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It's cheaper at Walmart. Better quality, too. That's saying a lot, considering it's walmart.


Walmart approved products are usually high quality products.....for what you pay.


I got an egg beater in 2019 for 8 dollars at Walmart, and the little guy made it through until last month. Sure, then it spontaneously caught fire, but it worked perfectly until then


Yeah if you know what you're getting into, and know how to respect your purchase then it should serve just fine if you keep your expectations reasonable.


I hate to say this, but, all these newfangled products aren't built to last anymore. I have a hand mixer that my grandmother had when I was a little girl and it still runs. They don't just make things like they used to.


It's called "[planned obsolescence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence)". Basically, corporations create products that purposely break earlier than expected in an effort to generate more sales either in full product replacement or failed parts replacement.


This is why I commit return fraud. Fuck multi million/billion corporations.


This gives employees extra stress and can get them in trouble. I’m all for messing with big corporations, but don’t mess with minimum wage workers and make their day miserable. Vote with your wallet instead


Lol..... sucker


That’s why they might end up like the 99 cents only stores. I just read they will be closing stores. They need to go back to their old prices or sadly they’ll go out of business.


Right? That's the whole point of going to dollar tree I either need something cheap in the moment or I'm broke


a lot of 99c stores closed near me i think dollar tree thinks they can take over but like u said it’ll probably back fire


Walmart has things like advil or Tylenol for .88cents. You can often find low prices at Walmart clearance end caps too.


Walmart is usually cheaper😄


Not my walmart, $25 for similar.


Same. I just checked and the cheapest box fan is $25.96 at my local Walmarts


Mine has lasco 20” for $21


You are probably looking at the 9" one from Walmart. This one is 20"


Walmart 20 has gone up from 16.88 last year. It's now 21$ but still way longer lasting than this "deal" (I'm not psycho for fans, I just end up getting a new one every year for one of the kids)


You sound educated in fan brands. How would you compare the pros and cons between the brands?


I've run my Cyclone by Lasko box fan nonstop for over a year and it's still kicking. Moves quite a bit of air at a relatively low noise level 👍


I'm a Lasko fan fan.


I just go for the cheapest when it comes to box. I don't even have to see the dollar tree one to know it would die within a month. The only ones I spend "money" on are oscillating towers. I did just get a little (7in?) Rechargeable that fits in my purse (walmart 15 or 17), and it literally lasts over 14 hours on low. I haven't needed to try it on high yet and it keeps me cool outside while it is 96°. This week, we will be testing it at 101° Amazon brand small black round (11in) for 15$ are amazing and lasts forever (talking on 24/7 year round for going on 5 years now) it does not oscillate. Haha, I guess I do know something about fans!


They're 24 at dollar general for the same fan XD


I KNEW it!!! Dollar tree is now just dollar general/family dollar. F the new price model! I looked it up. Walmart brand (not as crappy) is 21!




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Dollar tree is becoming the mini Walmart


It's becoming temu Walmart


“We have Walmart at home”


The People of Dollar Tree ® Get them cameras ready. 😂


Being that Five Below sells items this expensive, I'm not surprised.


agreed. “five below” when half their stuff is more than 5$


That’s why we all refer to it as “Five Above” now.


The new five and dime stores.


Nailed it!!!!! 


And this will be the end of dollar tree as we know it.


I've already cut back. add that if I'm going to get "big" budget items ill hit up walmart where their "dollar tree" items are around a dollar


I only go specifically for their Minute Maid frozen lemonade and Herrs chips because they don’t sell anywhere else around here


There was a minute where I got several of the orangeade ones to have one a day. Now I’ve got my little orange julius recipe that I make half a batch of (2 oz concentrate, 3/4 cup half and half, teaspoon vanilla, 7 ice cubes) for a nice summer time treat. Just don’t tell my auntie 😇🙄🥹


Yeah I wanna figure out how to make the lemonade one the only hard part is the consistency I tried it once and it was just a solid block of ice not scoop able lol


Are you avoiding the wonderful world of Pinterest? That’s where I found my recipe. Do you want me to look real quick? I can but let me feed my natives first. 🐾


Sure if you’d like I haven’t looked up any ever since I tired winging it


Geez, ingredients list has lemon juice concentrate…and I can’t picture if I’ve seen that next to the orange juice concentrate. One of my local groceries actually clearanced out the concentrate. Okay, I’m off to look at some of the dupes. Also lists turmeric for color. “You don’t say,” says my yellow bristled toothbrush that I keep at the kitchen sink to clean my water bottle. Liposomal curcumin for inflammation for the win!


