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My states had plastic bags banned for a while now but I will never get over my hatred for dollar tree paper bags. How is my printer paper thicker than those damn bags. Not to mention WHY do we (at least in my state) “have” to charge 5¢ for a paper bag when we never charged for plastic? I never charge, I think it’s stupid. I’m all for saving the environment one step at a time but is it necessary to charge extra for bag that’s thinner than most toilet paper nowadays?


We have people asking if we charge too. We don’t thank god, but they are so fucking thin! We used to have some thicker paper bags with the green logo. They were a little smaller but they only lasted a couple weeks! Now we get the giant ones that are easily ripped! I started keeping empty boxes at my register for customers who have a ton of glassware. The majority of them are so thankful when I suggest a box for their glass cups and such. These bags need to go to hell!


Our city has been plastic bag free since July 2012 and state since January 2020 so paper bags at 5 cents each is totally normal now. The bags lately have been SUPER SUPER bad.


They don’t hold any weight at all. They’re super inconvenient for customers who have to walk in bad weather or people who have to walk up flights of stairs. Not to mention elderly people.


I grew up with paper bags... And prefer them


Paper bags, brilliant idea. Let's cut down the big giant things that take tons of co2 out of the air and make them into bags that get used once for maybe 20 minutes and then thrown away. It's not like there are other options like reusable bags, oh wait, those do exist. Plastic is so bad for the environment but lets fill thousands of oil based balloons with helium a nonrenewable resource, buy a salad in a plastic container, sealed with plastic, dressing in a plastic pouch, with a plastic fork wrapped in plastic, but good thing my bag is paper, that helps the environment. Also, the resources wasted to make and transport paper bags far exceeds the resources used to make plastic bags. The paper bag movement is nothing but a feel good exercise that doesn't solve the problem but gives the illusion of actually doing something.


I’ve suggested the state make an environmental cleanup crew to go around and clean up the bags in trees, lakes, on the ground, etc. outright banning them doesn’t help the ones already on the ground. Plus I’ve been to certain mini marts that are small businesses, and they don’t give a fuck about the bag ban. They still give out plastic lol.


Nothing wrong with paper bags, they just need to not cheap out on them and make them good quality


As convenient as they were, I’m glad plastic bags are gone. They’re so awful for the environment. We’ve had a plastic bag ban for a couple years now here, I think most of us are used to bringing our own bags at this point.


store use out lunch bags if your store gets, those for cards and small items, they are paper so it makes people feel like they are saving the environment


we still have plastic, but they never send us enough so i do end up having to use paper, as well as trash and ziplock bags (😭) the paper ones just take up sooo much space on the counter, they are tedious to open, i have to stand on my tiptoes to pack them, and they dont have handles so im always asking the older ladies the best way i can pack for them. i like plastic bc i can just check ppl out quickly, less thinking for me.


My state hasn't had plastic bags for just over two years now, but we also never get the paper bags. I've worked here for 8 months, and we've gotten paper bags twice in that time. And they're gone the same day we get them. The reusable ones are often gone 2-3 days after we put them out, so the rest of the week we have nothing. Sometimes we give people empty cardboard boxes. But we don't even have those sometimes. Nobody remembers to bring in their reusable bags, but then complain that we don't have any bags to give or sell to them. So, can't exactly be sick of something we never have.


My state hasn't had plastic bags for just over two years now, but we also never get the paper bags. I've worked here for 8 months, and we've gotten paper bags twice in that time. And they're gone the same day we get them. The reusable ones are often gone 2-3 days after we put them out, so the rest of the week we have nothing. Sometimes we give people empty cardboard boxes. But we don't even have those sometimes. Nobody remembers to bring in their reusable bags, but then complain that we don't have any bags to give or sell to them. And the reusable ones are thrown away at the same rate the plastic ones were. So, can't exactly be sick of something we never have.


Fl still has plastic but we never get what we order plus when we run out we have to up sale reusable bags or we use boxes and small paper lunch bags and garbage bags You know we have the Linda’s that want everything wrapped or double bagged SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️ Truthfully I am sure most of these people have reusable bags in their car from Aldi Save A lot or Walmart


My state banned plastic bags but we have those really thick plastic bags


We've had paper bags in NY for a while now. I still despise them though. And I despise customers who clearly came here with a mission to buy at least a weeks worth of items, ask for a bag and then look at me like I killed their dog when I pull out the paper bags. You know what you came here for, don't get all upsetti spaghetti because you were unprepared. These are the only ones we have right now.


My county also banned plastic bags. I reused them as trash can liners and to hold litter box waste. I can't reuse paper bags. I end up taking the baskets home if I don't have my reusable bags.


Umm please don’t steal our baskets


Then have free options for people who needed it.


That decision is out of our control, it’s corporate that makes those decisions. While your frustration is valid, it still doesn’t excuse your theft. You are taking your frustration out on the wrong people. Do you know who is affected by your theft? Staff at your local store, and all your neighbors that shop there when they no longer have hand baskets. If you think they will keep replacing them you are sadly mistaken. If they keep turning up missing they will just get rid of them all together. Then what? You going to steal the cart next? Or does your store already have the bars on carts so you can’t take them outside? For the longest time my store was the only one within like 20 miles that had carts you can actually take to your car. Customers ruin that for themselves by stealing them, or leaving them all over the parking lot. Recently my store installed the bars on half the carts, then we watched to see how it would go. People make sure to take the carts without them and continue to leave them all over and everywhere *except where they belong, and where they got it from*. Guess who ordered bars for the rest of the carts?? Lazy people ruin it for everyone, now no one can take a cart outside. Something along those lines will happen at your local store, and it will be because of you. I’d be ashamed of myself if my actions led to other people losing access to things like carts that go outside and hand baskets. I’m sure it won’t bother you though, entitled people never care about anyone but themselves. There is no excuse to be a thief. I can only hope that when they notice and ultimately get rid of the baskets that they post your picture from the surveillance videos walking out with the basket. Right on the front door, “We had to get rid of hand baskets because of theft. We are sorry, you can thank this person for the decision.”


Actually, my neighbors do the same thing. That's who I got the idea from!


Yeah that still doesn’t justify it. That just means you are all entitled thieves. Go ahead and keep raising our shrink, but don’t bitch when there are consequences for your actions. You do understand that just because something is an inconvenience to you doesn’t mean you get a free pass to break the law right? The world doesn’t revolve around you, “But officer **I had to steal this basket**, I forgot my bags at home and am too cheap to pay $0.05 for a bag. That means I can just steal this right?” 🙄




Do you know who makes the decision on whether to charge for bags or not? It’s not the store, it’s actually the county the store is in. If they have banned plastic where you are, and charge for paper it’s because the county has mandated it. So again, taking your frustration out on the wrong people. You say when you “don’t have your reusable bags” you take the basket home. Whose fault is it that you don’t have your bags?? It ain’t DT’s fault, it’s obviously your own so how do you then justify stealing?


What, you think I have any say in the matter? Why are you hurting me, and people like me, just because you can’t bring your own bag? Get a grip






No retort? You must get told stuff like this a lot 😅


Do you walk to the store, where you need something to carry your stuff home? Or do you just load the basket straight into your car? I’m trying to understand the logic of just taking a basket home with you….please tell me that you at the very least return it the next time you go to the store, and you don’t have a collection of them at home.


Of course I return it on the next visit. What else am I going to do with it.


You’re still in the wrong and deserve to get trespassed 👍


Won't stop me


Do better


I mean, I figured you did, but 🤷‍♀️