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Lanes are getting stomped at level 1 now with a lot of heroes effectively playing at level 2 at the start due to inate abilities. I was on a 10 game loss streak until I adjusted my lane pressure and heroes right from the start.


I've always played in the offlane as support most of the time. Totally agree that sometimes get unexpectedly wrecked in a few seconds at low levels. Any suggestions for heroes/tactics that are working for you?


At low ranks, if you have a ranged support right click enemy heroes at all times. Also if you have full mana use your spells in lane, even if it doesn’t lead to kills damage is damage. Damage eventually leads to them playing lane more passive/bad positioning or forcing regen usage. Or tilting them into hating/pinging their teammates.


Agree with everything tho try to not break lane equilibrium for the sole reason of casting spells to not be full mana


Thats true as well, but at low ranks the lacking of damage being thrown out but just moving is nutty. Equilibrium can be fixed more often than just not clicking the enemy


> Also if you have full mana use your spells in lane, even if it doesn’t lead to kills damage is damage. "[I felt like spending mana!](https://youtu.be/ejZTmNkEzFU?t=153)"


That's a great advice. I think having the enemy in lane at 10% health is way better than an early kill (except for first blood which gives bonus gold). They either spend gold on regen, tp back, or walk back. The most important thing in lane are lane creeps.


Ember Spirit is crazy this patch imo. The double hitting the closest target facet for SoF is insane. Mid or Safe he feels good, especially with his innate just being a lower damage flame cloak.


Witch doctor with festeration facet with 2 mangoes and null tali components , 1 tango, u can 1v2 to the landed dancing around the jungle. Make sure ur big camp is open. After first death invest in ring of protection and again mango spam. Another one is weaver support. Don't hold back on spamming sukuchi. After first death aim for a -Armour orb and urn components. Don't invest in sentries, rather focuss on haras. The overall general tip would be to play as aggressive with these as you would play an undying against two melee. You have to make them cry level 1 and 2


>Another one is weaver support. Don't hold back on spamming sukuchi. After first death aim for a -Armour orb and urn components. Don't invest in sentries, rather focuss on haras. Agree with all except don't buy sentries, getting to play Weaver actually with the invis is borderline unloseable, if you let the enemy have true sight in lane then you are limited so heavily.


Don't tell me I tell you this, but if you play support, play clockwerk, pick cog facet, press w and hit the cog, works 6/10 times when it works you laugh your ass off cause they take big damage and lose so much mana.


Veno's plague ward facet is a cheat code for offlane right now. 3 ward charges plus innate poison is ludicrous amount of harrass, zone and damage potential, provided you can keep ward placements and targeting prioritising enemy heroes. it's just as easy to rob your core's CS, so it's a bit of a double edged sword, but the right player can outright bully enemies out of lane.


SUPER easy one right now is WD with the heal damage facet. You literally don't level stun at all. Max maledict first. Just run at people with your heal on and cast maledict on them when you can. People just melt. Mana boots. glimmer/force, shard, aghs. If the game isn't over by then, you can try bloodstone.


Coconut bounce damage improvement is super strong though


I play the same role, but i often play as offlane as well.. My only advice is to not use heroes that doesnt have any disables or heals and most importantly dont use heroes like WR, Zeus, QoP or some bullshit non support hero thats not capable of assisting your offlane without any items.. if you pick these kinds of heroes as support then you nothing but a wannabe carry who only thinks that you are the star of the game ... My best picks are Oracle, Phoenix, Willow, Mirana, SD, Rubick, Enigma, Venge, Omniknight, Abbadon, Jakiro, Disruptor and Ogre.. all of which can harras the enemy carry and at the same time assist or follow up your offlane for kill setups using heals and disables..


I don't see a game mode here and by the game length of all of them combined its turbo. Turbo isn't dota. Make a mistake and laning is fucked (lvl 5/6 vs 3). Low ranks don't help they only have the mindset of needing a BKB once they are 6 slotted.


I had a Io and Marci and diving into t2 with no problem at lvl 2


I doubled down those games. 600 MMR down in a day. Regret it now, since games are tedious and easy.


He's crusader, all this fancy talk means nothing to them. The guy's probably useless in the lane and farms or wanks off somewhere instead of taking objectives


There is no need to be aggressive or needlessly mean to people.


