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As long as they don't catch you taking money out of the register, sucking helium out of the tank or taking a nap in the stockroom you'll be just fine.


This comment made me laugh, thank you for the advice!


You mean to say I’m not supposed to be back here napping munching on expired products ? 😂 😂


Only on your days off.


Well that was today but got called in and covered 10 hours 😂


That's a gray area then. Go clock out and do recovery on your whole store off the clock and then you're allowed to snack on one expired package of cookies per Corporate.


Wear a black or green polo with khakis or black pants, usually you won't get a uniform shirt until they know you're not going to walk out on them. I got hired without an in person interview too, it's not odd, they're super low staffed most of the time. They'll train you on register and probably make you watch videos on the computer for your first day. My first day was 90% videos and then maybe an hour watching my manager on register and then her watching me take over on her register.


Hi! First, you wear jeans and a green collar shirt! Your first day will consist of a 10-20 minute training but I promise you that operating the register is easy. The customers will really determine if Dollar Tree makes or breaks your job. It's a bit weird that your manager didn't answer/ tell you this when you were hired. If there are any problems with management and you don't like the environment, just leave lol (if you can). DT is often super busy and some days it will go smooth while others will be a pain in the butt. I hoped this help, and feel free to ask me more questions and I will try my best to answer them.


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply!! This really helped <3


Yes, of course! If this is your first job, it's a great way to gain experience. Personally, I only took this job because I needed money to save up for my college tuition since I am a rising freshman. Remember that you should never tolerate disrespect from anyone but especially management. For example, they may get upset that you take too long on your first day, that's a little red flag because they should be understanding. Unfortunately, some customers will lash out on you and may call you profanities at you because of an item that is more than $1.25. Overall, DT is alright but I hated my job which is why I'm quitting next month lol. Best of luck to you! :)


Try not to worry too much. From my experience dollar tree GMs tend to have little to no expectations of the people they hire. Dollar tree has a super high turn over rate because they're typically pretty shit to work for. I had the same experience of no interview when I was hired. It's been a while but i'm pretty sure I showed up just wearing jeans/a plain colored t-shirt. Granted dollar tree's dress code is cacky pants/jeans and a green t-shirt with no text or designs on it. They'll teach you everything you need to know about working the register etc. They will most likely treat your first day as a training day, it kind of varies from store to store afik but I think most will ''train'' you on your first day. Overall I think working for dollar tree is a decent first job, if nothing else because they'll typically hire anything with a pulse and are from my experience are very forgiving. Hope this helps!


Some bottoms and a green top to wear and it’s probably mostly ilearns


Just wear a plain green shirt and some dark pants with no holes. Just regular old blue jeans are fine. You got this!


Oh and the register is pretty easy. It's all pretty straightforward, if it's anything like mine it might be a little slow but the customers can wait. Don't feel pressured into going fast, because that's how mistakes happen. It's your first day and if they need to wait, they need to freaking wait. Don't do more than three item voids or you'll get in trouble (apparently the company thinks you're stealing or something). If at some point things are slow you can blow up balloons or clean up your register (pick up things customers left behind and put them away). Just make sure you look like you're doing something so no one will say anything to you. I would recommend trying to memorize which aisles have which items since at the end of your shift you'll have to put everything left behind in your register and put it away, so memorizing it would make things easier for you. Especially for closing shifts.


Green or black top. Black, tan or Jean bottoms below the knee. Your manager on duty will show you how to clock in and count your drawer. ANY WORK YOU PERFORM WILL BE PAID AT YOUR REGULAR HOURLY RATE.


Since it was a phone interview, I’m thinking that you will have to complete on boarding activities. You’ll need your SS card and DL or state ID to present. The manager may sit you in the office to read over general policies. I did my on boarding at home, but this was during COVID when I was hired. It is just routine stuff, the handbook, arbitration, etc. Read it! Then, you will get 15 minutes to train you on cashiering. In my opinion, if you’ve done self checkout at Walmart, our system is so much easier. If you have a decent trainer, they will show you what areas you are responsible for when cashiering. It is anything in eyesight of your register. Always keep moving! Make sure the impulse lane is stocked, eyeglasses in proper order, candy pegged. Your uniform is flexible. I just went with the standard khaki pants and green polo. But, you can wear jeans. I just find that too hot. No open toe shoes. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time at DT and that it is a stepping stone in your career.


Thank you so much for replying! It isn’t the best job, but I hope I can use it as an opportunity to grow!!


Training lol what's training lol they normally will have you take I learns then once done with them they'll have you cashier but of course shadowing the cashier that's there as well if you're lucky if not ; get ready to enjoy the ride solo typicall dt no training really so pay attention turn in I learns it tells you everything to do when cashiering


Oh😨 I’ll definitely pay attention to those as someone else has mentioned ilearns!! I hope it’s easy enough


Look for another job asap dollar tree is the worst