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$19. They're supposed to be stacked on the floor and not on the shelf. This is why people complain about wrongly advertised prices, because stores don't follow their pricing display memos.


I'd like to note you're in the $+ section of the store and they STILL have the $1.25 labels on their shelves. If they don't have the right price strips they need to remove the green. I guarantee their customers get angry with them frequently over prices.


Absolutely, whoever either set up their DT Plus or changed the shelves without removing the $1.25 strip, wasn't paying attention and I'm 100% sure their cashiers have had to deal with angry customers over it.


$19 according to shipping lable. Going to assume you're in a combo store being that's a FD sticker?


That's the new labels. I'm a DTP and that's what our regular labels look like.


Yup. Just know better but some customers are going flip a nut when they see this


FD strips are red with white letters


I was talking about the shipping lable


So for $19, why not just get the same fan at Walmart or Target?


They’re $21 at Walmart and Target here




That don’t look like $19


Are you serious?


Yes. Customers going to think it is something else. I meant to say that don’t look like pricing.


It does if you know what to look for, which I don’t expect the average customer to do


The BX100 fan, a popular cheap fan. Dollar Tree $19 Dollar General $24 WalMart $21-$23


Thank you for answering the common question of *”for $19 why wouldn’t I just go to Walmart or target?”* 🙄 ….**uhhh maybe bc they are MORE than $19 at Walmart or target**. I also think there is no way anyone *actually thinks these are $1.25*….. that won’t stop certain customers from attempting to convince us that “if its in the wrong place it’s a LAW that you have to sell it for that price” No, no it is not, and no I will not give you a 93% discount. I do agree that it is shitty practice to put product in the wrong spots with the wrong prices, but a store is not them required to sell it to you for the lower price. 🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry not sorry


I've had customers try to pull the "It's the LAW" thing on me. 🙄🙄


Omg I have such a hard time keeping a straight face when they say dumb shit like this!! My favorite was a know it all who “used to work at price chopper” and insisted that they did it bc it was the law 🤣🤣 I was like “ma’am just bc you worked at price chopper does not mean you know the policies here at dollar tree, or the “laws”. You did it at price chopper most likely bc that was their POLICY. It’s not a law, and not all stores have the same policy. Here we do NOT **have to** give it to you for $1.25 bc it was in the wrong spot, **especially when it has a sticker on it saying it’s $5**. If you want to stand here and argue about it all day I’ll start raising the price by $0.50/minute. How would you like to proceed?”


Oooh! Like that $0.50 per minute thing! I'm gonna use it!


Maybe it's regional, but we just got box fans at WalMart for $19. I had to buy a few other things too, so even if they were $21, it would be worth the $2 to avoid a second trip.


Yeah Walmart prices can be all over the place. A few weeks ago these fans were $16 at some Walmart due to some sale going on.


they’re 19$


The pink label tells u the actual price 19$. Sometimes the labels are green. They are shipping labels


We use pink and green labels so the pickers know it’s a different wave. The waves are alternated between pink and green.


It's marked on the box $19 dollars


Yes.. they’re $1.25 better go buy them all


They are supposed to be on an end cap with signs that were sent


That’s not false advertising it’s utilizing space the associate should have moved the gondola strips that say 1.25 that would have fixed the issue of some customers assumption that if it’s in wrong area it has to be price matches matched. That is untrue and cannot be sued for it


I'm pretty damn sure if the price audit person came around this store would get dinged heavily *because* those strips are there and there are no other price markings for the product, period


I agree. But some butthole is going to want to fight people.


I miss those label. It's been almost half a year since the switch


Is it worth the price still? lol




At my store they’re $19. If you buy them anywhere else they’re generally more than that.


If you look on the tag, it shows the price. The sticker with the bar code on it, in the upper right corner it will show the price. $19 Edit--I guess it's more top middle, right under the large numbers at the top.


I mean I ordered 1 thinking I wouldn’t get it. It showed up and I sold it in less than 1 hour lol


$20 bucks :D Apparently they're good


The better question is why the fuck is dollar tree selling shit for $3, $5, $20 now. Stupid.


Cuz they bought family dollar to sell the basement level prices in the rural zones. A new dollar tree was built within three blocks of the FD store I work at. I asked a guy during our recent rebuild why DT would compete with themselves....he said the demographic is higher up and the price point is higher at DT than our FD down the block.  Gee I wonder why our stores are going to shit....


Honestly, because corporate is greedy. I could sorta make the argument for the 3-5$ freezer doors. But they're out of touch




I wouldn't trust a single thing at Dollar Tree that plugs into the mains power. I don't care if it is one of the plus items that costs more than $1.25. everything in that store is of marginal quality at best and I'm not going to gamble burning my house down to save a few dollars. Walmart sells quality box fans for just a few bucks more.


Technically it’s shown with 1.25 and the placement isn’t the customers issue. The store should comp the difference as it was the stores improper display with correct pricing. Walmart does it Menards does it hell Aldi will do it too. Because it’s false advertising. (Mind you having a random item placed on the wrong shelf isn’t the issue, it’s when an entire shelf is stocked and labeled the wrong price)


I promise you they won't comp it. That's why I said I'm my own comment they need to be removing those green strips. The OP is standing in a $+ section and you can see the 5$ towels below it. Whoever is stocking this store genuinely doesn't adhere to guidelines and doesn't care about complaints I guess.


We're in the process of removing them from the whole store


Hallelujah. My store only got 12, but I had no doubt it would be nothing but issues.


Most people working at DollarTree that aren’t managers don’t care🤷🏻‍♂️


True but in order to sell it at the discount you WILL need a manager. No manager that gives a damn about their job is giving you this discount.


For most cases, the hope is that they won’t comp it, so that you have an actual case of false advertisement. That’s why why Walmart all these all the other stores are very quick to adjust the price to what was advertised just to avoid the class action lawsuits of more than one person finding fault in the store. To sum it up The federal Lanham Act allows civil lawsuits for false advertising that “misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin” of goods or services. 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a). The FTC also enforces false advertising laws on behalf of consumers.


I hadn't thought about it that way. I was dreading us even getting this stock since it's way out of our standard prices. It'll be interesting to see if this comes back on them (the company) later.


Most people will NOT pay for a lawyer. But if you get too many of them reaching out about one store in particular they may do a group suit in which they wouldn’t have to pay the lawyer as they would get part of the winnings


However another way to avoid multiple customers trying to sue is **to fix the problem as soon as you are notified** The first time someone brings it to my attention if I can’t walk away that second to fix it, I’m paging someone else to go fix it immediately.


You would have to prove that it was not an honest mistake on the retailers part and you would not be able to do so in this case. There is a sticker on the item with the price represented. It was an honest mistake that the shelf strip was overlooked when the product was placed. The Lanham Act is about trademarks and that's a totally different ballgame.


Nope, will never happen at dollar tree. Most stores have their own policies regarding this issue. Dollar Trees policy is not going to give you the fan for $1.25 I assure you.


That’s the hope! Lawsuits don’t work without the store dismissing the action


Shit quality. Better off paying the couple bucks more somewhere else.


That’s what they are. If they are telling you anything different tell them It’s false Advertising and you are going to sue them. Period. Always works.


Yeah that’s not even close to how that works. Each store has their own policies and procedures regarding this issue and I know for a fact that is NOT the policy at DT. If my store manager won’t give a customer a $5 item for $1.25 (for the same reason) there is no way he’s letting anyone buy the fans for 1.25


Are you sure about that. Idk.


Lmao you couldn’t have seriously thought it was 1.25