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i played rubick and simultaneously time-zoned in a team fight against the enemy void and we won it was gojo vs sukuna all over again, best shit fr


Tried sven support. Need 9 more reported games for good sanple size.


I’ve done this before as pos4 with bearing and auras, with the new facet could be fun but is it worth tanking behavior score


Rubick mana cost reduction facet felt really good in the game I played him. Can't wait to get a good game for the AOE facet cause that sounds really fun


Its a lot better than I thought it would be, I played vs a Magnus and went in thinking of this will be cool for RP but it makes shockwave and Skewer, as thick as a lane and you can catch 3+ heros with ease.


thick as a lane? 🥵


Oh you know it. 😉


Does rubick also copy the ability depending on the hero's facet he copied it from? i.e. does he get rrp if magnus took that?




Rubick mid with the AOE facet is a blast


I played one today against an Oracle zeus and doom. It was absurd but we had a naga running mid wcyd


I just played against void with time zone as jugh, it felt really really underwhelming, did nothing to me, i just spun and get out, if it was chrono I'd have been dead.


Time zone is the utility tool, not the solo-kill ult, so that makes sense. People just try to act like pos1 Void takes that ult in a match with no focus on melee-pileups. Throw that shit down with a Beastmaster or something and you have a combo.


Yeah, its still a new ability after all and it takes time for people to adapt and learn new playstyles with it. That being said, I suspect that that Void Time Zone has less room for errors towards teammates and more effective with melee-centric/close-ranged lineups like if you had a Slardar, LC, Night-Stalker, Void Spirit, Huskar, Storm Spirit, etc.


Faceless 4 with time zone is pretty decent, just can't go against BIG burst comps


I played a really good game as Offlane Void with Time Zone. I built Agh's into Veil of Discord to beef up the Pos 4 Zeus and Disruptor spell damage. I'd use Agh's to stun a few heroes, drop down the Time Zone. Then I'd use W after they thought they can just kill me since it's not a Chrono. I'd Time Walk and stun them again. By that time the team would show up and they would finish up the enemy team. The enemy team kept committing to fight in the Time Zone because their DK used his ult, or Bane used his ult, or both. Or they thought that trying to counter-initiate with a Tide ult would turn things around; it didn't and just made it worse for them lol. Time Zone is gross with a Disruptor Kinetic Field and Drow Frost Arrows keeping them inside. Time Zone also gimped their Dragon Knight's Dragon form since it slows projectile speed and attack speed It got even worse for the other team when I finished Shiva's lol


>pos 4 with no stun, low health and low range  Why? 


I mean of course,it's a way to use ult without gimping your allies in too with the drawbacks of not piercing spell immune. That void is just a dumbass picking that instead of chrono in the first place against jugg


Nice one lol. If anything rubick is Yuta. Imagine new ulti with swords on the floor each one a spell rubick stole in the game and gets instacast when he walks over it


Yeah man! And Juggernaut is like Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with his cool sword, and its pretty epic when he ults Grimstroke (hes chinese like Shredder).


I'm a filthy hero spammer and I like the patch. The venge one has me laughing too much. Look at me with cleave.


also dirty things like orb of venom start and quelling blade effectiveness! Vanguard Basher -> Abyssal all amusing Obviously battlefury as you noticed! Echo Sabre for giggles.


pos 3 i went echo aghs basher, its legit. the 1.5 BAT makes you trade very well.


Y'all got me excited. Imma try this stuff. (I'm an ogre spammer)


Had fun fighting spirit breaker today as basher venge. He bashed me and I bashed him right back. You could watch him back up and get visibly confused, lol


Tried Venge with Echo + Khanda + Aghs. Hybrid build that makes your spells and dps stronger


True, I have no more friends playing dota but I am still having fun playing right now.


I've had a few people get back into it because of this patch. It feels a little like the old days


Give me a call when the illusion multi lane push is back.


