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Are you feeling well?


I have been having a lot of dental pain recently I wonder if that could be it. Thank you very much!


Tooth decay can cause heart problems get it looked at asap!


Not just heart problems! Little independent bones that require regular maintenance and, even under perfect cleaning conditions, can decay and abscess. My friends mom was terrified of dentists and avoided going for so long that her decay abscessed and put her in a coma. She was lucky to keep most of her nasal passage. The surgeon said he was surprised there wasn’t any lasting effect on her brain.


I have bad teeth and no dental and yes it’s serious. I had sepsis last fall. Scary. Slowly have been going to a dental school for tooth work to help with the high cost.


Teeth are really nothing like bones.


[They hang from your lips like bats](https://youtu.be/wYj01O7foKw?si=FwnCpaw79oTVlqWE)


in lieu of my usual audition piece, that was a jingle for gum i just made up


Duh, but your facial bones are thin and infection can spread quickly from unknown hidden crap.


They’re set into the jaw bones which are very close to the brain. It really doesn’t matter how you say it. If they rot badly enough the threat to health, or possibly your life, is real. I agree teeth are not proper bones, they cannot heal. Making dental care even more important.


I had an absess move to my temple, and the pain was so bad. My blood pressure skyrocketed, and they were concerned I could have a stroke. After a few days on strng antibiotics, I recovered.


Dude never had proper absesses lol. Brick in the face level can't eat and nobody cares they won't touch you like a leppa saying you could expire if you swallow the drainage so then you paranoid. Until it does pop and the relief is instant spit that 💩 out. Good for another 7mmths. 😆


My friends mother was hospitalized and comatose for nearly a week. But you’re the expert.


I'm sorry about your mom's friend. I hope she is better now and her life has returned to normal. That is so scary to hear about.


It was about 20 years ago and shes passed, but unrelated to her dental emergency. Thank you 🩵


Thats both points we agree on.




I can't make sense of half of what you said.


I mean, they’re close in composition, but not in much else.


They are smile bones, da dada daadaa.


Oh no, the update to this post is going to be a major health diagnosis


I would not have tooth decay that severe or at all because I went to the dentist 3 months ago so I think they would catch that.


I wasn’t accusing you of that at all. Only mentioning it can exacerbate beyond heart risk.


Jumping in here to say don’t be so sure. I have excellent oral hygiene and always have. I go to the dentist regularly. For years I had pain and sensitivity in one particular place that every dentist told me was nothing to worry about. I’ve been to dentists in 3 different countries and more states within the U.S. than I could possibly count. Long story short, I finally got a referral to a periodontist and eventually they had to take out my tooth. One of the roots of my tooth had completely dissolved and abscessed so badly it had almost perforated my sinuses. Almost a year later, 6 rounds of antibiotics, and 3 rounds of bone grafting, I’m still waiting for the implant because I now have chronic sinus infections and a deviated septum that may require additional surgery. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just saying if you have dental pain and your dentist isn’t seeing anything concerning, advocate for a referral to a periodontist or endodontist.


How would annual xrays not catch the root problem!???


It’s an unbelievably long story but basically, I was living in a place without adequate access to dental care. I did one procedure when I was stateside that was meant to remedy the issue. I knew that something was wrong a few months after the procedure but didn’t know how serious it was. By the time I got back to my surgeon it was 9 months after the original procedure and it was during that time that my root dissolved. Which the xray did, of course, catch. And that’s when the tooth came out.


I have a friend whose dog did something very similar. It turns out she had a smouldering infection associated with a recent dental implant she had. Her dog was like smelling her breath and all up in her face. As soon as she got the infection treated, he stopped. They have an incredible sense of smell and detect stuff long before it's clinically evident.


It would explain her fascination with your mouth!


Yes could have an abscess or OP have you been extra thirsty and urinating a lot? I would get doggo checked out and schedule dentist and doctors appointments for yourself.