1/2 cup lemon juice 3 cups ice cubes (330g) 1/4 cup sugar or sweetener of choice 2 tsp lemon zest optional 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, ice cream, or coconut cream


So there is one version. Now you’ve got me curious. What would happen if I just replaced the orange juice concentrate with lemon juice concentrate? Left in the vanilla even. I’ve never tried to freeze the orange Julius after making. Maybe I should…and I could imagine if someone had something like the Ninja Creami they could really play with the consistency.


That’s what I think I need because the one in the store is like half ice cream half ice it’s weird


Yes! In consistency it kind of reminds me of the cookies and cream ice milk that I would buy in my elementary school cafeteria. Well, dang…next time I’m at the grocery…I might need to grab the lemon juice concentrate. Or just assume the orange behaves similarly and freeze it for chunks of time, mixing it every so often.


I've shopped at dollar tree maybe a handful of times since the price increase. I used to shop there all the time. I went last week because my husband and I were on some really hard financial times to get some cheap frozen meals to get us by. almost nothing in the freezer was $1.25 or less. I remember a few years ago I could walk in and go to the freezers in the back and find all sorts of $1.00 frozen meals to fill my empty and rumbling stomach. I hate this world.


Definitely depends on the store our freezer and cooler is about 80% 1.25 stuff


There are some channels that focus on dollar store meals. So many out there are hurting. I just lost my job about a week and a half ago…my heart is with you.


Just like when K-Mart went out of business .... they should just throw in the towel.


dollar tree is for snacks and cleaning products now I see


woah woah woah slow down my store isn’t even a plus store yet


Must be nice 😭


 Mine either 


our remodel is Tuesday, I’m mentally preparing myself for the inevitable wave of “comedians” with “that joke”


I'm already witnessing the end of my job as I see this


I feel the same way, customers always come in bitching about everything and I mean everything And now this….


$7 market cap is now out the window guess it's only a matter of weeks before market base rises to $1.50 or more.


Saw a sign at a dollar tree with the fans that had another sign ( handwritten) “ seen elsewhere for $20.97😂😂


i wish you were joking. bringing more dollar tree plus items is ruining dollar tree for me. i like tge $1.25 items.


While I get their idea behind bringing in the higher prices item, they're completely losing the plot. I am in charge of our freezer section, and I see a lot of items we carry cheaper elsewhere. Given, most are within a few cents, but you'll never get sales, or anything. They had a niche, but their greed finally got too big


It was them hiring the old dollar general ceo. Higher everything but wages. My store is going multi-price the first week of June and they said higher shelves too. They are also trying to cater to the over 6 figure income crowd...you did that just fine at $1.25. Make an annex for floral, party and seasonal/plus and leave the rest in the regular store.


Yup. That and investors had been pushing to raise prices since before I started there. We just did the dt+ conversion. It's ok, but stupid since they don't send enough product to fill. Lol. We have a few snack shelves that are $2.50-$3 and we have enough product for maybe 6 feet out of 20.


Rest In Peace: Dollar Tree as We Know It ![gif](giphy|vudNK1LtwXTTa)


Thus comes the downfall




I'm so glad I don't work there anymore. I was there for four years!


People really think they can get these fans for $1.25 💀😂


A man can dream! Besides, you find better quality in McDonald’s happy meals than you do with these fucking things


I mean you can probably get box fans for $1.25 in bulk maybe one out of the pallet will work for more than a few hours.


Just change the name to family dollar 🤷‍♂️


Exactly what i said




The box fan apocalypse


Dollar tree charging more than a dollar is a sign of the fall of society


I was thinking the same thing too


Those things are such junk


I won’t buy it


Might as well just merge with dollar general then lmao


In my area....Suffolk County Long Island there already is a combined Dollar Tree/Family Dollar store. And....if Dollar Tree traditionally had an item for $1.25, and Family Dollar had the item for $1.75.....them that item sells at the higher $1.75 price!!!


