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Please Contact Animal Poison Control: * 1-888-426-4435 (US) * 1-855-764-7661 (US) * 01202 509000 (UK)


Prepare for some slippery poops!


Soothing poops


Schmooooove bowel movements to follow!!


With added moisture?


Hahahaha I actually lol’d 😂😂😂


With farts in bubbles floating round the room.


Fly out like an Olympic Luge


Aloe Poothe


I think you mean soft poos. 


You assholes just made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee out


There’s an animal poison control line, it’s like $90 I think. They’ll have professional advice Purely anecdotal, though, my dog licks this lotion off my legs all the time. I absolutely hate it, but he’s never gotten sick from the lotion.


Yeah my dog is obsessed with lotion. Once I put a whole bunch in my hand and was putting a video on my phone with my other hand, and she licked up all the lotion out of my hand. I also need to fight her off after Iotion myself to keep her from licking it all off. IDK what's in it but she loves it. Even if a dog ate the whole bottle, I wouldn't be too worried.


Yeah, mine is too. Every time after I get out of the shower and put lotion on, my dog licks it all off of me. I started putting up the gate to block her off of my bathroom for like 20 min because she’s not as interested after it’s soaked into my skin. She’s been fine after she licks it off of me so I don’t think it’s much of a health concern for her.. but my skin is a lot less dry 😅


I'm glad it's not just my dog. If I put lotion on I have to immediately cover up and hide my body from my dog, otherwise she will lick it all off. Even things like cream deodorant and neosporin or hydrocortisone for bug bites I have to fight her off of me. 😅 I do try to minimize how much she eats, especially the medicated stuff, but she definitely gets a taste in here and there. So far so good, she seems fine. Dogs are tough, they eat weird things all the time and 99% of the time they are fine. My google search history is all variations of "dog ate...." and "can dogs eat....." though lol. I am very careful but sometimes she is just too fast!


Totally. And like, I try to not use anything that could be harmful to her if ingested, because Summer will eat ANYTHING. But like, it is going to happen every so often. We can do everything in our power to ensure that they are safe and healthy but just like a human child (or adult, if you are as clumsy and unlucky as me) things are going to happen. Summer is fast, sneaky, and strong! lol my search history is also 99% “dog ate xyz.” I went to the vet to pick up her meds today and they were like hey! Proud of you guys! Almost 3 months from the last time we had to induce vomiting! 😅


My grandpa accidentally drank baby oil in the middle of the night because it was next to his water


My mates mum took a swig of 80% cleaning alcohol because she was handed a bottle during COVID.... Thought it was water....


I didn't realize this was such a thing! Every time I put lotion on my dog licks my legs and is always trying to lick my hands


Lol my baby puppy does this too!! I thought he was just a weirdo (I mean he is 😂) but it's good to know they're all just lotion-loving loonies. My puppy has figured out exactly what time to break into the bathroom after my shower to get the most lotion access. On the one hand, I'm impressed with his ability to time his entrance so perfectly each day! On the other hand, putting on lotion has become such a battle lol. I'm gonna have to get a baby gate too I think. I wish I hadn't just thrown out the one we had for keeping the human baby out of the bathroom! 😅


Haha yes! They’re both weird in their own special ways. Your bathroom doesn’t have a door? I just keep my bathroom door shut. I feel like he would steal my lotion bottle 😂


Oh my god same. My pup thinks that lotion is the best snack. Or dessert. Or breakfast. It just depends on when her dad and I take showers and then put lotion on. Extra fun cause I’m allergic to her saliva if it gets into existing broken skin so I just have to accept that I either wear pants immediately on freshly shaved and lotioned legs or suffer through the rash from the licks 😂


I really thought this was only my struggle! After I put lotion on, I'm running around the bathroom dodging my dog from licking it all off Edit typo


I use some lotions with coconut. My dog loses his mind for it. Anything that has coconut scent or actual coconut in it he just cannot control himself


My dog the same to the extent I now just use 100% coconut oil on my legs so at least if he eats it, then it’s not bad for him!


This. I always say when my pup is in his hunger strike phase I should cover his kibbles in lotion. NO I WOULDN’T. However I too have to lotion up then put on long pants otherwise he will go to town on my legs and it’s like I didn’t put any on at all


off topic but your username made me think of Glam&Gore ! she’d call watchers “Zombaes” in her intros


I wonder if we can put Off Lotion to my puppy's belly? There's a lot of mosquitos here now 😬


They make animal safe bug repellant. You can find it pet stores or farm supply stores.


