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It's always the card swipers who can't read the card reader screen that clearly says "Please Wait for Cashier".


Fr! Like is not much an issue if it’s the ones that insert the chip. Always the swipers and every now and then the tappers (but that’s less usual)


The tappers will half-ass it and wonder why it didn't work too like bruh. Just leave it there for a second. Your card will be fine, I promise.


Oh or when they buy several gift cards and are mad when they have to wait for them all to activate.


Omg, I hate having to do gift cards 😭




I had a lady customer one time and such a hurry there wasn't even anyone in front of her I was just doing a pickup totally disgusted and I said it only take a few seconds and she said I'm running late I'm running late I'm thinking to myself what would you do at Walmart or there's 10 people in line and out pops my mouth says, completely inappropriate and felt so damn good, guess you should have left earlier s he was not pleased


I tell these people that “poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Plan better”


Well freakin’ said. I gotta steal this one. 🫡👏


It’s all yours!! We will train these customers damnit!


even when paying in cash, when i type in what you gave me it has a few seconds delay to do that. or when you buy 20+ balloons and i gotta type in the numbers. i always joke like “haha it hates me typing in things” but they will still be tapping their feet like im holding them up on purpose 😭


Those are the people I wish I could've said back, I really hope it charges you twice or more since you wanna swipe it a shit ton before it's ready? Like how would that be our issue when you're over here swiping like a madman!?


Are systems sometimes are so slow that if the customer is inserting their chip card it freezes the system


What a nightmare 😭, we have a register that is like 10 times slower than the rest at my DT! I hate getting put on that one


I just smile and pretend not to know whats going on. They can figure it out themselves.


lol I should start doing that


The people that said I hope I am not getting charged twice. I sometimes said no you're getting charged for them saying however many times that they swiped it. Then say if it shows up on your bank statement just call the corporate office and explain that you swiped your card before I said what your total was. The dropped jaw to the floor looks were great to see.🤭


Don’t forget the ones on speaker phone and you hear the entire conversation. I’m trying to count your 15 alike items. “ can’t you just put in 15 I told you it was 15”. Yet you still have the speaker on and the other person comments. I scan so slowwwwww.


That one too. I did not work for DT but I worked for another big corporate store.


Omg , hate these people with a passion. If there was a way I could intentionally slow this machine down, I’d do it to every person behaving like this


Yes people in a hurry are frustrating.


The worse is that most of the time they aren’t in a hurry, they’re just inpatient for no reason


I had a person who said she was in a rush so I slowed down. Why? Because last time someone was in a rush the backed into my car and totaled it.


*waits faster* lol


Haha yes!! Normally I do my thing continue scanning without saying anything hit total and then I read them their total and they go I swiped already !; Actually it didn't read it so go ahead and try again , I wait until it says approved and once I see it I say have a good day lmao


Omfg I hate these people! Like holy shit can you fucking wait? And then they just stare at you like, why isn't my receipt out yet?. UGH!


😭or when they tell you they don’t want receipt so you press no…and then they change their mind!?! And they get angry that you can’t do anything about it 🙄


I had a woman once tell me she was in a hurry. She had an open house and needed to be somewhere within 15 minutes. She did have quite a bit of items but I got her out within three minutes. She made it on time.