Go see your dentist again. She's alerting to some type of infection in your mouth. I know because my dog alerted to me for 2 months, and I ignored his incessant need to smell INSIDE my mouth. Once the pain was intolerable, I knew what he had been doing the past 2 months! Go see the dentist again, something is going on, and your dog is desperate for you to know it.


My doggo sniffed out my late hubby’s Brain Cancer. I was only once he had a seizure and diagnosed we realised why Hades kept coming and aggressively sniffing his head and trying to paw at him. He even snapped at hubby’s head once. The tumour was directly under the spot my dog had been fussing at. Their sense of smell is insane


I am so sorry for your loss, a little toothache is nothing compared to what your husband endured. Your boy is amazing for alerting to the issue, I wish dogs could talk!


Thank you. It’s still just amazing Hades tried to tell us in his way something was wrong. After he had his first craniotomy and got home from hospital first thing Hades did was sniff his head then just kind of wandered off. It was about 6 weeks later the behaviour started up again and we said “can we get another scan because the dogs acting crazy again” no not enough reason for a scan. 2 weeks after that he had another massive seizure and a scan revealed the cancer had not only returned but was twice the size it was before. So he needed another surgery but we said to the oncologist next time listen when someone says their Doggo is acting up.


It's infuriating that our medical system disregards animal alerts when we literally have dogs trained to specifically alert to medical conditions! I've heard of so many like your Hades that aren't trained, but they know, and in that case, WE aren't trained to understand what they are communicating! We have absolute shit health care in the US already, it's just another for-profit business, but damn, if we could help our dogs to help us, we would be in far better shape! I bet Hades could diagnose 100 times more conditions than oncologists anyway!


Sorry I didn’t notice about late husband I’m not a native English speaker. So sorry for your loss


It’s ok. Thank you very much.


Omg 🥺 we don’t deserve dogs.. they are so wholesome. I wish your hubby is going better ❤️‍🩹


He was her LATE husband, he’s definitely not better 🫣


Oh I didn’t notice that sorry not English native speaker


He died


When I had my wisdom teeth removed my little dog was so affectionate to me 😢


I read once that we don’t train service dogs to smell things, we train them how to tell us that they smell certain things (as in they smell them anyway but might not know how to alert us). I thought that was fascinating. It seems like maybe your buddy is trying to tell you something.


Truthfully they can pick up on any pain we're having and with some dogs it makes them uneasy, others clingy and protective. You may have a dog experiencing some of all of them and not really knowing how to help you.


That's likely why she is licking your lips!


When I had a sinus infection my dog did this exact thing. Wonder if you have a dental related sinus issue. He would carefullyyyyy sniff my nostrils, it was bizarre but makes sense because he could clearly smell the infection. Yuck.


THIS! My dog got weird when I broke my toe. It was wrapped in tape and my foot was sticking out of my blanket. My dog came onto the bed and freaked out. He sniffed my foot obsessively, and was velcroed to me until my toe healed. My daughter has a seizure dog. That dog stays clingy until her seizure rescue meds kick in. Have you had any changes in your health, OP?


Dogs can smell slight changes in our health, the way OP describes her dog sounds like whatever her dog is smelling he’s pretty distressed by it - id get a full check up


My dog found my autoimmune disorder before anyone else


How cool is that?


Distressing for her lol.


Definitely. It just amazes me that these dogs are so sensitive and tuned in.


Me too. Sounds like a very cool dog.


I had a broken leg thus winter, and my dogs were SO careful with me. It was bizarre! Once I got the cast off, one dog was obsessed with licking the exit spot where it was broken.