Someone already commented but please don't. Go to a pet store and find a pet safe bug spray. Off is full of dangerous chemicals I don't even put on myself.


Out of curiosity. 90$ is just for for the call?


I think so, it’s been a while since I used it and back then it was like 50 or 60. I think I saw someone mention it was $90 now, but I am in no way 100% on the specifics


well damn thats like a general visit to the vet for questions lol tf and the vet can at least if needed preform shit and examine herself and determine.


The poison control advisors are essentially toxicology specialists with the latest information and treatment for ANY toxic substance. Vets have some basic knowledge but poison control is THE goto resource if your pet ingested or was exposed to a toxic substance. I work ER myself and have called the pet poison control hotline for a patient which we then include on the pet's bill. The human poison control hotline is indeed free because of the multitudes of funding they receive. The pet version, sadly, does not receive these funding options or grants and thus is forced to charge a fee.


Just an FYI that most pet insurances cover the fees for this


I am just asking out of curiosity, because I do not live in the US. I was just a bit shocked about the price 😅


i live here and i am shokithed. for advice? 90 bucks. gahdamn im going to the vet tf. same price plus they got eyes and hands on the dog themselves.


The poison control advisors are essentially toxicology specialists with the latest information and treatment for ANY toxic substance. Vets have some basic knowledge but poison control is THE goto resource if your pet ingested or was exposed to a toxic substance. I work ER myself and have called the pet poison control hotline for a patient which we then include on the pet's bill. The human poison control hotline is indeed free because of the multitudes of funding they receive. The pet version, sadly, does not receive these funding options or grants and thus is forced to charge a fee.


yep. i spent 45 minutes ON HOLD with that message being blared at me over and over again after my dog ate her entire bag of liver meds. luckily i found a post on some random niche vet website of someone who’s dog did the same thing and the vet said everything in the meds was herbal and my dog would be fine. shout out to that guy for saving me $90


A few months ago I was charged $75 for poison control advice. It might depend on what city you live in. I'm in Seattle.


Oh my god, I can't leave my legs moisturized for an hour before my dog tries to lick everything away.


Live, laugh, reapply 🧴


God my 3 dogs are obsessed with lotion on my legs lmao. I end up having to put pants on until it’s soaked in, otherwise the big monsters just try to eat my legs lol. Though the other day I was working in the garden and sprayed bug spray on my legs. My poor 9month old puppy ran over to me and gave me a greeting lick on my leg……..the look on his face was one of pure and utter betrayal and hurt. Like I kicked him in the face. Saddest damn thing ever……..but he hasn’t tried to lick lotion off my legs since then poor baby


Same ! It turns u into the human popsicle 🥲


My dog does this with every lotion...or oil. I have a grapeseed oil that him and my cat obsess over trying to lick off my legs.


my cat loves licking lotion off my legs too ! i had a sugar cookie lotion that smelled *amazing* but i had to stop using it cuz he was obnoxiously persistent lmao


>Purely anecdotal, though, my dog licks this lotion off my legs all the time. I absolutely hate it, but he’s never gotten sick from the lotion. All my dogs do this. It's why I switched from buying lotions to making my own at home.


Same here.


Same here. My Chihuahua is always licking my lotion off my skin..


Yes. Lotion and sunblock. We gotta prepare for lick city.


It costs money to call poison control? Is this in the states? D:


Animal poison control costs money, human poison control is free to the patient. But it’s not helpful to call human poison control about your dog, since the toxicology is not the same.


I accidentally called human poison control when my dog got into a bag of nectarines, since I was concerned about the levels of cyanide in the pits. The human poison control directed me to animal poison control, but not before helpfully telling me that the amount he consumed wasn’t enough to harm a human toddler. Since my dog was 120 lbs, that part was helpful. For what it’s worth, when I’ve called animal poison control I very much got the vibe they wouldn’t have been upset if I hung up without paying. Maybe it was just the people I’ve gotten, but they gave the advice before collecting payment, and something about the way in which I was warned that payment was coming almost seemed like they try to give people an out who just can’t afford it but still need advice for pets. But maybe that’s also why the cost has gone up.


Yep. Running the line costs money, both for the infrastructure, and also for the people and training needed to run it. If you can afford the payment, please chip in to make sure those resources stay around! But I’m very glad you were able to get the answers you needed. I’ve also gotten good free advice from the Chewy vet line, and calling a local ER vet or my vet’s office. I mostly wanted to make sure that people know that human poison control in the US is free, and they are a great resource if, say, you have a kid who eats a handful of diaper cream.


it sure does, yes, in the us


I had no idea. I shouldn't take got granted what canada offers...