That's basically me too. Been quitting for about a year then came back for this patch


I'll be your friend, brudda.


right click melee lion ftw. hitting for 2k is fun af


Melee lion? Holy hell what game is this lmfao


summary: new update added facets (choice between 2 permanent buffs for the entire match), one of lion’s facets gives him bonus atk dmg for each stack of finger for 20s after casting finger (it also makes him melee and gives him cleeve). it gives 40 base bonus and 30 per stack, so a lion with 15 stacks gets 490 bonus atk dmg for 20s after casting finger, and lvl3 finger with aghs is 20s cd, so its practically permanent, you basically become an ET That just spirited a 5man, except you only had to press ur ult on anyone/creep. (oh and hitting someone with this affect gives you a 3s window for getting new finger stacks), basically meaning as long as your fighting, if an enemy dies you get a finger stack.


Isn't finger stack called a hand?




I had a mid lion earlier on echo sabre.


its not the worst i just dont want to commit to it, like going a dragon lance on troll


I've had a LOT of greifer teammates just afk in lane or destroy items, but the games that are normal are a blast


yeah i never had so many griefers and crybabies, literally every game has at least one in one of the teams and a lot of people just give up or dc


This is common new patch and/or new content from Act 2 opening up. Lot of people spamming matches to get their unlocks, ignoring patch notes or general gameplay. I’ve been spamming turbo to unlock the act 2 map nodes, but also avoiding rank for a little while people learn things. Ranked isn’t a place to learn, but people have no consideration for others and will get use a skill wrong and not understand what’s going on because they couldn’t be bothered to check out the notes on any of the heroes they play.


nah thats not what i meant. they straight up just give up and afk or feed down the lane. idc much about someone playing bad if they dont cry and blame others.


in 800 games of dota I've never had anyone feed down lane and it happened to me twice this patch . gg and feed down lane. next game zues support follows me around for 20 minutes using spells to steal my cs. definitely something


One thing that happened for some players is that the behaviour score got changed a while back. So if you took a long break (which I did), you came back from having what was 'perfect' behaviour score, and now you can't use certain kinds of pings that you always used to be able to do, etc. (9-10k used to be cap, now it's 12k) So if you also came back from a break, you might get into games with a different behaviour score bracket than you're used to; similarly, people will behave differently when they feel frustrated (and new patches can be frustrating). It could also be that some people got accounts banned for smurfing, so they're on the ones that didn't get banned (yet). Or just a culture shift back to feeding :(


Yeah, because this patch is awful.


It’s the new patch.. every time this happens all the people who haven’t played in a while come back and litter the games with their bad attitudes and even worse plays.


Noticed that the toxicity is significantly higher in my turbo matches. Before the patch my teammates rarely speak through the mic and everyone is chill af. But last night alone encountered two teammates talking through the mic like a baby kept complaining, flaming and personal attack.


I'm just here playing Veno and sticking plague wards onto my allies haha


I'm having fun with Oracle and IO right now lol, especially with the heal facets... IO = The facet is giving +12 armour and 25% magic resist at max level E, which just feels pretty strong (even level 1 E!) Oracle = I'm struggling slightly with mana (trying out Arcane / Soul / Kaya right now) but once that's solved I'm finding that Shard + Locket + Paladin Sword neutral is making his healing potential a bit nutty. I think it stacks diminishingly but it's still +20%, +30%, +level% (the second facet) and +14% heal amp all combined whilst in the shard spell. Plus it's sooo nice having a value point in W in the early/mid game (113 build seems the best IMO). I'm going to try Omni as well given he has a healing facet, and the shard looks alright for support (in between the above two heroes lol). I used to spam him as support a few patches ago and very strong, but hasn't been a supp for a while now.


If you're into savers and healers, i find Abaddon, with his Aphotic Shield facet, really fun. Imo, the trade off of the burst damage of the shield to higher shield hp is so worth it. The damage return is not that bad, you can still use it to help farming. I haven't tried his other facet though.


The damage return is low key insane. If you trade the enemy support you get free chip damage on the core as well most of the time.


Indeed! I had a game yesterday where i played pos 4 and our doom was like he has blademail in the lane. I love this facet


Is it better than the cdr reduction with kills? I found my spells being online all the time with that facet. But mostly we were winning early on so maybe I'm biased. Although bigger shield HP sounds like a better deal in a close game, now that I think of it.


omni facets healing is just really bad , help slightly in trading and when teamfight he may taken AoE damage so he heal himself while damage enemy hero , that all , the facets not even work vs creep and illu , so you can't even do easy heal vs jungle creep or creepwave when low HP with it , since it not work with illu i guess you can kinda detect enemy hero among illu in janky way with it ( like hammer the enemy hero , if you not see healing DoT appear that mean it illu )


How does the Oracle’s rune location prediction work? Does the hero just announce it or there’s icon for it?


