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So weird - I could’ve sworn the dodgers were great against the fastball these past several years


They were good these past years but were bad against LHP. They fixed that but now they suck against fastballs. Mookie and Freddie are not getting any younger...


It's funny you mention that because if my memory works as well as I think it does, I think it was '21 or '22 that Mookie really struggled with breaking pitches. It seemed that he worked on it all that offseason because the next year he was raking against breaking balls, but suddenly had trouble with the fastball. It's a very interesting cat-and-mouse game.


I feel like it’s just mental tbh. I feel like the dodgers tend to sit on a pitch as a unit and just let other pitches beat them for example I feel like this team is hunting the breaking ball more then the fastball this year also feel like them tryna make pitchers work sometimes backfires against them, they legit be letting fastballs down the middle go for a strike it has to be a hitting coach issue and mindset that he implements on his team it’s happened over and over these last couple years.


Agreed. It is the mentality of this team ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. Personally, I was the only one not impressed with the team coming into the year. I expect a similar exit like every year. If there is ONE thing I have learned in my 40+ years of watching baseball and living life is that you can't buy a championship. Many teams have tried and very few (nearly no one) has done it. That will include us as well.


The problem is not just only the lower half not hitting it’s that Muncy and THernandez strike out a lot. The pressure that’s going to put on those top 4 hitters in the playoffs is going to be unbelievable.


If this team continues like this (not saying they can't get hot as MANY, MANY teams do in the playoffs as we are examples of being on the other side of that) there is NO WAY this team is going anywhere. NOPE. Trust me I want it to happen, but don't see this team doing it. It will take some serious luck from the bottom half in playoffs.


So what's Pages' excuse for sucking against the fastball


Too young, hasnt seen enough 99mph yet lol


He's actually 37


Not trying to sound alarms here, but that’s the first thing that goes with hitters is the ability to hit 97 and above fastballs


And that's what many of the pitchers in the playoffs will typically look like. It's the same reason that JT and the boys would look overmatched in many of the playoff runs... blown away by the hard stuff. Seager was one of the few guys we had that would hunt that heat and could actually turn on it.


Not just seager but also Joc and Bellinger


I don't blame them for letting Joc or Bellinger go though, and I think Seager was likely always going to leave


Too bad the couldnt afford all those guys /s


Idk why we didnt spend to keep seager or turner…


Losing Seager really hurts given how clutch he is in playoffs. Sigh.


Idk the exact amount but I think we would’ve had to offer like 375+ to be equivalent to the 325 he got from Texas since they don’t have state income tax. I love Seag as much as the next guy but he realistically would’ve had to take a huge discount to stay in Dodger blue and I don’t expect players to do that. Miss him big come October tho, there’s no denying that


It's not a big difference. He already lives in a zero income tax state (NC) so all you would have to do is pay a bonus in the offseason to offset the difference.


I don’t think teams are allowed to do that. I believe they can have signing bonuses but that’s just at the very beginning of the deal, I’ve never heard of them being spaced out and paid like an annuity but I could be wrong about that. Teams aren’t in the business of giving 9 figure signing bonuses anyways so I kind of think that’s a moot point


Signing Bonuses can be paid out however/whenever. Mookie gets his in the offseason, because he lives in TN so no state income tax. Salary needs to be paid during playing season, but not sure if that starts in spring training or not.


This is such a lazy way to look at it and I doubt that mattered. Yea Texas doesn't have state income tax however you pay way more in property taxes than anywhere else. Dallas is also filled with toll roads. Last year alone on my house that was assessed at under 350k I paid almost 20k in property taxes.


You're talking 20k in property tax vs 20mil in income tax?


Ah yes, those damn toll roads making millionaires go broke left and right. The increase in property taxes you’re talking about is in the order of thousands/tens of thousands/MAYBE six figures a year if that. But yeah that totally evens out with the millions he’d be paying yearly in income tax while living in CA during the season. Getting offered less money in a place with more punitive taxes won’t influence your decision making at all, you’re right I doubt that mattered


You’re sort of right but also wrong. For extremely high earners it can make a big difference playing half your games in a state like Texas versus California or New York. Doesn’t mean I’d move there.