The dogs must smell the broken bone.🤷‍♀️My other two dogs never even noticed my toe, including my daughter's seizure dog. But the seizure dog alerts about 2-3 minutes before a seizure hits, in time for rescue meds that prevent it. The pup who noticed my toe guards my daughter's bedroom after a seizure, but he doesn't sense them. Our 3rd dog doesn't notice anything except for bits of food dropped on the floor and inactive hands that should be scratching her belly.🤣




I had the same thought in her first few sentences. It makes me nervous when dogs alter their behavior towards one person, so suddenly. Especially since they can pick up things medically before patients and doctors. We have dogs that can detect seizures, cancer, depression and in my case pancreatitis. My dog, who sadly passed just over a month ago, knew I had pancreatitis (caused from a bacteria - H Pylori) and changed immensely how he behaved towards me. He became very clingy, protective, and wouldn't leave my side. Three months before I finally went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, is when he started with his odd behavior. My doctor initially thought it was acid reflux and within four months I was on my deathbed. Literally! The OP should absolutely get to a doctor and have a CBC blood test, at the very least. But I hope she gets a full checkup including an EKG, in addition to the CBC.


There was a dog in my local park who all the dogs it met had a strange reaction to it, they were weirdly obsessed with her would sniff her all over and even flip her on her back to sniff her belly with so much interest. People just thought she was popular. They found out 6 months later her belly was full of cancerous tumours and she was PTS. I’ll never forget the way the dogs acted towards her & if a dog does that to me I’ll be straight to the emergency room haha


That's so horribly sad! It is amazing how good dogs are at knowing people and other animals. If a person (or animal) is sick, evil, has bad intentions, or if a person is (un)safe for us to be around, they let us know in the only way they can. My Newfoundland was my absolute best friend in the world. I only saw Teddy behave strangely in such a manner, twice. On both occasions, it was impossible to ignore. That was in the twelve plus years he graced and blessed us with his presence. I will go to my grave knowing that in one of those two cases, he most definitely saved my life. A "door to door salesman" of cleaning products kept trying to convince me to let him into my home for a demonstration. He was trying to even push his way into our home, until Teddy came running. Teddy was so aggressive with his barking, snarling, and attempts to physically get to this man that I told him he should be very afraid, and leave our property. He said, "Aren't you afraid of him? To which I replied, "I'm not." I used a tone that made clear the message that Teddy would not let this man leave unharmed. He backed off of our property, not turning his back on either of us. 😂 From that point on, I knew we would always be safe if Teddy was around. Anytime I see a dog behave so strangely, I take it seriously. It's been a few days since the OP posted. I hope she updates us on both her health, and that of her doggo. That is the type of behavior you never ignore when it comes to our beloved babies. Thank you for sharing that unfortunately sad story with me. It really does reconfirm, and impress upon me, how smart and especially intuitive dogs are.❤🐕‍🦺❤


This is exactly the first thought I had!


I'm more worried about the dog feeling well. The dog seems like it is in pain, especially since he doesn't want to be touched. Take it to the vet.


She is not in pain from what I can see. She is very happy and normal towards other people.


That's good, but dogs can be very very good at hiding pain, especially from certain people. Just keep it in mind. It could be something else, but if there's even a small chance it could be a health issue you should keep an eye out. Especially keep an eye on her eating, drinking water, bathroom habits and sleeping. Keep an eye out for eating less, drinking less or more, or seems to be sleeping more and less active, or seems to get up frequently during naps to readjust her position, or seems to struggle with going to the bathroom or is going more frequently. Any of these behaviours would warrant a visit to the vet along with the behavioral changes you described. I hope I'm wrong though!


Absolutely. Ive been watching her like a hawk and will continue to. I am trying to avoid an unnecessary vet visit if possible. She just had a check up three months ago and its so expensive 😂


No it is acting odd only around OP it’s behaviour is normal unless around OP


I saw that. But that's not unusual. Dogs will often hide their pain from certain people. Especially "their" people. It's in their nature.


Have you been to the doctor? Dogs can sense when something is wrong health wise. That would be my number one concern in this scenario.


But I would also check to see if your dog is okay. I worked in the vet field and I’ve seen cases where pets got clingy before passing away.