Theres a buff on your bar, and if you ping it oracle writes a smarmy message in chat.


Which apparently no one ever reads... My mid would go bot when it clearly says top


Its becasuse the text tells you both the previous rune and the next one. you have to read it carefully to know the right spot to be.


oracle has a permanent buff. But you have to alt ping it to tell the team. message is roughly "Latest rune spawn was arcane rune top. I dont know what next rune will be at \[next rune spawn time\] but it will be bottom"


113 has been the default build on Oracle before this patch too. What's the Kaya for? It's mainly built to deal more magic dmg. You might want to change it to aether lens, which also gives you mana regen but much needed cast range. Null talisman is also pretty value to build early.


Don't buy soul ring on oracle it's not very good, much better to just spend the money on clarities. Arcane boots, if your lucky on neutrals you get arcane ring as well.


Omni felt like dogshit with the hammer changes. Repel also feels effectively useless.


The main thing is it got my friends back to playing Dota again. So, IMO very good patch 😁


Just saw underlord cleave entire screen wtf


Personally not enjoying having games this imbalanced but I'm sure after a couple letter patches will be better.


i'm also not enjoying people that don't bother reading their new passive and build/play completely wrong for their facet


Had a silencer take the "cant be silenced" facet He didnt build MoM. Enemy team had 0 silences


Oh hey I was in that game, too!


>Anybody saying otherwise is either not playing right now or Is a filthy hero spammer Or an Ability Draft player :(


shit sorry I did not consider you and that other guy over there. you guys are legit you can say whatever you want.


As much as I just enjoyed having a shaman 3 who thought having one big snake instead of 10 smaller snakes would make him a viable offlaner and having a morph take the strength path instead of the agility path on accident because he didn't (can't) read and still build agility items and go 0-15 as our pos 1 in a 8k game while screaming at us in russian that we don't do enough damage I am going to disagree and say it's very "mixed" results right now just because of how incredibly stupid some of the playerbase can be when change happens.


Had a Lycan position 5 as he claimed he was an op support now, with zero explanation on how he actually is First item harpoon, needless to say we lost


Pure tried him position 1 today and was effectively useless the whole game. Guess you just play him 3 like usual?


I think he’s pretty strong in pubs with spirit wolves.


Yeah lots of people who queue all roles and just want to try whatevers new on whatever hero they think is cool. Ranked is legit 50/50 right now with all the chaos and memers


Imagine if you could put the big snake on a hero like a veno ward.


Am I dumb or does it not matter what main stat morphling takes? He can just attribute shift to the desired balance anyway no? What am I missing here...


His attack speed would be incredibly slow if he morphed to strength for damage is the main issue with that. Str morph is going to end up being for some gimmicky pos 3/4 builds, might even end up becoming meta once people figure out how to play it with the potenial for a 5 second cd on a long stun. But if you want to do damage you gotta take the agility path or you will be stuck picking between damage or attack speed.


Maybe a way to bring back shotgun morph?


Strength is not a good carry stat because it doesn’t provide any attack speed. It’s one of the main reasons why traditionally agility carries are considered better scalers than strength carries.


The big snake is funny though. And very effective the times I've used it.


The changes make the game feel fresh and MM feel like dogshit. Played 3 games today and every single one felt like it was a 400 avg mmr vs 5000 avg mmr team, in my 6 years of playing dota I think I witnessed to lowest amount of skill in the games on this very patch thus far.


Does anyone know what Mana Void now does to Huskar?


Actually tried this on demo, literally nothing. mana break dosent do anything either, you don't get the mana break sound effect when attacking huskar lmao.


This is gonna be so funny interaction


I just wish they nerfed some of the broken shit from last patch, like Timber and Eternal Shroud.


I dunno, 20 minute stomps aren't the most fun. It feels incredibly imbalanced right now.


I agree it's fun atm (except all the shitty and/or griefing players) but come on man, all heroes feel fresh and fun? Slark is the same but relatively worse due to massive power creep on most the hero pool. lone druid is a similar story I'm told.