My dog ate a whole tub of Dermaveet twice. Other than a slow oil leak at the other end for the next few days she was fine. Yes it was disgusting.


What they charge $90 for advice that you may or may not need to save your animal??? That's shitty lol


Mine does it also. He is obsessed with licking it off of my legs.


Same!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Weirdo doggos.


Lmao my little shitzus constantly lick my legs all the time too it’s actually kinda nice haha but if I have lotion on of some sort i try to keep them away haha but man they are persistent 🤣🤣🤣


Just because he’s not sick now doesn’t mean it’s not causing long term accumulative damage… it’s going on your skin not only is your body absorbing chemicals into your blood stream but he is consuming chemicals frequently… this is what causes disease in humans and animals


My dog is ten years old and healthy. I understand the concern, but every single human lives with the threat of being poisoned by plastics and forever chemicals. If you live in the us, this is going to become more of a concern in the coming days. My government poisoned my body via my drinking water, the threats humanity faces today are way larger than the threat my dog faces from lotion.


Honestly dogs lick lotion all the time. You can use the poison hotline the mod provided, but if he keeps acting normal he’s probably fine


Let is slide…


…right out the other end


He will be fine…


lmao that’s what i’m saying, people posting the numbers to Animal Poison Control but they are just going to charge you 50 bucks to tell you to monitor your dog and take him to the vet if he gets sick. which should be what common sense tells you to do


they charged me $90!


yeah, well you shouldve just looked up what to do of you ingest (insert item here) and then you wouldve had your answer because 9/10 they are going to just look up the Haz Mat Label for whatever item you tell them and then they will tell you to monitor your pet and or take them to the vet if things get worse lol


Yeah well my dog ingested an unknown amount of transmission fluid and it started leaking out of her asshole and everything I read online said ingestion of transmission fluid warrants an emergency vet visit, so I took her there but they wouldn’t see her until I got a case number from poison control so I had to pay it. My dog was fine, turns out transmission fluid isn’t toxic since it’s a lubricant and doesn’t get absorbed into their system, I had to get dog diapers because it leaked out of her for three days


that is absolutely awful not only for your dog but for your Vet. You definitely need to find a new vet. Imagine it was rat poisoning or something deadly to your dog that they needed to have their stomach pumped and they are making you waste time to call the poison control smh


that’s definitely how I feel and I won’t be returning to that vet. In the moment I didn’t even think to argue about it or anything because I was so worried about my dog, but I agree, why waste time making me call and wait on hold for poison control before even seeing my dog? It was a nightmare day, Im glad it’s behind us now.


Yeah i’m really sorry to hear that, I actually got a little upset when you said that because I pictured how I would’ve reacted in that situation if they would’ve told me that. Im a pretty happy dude but I love my dog too much to put up with that type of nonsense without getting a little angry lol


My small dog has done the exact same thing to that same lotion and was fine, he’s also been fine after chewing various hand cream tubes. I’m not so good though and my skin is pretty dry as I’m waiting for him to get through the chewing phase before I replace it.


Out of interest, can you lock your lotions away in a cupboard so your dog can’t get to them? We have a small dog too so everything is just kept on a high counter that he can’t reach


I try to remember to shut things in drawers as he’s a good climber, he can hop from chair to table to windowsill to counter but he can’t open a drawer!


Oh 😂 I think you might have a cat


It's fine. It's absolutely fine. From someone who works in a rescue, most all dogs will be absolutely fine with most things ingested in small amounts. Call poison control, monitor behavior, and even call your vet and explain what happened. Google will tell you everything is a death sentence, and it's not always, and it makes it hard to tell what things are actually terrible for dogs rather than things that might just result in a little diarrhea. Unless you have a really small dog or an elderly dog, most of these times it will be fine. If you have an exceptionally small dog, this really doesn't apply. For most dogs over 30 to 40 lbs or more and aside from medication or high amounts of toxic things, they usually are fine.


TBH there isn’t much they can do now. Just go in if you see any signs of distress (unlikely) or illness (throwing up, bloody poop…)


I would call the vet and ask them advice when you can, but if they start to excessively drool, vomit or diarrhea take them into the vet asap. It depends on the size of your dog and how much it consumed they could be perfectly fine.


My dog is 11kg and he ate just a small amount I think


I think his next number 2 will just be rather easy.