Whose to say we didn't offer them a bag and they turned us down anyway? Players are allowed to sign with whatever team they want, they don't *have* to go to the team that offers them the most. I'm sure we offered them respectable contracts but ultimately they both wanted to play elsewhere and imo got paid more than they're worth to do so. Plus if we'd signed them we likely wouldn't have gone after Ohtani and Yamamoto so aggressively, and nothing against Corey and Trae but I'd much rather have those two personally. I love Seager but this sub has such rose tinted goggles when it comes to him, especially in regards to his postseason success. Sure he had outstanding performances in 2020 and 2023, but he also slashed .237/.348/.395 during our 2017 run and .188/.264/.375 in 2021. Freddie and Mookie haven't done it in Dodger blue yet but they've both proven capable of going on postseason tears just as nutty as Seager's.


JT couldn't hit the fastball anymore anyways. If you mean Trea, good riddance. I never liked him lolol... not even when he was with the Nats. As for Seager, I think he was always gone


Uhhh because Ohtani


hmm wonder whos going to spam 100mph+ tomorrow ???


Bookmarking this for October.


and guess whos pitching against us tomorrow?? Yes Skenes...We are cooked


I'm amazed Ohtani isn't sending these fastballs into the atmosphere


He’s not 100% rn


In a time, long, long ago. We used to be a team that opponents would fear having to pitch a fastball to.


Bottom 5.... Embarrassing for this quote on quote *stacked* offense


Such disappointments for the last couple of weeks… can we wake up from this? No offense when top four is cold.


The playbook by sub-.500 teams in October to troll the Dodgers; frustrate the batters with off-speed pitches and have them hack.


Almost like we need a new batting coach or something.


They need to practice on the Nolan Ryan pitching machine and set it at 105mph




Oh but we’re leading the division so we’re all concerned for no reason /s


Just throw them 98 mph heaters down the middle and it should all work out.


Good thing I’m starting Skenes in fantasy


God help us if we face velocity in the postseason


lol 90% aces have an elite fastball not to mention every team now has bullpen arms that throw 97+ we are fucked


Remember, **Muncy said the quiet part out loud.** I was encouraged when I heard they discussed the postseason approach at the plate being an issue instead of trying to justify it. I can definitely see it making a difference. [Max Muncy Might Have Accidentally Revealed Source of Dodgers' Postseason Struggles](https://www.si.com/mlb/dodgers/news/max-muncy-might-have-accidentally-revealed-source-of-dodgers-postseason-struggles) *Edit, grammar.


just don't swing at anything 97 and over. i mean. not every pitch can be over 97. just wait til it's around 96 and they'll kill it.


Almost like uppercutting every swing is bad against fastballs. Arraez would've been a perfect fit for this team but they didn't want to match the Padres weak package.


Where you you play Arraez, just curious? People always want these players but never think about the next step of where they play? Is he replacing Freeman at 1B? Nope. Ohtani at DH? Nope. Sure, he can play 2B, but he plays a piss poor defensive 2B. Imagine him and Mookie as the middle infield defense in a big game. Yikes!


2B would be the obvious fit. Mookie is not going to be playing SS in October and we all know it


Yeah and he’s awful defensively


Dodger tax is real


Crazy I was just in game chat earlier saying how we are terrible against a good fastball then this stat comes out to confirm it this is seriously concerning


Don't let the rest of the league see this. They're gonna develop pitchers to throw 99mph knuckleballs just to spite us.


I might have misheard but broadcast said we were 8th and 9th for AVG and OPS, respectively against pitches 95+ mph. Crazy what framing stats can do to fill the narrative


Well we're 15th in avg and OBP, 18th in slugging, and 16th in wOBA against such pitches, so not sure what narrative you're trying to sell. LOL @ you idiots downvoting facts


No narrative! Just interesting to see how fast we fall below league average over a difference of 2mph


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The bottom of the line up can’t hit fastballs is the problem.


i mean. to be fair, they can't hit anything. they don't discriminate.


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