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It’s a fucking crime that we only got one season with 12, Bill, and Nardole. My favourite main cast by a country mile.


Agreed. More Bill, less Clara.


Bill AND Clara. they wouldn't get on at all, but they'd both make good points about it




Fun fact: literally EVERY companion Moffat created as showrunner is dead


Uh, that’s actually not really true. Amy and Rory didn’t really “die” on screen. There’s dead technically yes but of old age, which presumably happens to like everyone eventually. Clara is like a weird time zombie flying around the universe with her weirdo immortal girlfriend. Bill didn’t die at all, she was just turned into a robot and then became Water.


didn't know 14 had a reddit account




Capaldi very quickly became my favourite too, he is The Doctor. His monologues are incredible, he brought the stage to the show.


Totally based except for me series 8 seemed have some troubles getting off the ground figuring out who the 12th doctor is, considering his journey as a character, the sudden switch to his disregard for so many people seemed pretty out of character. Then series 9 rolled around and they figured it the fuck out, capaldi became THE Doctor in my opinion, heaven sent is easily my favorite episode of doctor who of all time and I loved seeing him on the tank with the guitar, that shit was awesome, his showdown with the Cybermen in the doctor falls was epic, I loved the shit out of series 9 and 10, peak who IMO


i completely agree! of the Capaldi era s8 is the weakest for me, it still has a lot to love but s9 and s10 are sooooo much stronger


I just finished rewatching after far too long. 12 is just so good. And his wit is hilarious.


Yeah, that's what I'm talking about 😎 https://preview.redd.it/dpsk46f3chbd1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efd8b14e750b041dc8637d29b103e5f43ec56ac


I highly recommend watching The Thick Of It for more Peter Capaldi.


My partner was watching Rick and Morty one day and I recognised the soundtrack they were playing. I couldn’t believe my ears- it was the soundtrack for when 12 was in the climax of the loop in Heaven Sent, and the scene in Rick and Morty was something about time loop too. I don’t watch Rick and Morty but I got rather emotional when they referenced such a niche scene. I loved that scene and I love the soundtrack and I bloody love 12


Which episode of Rick and Morty was that?


I don’t know for sure but my guess is the vat of acid episode where Morty has the “do-over” button and it’s playing the montage of him and the girl going out and crashing the plane. Idk what the soundtrack is though


Must have been a fan edit then because I don't think they used the track from who in that episode


I don’t think so either I just looked through it. We may never know


I’m 100% certain it’s not fan made because my partner was watching it on Netflix. I’m now determined to find that episode


If you do find it lemme know, I'd be very interested in seeing




Also THE DOCTOR WHO EXPERIENCE!!!! Capaldi doing the video at the start of the experience was soo good!!!!


im still so sad i never got to go to that :(


If that's the sort of thing you wanted all along from a children's adventure show, have you tried watching domestic dramas with people yelling fruitlessly at each other for inexplicably bored/schadenfreude grown-ups? *Marriage Story*, maybe, didn't the actors win awards for their yelling?


what? huh? im talking about loving an era a lot… why are you upset? i even say i love all of doctor who in this very post, what?? also, i dont just love the Capaldi era for its seriousness, though it think it handles that seriousness much better than the melodrama of a domestic drama or Marriage Story, i also love it for its sense of fun and humor! like, the Doctor swordfights Robin Hood with a spoon in this era! the TARDIS becomes toy-sized! theres a time travel bank heist episode! and thats all just in the first season of Capaldi! cmon dude, what??


I think 12 might be the funniest doctor