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Some people like to pretend that airsoft guns don’t look like real guns when someone takes the orange plastic off of the muzzle. Especially when cops justifiably shoot someone who brandished said airsoft gun at them… Shit like this is beyond tragic and heartbreaking. But I really can’t blame officers who shoot anyone brandishing an airsoft gun at them. Because, again, if someone removes that orange muzzle, an airsoft gun looks *exactly* like a real gun.


Especially when you're mid sprint and see gun shaped object being pointed at you.




Thing is… You can still definitely shoot someone even if you got tackled until the threat’s been stopped, I say full send.


terash is still trash even when its on the ground


The paused photos looks heavily edited compared to the Snapchat video surfacing around. In the Snapchat the boy did not turn around at all and in fact runnning so fast , the cop that was chasing him wasn’t even the one shooting him just punches? What gave the other cop the rights to take his life ? This is awfully wrong and killing the kid after he’s already down. Yea it’s wrong to run but have you heard of fight flight freeze ? Even teens with weed will run away from cops doesn’t mean they’re criminals? You CANNOT justify murdering him and own up and apologise


It literally doesn’t. What makes you trust a Snapchat over official bodycam release? Preconceived bias? However awful this is, I can easily justify it. According to the law, police can use lethal force if they *reasonably* believe that their life, or the lives of others are in danger. Did you see the airsoft gun the officer picked up? It looks exactly like a real pistol. And being down on the ground does not mean a suspect is no longer a threat. If a suspect is down on the ground, but is reaching for an officer’s gun, is that officer or other officers not justified in using lethal force? People who argue against this are willfully ignoring the law, and performing mental gymnastics to try to find some way to make the police the bad guys. When cops obviously fuck up, I’m with you. Daniel Shaver was a bad shooting. I’m with you. This, however awful, is totally reasonable in the heat of the moment, with the little information the police had. Edit: I blocked him and muted this thread because I don’t feel like spending my afternoon arguing about a justified police shooting with people who just do not believe that police are ever justified in using lethal force, or believe that the only reasonable use of lethal force is ***maybe*** shooting an active shooter/terrorist.


You can't blame the officers because you're similarly a stupid piece of shit afraid from your own shadow. You need to catch one in the brain immediately before you hurt someone who matters


I don’t believe you’re a rational or intelligent person. Therefore, I won’t engage with you. Enjoy your day.


You are a ticking time bomb


I’m going to assume you’ve never held a firearm in your life. Telling people they should get shot in the head, but having no way of knowing how to make it happen is crazy. You’d probably dome yourself first trying to clear a chamber before you ever got to shoot anyone, out of hate. You’re the type of people gun control should be impressed upon.


Ur a pussy dude


Turns out the kid had a damn good replica: [https://news.sky.com/story/boy-13-dies-after-being-shot-by-police-in-new-york-state-13161187](https://news.sky.com/story/boy-13-dies-after-being-shot-by-police-in-new-york-state-13161187) Honestly, given his behaviour, I'm not convinced *he* didn't think it was real. I mean he could have just done nothing, and if his "toy" was found, say they're coming home from playing airsoft. Fleeing, fine, but what possible benefit is there to pellet-gunning a cop?


That replica is pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing


It’s an officially licensed replica from umarex. We got one and goddamn is it accurate in design


Free chest-holes?


Tragic man, absent parents killed this young man. I just see a kid who was failed by the people who were supposed to love him the most....


I will quote my father, "I do not understand you. I have tried to teach you what I was taught. Your head remains stuck up your ass. Here is a suitcase and five hundred dollars, go to college or trade school or Parris Island. You cannot stay here. One of those choices will be exciting and very abrupt. Make sure you get both feet in the yellow paint." 1968. Didn't make it to college until 1974. Had a very different attitude by 1974.


How was your relationship with your father after that?


Got better. Well, I got smarter and more aware and grew up. To this day, I still hear his voice when I remember him saying, "Boy. Some people see the light and some people have to feel the heat. Better that you make the choice. Shell the rest of those lima beans."


Good to hear. As a father to a daughter I think about such things a lot as she gets older.