Jeesh. This got serious FAST😱🤣😖🙏


Haven't read all the comments but did read the top few. I agree it could be a health thing. My other thought is that someone in your family harmed the dog (purposefully or not) and the dog sees you as their safe space, which could explain the clinginess and the flinching (which is what makes me think there was some trauma recently). Dogs are very intuitive and have amazing senses, so I'd start ruling things out (like start with your health)!


You pregnant?


As a dog groomer, I've had a few coworkers get pregnant and find out because their clients started acting strange around them. It's a thing.


My first thought too 😂😂😂


No I am not.




No regerts


Not even a single letter?


my dog acts differently more than a week before my period (they are not very regular). my sassy little turd wants to be by my side and far more likely to want to sleep with me.


That's pretty much what got me to test. I had been feeling so tired lately and needed to take naps. Normally she'd snuggle for a bit then jump off when she got too hot but lately she's been snuggling and mostly resting her head on my belly until I wake up. And she was weirdly obsessed with my boobs. I was starting to think I needed to get a mammogram since breast cancer runs rampant in my family. Nope, turns out I'm just pregnant. 😅


That was my first thought too. My dog was suddenly super clingy and protective - she's normally pretty chill and aloof. That's how we found out I was pregnant!


Get your teeth checked and it wouldn't hurt to get your blood glucose checked for high blood sugar.


Just chiming in to ask you to go see a doctor, OP. And no matter what, insist on a full workup and don't let them talk you out of it or gaslight you. **Your dog is worried about you.**


I’d add that maybe you shouldn’t bring up that your dog brought this to your attention, just to prevent any hesitancy from the dr. Shouldn’t be required but you never know…


I was thinking that as well. they might think I am a little crazy lol


I want to clarify that I’m not saying you are crazy 😝- dogs are amazingly aware of their humans. Mine could tell I was pregnant and acted differently with me the whole time. She actually licks my kiddos face a lot too, and he often has a cold. You mentioned dental pain, so maybe go to a dentist for a check up! 🐶


Yes I got that 😂 We know how crazy smart dogs are but if my dr./dentist doesn’t they’ll for sure think I’m crazy.


Ditch your dentist for not believing you or your dog 😆


There is no “full workup.” We evaluate based on patients’ reported symptoms and objective findings during physical exam.


I didn't literally mean a "full workup" but it's something to put in conversation for OP with their doctor as a way to press the issue because, at least in my experience, doctors seemingly tend to write patients off at first blush.


You 'literally' said insist on a full work up...


I could not agree more. I pray the OP will get to a doctor for a full workup as soon as possible. Doctors will gaslight you, like you said, and the OP must be their own advocate. I refused to leave my doctor's office when he denied me an EKG, despite having so many symptoms of a heart attack. I no longer have this man as a doctor, because he said you can't trust the internet. It was the American Heart Association. My husband and sons were so terrified (my dad passed away from his second heart attack when I was only 24 and I have his bad cholesterol levels) that they threatened to call an ambulance if I didn't get an EKG. His response was, "Your kids are not my patients and I'll call the hospitals and tell them not to admit you! WHAT! Thank goodness it turned out to only be a pinched nerve in my neck. Some doctors, however, are slaves to the insurance companies and will do everything the insurance companies demand of them to keep the bill down. I ended up paying for my EKG because of his relationship with the insurance company. Depending on the OP's age and current health, the doctor could very easily try to intimidate her out of a full workup. I'd recommend she take someone with her, to not only back her up, but to be firm in stance with demanding the workup. If the current doctor still refuses, then I'd absolutely find a new doctor that will listen to her concerns. To me, a dog behaving this way, in addition to her current dental issues is enough alone for a doctor to agree. If that's not enough however, then there's still no reason to deny a workup on a patient as a preventive measure. Your advice is spot on in every way.


I’d be worried about both yours and the dogs health. The dog might be in some weird kind of pain, and you said your teeth were hurting so it could be that too, or even a mix of both.