She’ll be right


He’ll be fine


Ask a vet on the Chewy app it’s free




Really?? I know for a fact I’ve asked a vet questions on chewy that’s weird


Unless the dog is showing signs of trouble just feed them some pumpkin and this will cause them to have a bowel movement getting it out of there. The dog also may have diarrhea so be prepared for that.


He will be fine !


Have dog insurance? Some actually have a dedicated telephone line for things like this. I know the costsco dog insurance does and I've used it at least once and they were helpful!


He should be fine


I know a dog who ate whole bars of soap. Just look for signs of illness I think he should be fine. Get the dog some chew toys so they can use those instead


No matter how much chew toys I give him, he always seems to be more interested in other things like this lmao. I'll definitely keep stuff like this out of his reach from now on though


My ACD/Aussie mix once cleaned out a jar of Vaseline. He was fine afterwards. He also cleared out a jar of Mineral Ice. He was also fine afterwards. Point is… he might be immortal or something. I don’t know. Scared the shit out of me at the time though.


My dog licks the lotion off my skin. He’ll be fine.


Your dog will probably be just fine. At worst he might get a little diarrhea.


aloe vera is poisonous to dogs. It will give them the shits/upset tummy in small amounts.  The vaseline inventor used to eat the stuff every day and he lived to 96 so probably not that bad for the doggo.


My dog licks my lotion off me relentlessly… literally chases me around the house… SO annoying. She’s a small dog and has never been sick from it. So don’t panic…


If your dog isn’t acting strange or sickly, I wouldn’t stress too much over it. It doesn’t look like he ingested too much of it just looks like he more or less chewed the bottle.


Our dog is smaller than yours (6-8kgs) and he’s had his fair share of lotion consumption 😅 his poops are gonna be pretty soft but he should be fine!!


Keep an eye on him. Don't bother researching all the ingredients as you won't get accurate results. For example, one of the ingredients in your option is potassium hydroxide. If you look up its effects on dogs, you'll see that it can cause severe burns as its alkali. If you look up its effects on humans, you'll see the same thing. That doesn't make much sense though, as its skin lotion. All the ingredients interact with eachother in a specific way to give a desired effect. If anything, check the companies information on what to do if ingested. My dogs lick baby lotion of my hands and legs anytime I put it on around them and they've never gotten sick haha. Try and relax a bit, just follow the advice given to you. Your dog will probably just have a loose tummy.


He'll be fine. You don't have to induce vomiting or worry. I have this exact lotion and dogs lick it off all the time.


Use organic coconut oil instead of lotion. Just give your dog juicy food to get him to drink lots of fluids to move and dilute the lotion.


My dog has licked lotion off my legs after I shower many times before I had the chance to shoo her away. I’m sure it’s not the best for her but she’s perfectly healthy and I’ve never had any issues afterward.


Mine ate lotion too, probably not the end of the world. Might be an upset stomach


Just keep an eye on the pupper for any warning signs like excessive vomiting or diarrhea for the next 24-48 hours. Like some others have pointed out, my dog also loves to lick lotion off my hands, feet, legs, and arms whenever I put it on (not that I just let her, but she's persistent). She's never gotten sick from it, so I'm sure a little bit of it won't really cause any harm. If you're ever worried about something your dog ate, just keep in mind 2 things: 1) keep an eye out for any vomiting or diarrhea if you're worried and 2) dogs, as loveable as dorky little furry toddlers as they are, will put A LOT of different things in their mouths (cat poop, dog poop, grass, literal garbage, bones they found, lizards... the list goes on. Of course, we all do our best to stop them from eating those things, so I figure it balances out a bit in the end. They have the stomachs to eat some seriously weird shit from time to time, and we have the sense to stop them from making it a habit.


If there is a 1-800 number on the bottle I would call it immediately and ask if they know if the product is toxic to dogs. I would call the vet next


May have some fun poops ahead, including some slight diarrhea. But it looks like he got very little so I personally wouldn’t be too worried.


Give mild food (rice, unsweetened canned pumpkin) and water for the next few meals if you’re really concerned. Monitor for strange behavior (excessive panting, vomiting, hiding). Check her hydration levels by giving a little pinch at her shoulder blades and seeing how quickly her skin snaps back. Check her gums for good pink color (rather than white which indicates anemia). She’ll be fine. Store your stuff somewhere she can’t get it in the future.


OP, we made an app called ToxiPets that can analyze ingredients from packages (barcode or OCR) and point you to our doctor research if anything toxin is found. Look up ToxiPets from app store. I hope we can help 🙏


Unfortunately, it says the app is not available in my region (Southeast Asia). This sounds like a great and really helpful app, though. Thank you!