Spoken like someone who can make better guides than Tortedelini while recommending Bloodstone on Bloodseeker or Blink Dagger or Anti Mage.


Spoken like someone who can make better guides than Tortedelini while recommending Bloodstone on Bloodseeker or Blink Dagger or Anti Mage.


Spoken like someone who can make better guides than Tortedelini while recommending Bloodstone on Bloodseeker or Blink Dagger or Anti Mage.


Spoken like someone who can make better guides than Tortedelini while recommending Bloodstone on Bloodseeker or Blink Dagger or Anti Mage. And i don’t consider Torte Good by any means.


Considering tortedellini as a good guide maker is a big yikes to begin with


Thats the Joke Sherlock. Your so bad at giving advice even Torte sounds like a Saint.


I'm currently up on a 10 winstreak, nearly at 3k mmr for the first time ever


Any tips??


Learn the fight controllers, Mars, Underlord, Primal maybe pango n phoenix too. Those are my main picks. They can keep the damage flowing the whole fight providing you've got the health to keep going, a pipe or crimson goes a long way with these guys and helps keep your carry hitting away. This mmr has a lot of big scraps I find so these guys can always do a lot for the team.


When in doubt play your comfort. Picking so many different heroes and roles is really hard.


hilarious cuz I was gonna say to get a wider pool, it seems fairly stagnant and limited. my buddy and I play basically any hero and we've been crushing it, especially since the battlepass encourages new heroes every game


Pls clarify not in pubs? Trying new heroes out in ranked is toxic af


It can obviously work but of course ultimately there are always gonna be heroes and roles you know better. If you are in a rut and not understanding the patch, it might be worth it to focus on like 5 heroes. Also depends on unranked/ranked.


yeah caveat is we play \~3k unranked pubs so grain of salt


this is not an insult, i am in the same boat as you. i wonder if theres a correlation between your (our) inability to adapt to new situations quickly and our rank.


I’m sure there is, but if you’re stuck at crusader your issues are almost entirely fundamental.   You’re still going to win your lane as venge by building a bunch of stats and attacking the enemy at level 1 with wave of terror on them, because you’re functionally a ranged treat protector. If you watch his replay he is probably not doing that, or if he is, he’s doing it in the middle of the lane and getting clicked on by 2 heroes and the entire creep wave.


yeh for sure... im getting close to 40, so pretty sure age doesn't help me out either. But yes, with all these changes and not adapting to them soon enough, its definitely something. Also I only play like 1-2 evenings a week so most people already played 100 games on the new patch before I had given it a try!


I was 5.2k mmr now I'm 4.3k. Only night dota after work. Low comm. Score playing with people with no hands love this game


Late Night dota is already a NO I can’t imagine how bad it is with low beh score…


If you know how to navigate in the chaos, latenight dota is free MMR. Just pick a 1v9 hero and mute all. Apparently I have 70% winrate between 3-6 AM.


Brother that ain’t night dota, that’s just degenerate time


I love it


The only people awake are smurfs, tilted to shit 2nd shifters, baked as fuck graveyard shifters, and like seven sweaty dudes


late night dota is hit and miss, if you luck into a team of just night owls. Now middle of the workday dota - that's where unhinged psychos nest.


You just have to expect that everyone is burnt out and pick very safe, stable and dumb heroes. Last patch I was able to get a lot of wins with stupid heroes like wk, dk, jakiro and undying because they push and require almost no team coordination for big ults


Poor guy, you always the only one with hands in your team? How unlucky you are


>playing with people with no hand sounds like you should be able to solo the enemy team, then.


We must’ve swapped ranks, I went from 4800 to 5600 within the last few weeks.


dota after \~11pm weeknights is usually bad. it's often tilted people queing up, which makes games often shit, even if you win.


Same happened to me, I was 6.1k and, after big patch, lost literally 1000 MMR, which placed me at 5.1k.


I lost 1.3k this patch myself. Albeit from 3.5k to 2.2k. I am legitimately sad at how hard it is to get my teammates to do basic things like torm and rosh at "only" 1k mmr difference... Not to say my teammates are all to blame for my rank loss, but the lack of coordination after dropping only feels like salt in the wound


I'm down 500 mmr from 12 losses (double downs:( ). All I wanted to get the free rerolls, but I couldn't win a single game. Got back to 6500, we made megas, dove and lost. And 11 loses after that. Now I only play OP meta - clock, WD, zombie on 3-5 pos, and got back some mmr.


