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First, cool idea! Second, maybe your DM could pass you some dialogue from Loki? Either before session or during. Maybe he could pass on information or give you instructions. Your party doesn’t know what’s being said, but they can still question your actions.


Yes this is going to be my favorite part. Part of the idea for my character is he had a life before becoming a Warlock. Family, friends, people he cared about and who cared about him. On top of that he is a Aasimar of Odin, and part of his deal was uncovering knowledge for Odin. He eventually found a book in his research, and while he was reading it he noticed that it had a cipher to it. So as he got further through this cipher the book started doing weird things to him. Until it finally hit a climax and the words peeled off of the book and burned into his skin leaving arcane tattoos all over him. Shortly after this happened he became weaker and weaker until he 'died'. Little did everyone else know it was Loki that allowed my character to feign death for an extended period of time. After my character was buried and mourned, he suddenly comes back to life in a coffin. All of his memories gone. He is in a catatonic state. This is also the period that his eye changed from the original blue to the unnatural green. From this point on Loki acts as his guide. Speaking to him through dreams and other methods. Loki convinces my character that he was searching for this power and finally attained it. He trains my character to be deceptive, methodical, and careful when it comes to lying and cheating his way through things. You get the idea. Pretty much my character becomes a tool for Loki. So it's going to be super interesting to see if my character ever runs into someone from his past life. Along with that it's going to be awesome working with Loki, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up turning sour further into the campaign. Not sure why but your comment spurred me on to share more of my backstory and details on my character, hope you don't mind haha


No that’s really cool! Good luck with all that. It definitely seems like an interesting character to play. Very complex.


Yeah I like trying to hash out the backstory of any characters I play in detail so it gives more opportunities for dramatic encounters and quests. It also helps that one of my close friends is the DM for this game so we have plenty of time to talk about ideas and things we could do to make this character interesting. Glad you like it!


Hmm. You reminded me of something. I’m DMing my first campaign this weekend (just a solo) and it’s a homebrew world. One of my goals is to use the D&D verbiage as little as possible. So instead of saying “The NPC casts Magic Missile and hits three members of your party”, I plan on describing the action instead. “The woman clenches her fist and three bolts of light appear. She hurls them at your friends in a bright flash of movement.” What this means, to me, is less thinking “I’m a class and I use these abilities” and more “I’m a person and I do this”. No idea if this is more trouble than it’s going to be worth, but I’m giving it a shot.


Hmm I like that. As long as your players are cool with it I don't see why not. I don't see the need to say exactly what spell you are casting everytime. Especially if it adds cool flavor and mystery to characters. Even a cool martial ability you could do that with. Instead of saying "I got sneak attack so a extra 2d6" you could say "I catch them right in the jugular and do an extra 2d6". I might implement that idea a little into my homebrew campaign I am running currently. I say go for it!


My character is a battlemaster/hexblade that has no idea how he can use magic, was surprised by using his reaction to cast shield, and has no idea he is a warlock, he's just a fighter in his mind. He doesn't recall being struck down by a crossbow bolt and begging for his life as he died. Definitely doesn't know who his patron is and can only faintly remember a mocking laugh when he tries to remember what happened. its pretty background specific, but if the character doesn't know much about his ability to use magic...how could the other characters?


I like this approach! I think our characters may be a little similar with the dying and coming back without any memories. Although my character will know his patron well, and he knows that is where his abilities come from. Though I think I will keep this in mind as an idea. I think my character could definitely weave a tale that he has no clue how he got the powers. Think it may be able to tie into the Sorcerer thing. Doesn't know how he got magical abilities, so he thinks he is a sorcerer and acts like he really believes it.