I mean I wouldn’t like my dog exposed to those chemicals, definitely don’t allow that to happen again. This product contains Propylparaben which is rated as a hazardous ingredient to health…. Causing all sorts of hormone disruption. I wouldn’t even put that on my skin knowing it absorbs into the body let alone want my dog eating it


Be careful if there is xylitol/ birch sugar.. but if it makes you feel better, dogs lick their owners legs after the shower all the time. My dog loves licking lotion off my legs and its super annoying but nothing ever happened and he's 3kg


Might have some loose poops, but don’t worry


Nothing. The dog will be just fine. :)


My dog ate a whole tub of Vaseline once. The medium sized one I suppose. She had GLOBS of poo for dayyyyys. Nasty, nasty stuff.


Pretty much loose stools in store for him/her but other then that prob nothing doesn’t seem like they at a lot of it


You should take the dog outside when it's remotely hinting at needing to go, lol.


I would call you vet and see what they have to say they might just say if he seem to start to look or act not normal then bring him in other then that he should be fine I have had this happen to me and that’s what they told me. my dog ended up being just fine


Try searching the ingredients on the label one by one to see if any are toxic to dogs. As for why dogs like lotion, this was on metlifepetinsurance.com: “Wondering why your pooch or feline would want to lick these types of substances to begin with? Some dogs and cats seem to like the taste and smells of lotions and creams. Many are made with coconut, avocado and other enticing scents. However, many lotions contain medication, zinc, insect repellant and other ingredients dangerous for consumption by your pets.”


Unless he ate an entire bottle, he’s fine. Even then he’d probably just throw up. But if he ever *does* eat a whole bottle don’t take my word for it and go to the vet.


Maybe some diarrhea or something. I wouldn’t be too concerned about it


Small amount should not hurt him. My pup ate a tube of citrus hand cleaner. Vet wasn’t too worried and he had no problems.


Sounds like my special cat should meet your special dog In all seriousness I think it’s okay. Definitely just monitor for any changes in behavior, and look into pet safe (or safer) lotions


He'll be fine. My brother used to eat that same brand and nothing ever happened to him, so I'm sure a dog won't have any issues. It's not toxic.


My old corgi once ate half of one of those mega size tubs of Aquaphor and she was totally fine


he SHOULD be okay, however I would call a vet or animal poison line just to be sure. If it’s just a little- he should be okay- my dog used to lick my lotion all the time and it had aloe and shea butter. It’s obviously not GOOD for them, but if he starts showing ANY symptoms, please take him to the vet


Might get diarrhea, but otherwise don’t get worked up over it. It won’t kill him!


Store this and similar items where pets can't go.


Yep, I will. Lesson learned.


He'll probs be fine. Have some runny poops, maybe some vomiting. If he stops eating or shows signs of heavy fatigue, it's vet time


My go to is plain white rice and monitoring behavior.


My dog did this when she was younger. If I got any lotion on the floor, even a small drop, she would be cleaning the floor, lol


Just as a point of interest, I hope anyway.. Aloe Vera plants themselves are meant to be toxic to dogs, yet you'll find things like aloe vera dog shampoos. The concentration of any substance you'll find in cosmetic products like lotions are so tiny, even a large amount consumed is unlikely to cause more than a yucky tum, and very lubricated poops! Things to be much more worried about would be human medcines, cleaning chemicals, rat poison, toxic plants, dark plain chocolates, artificial sweetness... all of which would require immediate vet advice and probably treatment. Best wishes to your doggo OP! 🐕 🐾


This is really interesting. I never thought about it this way. Thank you for sharing this!


He be alright!


He'll be fine. The vet is going to charge you for pedialyte and a aspirin and send you home with puppy pads


You should look up the ingredients and know how they will affect your dog. You should also know about toothpaste, gum and other smelly things that your dog might be interested in, but could kill him. It's important for you to know for the future. Aloe is pretty toxic for dogs, but I'm sure he only ate a small amount of the lotion. It probably wasn't very tasty. Next time don't leave your lotion close to the ground


Edit: These are the ingredients of the lotion. https://imgur.com/a/DwYVUV4


If your dog has a HomeAgain microchip and you paid the $20 yearly registration, you can call animal poison control as often as you want for free


Give him black dog biscuits for the carbon content it's useful to remove toxins or bread to soak it up plenty of fluids


3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide will make him throw up


Sorry, my answer would be to go buy a new bottle of lotion and keep it away from the dog.