I have only recently started to play the game again. A month ago when the event dropped. I played some games and calibrated at Guardian IV or V and now I'm almost at Archon IV (I used to be mid Legend years ago, so this is still kinda bad, but getting there lol). I also play mostly pos 4 or pos 3. At least my strategy so far is being kinda greedy and agressive while also buying items that mostly benefit my team. Stuff like Drums, a cheap disable like Rod of Atos, Greaves, Pipe, Lotus... Seems to be working well so far at my lousy rank.


So, basically from Archon 3 down to Crusader 5. If double rank was used, then ouch. Most players are trying stuff on ranked instead to learn the new patch instead of testing it in unranked first - really upsetting when they do this. One thing I learned is making sure the first 5 minutes - survivability items is crucial. wands, stats-items, etc. And yes, spam those spells to deter them from killing you.


I don't play Unranked because I usually can't play my preferred role there.


I know those feelings. Have lost 3-400 mmr :(


Lost 500 MMR getting guys that pick dogshit supports steal every Range creep and feed 0-20 every game like what the fuck I have 10K on both what are these games man


Seems like you're "trying" melee core venge, not using shaman's IMO broken facet, 3-5 sniper is better with other facet. Hard to win games when you're experimenting.


Lol, i have an opposite situation. Before patch - archon 1, now - legend 4. Mostly spamming OD broodmother for mid, lc for offlane, wd warlock for supp. Can you give match id of one of your games? I would like to check replay.


Try playing Bane with the nightmare walk facet. At max enfeeble there's permanent uptime, and you can nightmare opponents away from waves. With these new facets lane dominance became a priority, so taking these lane bullies like Bane, Veno, or even something like a CM is good.


I was 2 and 18 when the patch came out, kept playing and was like 20 and 3 after, keep pushing brother


Dont queue when you are tilted. Focus on destroying the opponent in lane.


This happens when you blindly abuse heroes instead of learning the game and attain bigger mmr than you deserve. The moment balance changes and guides break you're left on the side of the road.


Pfft thats a peasant lose streak... wait till you saw mine a week ago


I've gained 5.5 ranks in this patch. 1 game off divine now.


I understand this feeling too😭


I'm getting quite a lot mmr in this new patch. Right now kills worth so much exp that you can just solo gank or 5 man fight all game with minimum farm. I guess depends on your play style and hero choice it might or might not work out for you.


70 pcs double down, climbed only 2 ranks, then went down again. Our bracket is a blackhole. Playing pos 4 support, I often tend to pick greedy ones cos I encounter a lot of core players without objectives. I had a game previously which our team had 90% win rate at 20 mins, enemy cores has no single core item. Then my pos 1 and 2 decided to jungle. and we lost. 🙃


I've played a game recently, where we were crushing early game, but our pos1 Drow just refused to join the teamfights and spent the whole game in the jungle ("I'll go when I'm 6-slotted" type of player). We eventually mowed down their base by me (Centaur) and Disruptor making space, while Clinkz and Warlock with refresher focused the objectives. As the game ended, Drow had the same net worth as the enemy pos4.


Those wannabe 6-slots cores are absolutely the worst. I'm Ancient bracket so like slightly above average I guess? And every 4th or 5th game I'll get a clown who just refuses to join fights and jungles forever or tps bot/top to farm more when pos5 (me) is respawning and could simply shove the wave, deward our jungle and join fight all within 50-60 seconds but naaah... dude has to farm more. So annoying.


> Playing pos 4 support, I often tend to pick greedy ones Legend bracket Pos3 player here. The amount of greedy Pos4 players who try to cosplay as carry is astonishing lately. Please stop.


Well mainly I buy off glimmers and force staff, whatever is needed such as vessel etc. Not the Maelstrom 1st item guy.


OK, those are support items. That's not really greedy in my book. I'm mainly talking about the Maelstrom 1st item guy 🙃


I go for Rod of Atos and then I transform into a Gleipnir later in the game. Seems to be working well for me so far.


That really isn't greedy, though. A farm-starved pos 5 hero, playing as selflessly as possible, can still easily afford these items. Like even in a worst case scenario, a pos 5 can afford glimmer and force because they're too easily affordable.


