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I really don’t mind swallowing! It’s less messy. But if that’s something you wanna do in the future, I advise you to just swallow immediately. Don’t let it sit in your mouth, it will only get worse. If you don’t wanna do it in the future, just don’t! It’s not an obligation, you are allowed to like and dislike things in the bedroom!


Yeah I’d rather just down the hatch than jump up and go for the bathroom immediately. It’s really just me being lazy 😂


Also, tell the penis-haver to get some cinnamon in their diet. It takes the bitterness away.


I heard pineapple can also help!


I tried but it was not very helpful according to reports from downstream. A half glass of milk with half a teaspoon of cinnamon every morning was a gamechanger. Maybe it's a "fixing the bitterness" vs "adding flavour" issue and cinnamon is good at hiding my bad diet choices.


>I tried but it was not very helpful according to reports from downstream. Every chef should try their own food to taste


Honestly, so true.


If that were true, I’d go celibate. The only fans market (which wow, that got extremely big incredibly fast, which is bizarre given the emoting of free porn on the internet … but I digress!!) surprises me with the apparent number of women who claim they love drinking semen. I hope finding the smell of my own isn’t a sign of something terribly wrong. I try to maintain a relatively balanced and healthy diet, with plenty of green vegetables and lean protein, albeit I have weaknesses for delicious bad stuff like whipped cream, crispy pork, and Guinness. God know I love getting blowjobs, but I wouldn’t blame any woman, like OP, who doesn’t want to swallow.


man idk i (woman) think mine smells wack but my bf loves it… the thought of having to lick/otherwise have it in my mouth disgusts me but not him at all. maybe it’s the same sorta thing 🤷‍♀️


"Downstream" lmao


Human horchata 😏


Looks similar to our salep here in Turkey. I used salep for a while before getting a bit lazy for it lol.


Uuuh, that makes a lot of sense!


Melons work great, too. Never noticed a change with pineapple, despite all the rumors about it. But melons...yes.


I feel like for both sexes "having a good diet and not smoking tobacco" is the biggest factor for cum-taste - drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and eating less meat and junk food. But yeah, eating melons is a good start.


Penis haver 😂😂😂 amazing


However, isn't the recipient also having penis & therefore a penis-haver?


I do believe it's in the verbal contract. "To **have and to **hold." I think nowadays, the street slang is to "take it and bake it" 😂🤣


So that's why it tastes different


I refuse to swallow too but I’m a heterosexual man so I dunno if that helps 🤷‍♂️


All the hetero men I know prefer to spit


Nah. Gotta destroy the evidence.


I'm gay and I only swallow.




Haahahha yes!!


Sometimes that detail is irrelevant


we tried it once and my gf threw up so there you have your answer


Is that when you discovered your vomit fetish?


ban yourself from reddit please i’m begging you 😭


This literally was me. It went down the hatch fine and then q couple hours later it came right back up. It scarred me.


I swallow everytime, but I always use soda to wash it down. And I don't drink soda, like at all, but it is the only thing that takes the taste away for me. So it became the code for 'you are getting some head tonight', when he would call me on his way home to ask if I needed anything, if I told him to pick me up a small fountain soda, he would become the happiest boyfriend on earth!! Damn I still miss him so bad. Been 5 years and I'm still down badd over him... :(


He needs a soda machine 😂


what happened w you two


She found somebody else's 7up can in his truck.


😂😂😂😂this was good


Make 7 Up yours


Yeah?!? Up yours too, pal!


😆😅😂🤣great one! If he has an STD then Dr. Pepper is the way to go.


And Mt. Dew if he likes smoking crack rock


Gives a new meaning to the phrase “When life gives you lemons…something”


My wife used to be a cop and she says Mt Dew specifically was the beverage of choice for the ladies, they all swore by it


Not sure why we needed to know she was a cop in this example 🤔


Because she had a lot of contact with a lot of prostitutes


Thanks for the clarification, it makes original the comment much better.


In hindsight, idk why I worded it that way


I love when reddit pulls through


"for the ladies" I think hes referring to the ladies that do the bj's for a living....


It’s what she found by the bedside when busting up into their homes after a domestic


He meant she was a cop prior to her career as a back alley hooker


At least we know the cuffs are going to good use


My wife is an engineer and she said we should be fighting for the democracy of all


My cat has autism and she bit my ass while I was sleeping


My dogs breathe smells like dog food.


My Alpaca is adorable but aggressive


Eat your food, Tina!


Are you crying at the gym?




I think it’s made 10x worse when the guy is pushy for it


That’s what I call “a fuckin dealbreaker”. A person with no respect for consent has no place in a healthy relationship.