100% we're selling those for 24 a piece at DG


so will they be giving us the hand scanners at the registers too? or will customers still get confused that i need to take their items out of their cart to scan them


Of corse they won’t. They just want to make it harder.


it drives me crazy that they think i am a costco with their 8 gallons of water. when i ask to have just 1 so i can scan it 8 times they look at me like i have 3 heads


Yea same. That and when people bring shit in boxes and act like I can scan the item through the box.


They will be adding price checkers for all the stores that make that transition


Honestly we are told we would get so much shit and it never arriving that I don’t believe that sadly.


Every store that switches over to the multiprice point will 100% be getting them


Sadly I don’t believe that at all.


Congrats I guess it's mandatory so you get to be surprised when it happens


And where did you read that said it was mandatory?


So when they informed which stores were going to be transitioning to multiprise they also informed them of what was going to be installed because they're going to be changing shelving as well in certain parts of the store so they had somebody measure it out they also are setting aside a few weeks so that we can do the full transition so nobody can take those weeks off and not every store is doing it all at once I think that they're just trying to do a few at a time but if you are an assistant manager or a store manager you would know that we get emails that tell us exactly what we're supposed to be getting in at what time it's supposed to arrive


Oh I know about the emails. I read them from time to time. I also usually get told about things I probably shouldn’t hear and I mentioned the scanners today and no one knew about them


This is some absolute bullshit


Ohhh nooo they added something that costs more than 1.25 the world is going to endddd. I don't get it they aren't taking things away to make this happen so what's the issue


they aren’t taking things away yet*


So you guys are just scared of what might happen


Stop simping for capitalists so hard in this thread wtf


Oh no....


![gif](giphy|fV7jDqB84M7DKQtYZ9) Would never


Yup we recieved an email too


$19 box fan, who wants it?


In one form or another the store was" Dollar tree" or a variation from the time of Clinton through Trump. It took Biden economics to bump the The price twice in less than 4 years and drive the iconic 99¢only chain into bankruptcy


It's becoming the new dollar general just with much worse security


the other day i saw those giant water bottles and i was excited til i got to the shelf and saw $5😒 needing a price scanner at dollar tree is not okay


I mean what makes you think that they were a dollar? Lmaoo I would say it's common sense but I guess it's not if so many people can't tell


what are u talking ab? it’s dollar tree. Everything was $1 then $1.25. Eventually mine got 3 freezer sections that had big items that were $3-5 in addition to everything else still being $1.25. before the other day, I hadn’t been to a dollar tree in months(2023), so I was surprised to go back and see shelf Items priced at $1.50, $4.25, $3.50,$5. I was surprised to see a price checker!! I asked when it happened and an employee told me mid march, so i doubt i’m the only one in my area at least “lacking common sense”.


Our store doesn't do all of that until later this year and people literally harass our cashiers because it's somehow their fault that we sell things that 100% should be more than a dollar but we still sell them all the time we sell out of them but people are still so mad at the wrong people


i’m still confused as to why it should be common sense? Was i supposed to wake up last week and go “hmm my spidey senses tell me dollar tree has raised their prices”? i’ve gotten many items at dollar tree that sell for higher elsewhere which is why i like it. I could go and if i got a lil carried away it’s ok everything was $1.25 for the most part no one should be harassing employees. I never said anything bad ab the employees or the company in that original comment. I expressed how i felt upon seeing it. edit: i did say needing a price scanner wasn’t ok and it is crazy


The part that I meant common sense about was probably misunderstood but I just meant that there are things that you should be able to understand why it's over 1.25 like a water bottle that is huge or a full size Russell Stover chocolate bunny or even those pretty big bags of individually wrapped small packs of m&Ms that was a constant issue people thought that it was a $1.25 even if we had a label on it saying otherwise and it was probably like 30 little fun size packs of m&Ms


I think the "common sense" here would be to assume most things at *the Dollar tree* is a dollar. Or at least 1.25.