Uh my dog would do this if he could. The amount he licks off my SKIN when I use it on my arms?! So bad. He literally chases me around to try get a taste?!


Is your dog a beagle?


He’s fine


Nothung. They are very resilient


He will be just fine dogs lick us after we put lotion on all the time….


Human doctor here, if a human baby ate a bit of that lotion, I would not do anything.


Is it toxic??


Marvel at his wrinkle free butt hole


Did it smell like fruit or are you lying. Jokes aside call poison control as soon as possible


Nothing. They’ll be fine




Take him to the vet if he's a small dog , if he is a big dog you can monitor him but might get diarrhea


maybe I’m terrible but if my dog ate something unwise it would need to be really bad for me to take her to the vet without her showing signs of distress . me and my sister used to eat vaseline lotion when we were younger (that’s what happens if you don’t let your kids have sweets) and fwiw we are fine, honest.


Prepare for the liquid shits and water accordingly


Call poison control. Babies, you just give lots of water.


I would google the ingredients and see if any are toxic for dogs. That’s what I did when my pup ate a Burt’s Bees chapstick. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is your pup okay? Did it show any symptoms?


Oh yeah, he was fine. I just have to watch him around chap stick lol


That's good to hear! My dog still hasn't had any symptoms many hours later. I'll definitely keep watch and keep my lotion and similar stuff away too from now on haha


We all need this after a spicy curry 🤣🤣


Gonna be fine


At best diarrhea, at worst diarrhea from illness


Don't stand behind when it farts


it will be fine


Put the lotion in the basket 🧺


Looks fine. I’d still rub it on my ashy ass. Time to get a new pitbull, though.


Stanley's gonna be steaming hard in about 4 hrs.


Nothing… I crept get ready for some spot cleaning


Ask him how it tasted lol. And brace for diarrhea


darwins gonna get him 😂


Don't need to do anything


Has the dog croaked yet? Lol I'm just kidding I'm sure he's fine!!! :)


Something my dog George would definitely do 🤣 Soothing aloe poops 💩


Sidenote. Aloe juice is good for dogs.


Don’t do anything he will be fine.. haven’t you seen that “my strange addiction” episode where the dude eats/drinks lotion?? He’s good, and indulges everyday. Your pup will be fine.


Oooozzzzy pooooppeeeeesss


My dog licks lotion off of me like it’s a treat 😂I’m sure ur dog is fine


He'll be fine.


Gloopy poopies


Update: Thanks for all the insights, everyone! I've contacted the vet, and they just told me to observe him since he ate just a small amount and he's acting ok, eating well, no vomiting, no diarrhea, and stool seems normal. Was advised to bring him in only when he starts showing any weird symptoms. I wanted to hear from other pet owners who may have had a similar experience, hence why I posted. Rest assured, the first thing that came to mind was to contact the vet.


As the rock said wisely "It doesn't matter"


Charcoal biscuits.. the black ones.. they are good.. charcoal can absorb some toxins and carry them through the guy.. works a treat




Nothing welcome to owning a dog


When in doubt, you can make a dog throw up by giving them decently sized dose of hydrogen peroxide. It should work within about 5-10 minutes. It will be foamy because of the peroxide but it works great. I have a huge lab that can’t control himself and will eat anything within reach. We’ve had to do this multiple times and it works every time. Before you come at me with ‘don’t leave food out’, we don’t. We have a locking trash can and a gun lock on the pet cabinet. All food gets locked up but there are occasions when he gets to it before we get it all put away or have had a chance to eat ourselves.


it gets the hose again!


Dog will be fine.


Fine. Just might have loose stools.


I'm not sure, if I was you I'd either keep trying with the vet or just take them, I know you said it's late but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Also what size is the dog? If it's a small dog id probably be more worried than say a great Dane chewing on the bottle.


He's a pug 11 kg. He ate a small amount i think. I didn't see any lotion on his mouth, but he did open the bottle and some of the lotion was on the floor, so he might've had some of it


If there's lotion left on the floor, he probably just licked it and thought it was disgusting and left the rest. That's what I'd assume if my dog did that.


The answer to "my dog ate.... what do I do" is always call poison control. They will tell you if there is an emergent concern


You're right. But there's no such thing in my region here in Southeast Asia, unfortunately. I did try contacting the vet, but it was difficult since it was almost midnight. Just wanted to get extra help online, especially from other pet owners who might've had a similar experience.