Or bedroom


Or society


I used to when I was younger. But I stopped in college when I realized I didn’t like it. My husband accepts it, but I’m sure he wishes I liked it 🤣


I also stopped once I realized I had a choice. My man is happy with our sex life and wants me to genuinely enjoy it, not just please him so it made me realise that I don't like it and he reassured that was OK.


I refuse, but wish I could. I just can't handle it. It makes me want to vomit.


My trick is to go down enough so he shoots in my throat, no taste buds involved.


"Shove the dick deep enough that it hits the point in my throat that triggers the vomit response so that tasting it doesn't make me want to vomit" got it


Yeah, you certainly can’t have a strong gag reflex for that one, but my husband cured me of that a long time ago ;)


See I don’t have a strong gag reflex, almost none thankfully, but I just don’t like the texture. Any tips for his diet that might help the texture?


Lots of jello




Came to say this 😉


Came when she said this


Underrated comment


BTW i love your comment to your sons on your profile. My daughters are 16 and 17. They know mama's not quite right 🤣🤣


I always want to vomit and start to gag as soon as I taste/smell, I don't understand why we have to have 'tricks' to do it so I just don't. I've tried three times, the latter two the men tried eating/drinking stuff to change the flavour it didn't work. Then I trained as a Dr and learned it was never going to work.


Cum taste so bad that it made her complete Med school. Dude's a career elixir just changing people's life one cum at a time. Haters will say magic doesn't exist.


Omg I hate the smell of it too 🤮


At the end of the day, it's one of those things where we may like it a lot as a preference, but it is what it is. My last girlfriend was the first one who wouldn't let me do that. At first I thought I'd miss it a lot, but it's really not that big of a deal when you take the whole person into account.


I swallow but I won’t tell them until it is about to happen and they are trying to warn me because they’re not sure and I keep going. The temporary panic and uncertainty is very sexy. 🤷‍♀️


I've had a couple people do this to me and it ruins the experience for me to be honest. Panic does not live in the same zone as sexy for me.


Eh, if I warn her I'm about to cum, and she doesn't do anything to pull my dick out of her mouth, I'm not going to panic over if she swallows or not


Unless she didnt hear you, then shes gonna be FURIOUS you didnt warn her better and probably no more BJs for a long while... THAT is why most men would panic.


I make it very clear


Right? And if I don’t she should have known better than to do that in a library.




That’s fair, not everyone’s cup of tea. I definitely try to choose my partners based on these sorts of preferences, though.


I gotta know how you select for those who will panic at cumming in your mouth. For science


Based on the way they flirt. If they’re very reserved chances are I am not for them.


Lol id think the reserved ones would be the panic persons. But then again, im not looking for people who may end up cumming in my mouth




In my first time I didn't warn , shot it down her throat and she was REALLY pissed about it I didn't even realized I needed to warn and that some people don't like it in their mouths I wasn't thinking


Not over the top, you simply have boundaries over what you want and not want in your mouth, pretty sure that something like that is your thing to decide


Thank you for the validation omg, so many people forget this is a huge part of consent


My wife swallows, but I gotta be honest, I couldn't do it and I would totally understand if she wouldn't do either.


We choose this guy’s wife…?


I cant either, I will immediately throw up at the feeling/smell of it


My wife doesn’t and it’s fine by me. I wouldn’t want to either 😂


My girlfriend also hates it and honestly I don’t blame her. She wanted to try it once and has never wanted to do it again since nor would I want her to do it again.


Same here. Was with my ex for 10 years and never once finished in her mout. I really wanted to just to see how it feels but she wasn’t having it. Now my new girlfriend would let me finish in her mouth but would never swallow and I totally understand, cum is vile


My ex used to tell me I didn't have to if I didn't want to. So I didn't lol.




Lol dick snot made me giggle 🤣


When I threw up on him after, he never asked again.




I'm not ashamed lol I actually love to swallow now bc I hate the clean-up and it makes me feel sexy. It honestly doesn't bother me at all and I prefer it now.


I don't relate but I know multiple people who agree with you, that's a very normal and okay thing. It is gross definitely.