Yeah many heroes do not feel different whatsoever lol


I agree but I think that's a good thing, don't think an update should completely change the game just freshen things up, which facets have certainly done


For multiple heroes, facets added nothing new, and also nerfed the hero because parts of their base kit got split across facets.


Have you also noticed A LOT worse game quality? Tons of literal "run down mid and feed", role abuse, toxicity?


It's like every bigger patch. Bunch of players return. It turns into chaos when nobody know what they're doing. Nothing new


I was hoping for another global nerf like disability patch but no... mostly just more powercreep :(


Ranked games must be a nightmare because my SD lobbies are super swingy with people not knowing how to play their new hero or just trying stuff out. Still, having lots of fun not taking things seriously.


All my games have been dogshit so far, one sided stomps and full of toxic as fuck arrogant people, idk why this update has really brought out the most disgusting humans and shit games after such cool changes


I love how the actual players are the QA testers for major patch like this. It's like every game I have to re-launch the game because of a small patch most likely to fix the bugs the players have found so far hahaha.


Its fun but picks matter a lot, games end too quickly. 9 games at 8k mmr and not a single decent game. Void Timezone is so busted that i got 2 rampages in 3 games. Last time i got a rampage Muerta wasnt in the game. Void with Gleipnir is a menace for Time Zone. Im at that point where im wondering why the fuck would i ever pick Chrono over timezone. Unless you got a slark, troll or ursa as enemy carry chrono feels like shit compared to timezone, ranged heroes are absolutely fucked in there.


Seriously? Everytime ive used it I get maybe 1 kill then people just... walk away..


I haven’t tried void yet. How is timezone good? I’ve only seen people walk out of it and it doesn’t do much so far


Because people use it like Chronosphere, which seems to be the worst possible way to use the spell. Conversely, the worst possible way to use Chronosphere (plop it down in the middle of a teamfight with no regard to your allies' position) is the optimal way to use Time Zone.


Its a fight buff that has no downsides to getting allies caught in it People are still using it to initiate and avoid hitting allies which is the wrong way to use it


It seems insanely strong, I have no idea why people were saying it looks bad


I have not played a game yet but how is that better? I think you can just bkb and walk away from it right?


Pretty much,at the very least if you time zone your allies you not sabotaging your own team too like Chrono is so it's more forgiving for the tradeoff of bkb piercing team wide disable. Thing like Eul,Ghost Sceptre and force staff also still work in Time Zone so that's that


> if you time zone your allies you not sabotaging your own team It's more than just a consolation. Time Zone actively *encourages* you to do that. That feels like the whole point of the spell.


You don't even need BKB. The leash doesn't even work lmao.


What leash? I saw the patch notes, and it said nothing about a leash effect.


It isn't bad, but against bkb-picking cores it is severely weakened. As a Troll Warlord player I absolutely prefer the enemy void picking that facet.


its the fact that people can now react inside Timezone believe me nothing funnier then just using Euls and watching the void wait for you to come down


Every patch is a spirit breaker patch and this one is no different!


I like the fact that games are ending by the 35 minute mark most of the time I am not enjoying the axe and lc spam. Everything else is really cool.


Axe is ok, Lc ismake the game really boring, if you cant control her now, early game (which is kinda hard with the new barrier ) late is already over with her +400 damage


There are fun things in the patch and there are also very not fun things in the patch. Also the patch is horrendously imbalanced which kills a lot of the fun for those on the receiving end.


I’m struggling to think of a game that has changes this big introduced all at once. There’s no way to release it balanced, and that’s ok!


Ride the waves, baby. Live and let live, queue unranked till the dust settles


some imbalance is expected after such an ammount and drastic gameplay changes. patch has been out for less than a week. they are probably studying the development and release one or more balance patches not long from now (like they always do)


Reading comprehension of your average Gamer is at a 1st grade level which is pretty frustrating when people just don't know what their skills do. Do you mfs not read? Also had an enemy LC who literally whined at the end of the game about our team building linkens and having save characters.


The only people I have sympathy for is tinker spammers lol


There should be either a blink dagger facet, allowing rearm to refresh blink. I think the rest of the kit made him bullshit, the endless scythe, eblade, dagon combo, but catching tinkers tping between the trees has always been a part of dota and it's kinda fun for me when I get him.


You shouldn't really, they don't deserve it lmfao.