A long time ago, fifty years, a good friend of mine told me the following: "Don't let her push you away. She will want to push you away, make you mad, be mean to you. To see if you mean to stay, that you can accept her, that you are her true DAD. Don't stand there and take it, don't ignore her, engage without contempt for her manner and especially, absolutely not her being a woman." I asked if, "Bitch. Please." would be ok. When I could walk without limping, I decided that I would take her advice. Even when I was, tearing the cabinet doors off angry, I did not yell at her. I yelled, at the doors. With three daughters I became quite accomplished at replacing cabinet doors. The most difficult thing I have ever had to learn is not to try to intimidate someone. "Excuse me?" goes a long way toward actual communication, "What the fuck did you just say?" is a shortcut. Verbal or physical acknowledgment of that person you want to talk **with**, not talk **at**, is a difficult and public display of strength and wealth of compassion. So, is knowing you have a Lowe's charge card.


Semper Fi.


When I got home, I asked my father, "One of those choices will be exciting and very abrupt?" That crusty fucker said, "Anchors are heavy and the world is large." He was a clever bastard and I miss him every day.


I like your dad. 


Damn man, you’re old corps. I’m assuming your dad was too. Makes him an old breed salty bastard. Cheers brutha! To your dad. 🍻


lol you need to bury people you care about


If yall haven’t seen the Glock licensed replicas they’re nearly identical. Cop: can I pat you down. Kid: runs,grabs what looks like pistol and turns around. Respectfully I’m not a huge fan of cops but this is clearly justified


I think this really just comes down to an "Awful, but Lawful" situation. Although I am not a huge fan of the fact there was an officer on top of him in control, and another coming up right behind and firing point blank. But I do get the weight of the situation.


Imagine this, you’re a police officer who risks your life every day and experience many stressful situations. The person you’re questioning takes off running and points a black object at you. What the heck were the officers supposed to do? Give up the chase? Politely ask the person what they’re carrying? And, make your decision in a millisecond. If the roles were reversed and their child was the officer, I’m sure the parents/family would feel differently!


To be clear, I see this as a justified shooting. My comment is hypercritical as all reviews should be, for without revision there is no improvement.


People downvoting you for stating the obvious. First cop was already struggling to subdue the kid. Second one had no choice but to use deadly force on what was perceived at the time as a deadly hazard




You are aware of what you wrote and why it should be removed. Be better. Do better. Drink water.


Even if it was a pellet gun, why carry it around? To scare people because it looks real?? Well cops chasing you with it will definitely look real to the cop too but they have real firearms.


probably to mug people, which is what he was doing when they rolled up


Play stupid games and get stupid prizes. Thinning the herd.


FAFO2024 continues


This isn't even a debate and clown protesters are making it seem like another george floyd situation. I was initially disgusted at the police from watching the bystander clip but the body cam footage completely changed my perspective in an instant. Funny how they keep protesting and wasting their own time on a situation with an outcome as clear as day.


The more you fuck around, the harder you're gonna find out


Well done by the officer.


Lmao why do they always do this? And it wasn’t even a real gun 😂 Edit: I was talking about the scholar in the video, not the officer 🤦🏻‍♂️


Negative IQ comment


He means carrying around a replica


I’m talking about the Dindu


It looked like a real gun though? Are you supposed to assume its fake?


I was talking about the black person in the video lmao y’all are retarded


lol these people are dumb I agree


Yeah, in the video he pulls out a replica gun


He’s south asian?


An Airsoft pistol and an actual pistol looks the same


Yeah fucking EXACTLY! So why point it at the officers???


He was being stupid.


The paused photos looks heavily edited compared to the Snapchat video surfacing around. In the Snapchat the boy did not turn around at all and in fact runnning so fast , the cop that was chasing him wasn’t even the one shooting him just punches? What gave the other cop the rights to take his life ? This is awfully wrong and killing the kid after he’s already down. Yea it’s wrong to run but have you heard of fight flight freeze ? Even teens with weed will run away from cops doesn’t mean they’re criminals? You CANNOT justify murdering him and own up and apologise