Don’t let it touch your tongue. I just let it pass my taste buds and just swallow it. But of course, you have free will and absolutely do NOT have to do that


You know what, this is the smartest advice I’ve got on this post so far, if he finished deep enough I won’t have to taste or feel it, I can just drink some water and move on. I might actually consider this for him now ahah


Literally! I don’t mind the taste but sometimes I don’t wanna taste that. Just swallowing it quickly and having him finish in the back of your mouth is the best way. No water even needed tbh


Also, when performing this maneuver from the upper 69 position or while you lay on your back, will allow his penis to flex or pulsate while he cuts deep in your throat without activation of your gag reflection, as it flexing down on your tongue and not the roof. Enjoy


I’ve seen a few people say that this helps, but what about when it’s a huge load that fills your whole mouth? Like almost hamster cheek style 😭. That seems to be my fiancés specialty and it’s a nightmare for swallowing. I’ve only done it like twice in our whole relationship 🤢 I think there’s just no hope


I can't perform photosynthesis since I'm not a plant and a feeding tube seems inconvenient. So I guess I have to swallow. Usually after masticating.


Is rectal feeding off the table?


Easy come, easy go


Up to you of course. For me as a guy it’s more like after I cum the sexual thing goes away so if she swallows that kinda unnecessary but I like cumming in her mouth because it feels so good but she lets it out directly and keeps going maybe 5 sec after. But that’s her and others so other things and if you’re not up to it then don’t do it and then it’s up to your guy if he can manage without it or not.


The first few times I couldnt stand the taste, and would immediately wash it down with whatever drink I had on my nightstand. Ive gotten used to it and prefer it because it makes him happy and feel good and its way less messy. But I completely understand where youre coming from, I almost vomited the first couple times because of the feeling/sensation.


What’s important is if this guy insists you do it anyway, get the fuck out of there.


For me it's the texture. Since my last pregnancy anything with a phlegm like consistency makes me gag enough to vomit. Undercooked egg whites, overcooked mushrooms, phlegm, and cum. It makes cold season rough.


As a person who is attracted to men and has a boyfriend, I find even the smell and appearance of it gross. I am really sensitive to smells and textures so that is probably why. I would never take it in my mouth. I do of course respect other peoples decisions and what they enjoy, that's got nothing to do with me!


I do but hate the phlegmy feeling in my throat afterwards hahahah maybe they’re just tryna swim out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




She's not offering to do it to any degree though, is she? Or are you just talking about BJs in general?




Haha ditto, it has to be the right mood but even then - it was mostly for them and not me


You like what you like and don't what you don't. Having firm boundaries is healthy and you shouldn't feel awkward about it. Frankly, I'm a bi guy and enjoy giving head but I don't like the taste, so I won't judge a guy or gal who doesn't want to either. Edit: something I absolutely LOVE, though, is when they kiss me after swallowing. There's just something about it that drives me wild.


I'm a gay man and swallowing/having cum in my mouth is one of the main reasons I like giving bj's


Same. I actually kinda crave it.


I've never been with a woman who actually liked swallowing, i've cum in many mouths but they'd just run to the bathroom to spit it out.


Yes, I’ve done it before and have almost thrown up. I refuse to


I really hated swallowing for so long, like I had to fight the urge to not gag it back up. Then I got a bf who drinks hella water and eats healthy and his cum literally doesn't have a taste, it's great lol.


I hate the app sometimes like wtf is this question


men should stick to being pushy about things they would do in return. if this issue matters to a guy so much that he is pushy, hes prob got bigger issues and get out while u can.


I'm in my mid 30's and from my personal experience with my "age group" this has been a non issue. Every woman ive been with whether we were both 16, 24, 30, 35 whatever, swallowing was never even a second thought. I was recently with 2 girls both in their mid 20's and the thought of swallowing was like not even an option. The one would immediately run and spit it out, and the other allow it in her mouth at all. Obviously your mileage may vary but thats my experience!


I don’t because of past trauma


I don't REFUSE, but I'm not always in the MOOD. Plus there is NO finishing in my mouth without consent (a.k.a. asking ahead of time, whether that's days or hours before or a minute or two before).


Depends on their diet.


It's crazy how much that is true. TMI but I've been with my husband 12 years, and over the last few we've both severely changed our diet for the better. I was absolutely shocked by how much better he tastes these days.


Happy for you both ;)


🎶 Yooouuu are not alooonne. IIIII am here with yoouuu. 🎶 Literally gagging at the thought. My skin crawls touching it sometimes. My bf knows and understands and I try my darnedest not to make him feel like he's icky because it's natural.


I will swallow, but it makes my stomach hurt like really bad. Idk if it's because i'm like cum lactose-intolerant, or if it's my stomach bein a bitch lol.


lol cum intolerant..


Yeah, I don't want to receive in my mouth. I just .. can't. I worry everything I get a new partner, whether it's an issue or not. (Not because there's been a while fleet or anything)


I refuse to do all the things you stated as well. I have swallowed before and it made me gag.