I'm a hero spammer and I'm having fun


Yeah, I've been playing unranked and lost 7 matches in a row.


I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. But I played ranked instead.


this is the most fun i've had since Jennifer Aniston in office space


patch is not fun because we cant literally play it (the servers are kicking us in queue and some of my friends cant play LMAO)


this patch is by far the most imbalanced shit stain ive ever seen even 7.00 wasnt this bad


"I'm having a blast trying anything and everything" Best thing about every big dota patch.


Every single one of my unranked games has had people losing their minds over "bad picks" lmao


Well I mean, that's kinda how it is right now. If you don't pick the op heros right now you lose.


Im not having that much fun, but it isn’t because of the heroes. My teammates seem to give up after 10 min, all the time… they don’t understand their hero (thats fine, we are all learning still), get killed like twice and grief/give up. It’s very frustrating. I played 6 games since the patch is out and this happened in 5 of those games.


It’s not. I’ve had idiots in my first game of the new patch not doing things they were supposed to be doing. Veno chose piggyback plague but never place a ward on any of us allies.


Stomps aren't fun, win or lose.


I'm in a massive lose streaks, not fun for me. No matter what i do im losing the game


I’m super happy w it. I legitimately feel like a kid again playing this game. It’s the best feeling. This patch GOATed valve for me forever. I didn’t expect them to be this interested in the game after so long, and already giving us the ags shard, jungle creep skills, talent tree etc, I thought we hit the limit. Even beyond the patch this whole story event has been so much fun. This is infinitely better then just a battlepass, they truly hit the biggest home run I could have ever hoped for. I love the comics.


As a bounty hunter core spammer, I'm straight up not having a good time.


Now you know how your teammates feel!


Did he get worse as core?


Ult does not guarantee crits anymore. Just gives a damage taken percentage amp


Patch is ass. Anybody saying otherwise is a Legion/Jugg spammer. I'm having a blast not playing the game because its a waste of time. Common Valve L.


This adds an insane amount of burden of knowledge to an already incredibly complex game. It might be too much. Also, funny: Dota 2 players: 'Dota 2 is the best and the other MOBAs/ARTSs suck.' *Dota 2 adds features from aforementioned other MOBAs* Dota 2 players: 'Wow, this is fun.' kekw


Yeah the burden of knowledge aspect really bothers me, I was climbing rapidly in MMR and now I just don't want to play because some busted facet I didn't remember the details of will brick my experience most games, I find it very unfun to have to vastly re-evaluate every single hero when it has taken a long time to develop an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of them already.


> because some busted facet I didn't remember the details of will brick my experience Read then. You get a ton of time at the start of the game to read both your team's and then the enemies' facets. If you already understand the pros/cons of heroes so well, then how exactly are you having trouble to adapt that knowledge to a facet that at most introduces a new ability? Adding new shit to Dota is what makes it stay alive, not the other way round. And the new stuff tends to build on the old stuff, so it's not like you're suddenly playing a 6v6 arena shooter with 10 new heroes. Clockwerk just kicks cogs at your shins and grabs you from a little further, big woop. Oh no, Faceless void makes stuff slower and faster, what a wild thing, I can't remember that D: You can't brag about climbing rapidly and then act like you're incredibly dumb and point to that as the reason you'll now lose AND blame it all on the game in the same comment. Come on.


Ngl time to delete dota after 15 years


i love playing against a random support mid and get owned cause i dont know what he does


I'm a filthy hero spammer and I'm still having fun and riding my peak MMR wave bro


patch honeymoon!


I'm winning a ton of ranked matches because it seems so many people are playing who don't understand how to play their heroes!


I only got halfway done reading that shit. Gonna need another hour before I hit it up for the weekend


Still too many smurfs from a certain country. Maybe it could be fun otherwise.


Hoping they add more facets in future patches!


The push hit with bloodseeker is hella fun


me who just played a game against bristle and lesh :/


Patch is fun, but some things need balancing. And people should stop being so fucking toxic. I don't know why but I had much more enjoyable games before patch and now it's just toxic guys either in my or the enemy team pinging stuff constantly, griefing, pausing every now and then after a 1v5 kill or something. Did they reset all the low prio or something?


I got rekt by AM manasucker last night. The patch is indeed fun, but all these huge AoE effects are not fun for my 6 years old GPU.