By means of greedy pick, hoodwink and dark willow alike were they can transition mid game.


Four games short of greatness.


Skill issue. I made it above 4k recently, playing mainly P3 Venge and P3 Right Click Underlord lol. Those are my two favorite heroes though so I guess I can be accused of being a hero spammer or something, sue me for enjoying honing something to a level of comfortable mastery.


The game feels very hard all of a sudden. I think most people these days just spam 2/3 heroes only and know them inside and out. When the patch first came out it was level playing field, but as time goes on hero spammers get more and more refined at their heroes. Doesnt help that there are some very busted heroes right now, that if spammed by a competant player (or smurf) can drastically increase his team's winrate.


Zeus and Lina are monsters mid. Played Lina for the first time in months yesterday, won game in 24 minutes and was MVP.


Skill issue xd


I mean... yes and no.. Some games I have played poorly. But, as I said even if I was AFK would be winning more than this with previous patch.


Losing 12 games in a row that's completely on you.


I believe in Gambler’s fallacy, I bet my house you win the next game


said that the last game... according to the odds this MUST be the win.. Time to Double Down ! whoopsie


Thanks to double downs and some luck Im up 700 mmr this patch, just search for some busted heros on dotabuff and play the ones you like, since I'm only 3k I try not to play too many heroes even if they are meta, cause you make less mistakes with heros which limits you know


low ranked playes should never pick different heroes evey match , they shoudl stick to their most played if they wanna climb


unless you are a inmortal top 10


Didn't play since last patch, but it seems like Dota starts to look like LoL, sadly


I don't know.. I feel this is the best and funnest patch I've played in a while


Coz safelane doesn't feel safe anymore.


And you used your double down tokens on all of them, didn't you?


I have the opposite experience this minor patch - Have been consistently winning (and I only pick heroes that are more than 51-52% win rate and ones that am good at) Also objective based gaming (pushing towers after a gank or a successful fight, rosh before T3, concentrating on heroes who can push and wave clear) is making a lot of difference this patch


I love the thought process behind your ogre magi and venge, first ogre with «ooh a win, lets redo» but alas… then in the end forcing two venge attempts but alas… 🤣


Same here. I'm not even doing poorly in lane though.... Every game I end with 10+ data. 10-20 kills and 3 or 4 deaths.... Still lose everything game because 3 people on my team are down 5+ levels on enemy and have no gold or items...


What are these match durations, is this turbo?


I’am in the same scenario. From legend 5 to archont 1 since patch :D i play sup4 and every offlaner want to be hc, and not a off.


Play undying. He is OP at this bracket you can spam him to legend no prob. Tombstone wins games it’s that simple


I see your problem, if you won more matches you would probably enjoy it more. YW for the advice.


"Do you know how to forge a sword? The thing about swords ...You strike and strike and strike to get rid of impurities and anything you don't need, and to increase the purity of the blade, so a durable sword can be forged. "


You're doing really well and I'm very proud of you


Been getting absolutely wrecked as well. Went from a massive win streak to all losses. Just lost as axe offline with shadow shaman against a shadow fiend and skywraoth mage safe lane. They melted me in every single stage of the game. Level two I was screwed.


~~Losing~~ Loving


I gained 800 mmr bec of the new patch 🫡


Oh fuck off. Maybe you're the problem.


Wth month is 31?




is that turbo cuz all games ended within 20 minutes?


Lol I lost so much MMR since the new patch. I'm just now getting the hang of which heroes and facets to pick, but the adjustment was hard


Lots of instability in matchmaking at the moment. I've seen lots of these cases: - Stacks with 3/4 players including 1-2 newbies/returning players, and usually 1 higher ranked/good player carrying the team - People playing heroes for crownfall tokens with no idea how to play the hero - 2 players in a party picking super strong lane match ups that border on cheese worthy. They auto win lane. - Really strong offlaners that stomp safe lane/push carry out of lane at 10min - Really strong/imba heroes that stomp lane and snowball to become unkillable / not able to be dealt with (LC with shield buff, centaur with 6k+ HP, storm spirit zipping around map) - Stacks of 5 players that gain slight early advantage and then just deathball down lanes - Fucked up drafts with less distinction between specialised heroes - people picking tanky pos1s to deal with huge offlaners, or typical carry heroes played as supports (eg. Weaver/Terrorblade) - People trying out experimental builds seen on YouTube, eg. Terrorblade ult dagon Game is really dynamic and all over the place at the moment, which makes for some fun times, but it's hard to tell what the actual meta is or what will work/won't. Basically so many games are just coin flips atm in terms of what you'll get/what will happen.


i see your problem, pick more techies


skill issue


People will blame anything other than probability and skill. People often get 13 win streaks without even trying, then have 9 losing streak, then it evens out again. It's called regression to the mean and stats will never be perfectly even.


