark?


Reef sharks get pack tactics, so they‘re better suited for wolf. Eagle is more of a lone hunter feature.




Bear: Bull Shark Eagle: Great White Shark Elk: Mako Shark Tiger: Tiger Shark Wolf: Reef Shark Bull sharks are tough as nails and survive in freshwater as well as saltwater Great White sharks use Breeching as an attack tactics, leaping out of the water Mako Sharks are the fastest sharks Tiger Shark is just a good name Reef Sharks are pack hunters which is the theme of Wolf totem


I’d change Bear Totem to Orca Totem and give Great White to Wolf.    Eagle could be Stingray Totem    Elk could be Dolphin? 


I think OP wants them all to be different kinds of sharks?


Ah, I see I have misunderstood the assignment.


Thumbs up for creativity though


i mean on one hand sure. on the other why would a sharkrace ONLY relate to sharks for their totems? sure it makes sense that the normal land animals aren't used but as long as they are aquatic it makes sense to me at least.


Elk could be sword fish maybe edit: or narwhal but that makes me think too much of unicorns


Great whites don't hunt in packs. Dolphins or seals hunt in packs, that's the whole flavor of the wolf totem.


I know you know it is missing the assignment. But Orca would fit Wolf way better since they hunt together. Stingray I kinda like though since they are quite a bit closer to sharks than Orcas are.


There is literally a [wolf fish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_wolffish) out there


That was my first thought as well, Great White is definitely more Wolf. Although Bronze Whaler sharks are known to hint on packs. There are tons of shark species out there. At least 20 or 30 well known ones. And a few hundred all together


Bear - Thresher Eagle - Angel Shark Elk - Hammerhead Tiger - Sand Tiger / Tiger Shark (duhhh :p) Wolf - Great white


For wolf you probably want something like Hammerheads that hunt in packs.


Eagle could be a Mako. Very fast and they get some air


Bear - Great White Shark Eagle - Mako Shark Elk - Hammerhead Shark Tiger - Tiger Shark Wolf - Reef Shark


Wolf=dogfish (which is a shark).


Oh, that’s a fun one


Eagle Totem = Shortfinned Mako, so fast it practically flies Elk Totem = Grey Nurse Shark, large and mostly harmless Wolf Totem = Bull Shark, smaller than the tigers and great whites, arguably far more dangerous.


Based on the descriptions of each in the subclass: Eagle - Reef Shark/Hammerhead Elk - Mako Shark Wolf - I agree with TheSkinnyD on the Blue Shark


Eagle Shark Elk Shark Tiger Shark Wolf Shark


Wolf could be Blacktail Totem. Its a nickname for gray sharks, which used to congregate around sinking ships at open sea and devour the men. They aren't doing so hot these days, but they remind me of sea wolves.


wolf to orca; they are the Wolves of the Sea. they aren't sharks, though; they're whales. but still. elk to blue shark; they're the fastest shark, and elk is about movement speed. eagle, i don't know. there aren't flying ones or ones with super great eyesight. but i feel like hammerhead should be in there, they are iconic sharks.


Just a lot of sharks? Bear Totem: Dunkleosteus Eagle Totem: Reef Shark or Mako Shark Elk Totem: Hammerhead Shark for sure. Tiger Totem: Megalodon Shark Wolf Totem: Great White, Orcas or Mako Shark


Seeing as how Bull Sharks can go anywhere, fresh or salt water, they could fit elk.


Bear- whale sharks cuz nobody fucks with them really Eagle- reef sharks because they’re incredibly agile as they dart through coral after prey. Elk - mako sharks because they’re the fastest. Tiger- honestly I feel like it should be great whites as they are one of the more popular species that jump out of the water and they can get crazy high. Or Spinner sharks as they, well, spin out of the water after their prey. Wolf- Dogfish Sharks who are small and who have been known to hunt in packs of 100-1000+ (according to a very surface level google search) strong.


I'd say eagle would be Mako, wolf might be bull shark. Elf maybe Greenland shark


I feel like Great White is more suited to Eagle because of their ability to smell out blood from miles away. Bear would possibly be better suited to a Whale Shark or Basking Shark maybe?


Goblin Shark for eagle Zebra Shark for elk Hammerhead Shark for wolf


Just my 2c Bear = Great White Shark / Whale Shark Eagle = Hammerhead Shark Elk = Mako Shark Tiger = Tiger Shark Wolf = Reef Sharks


For wolf use [Wolf fish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_wolffish)


There is such a thing as a Bull Shark - that seems like a good equivalent to Elk. There's also a type called a wobbegong. I don't know how that one helps in particular, but it's fun to say.


Eagle is the Thresher totem, Elk is the Basking totem, Wolf is the Hammerhead totem


Cookie cutter shark gang where you at?


Just add 'fish' behind each animal 👍


Why is bear great white? Wolf is the offensive totem. Wolf should be the great white. I would name bear like, sea turtle. Or maybe Goliath grouper. If you’re insistent on naming them after sharks maybe nurse shark. Then elk as the speed option could be like marlin.google says shortfin mako is the fastest shark. Someone else said eagle can be a ray, that feels appropriate, maybe hammerhead/bonnet-head Tiger shark as tiger feels appropriate, no need to change. Edit: actually bull shark would be a good option for either bear or wolf. They show endurance by going into freshwater rivers, and they kill the most humans, mostly because of the territory overlap from going into freshwater. Edit 2: wolf is more of a teamwork thing so it should either be dolphin/orca or maybe a schooling fish. Orca would match offensive teamwork well.


Eagle Shark Totem, its a shark with a beak Elk Shark Totem, its a shark with Elk horns Wolf Shark Totem, its a Shark with fur