Need to get more brood games in before she's nerfed. Ive never seen towers melt so fast with just a soul ring and treads on a hero. Like 6 slotted hard carry fast.


It's always about perspective. And to me dota has always been fun.


The update is fun, but rank is nightmare. Smurfs everywhere


Yeah this patch is fun. AD player here - too many OPs and lots of combos to play lol


I have now had two games end with somebody buying double rapier. This patch is wild


I wish terrorblade had it better, but I'm enjoying jakiro tusk and sf alot atleast


I love this patch. But many of the changes lead to serious balancing issues. It's still fun when the cheese is on your side. I had position 5 Lich killing enemy Invoker mid in 1v1. I had 6k HP Pudge that couldn't be killed by 3 heroes even though his whole team was dead.


I'm a little salty because all my mains changes were sub optimal.


I’m glad you guys are having fun but as a player from 2012 there isn’t a single hero unchanged and I’ve fallen out of love with the game


I played BB support 2 games, both were stomps but only one in my favor.


That's actually true people are spamming carry 🫠😂


This patch is a bless for ordinary Dota. This patch is a disaster for Ability Draft.


balance is nonexistent and it's not fun


Some fucker playing Silencer mid just gg go next in a tirbo game at min 8 Other than that fun patch for sure


what are the best support facets atm?


I'd love to have earth spirit a true innate. I'm sad like the one with no gift for Christmas


can i not use neutral items if i pick witchdoctor or warlock with the grimoire?


Honestly not fun for me and my friends, we keep meeting idiots who keep spam picking shaman and legion, and yes, we encountered the same stacks of people alot of times


All my heroes feel nerfed.


The only people I see complaining are the ones who hasn't even touched the game for the last 2 years. They're just mad because everything has changed, and they can't pretend like they know the game anymore without playing it again.


But they butchered my boy clinkz (15 secs on Skeletons? WTF)


It’s super fun




The update is fun, but god I'm not having fun. I have like a 20% winrate since the patch, and consistently two or more of my teammates are just straight up feeding (unintentionally). So many dipshits came out to try the patch. Last game, which lasted twenty minutes, I had two allies that went 0-11.


It’s really fun , I have 15 games losing streak now and counting so fun


Im just spamming turbo rn, to try different things and then maybe after a month, will play normal/ranked.


It’s definitely refreshing. But after reading the patch notes (I haven’t played dota 2 in years), only a couple of heroes actually stood out and sounded interesting. A lot of the passives here just lvl 1 quality of life, or stat boosts. But other are obviously bonkers and I love that.


This patch make dota 2 is really game !


I haven't played in years. What's so much fun about this patch?


I'm a filthy hero spammer and I'm having a lot of fun (probably because the hero is Ogre)


First game I played has 92 kills in about 32 minutes. It was crazy fun. 2nd game I picked Shadow Shaman and picked the Serpent Ward Facet and the random I played with just kept saying "GigaWard". So I started saying GigaWard every time I was off cd or I used it. Was a great laugh! Doubled down both games and won. A nice treat! Looking forward to more games this weekend


Agreed! Every single one of my games has been a complete stomp (not a single game otherwise) and my teams the only one getting stomped! fun fun


I absolute think so too, I played a doom support earlier where I just bough 5 bracers then sold those to get better necessities without a dip in my networth.


Id agree but shit like CKs Phasmogoria facet is objectively bonkers, Night Stalker can essentially do whatever he wants during night & void completely fucks anyone up. Axe also deals insane DPS with Shard & the increased attack speed facet. WK & Viper are unbeatable in lane etc Im sure it will be better with time but whenever I see CK on the enemy team as a support its over lol


Now you need to use strategy time to strategize. Best patch in a while 😁


I agree it's fun but man huskar feels unplayable ATM. 


Im having a blast with Dota 4. (We meme with our friends that the talents patch was Dota 3)


sure buddy here's bug: overwhelming odds just stopped making barrier in mid game.


Typical upvote farming fake posivity post


Except Lc and axe are super imbalance


I like the patch but not the players. Idiots are coming in masses and online experience is ruined for regular players. They can't even move hero in right direction forget about casting spells.


So you get WK, mirana, troll, void, brood. ulties=tower down in seconds.