I would probably suggest only playing 1 to 3 heroes and get comfortable with them.


Same. Now i spam riki just to get back the mmr i lost


Skill issue


gained like 500+ mmr since the 7.36 came out, and I was not able to play that much due to my summer exams. The heroes you are choosing are complete dog water, and the mmr you are playing in is the joke. The patch is not the problem pal


The same thing was yesterday. I’ve lost 400mmr due to leavers, runners and feeders. I have no clue what happened.


at least you have a bunch of scrap tokens to use


Not sure if anyone else has had positive experience with under-utilised pos 3’s this patch? I never played 3 it’s not my play style at all but decided after the losses to give some tweaked pos 3s like mars and underlord a go and I’ve been dumpstering my games at an 80% win rate since I changed. And to be clear my win rates on the 20ish games I had on these heroes prior was like 20%. I’m 3k on the SEA server.


They need to fix Marci + wisp. Litteraly unplayable


So many of my friends and I are feeling this. I lost 15/20 games for a few days last week but I'm starting to win more again. Keeps things spicy I guess!


If everybody is losing, who is winning?


Its not the patch. Its skill issue




Remove double down tokens from inventory trust me.you will start winning


It’s not the patch’s fault you’re losing games lol


Holy fuck man. You're all over the map with your characters and roles. I get wanting to try different heroes to keep it fresh, but when you're on an epic losing streak like that and you want to actually stop it, you need to simplify it and narrow down to your best heroes for a little bit.


i feel you so bad my brother, from Legend 5 to Legend 2 in 1 week.


Same stuff i cant solo win the games


Game is easier when you use the stronger facets


It doesn’t say if it’s rank or not . It could be turbo . Or normal ! So .. you don’t offer too much in that picture


It must be depressing


Allll turbo haha


Wow it’s the opposite for me at the same rank!!! Looks like I’ve been playing against you most of my games 🤣


Stop playing turbo


lol. Look at that hero selection 🤣


I think if you stick to 1-2 heroes and stop fcking around maybe u win.


I'm at 4839 mmr my highest ever!


I always own my lane every game. Bullying the enemy pos 1 into a 0/5 early jgl. But my Pos 1 is so useless late that I basically also have to carry. That's why I play Hoodwink / Weaver as 4. So I can win early and carry late with most DMG.


I am also in the same boat. My mmr delta over the last 3 months was 600 on a75% wr and im now 1-14 since the patch. It just seems like some hero’s got stupidly buffed and powerful, especially early, and some kinda got shafted. The games also end quicker now too so you really can just get run over.


Same rank here, also on 10 losing streak. I love banning mechanics now but I just think the guaranteed 1-hero ban is too low. All games I have: Pudge Wraith King Zeus


If u wanna win dota on a low rank u basically need to spam 1-2 heroes(meta heroes preferably) and play one lane. Focus on yourself , your farm and help team only if it’s beneficial for you or game state.


Almost uninstalled the game. So many fkong fragile players


Skill issue




Same thing happened and I just Uninstalled DOTA. Instead of getting fixes to balance they will change the game every now and then and make it overly complicated and we have to play an odd 40 games to just understand what going on. It's pretty annoying to be honest. Additionally gamers also get more toxic during this period, they flame and grief thier own teammates, as they don't have anything better. Play the game to have close game win or lose don't matter. But every time once a year have to go through this process for no goddam reason, which socks. End of rant.


Don't play much, but no idea what is going on. 90% of these games were complete stomps. I played well in a handful of them but its not enough. Even if I was AFK, would expect to win more than 1/12. Maybe I'm too old to adapt to such wild changes?


I am 40 and I gained 1000 MMR this patch. Played 4/5 then realised 2k cores are idiots, started playing pos 3 with only meta picks. Free MMR.