What about the *dollar general and family *dollar they have *dollar in the name but they don't sell things for a dollar


When I was a little girl, I had a tall oscillating fan from Dollar General, in my bedroom back in the 90's either '98 or '99 (bought for $15) it lasted me for 4 years and one day, the stand broke, but the fan still worked, but my mom and I threw it out. It was one I used to keep me cool at night (because the trailer we lived in had no central A/C) I think that it was a Lasko fan.


Yeah but people are collectively used to that. No one expects things to be $1 at those stores. Dollar tree is known for that exact thing--that's their entire schtick and reputation. You think dollar tree, you think one dollar. You think taco bell, you think cheap tacos. This would be like if taco bell started selling lasagna. Of course people are going to be put off and confused at first.


Yeah but I don't really think that people are going to constantly harass Taco Bell workers about the fact that they should change their name because they started selling something that wasn't tacos the particular store that I work at has had the price over a dollar for almost 2 years now and it's still a daily issue with customers complaining about our prices and about how we should be changing our name


Should change their name to “Dollar(s) Tree”


Lmao "dollar general" I've never seen anything for a dollar there so why are people so obsessed with us changing our name because we sell stuff for more than a dollar "family dollar" is another one


"The money tree, because you're gonna need one to shop here now!"




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I’m in Florida and I just saw them


One of my customers put it best: “may as well call it the dollar and up store”


The homeless gather in front of my local store. I only call it Dollar Tree anymore because it costs a dollar to get inside.


A publicly traded company cannot be good for long. It’s just not possible to have continuous growth, a decent product/experience, and overpaid execs. And guess what’s the last concern.


It happened a while ago when they made things $1.25


Box fans were $13 at my local Foodmaxx. They had a couple pallets of them.


I like this fan. It’s quiet. Didn’t buy it at Dollar Tree, though.


Dollar tree plus things are cheaper than Walmart. Well at least in California. DT Oreo $3.75 Walmart $4.25


If you actually price things out per oz/count/etc, and compare price to other stores per oz/count/etc - rather than price per package, dollar stores are one of the most expensive place to buy things. They only have appeared less expensive bc of how things are packaged.


Which is which of the speed tables and wow tables in the front..? Interesting..


$19, at a fucking dollar tree.


Yep, been at my store for over a week.. not sold a one! But if they don’t fix my back room A/C guess what’s getting ‘store use’!


And they still wont pay a livable wage


R.I.P. dollar tree


Is it all DT Plus/MP stores that are getting this or is it only a specific DC that are getting them?


I am dreading getting these in so bad I can already hear the complaints


Well, if that fan was being sold for a dollar, I’d be pretty worried about it.




Eww go back to dollar general 




We’re no longer a “dollar” store Smfh




Fuck I hate this.


We don't even have a freezer section at our dollar tree.. It's all de-bundled cheap bulk dry good foodstuffs and flimsy plastic garbage. Huge shame, because for whatever reason there is the most drop dead gorgeous redhead working there. Planning to stop by today just to buy said garbage and hopefully a chance to say hello to aforementioned Dollar Tree goddess 🫠


Ridiculous. I started noticing those on products i was stocking. Thier turning it into family dollar


Dollar Tree has tried this model before. They bought out a chain of dollar stores called “Deals” that had been owned by “Bigs.” Deals had offered close outs from Bigs, including scooters, Disney clocks, and Hallmark gift products that didn’t sell at Bigs but were worth much more than $1. In our market, Dollar Tree also found themselves competing against The 99Center, the parent of which owned a gift products company that marketed through catalogs used for school fundraisers. They also offered items worth over $10-$15 or more for 99¢. Dollar Tree tried the $1-$5-$10-$15 model in its Deals stores. You no longer hear of Deals because Dollar Tree closed them all, re-opened them under the Dollar Tree name and went back to the $1 model. I hope Dollar Tree makes it. They provide a service to society by providing serviceable products at a cheap price. I love their craft products, especially the yarn, some of which is manufactured in Turkey, but is marketed by Premier Yarns, a company based in North Carolina.


Jennifer Lopez is still sexy


This is what happens when you start decriminalizing thefts, releasing criminals without bail, and demand high minimum wage