What everyone said is totally valid and could be health issues for either of you but I do want to add something. I’m a bather and brought my Pittie to work one day just to wash her, she had never been before because she doesn’t require professional grooming. After we came home she suddenly started resource guarding a certain bone for about 3 days. She had never done anything like this before and she was heavily guarding. Like she would leave it alone for 15 seconds, realize it and then fly back to it. Non stop, no other priorities for 3 days. I know nothing bad happened to her at the salon, I was there the whole time but I think the experience was somehow traumatizing for her. You said your dog had just gotten a haircut so just wanted to throw in the possibility that it may be related and not super serious. But of course, please be on top of both of your healths as well.


This is in fact a little strange. Has your health changed or having symptoms of some sort? Dogs scent glands are off the chart. I would maybe get checked for diabetes at the very least, that may be why she licks you…. Best of luck to you and family.


Before my grandmas dog passed away we learned that he could smell abscesses. He would always bark non stop at her whenever the cat had one from a cat fight. One day he would NOT leave my room. Then the next day I woke up with a sore throat that got worse and worse and eventually I could barely breathe and I couldn’t talk. Turns out I had an abscess in my tonsil. 0/10 would not recommend. But he literally did not leave me alone until the day I came back from the hospital to have it drained then he wanted nothing to do with me


Check your dogs health.. Examine your dogs teeth. Look for inflammed gums in any area or all of them. Look for broken teeth etc. I agree with every one saying it might be your health, but she also maybe identifying your situation with hers and trying to communicate that. They cant talk. Get your health checked of course but watch your dog and try to figure out what she is trying to say. My dog has this type of communication that I recognize when I pay attention. I dont always get it right bc sometimes I am distracted. Also physical cues are important. Things like is she peeing and pooping ok? Is her eye sight ok? Things like that.


Maybe your dog is in pain. A vet check up may be helpful


Check your health. I would be worried the dog is detecting something wrong with you. Any new illness? Seizures? Wounds? Pain? Heart issues?


I would go and see your dentist/doctor right away. Dogs can smell to a ridiculous degree. It sounds very much like she senses something "wrong."


Definitely go get a full health panel check up. Animals are incredibly in tune with subtle changes in humans and know things that we can't explain them knowing.


May just be a coincidence that your pupper is acting weird to you, take her to the vet and then you go get a check up. Good luck 👍


My old boy did this to me and even though I was told I couldn't have kids, I got a pregnancy test because he wouldn't stop. He knew. He also sat with me while he was panting and I knew I was in labour. If that's not the case for you, go see a doctor as your pup has good intuition. ❤️


Have you been upset or sad about anything? My aunt passed away in March and my pup followed me around even more than he normally does and would nudge my arm when I was upset even though I wasn’t showing it outwardly.


Dogs are incredible in this way. I agree that the dog may be sensing something is off with you. My daughter's dog did this when we had someone in our home that was pregnant, very newly pregnant even. I was really weirded out at first, like, he never acts like this and then she told us she's pregnant. Amazed me really


Is there someone in your house? There's no smoke without fire - it sounds like someone else is hurting your dog.


Maybe you have an infection and she smells that.


I dunno if you're female, or your age, but could you be pregnant? I'd also go get a full physical health check up. Our cat knows when people are unwell, he doesn't usually hang out and with my kids but if they are sick he sticks close to them and follows them around.


My cat laid across my belly when I was pregnant... Starting almost immediately. She sensed the hormone change before I did, and I knew early.


This is so sweet. My dog just started humping my ex at bedtime when I was pregnant 😂




Yep our cat did too. He has always been super obsessed with me but became even more so when I was pregnant and then breastfeeding. I have so many photos and videos of him laying across my pregnant belly and then laying across my lap while I was breastfeeding. He would let my now 5 year old kick him, pull his ears etc when feeding, he just wanted to be as close as possible when she was little.