Yeah my boyfriend doesn't mind if I don't always swallow, I'll let him blow his load in my mouth then spit in the sink in the bathroom, or let him cum on my face in the shower is fun and easy to clean


Yeah that shit is dusgusting. You’re not over the top. If this is a boundary, please just stick to it and don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.




Yes, I absolutely REFUSE to swallow. It's a texture issue for me. It's like snot. Fucking gag! I actually like giving bjs, so I feel like that should be more than enough, lol.


Same. I’m very enthusiastic about it lol. But do not finish in my mouth. I’ll climb on top and we can do that till we’re done.


I always tell guys ahead of time that I don't swallow. One guy apparently thought I wasn't serious or that I'd change my mind... I spit that nastiness in HIS mouth. Suddenly! He was grossed out, too! The horror! I had a boyfriend who was super respectful about asking for a compromise sometimes, and we found one. But I will straight ninja climb a guy and spit it in his mouth if he tries to pull one over on me. Like you said, there are a million ways to finish that don't involve ignoring my one ask!


I’m married so it’s no longer an issue thankfully. My husband doesn’t mind our arrangement one bit. And why should he?!


I have always refused. Ex husband was abusive because of my refusal. Current partner doesn’t care.


I don’t mind but my stomach does😭. Especially on an empty stomach I will throw it up💀


Personally I don’t understand how dudes find it hot to begin with. I’d never subject myself to that so why should I expect my SO to? Not judging those who dig it, but this is my take


I did it once and the texture alone makes me want to vomit. Like egg whites shooting in your mouth


I can’t, the texture makes me gag more than the taste which is also bad. I got good at catching it under my tongue and spitting. This is probably not wise to post on Reddit but there it is.


I don’t refuse, I physically can’t. I’ve thrown up every single time I try, the consistency is too much like snot to me. I’m sick thinking abt it


My husband is ok w it tho bc I satisfy him in other ways


I literally gag and almost puke just thinking of it. I've been able to do it a couple times but ugh I despise it. Literally makes me puke too.


You’re not being over the top at all. I do not like cum in my mouth. The feeling is disfusting and the texture makes me literally gag. It’s not for me and I swore it off forever lol


Sometimes it doesn't taste good and I spit it out. Husband will politely apologise as I'm spitting it out. Sometimes I'll suck but don't swallow and let the load go on him. Other times I'll swallow. It's what you're comfortable with doing. No one has to do anything. If you don't want to swallow don't. If someone trying to force you they are a POS. If anything you are establishing what is called a hard limit. It should be respected. If at any point you get curious about swallowing. Try it. But remember that trying doesn't mean it's a commitment that you have like it or do it again.


These comments are making me so glad I’m a gay man and not a straight woman. I’ll swallow all the cum y’all don’t want


It depends. I have never chosen for someone to finish it my mouth because it sounds and is very gross to me. I don't mind touching it with my fingers or having on my stomach or back, but mouth, face and hair are off limits. But there had been a few times it was done with no warning and I will say swallowing is better than spitting only because the saliva in the mouth helps it all go down with less left in the mouth to linger like spitting does. Spitting tends to just spread it more and get on the lips as well. Situations I've been in that no trace could be allowed to be left behind with no protection and so swallowing was the only choice really, and any other time I have ever done it would be for an ex's birthday, he always wanted it and to stop him bringing it up and asking for it since I just said I didn't want to but didn't make it a clear boundary, so I told him only on his birthday would I do that for him and to not ask the rest of the year. But last thing I will say, I can only really do it and not be on the verge if vomiting is if I had a few drinks.


>> he always wanted it and to stop him bringing it up and asking for it since *I just said I didn't want to* but didn't make it a clear boundary If you said you didn’t want to, then you did set a clear boundary. Fuck that guy.


No, I (39f) feel the exact opposite 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wonder what the total volume of cum I've ingested/had all over me in the last 25yrs is lol. To each their own.


I can’t be bothered with worrying about spitting it out/having the mess elsewhere. I’ve always preferred to swallow and personally don’t think it tastes awful. I’ve certainly experienced worse tastes in my life.


It really depends on the guy for me and my mood. Also, I’m a gay man


yes i don’t even wanna touch it


I refused with my previous partners but like doing it with my current one. I guess our chemistry/level of intimacy/trust with each other is higher and waaay different that I just don’t mind doing it for him. 😅 No need to do it if it makes you feel uncomfortable though, sex should be fun not tedious.


I’d like to be able to do it but I just can’t. It’s not the taste. The taste is fine. It’s the consistency. Every time I try to swallow it comes back up! I think I’ve swallowed like three times in our entire relationship.