Lmao the changes aren’t that wild and I’m almost 30 and gained over 1000mmr since the changes. You’re crusader, you probably don’t really know how to learn the game and will be perpetually stuck where you are.


thanks for the constructive feedback


Check ballondota youtube channel. He has videos about laning stage


It’s not constructive feedback, it’s the reality of the situation. If you want to be better, learn to learn, there’s no way you should be crusader/archon if you’re making active attempts at learning how to play dota.


I uninstalled after the same losing streak. And then I got LP I’m just not enjoying this patch.


Is that herald rank? I dont wanna sound mean but theres lots of room for improvement in that rank, and before u say everywhere theres lots of room for improvement its nbot remotely on the same scale. Literally the most basic consistent stuff can get u out of there. Maybe try core and carry urself ? Or u just like supporting?


I was almost archon 2, now back to crusader 5. 100% room for improvement. I am not claiming that I am playing well every game and still getting stomped (which some people seem to have interpreted). It's just interesting that both my performance and the quality of games has nosedived completely this patch. Feels like I need to re-learn all about when heroes are strong/weak etc. I mostly play po4 but occasionally will offlane... although that hasn't been working for me either. Thanks for constructive feedback


Wish i could help but i only play pos 1-2 and my knowledge of supports comes from being forced to play coz of role ques. In anycase personally when i came back to dota 7 months ago i calibrated at archon 2 now im ancient 3-5. What got me out was keeping track of my lasthits. I always had a golden rule of 150cs at 15min. I dont always achieve it but thats the goal, and to have the least amount of deaths per game.


Guess what am going through the same thing, but we strive on.


Heroes like LC are level 2 at level 1. Valve needs to look into it


You are just a crusader you don't get to talk about the new patch get better


skill issue


That game duration is outright tragic. Games ending before 35-40 should be a rarity, not the other way around.


oh are you thinking the numbers on the right are game duration? if so that is the time of the game not duration


That was my first take as well, something is off.


yeh there was a few games enemy pushing high ground at 20mins.. sure one game we lost around 50 kills to 5. so bizarre


Not about the patch, it's about extreme rampant smurfing. I'm on 21 consecutive games with obvious lvl50 account smurfs going 14/1 every single game


I uninstalled that shitty game last night.


I feel your pain brother


Next chapter you gonna reinstall this we all do it over and over this game is like a Prison cell you can't escape


Ooh yes, already thinking of installing it again...


I have no issue with this new update my issue is still old one, team members not playing there roles. Every game I have to my own support when I play 1-3 position. Lane pulling camp blocking ,wards. And I play support my work double bcs carry thinks he is world's number 1 player and build shit items or pick shit heroes. Not think even once like is it viable, can he play that hero. Yesterday had mid WD with radiance, then viper hard carry , jugg who go for scepter first item against magic users. And most fucking shit is report system. Had a game where hard support np go carry items from min one. Reported him , but nothing happened as he did not show up in report summary.


Have you got your actual government name as your in game name haha? never seen someone block out their in game dota 2 name lol


Fuck shadow shaman, fuck cluster cluck, fuck fowl play


Focos with 1 hero. Try to be good with 1 hero.


Have you tried using your keyboard?


But I have mmo mouse... why do I need keyboard?


To be COMPLETELY fair, this feels more like a you problem at this point. 12 in a row? That's insane.


Im the same ranking as the guy. The skill differential at this bracket is insanely bad sometimes. I had a six game losing streak last weekend where I had a K-D ratio of 2.5 or higher each game. Everyone on my team was 0.5 or lower. No matter how many kills I had early game, ganks I made as a mid, wards I placed as support, my team always fed. No communication, wouldnt pay attention to my missing calls, wouldnt buy wards or dust for invis heroes, etc. Hell, just last night I had to tell my Warlock pos 5 when to use his spells and items. We won but only because I went 18-5-13 as mid Windranger. The rest of my team had a sub-1 K-D. Yet other games, my whole team is completely in sync, always communicating, itemizing properly, warding/dewarding, etc and we steamroll.


I don't think you can assume that. I also feel like the matchmaking algorithm is just completely broken after the patch, I've never seen so many games where the skill balance is so one sided




it is in low rankd games tho


well if you are a smurf lol