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Never played versus an all invis team? Where they either have invis ability or get shadow blades? Giga heal teams, etc. they are usually run by 4 or 5 stacks.


I must have had such a game just an hour ago, my team must have been completely invisible, because they never showed up for defence! ba-dum-ts


My favourite one that even occasionally worked was team global. Zeus, spectre, Np and wisp + 1 or something similar. Any moment in time Zeus ult followed by 4 heroes up the ass of whatever poor hero is alone.


For a good while after the map expansion, spec+bara+np absolutely dominated the meta by simply just doing that. You show on lane, you die, no matter how tanky you are, you bring your team, bara is uncatchable with insane status resist (and also least valuable), just charges another wave, np hides with q and quickly tps, and spec simply switches to his other haunt.


5 dagons ofcourse


5 linkens on an AM and you become Neo 


And also weaver with ahgs and maybe a tb aswell


Don't forget OD


i think dagon is an underrated item


reminded me about old time classic https://youtu.be/uK72NMygid4?si=ybunjDf_YrjzC71g


The “everyone has things you have to hit” team was a ton of fun. Any combination of Undying, Kotl, Phoenix, Clinks, Grim, Weaver + ways to prevent enemies from right clicking like crep, reactive taser, or arena and you get the most convoluted team fights with the enemy having to prioritize so many different things at a time. The core + support pairing also tends to play well with stuff like Grim Weaver and Undying Kotl.


Back in WC3 I asked the entire team to build diffusal to counter Medusa.


I wanna see 3 heroes mid, and essentially 2 offlaners in the side lanes. Wouldn't surprise me if a pro team does it at some point


Mid lane is too small to do any action on it early levels, unlike sidelines where you can harrass from trees.


You can take their tower within 2 minutes with the right team comp


There used to be 2v2 mid meta right?


Me and my friends used to get drunk and do random funny shit like that. We'd do the all global strat with Zeus, Spectre, Silencer Aghs (back when it applied curse of the silent to everybody), IO, and some other hero, we'd go all invis heroes and all build Dagon 5s and just zap some random hero whenever we could, stuff like that One of our favorites was back when Lifestealer's aghs let him eat a hero like Pudge's current shard. We'd have lifestealer eat techies, then infest BM's bird, and then find someone in their jungle, and lifestealer would burst out of the bird, techies would burst out of lifestealer and suicide while we all spammed "BLITZKRIEG!" in chat


Go go Invisible Dagon Task Force! Your target is enemy pos5 worth nothing, just be an annoyance to him anyways!


That lifestealer sounds hilarious. I stopped playing when they went away and was so sad when I came back and it wasn't there


I would like to see a steal team: Slark 1 for stats steal, OD 2 for mana steal, razor 3 for damage steal, bounty hunter 4 for gold steal and rubik 5 for spell steal.


Silencer for int steal you fogot and undying


There is also Undying for str steal, lion for mana steal, pugna and lifestealer for life steal and Chen and enchantress for creep steal but I wanted to have no repeating kind of steal.


Is visage for attack speed stil count?


Yes. And meepo, zett and antimage for fun steal.


Naix for life steal.


This is basically my same idea and I love it. I'm thinking Anti Mage, Silencer, Slark, OD, Lion More about int steal play, max steal and current mana steal, to make a quirky support OD work and hit huge nukes. Plus I think everyone kinda works together.


4-5 blademails to counter kotl


* Lion * Pugna * Razor * Death Prophet * Bane And if it wasn't already obvious, this team comp sucks.


5 man dagon to snow ball is the way


The last one of these that worked was hex octa core Dumbest meta ever and now the coolest buildup (aether into octa) is gone while hex wasn't touched. Dumbest item in the game


I'm obsessed with this "enemy has zero mana" idea I have. But I don't have anybody that will play with me in NA, especially since I'm pretty new and not even ranked (aka it might actually work at my MMR) But the idea is, Pos 1 - 5: AntiMage, Silencer, Slark, Outworld Destroyer, Lion The craziest part is def the OD support. But the idea is to have him build nothing but mana and be a "press ult and win" hero. And I think it's actually an okay team comp, with potentially huge synergy improvements (except OD is the dum one). AntiMage to keep mana low/deal extra DMG+slow. Silencer lets him go in/live a little longer with Global. Silencer needs to be strongest player, this team build relies on him getting high kill involvement for int steal. Him and Slark steal enemy int so OD ult does more DMG. Lion and anti work together plus lower mana pool on enemies might help anti? Oh and Slark can build diffusal lol. I think the team comp is actually okay without the combo ideas. Plenty of spell/magic DMG, I'm pretty sure Slark right click is classic physical carry, maybe anti is too? Plenty of disables. I think the only thing you're short on is true stuns. Just Lion. But there's Slark leash, OD can save/disable I think. Plenty of team fight worthy ults. Would love some feedback on this


Everyone and their grandma's go solar was just an awful "meta"