I don’t even let em cum in the mouth


I'd like to be able to but I never have and I don't think I can. It's the thought of a. The actual liquid, taste and smell (cum has a distinctive smell, not necessarily a hygiene issue) but also the texture. Runny egg whites can make me gag, I don't do snotty or sticky liquids like that I physically can't 😤 😂 FYI I am a veterinary nurse and I struggle with mucus like secretions and vomit too 😂 Feels like you're "less of a woman" when you admit you don't swallow..


Yes I refuse to swallow.


YES!! Once and never again lol


Ugh no I never do.. I find it disgusting


I just couldn’t with my ex. The taste was so disgusting. But with my current husband, I kind of like it. Sometimes it’s just the person you’re with.


I do but I feel like the older I get the more repulsed I by it. When I was a teenager I didnt enjoy it and would literally always just chant in my head “it’s a snickers bar” and that helped 😂


It's like swallowing those masses of mucus you hack up when you're sick, so yeah...I physically can't get myself to do it.


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ fucking hate it, always have. Used to do it to please my partners but fuuuuuck that. My baby daddy is perfectly fine with it which makes me so happy.


I’m with you! I know for a fact that I would vomit immediately.


I can't and don't swallow. I have a massive gag reflex and find it hard to even swallow food sometimes. My husband doesn't care as long as he gets the blowy though. 🤣


I absolutely hate swallowing. Don’t care how much I love my boyfriend he knows to pull away or let me know as soon has he finishes. I don’t understand dick suckers who ENJOY swallowing.


Do you eat other bodily fluids and secretions? I don’t see why we should normalize swallowing cum. It is, in fact, gross. Been there, done that, it was still gross. I decided I liked myself enough to not force myself into doing something I find sickening. I love my BF and he loves me so he’s never been pushy about it.


I love love love it but if you don't, THERE IS NO SHAME IN THAT! You're not being over the top — it's your body & the whole point of sex is for *both* of you to find it enjoyable 


As a guy, the idea of a girl swallowing isn’t even sexy. Finishing in her mouth is but swallowing? Wtf


Light SA Tw..... I did once and it definitely wasn't by choice. If something even smells/taste slightly like that, I'll instantly get sick.


This post actually made it to the top? I thought it was already well-established fact that, yes, some people refuse to swallow. Thus the whole "spit or swallow" thing. DAE not get being grossed out by cum but being a-okay with dick sweat and precum?


I used to refuse to swallow my ex’s cum because it tasted horrible. It literally tasted like burnt acid. It ruined the experience of giving him head for me because I was terrified of tasting that nasty stuff. I even would gag thinking about it which pissed him off. He vaped, ate like shit, never drank water, and it sucked.


I generally prefer it if the cum goes on me somewhere - chest is best. Or if the cum just comes out like a fountain onto the dick and then I lick it off. I won't swallow unless a guy asks me too - but most guys don't seem to care too much about where the cum goes.


I LOVE sucking dick. I love making my partner feel good, but I have tried to swallow and I can’t do it. Something about the temperature mixed with the texture just freaks me out. Usually when I finish him off I will go to the bathroom and spit and rinse my mouth and come back, but that’s only if we’re doing oral sex and I’m not up for penetration. If it’s the latter, usually I will suck him off in the beginning and then we transition to penetrative sex with a condom if he wants to blow inside of me, he’s pretty sensitive and it helps collect the mess, and we can usually time our climaxes together so it’s honestly better for both of us.


There’s days I do and others where I just can’t


I have an allergy to an ingredient that is so ubiquitous that my cooking has to be almost entirely from scratch to avoid reactions. After my first reaction to something my PARTNER ate, no more. Never again.


he tastes so good i’d bathe in it if i could 😭swallowed him this morning, his cum is for some reason so intimate to me & i don’t ever want to see it go to “waste” per say


I swallow, but I actually like the taste (at least my bf's) lmao. To each their own, dont let anyone force ya to do it


I personally have never considered not swallowing if the guy finishes during a blow job. It’s just always been natural to me. Like what else would I do with it? But everyone has their preferences nothing to feel bad about!


Yeah, swallowing is gross but I’ll take it in my mouth then spit it out.


I do swallow, how else am I supposed to clean up after fapping?


I love it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like it sitting in my mouth or playing with it with my tongue and then swallowing it.




I personally have absolutely no issue with swallowing, licking/sucking up, or having him finish in my mouth. Only line that I draw is that I don’t want him cumming all over my face - just feels wildly demoralizing to me. But my mouth is 110% full game. Seems to be well received, because I’ve never gotten anything other than very positive reinforcement for the behavior.