Sounds like she senses something wrong with you. Go see a doctor, particularly for anything around your mouth:


They use dogs for various things, epilepsy dogs, etc. They can detect it before it happens. Your dog may be sensitive to something going on in your body


One of two things, One, she's sensing your dental problem and is trying to make you feel better. Two, she's mad about the haircut, and you're the only one she's wants to talk to since you weren't involved. My dog will get mad at me for a couple of days when I trim her claws.


Go to the doctor.


It sounds like there is an issue happening with \*you\* that she is concerned about, I would definitely go to the doctor and get some tests done. She senses something is wrong with you, likely medically. Good luck!


I think your dog is hurting or in pain. The sign you said to me is that your dog wants to be near you but is scared of you touching it. It wants help and it kissing you is it’s way of telling you. It trusts only you to tell you that it isn’t feeling good


Years ago, I took my dog for a haircut, and i think he was traumatized by it. He acted kinda the same. He was flinching like I was going to hit him when i went to pet him. Giving me sad looks. Crying in his sleep. Being afraid I when I was leaving. He isolated from me. He trusted me to keep him safe I think he felt like I didn't. I feel like they were rough with him at the groomers and I never took him anywhere again. I learned to groom him myself. I hope that's not the case, but it seems like intuively, you know. Maybe enquire about if someone new groomed your dog.


Did you see that movie with Richard Gere in it and the dog ?! You Have to get to the Dr. Asap


Dog sense diseases. Have you had a full medical check up recently?


Have you been exposed to any new dogs or animals recently? It could be a scent transfer thing


I was thinking something scary happened when you were around. Dogs are very association based creatures. So it's like the scary things happened, and the dog takes a snapshot of the moment, and everything in that snapshot now has the potential to be scary. The lip licking can be a sign of appeasement, but like someone else said, could be something with your mouth, and might be time to make an appointment with the dentist


Is she neutered? Dogs behavior can change like that when they’re in heat.


Is she in heat? Sometimesss dogs in heat can get really clingy. Happened once in 16 years, but it’s def noticeable


Was there a recent change in your family dynamic ? Someone left the household ? If this is the cause, just givebher a lot of reassurance. It will pass.


Are you pregnant?


It sounds like your dog may be sensing something different about you that the rest of your family isn't aware of. Dogs are incredibly perceptive and sometimes pick up on subtle changes we may not even realize ourselves. Have you tried spending some extra quality time with her to see if her behavior changes at all? Maybe a little one-on-one bonding time could help her feel more at ease. Good luck!


Is she spayed? Could be fake pregnancy if not


Get a doctor checkup. Dogs can sense when someone is sick


Dogs know


Did someone hurt your dog?


Sounds like she is trying to tell you something. Dogs sense stuff in a persons body and will cling and kiss. Good luck!


Maybe he’s mad at you. I always assume it’s because mine is mad at me.


Get a check up. My dog kept sniffing around my mouth and still does. Turns out I have a cancerous contained tumor in my lung, which is fortunately in the process of being shrunk


I would consider a health check-up with your vet for your dog too. Some of those symptoms could indicate your dog may be in pain.


you and the dog both need to go to your respective doctors!!!


Make an appointment to go see a doctor! Get yourself checked out. If everything is OK then make make an appointment for the dog at the vet.


If she’s acting different, you should get her a checkup at the vet. Maybe she got injured during grooming and is sore.


Wow hopefully it’s not an illness, have you argued with anyone, on the phone in person in front of the dog? Shouted at the tv? My dog got weird for a while when I came home and was animatedly telling my partner about some idiot on the motorway that nearly killed us. For days after when I came home from work he would love me tail going kisses, 2 minutes later flinch away like I was going to beat him because I moved to fast an scared him. I would definitely get checked out but dogs are just weird sometimes.


My first guess is pregnant. A close second is if you are unwell or in pain they know. My dog knew I was pregnant and was all over me like a rash, she also can tell when I'm in pain or anxious and she just sits on me licking my face. Congratulations/condolences or get well soon


I think someone has harmed the dog. Maybe not you, but it’s sick what normal looking people can do behind closed doors.


