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Baldur's gate 3?


I completely understand why people don't like recommendations for other games but Call of Cthulhu actually has solo scenarios that are kinda like choose-your-own-adventures with dice. Here's a [link](https://www.chaosium.com/alone-against-the-flames/) to one I played. It was pretty fun and it's also free. I don't know if D&D have any similar but those are a fun way to spend a little time.


i will check it out thank you!


A choose your own adventure book? Fr tho maybe try getting family into it? Even grandparents can be swayed sometimes, or maybe try your hand at a dumbed down DMing for a kid, kids love to play pretend, and being on either side of the "screen" can be fun


they would never get into it unfortunately but adventuring books sound fun! thanks for the suggestion


I know how you feel dude. I've been trying to play for 2 years now, even accepted all notifs on reddit and several discord servers. Only been accepted for one game and he had too much on his plate n shut it down after one session. Monday being my only day off doesn't help >.< nor does living in a tiny tourist town with no gamestore that hosts games


im also completely awkward around strangers on online servers because i like to do fun voices and stuff during roleplaying and i just need to be comfortable enough to do that in order to have fun so i guess i will just play like a maniac in my own haha


Don't forget there is the session Zero when playing online! It let's you dip your toes to see if you are comfortable or not before the game starts. Cast your net, jump in! If humans let anxiety and fear hold us back we'd still be living in lean-tos and foraging berries




yeah i will be giving the adventure books a try. they sound the best to me. thank you for the suggestion




wow thats a lot of information thank you for taking the time and effort i really appreciate that




this is great help thank you


There are online groups.


too awkward around ppl i dont know haha


dragon+ the official online D&D magazine has a free solo adventure you can play by yourself. its a lot like a choose your own adventure book but with skill checks and combat. its not as good as playing with a group but its enough to get a taste of the game and learn some of the rules as you play.


i will check it out thank you!


Majority of players won't recommend solo D&D but it can be done. I have played the entire Princes of the Apocalypse module in Roll20 solo last year. Is it ideal? no. Was it a lot more effort to handle characters and the DM side? Yes. Did I metagame more? Of course. Did I generally have a good time? Yup. My caveat for D&D: I probably wouldn't do it if it wasn't a Roll20 or other VTT module so a load of DM work is taken care of and character sheets are easier to manage. Oh, and journaling the action, dialogue, etc is by far the best way to get a detailed experience. i have a massive doc for that campaign and I've never re-read it nor plan to but it made sure I didn't shortcut everything and tried to play as true to the game as possible. Finally, there are other TTRPGs out there designed for solo play. Probably the most popular and effective one out now is Ironsworn which is a fully free download and the Roll20 character sheet is essentially the whole game in one which makes for a low-friction experience. I can't recommend it highly enough. Good luck!


Pretty sure that's just called writing a book


There are online groups to play with


r/Solo_Roleplaying would be a better place for this question


I wrote [The Saint's Tomb](https://sayeth.itch.io/the-saints-tomb) for just this situation. Try it and its sequel [A Miner Problem](https://sayeth.itch.io/a-miner-problem), then try some other solo games on DM'S Guild. [The Death Knight's Squire](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/220997/DD-Solo-Adventure-The-Death-Knights-Squire) is excellent.