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But I need your help. As an associate a customer wants to purchase a $1.25 item with 5 quarters, I'm confused. Another customer bought something here 7 months ago. A seasonal item, is there any in the back? It was this thing you used for watchamacallit, maybe it was in a bag or a box, they don't remember. Can you check?


They will as soon as they are done using the bathroom. Is there a fire? Is there a flood?(Water all over the floor) Is there blood involved? Did someone just run out of the door with the till drawer? Have you called the police because the store is out of Helium? They are almost done. They are wiping their bottom as we speak. Now they are pulling up their britches. Now they are washing their hands. Now they are drying their hands. Now they are unlocking the door. Now they are opening the door. NOW WHAT WAS YOUR QUESTION?❓❓❓❓❓❓. 🤭


Sorry, at this point I forget. For the last 20 minutes Jeffrey was making a mess throughout the store. All I heard was "Jeffrey, stop it, you're making a mess, you're embarrassing me Jeffrey. You're making a scene Jeffrey. This of course after cleaning up Jeffrey's mess in chems, beverages. HBC, and every aisle they went through. Jeffrey's Mom complained to the cashiers about how sloppy the store looked. Oblivious to the pole on her cart that is taller than the exit door but complained about that too.   


Oh my goodness. That is way better than mine.


Outside of confirming that's where you are, who is doing this OP?


I'm an asm, and it's mostly another asm that does it. Occasionally, associates. But one doesn't care where I am, what I'm doing, or literally anything. She'll just come around and butt in or as I posted, try and talk to me through the door. Like I'm sorry, I'm a little ..I don't know, busy? Lol. Can it wait like two minutes 😂


I'd try peeing aggressively, making a louder splash, maybe grunt some to send the message home.


I'm absolutely dying at this 😂 I'll be sure to add a few louder than normal grunts in there to hopefully scare her off, lmao. Thanks for the idea!!!


I was wondering the same thing


I know of a few customers who might do that if given the opportunity, but I won't let someone talk to me if headed for a restroom. I move with purpose.


I absolutely adore some of these comments 😂😂




But I must have those hand sanitizer dupes. Are you hiding them in there?


Excuse me, do you have anymore of this item that has clearly sold out? Can you check in the back? Also, do you work here?