Are you pregnant? Dogs can pick up on that and get protective/clingy.


Are you pregnant? Dogs can pick up on that and get protective/clingy.


Are you pregnant? Dogs can pick up on that and get protective/clingy.


Are you pregnant? Dogs can pick up on that and become protective/ clingy


Update me!


My dog could sense when I was pregnant - he was very odd, clinging to me, and then urinating near me and very randomly in the house. And this was super early on in the pregnancy. So yes I truly believe they can sense hormonal and physical changes in the body.


If you are female....any chance you are pregnant?


Go to the dr, your dog may be trying to tell you something


My dogs acted weird and were waking me up sniffing my mouth and neck a few days  before I tested positive for Covid. I am having dental issues. Getting that taken care of in a few weeks , they sniff around my mouth. 


My guess. She had a bad experience at the groomer. + You were not the person that took her there. = She thinks you're "safe". Maybe check for cuts or bruises if she's crying. She may be hurt somewhere. (My dog was like this when he got fixed.)


Could your dog of gotten into anything ganja related? My mom’s dog ate a thing of pot brownies once and was weird for days.


I hope this isn't the case, but someone may be mistreating her or otherwise violating her. It would be someone really close to YOU, like a young child or significant other.


My dog is usually very playful and play fights with me pretty crazy even when I just wake up, when I got pregnant I noticed he completely avoided me a lot. A lot of people say their pet is super lovey dovey and care about their baby my dog prob hated both of us bc he wouldn’t even sleep w me he just went to his cage and would be sad. Maybe the smell was new and it weirded him out lol but my other dog who’s very sweet was very over protective and clingy so everyone’s diff I’d totally check out all the boxes of something being diff with you or with themselves, good luck




Sounds like she is uncomfortable. Have you checked her for any razor knicks or burns? Or any nails cut too short? Some of those are appeasing behaviors. That or look into the groomer- were they unnecessarily rough and now she is skittish and you are the person she decided was safe.




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Someone in the house scared her. Something was dropped, on her, or loudly near her. She was accidentally kicked or hurt by someone playing to rough. My dog gets like this too - especially after she is around kids or a loud noise recently happened.


I get Trigeminal Neuralgia headaches a couple of times a year. They are horrific, as the "power surges" hit the nerves in my head every 3-5 seconds, night and day, for 2 to 3 weeks. It's unrelenting and totally debilitating. No pain medicine works to stop the pain. The last time I got TN, BOTH my dogs came up to me at separate times and kept "booping" the nerve flare-up area with their noses. I don't know if there is a smell they could detect from the flare-ups or if they could detect a change in the nerve "force field" but they both sensed something was going on and let me know they knew something was going on.


Dogs R Smart ya listen to u Baby ♥️


Every time I picked up my 4 lb Pomeranian she would lick the right side of my chest. At first I thought it was funny but then started getting concerned.   A trip to the Mass General in Boston confirmed that I had stage 3 breast cancer!   After a double mastectomy, my dog was no longer interested  in licking my chest.   She saved my life!! Take it seriously when your dog does something out of the ordinary.  Some dogs can smell cancers. Get checked! Wishing you and your canine buddy a long life together.


A friend of Mine found out she had breast cancer because her dog wouldn’t stay off of her and wanted to lick her chest close to her neck and would cry and get upset and claw at her chest and bark a week later she had a mammogram and found out she had breast cancer. Go get checked out . Dogs are sensitive to stuff like that. I’m


I have a very not scary looking mole on my leg. I also have a new rescue dog that I've just had for about 5 weeks. The other day I was doing some yoga and she spent several minutes licking and sniffing my mole. I made a doctor's appointment right away; it's later this week. I'm nervous!


He knows your gay


Shes coming into season and just letting you know 😉