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His name is Andile Mngxitama, and he was previously an MP for the EFF but was fired for being too racist for them. He then created his own party, BLF which then joined MK. He is now an MP for MK.


Lol, when even EFF start saying your to racist even them, you hit rock bottom.


I thought that was Andile! I wondered what had happened to him after his and Malema’s falling out. Nice to see him out there representing Zuma’s true colors. No one can be confused now.


His Twitter (now X) account was suspended 6 years ago for these or some other comments. He's back on it now spewing kak again. Crazy how a man can say stuff like that and not go to jail yet Vicki Momberg did for a single word. And Renaldo Gouws gets removed from parliament for phrasing Julius Malema in an intentionally shocking way to make a point while Andile quietly sneaks in without a fuss despite this video being out there.


Keep in mind it was the DA themselves who removed Renaldo Gouws. Imo, that shows their character and integrity. They can actually admit to an own goal and take steps to rectify it, unlike these 'people'. It's what seperates them (and us) from these animals.


That may mean a lot to us but it means stuff all to the anti-DA crowd. For them the DA could be Gods gift to South Africa and they would despise them.


That’s fine, though. It’s just one of the little moral victories we can celebrate now. I think we shouldn’t be wasting energy trying to win over people who are already fully anti-DA. But it will always remain important to do the right thing. One day, the tide will turn against those who play the race card and then you’ll want to be on the right side of history.


Yes and no. The DA did suspend him. But the HRA found Gouws guilty even before a trial. The HRA have known about turd blossom Andile since forever but are yet to open their racist mouths.


Wow... Thank you for the information


So let me understand this train of thought here. Here we have one individual black African example who is expressing unequivocally discriminatory and oppressive sentiments contained in his speech. Now as per the political system and hierarchy of this country, he does not speak for the entirety of Africans in South Africa, NEITHER does he speak for himself in total isolation. Resultantly this leaves to logic that the views he is speaking about is shared among other Africans and in the least black Africans (again not entirely but in some part). So why don’t those portions of the African community who are not in agreement take an active role against such discrimination and oppression along racial boundaries - especially since many of the African population today did not experience the direct environment of existence under the globally rejected apartheid system. Which was felt first hand by our grand parents and great grandparents. Concomitantly, why is it fair game for a black African to make such public statements (which are blatantly racist) but another African would face disproportionate prejudice and consequences if similar utterances were made? The majority African community bears the responsibility for the country we all suffer in, by the weight of their vote. Why are white lives treated lesser than any other human lives? We do not live in the past without cell phones and internet. So we all blissfully exist in the present so why begrudge this generation for n-2 generations actions, when we should direct that energy into bringing solutions for THIS generation that we exist in?


What I hate is this guy has a platform to spew his evil thoughts. Meanwhile the good people are going about their business because what else are they going to do ? Have a shouting match with these clowns ? That's how evil always has the advantage. Until they push the good people one step too far.


Absolutely and poignantly correct and I agree with you. The political scene is analogous to the employment market in this country. It is more about who you know that are you the best technically for the role and responsibility. Thats how the country ends up with a chosen president (ex president ) who can’t even read properly. Says “listen properly” when he blunders around like an obese elephant in a glassware shop. Who promotes taking a shower to mitigate against HIV and AIDS. Such emotionally motivated behaviour results in appointments (both in the employment market and politics) which glean favour with a marketable image as opposed to technical objective competency. Resultantly look at our parastatals and state owned organisations. Owed by the state, black African voted in state.


Don’t come here with your logical thoughts. This is the internet. It’s going to take generations before the inherit social divide will be put in the past. We amongst ourselves are so divided, what one group of people see’s as the fix the other see’s as discrimination and vice versa. We have a government who knows it’s losing but doesn’t want to let go of all the power, it’s almost like the full memo hasn’t been sent to them and now more parties are joining the GNU that show open hatred and the demise of other parties. It’s such a unique time in SA because no one knows and can agree on what the correct way forward is so I guess as is the SA way. We strap in and hope for the best for many and not just the few.


So by your implied logic (specifically contained in your reply and not saying you support this logic in your personal life) the black African majority could have changed this country around for the better But They lack the mental aptitude or the psychological conviction to carry out a non biased solution that does not involve increasing the socio economic divide that exists both intra-racially and inter racially? Because mathematics and numbers is unbiased towards race, gender, culture age etc. so the black African vote is the power vote in this country by statistical majority, yet that same black African majority has the highest percentage of unemployment, uneducated, highest poverty stricken, most disease afflicted. But because n-2 generation so called “colonialist people “, that’s why TODAY, 30 years in our African democracy, people still use pit latrines and can’t even read - basic human rights. So whomever controls the black African vote controls the country right - mathematically speaking, so really self introspection is severely required


I wish I had heard this first hand but it was passed onto me by someone who was studying design back in the early 2000’s and it was how to think for African Design - ie the immediate problem to solve was to solve for now because tomorrow we can solve for tomorrow. That ideology has always stuck with me because you can have all the numbers on paper. They definitely prove a point but changing a mindset is a different story. If your immediate solution is to solve for the now and for your own betterment at the cost of no worries of tomorrow then we remain to put a band aid on things instead of addressing what would fix tomorrow. If that case study was true and again I have no actual facts to back it up then it would track.


I've seen this mentality in action at university when I was studying architecture and we were instructed to implement this mentality to a certain extent. I remember one project very specifically where we had to design a train station and accomodate for informal traders in the design. My proposal included a 10, 15 and 50 year vision intended to allow the informal traders to grow into big businesses. This was heavily criticised by certain people because it 'didn't make sense' to plan for growth that far ahead.


This was well written.


Simply put, everywhere is permitted to hate on white people and be prejudiced against them because firstly, giving a majority a scapegoat for their issues, which alot of the times its a minority and because "muh Apartheid" which ended 30 years ago and the majority of those in charge back then are dead and or left the country so they prey on whats left of them, their children and grandchildren which had no active role in what happened 30 years ago to keep up the scapegoat train to further themselves in power as "the solution."


Because it is the white that showed us this system of brutality and devaluing lives. . . You can for centuries oppress people, strip them of everything they have, economically isolate them and expect their offspring to pretend nothing happened. That's madness


That’s funny, I don’t remember Canadian, European, or Australian politicians denouncing Senator Tommy Tuberville’s racist remarks or people calling the politicians of those countries to denounce them as their responsibility. Hell, I didn’t see American demand American politicians denounce his words. This guy is absolutely racist. I don’t see why the majority African community bears responsibility for that.


Okay, so since you don’t seem to be aware of what’s going on, get this: last week, an MP of the party that represents most white people in this country was caught saying racial slurs on video. He was suspended almost immediately by his party and his access to parliament revoked. In all likelihood, he will be fired soon. The white public also denounced this guy. Okay? That’s how the ‘white’ people reacted to a racist. They have backbone and they have standards. Compare that to the guy in this video, who has never and will never face consequences for what he’s saying here. In fact, it has been ruled as ‘harmless’ by the authorities. Because he’s black and the decision makers are black. The fact that the black majority is silent about this man while the white guy gets crucified for the same thing is vile. What are we supposed to infer from this? Why are they not calling for this guy’s life to be ruined like they are for the white guy? Is it because they’re all just as bad as him?


I did not state they did, I implied they bear the HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY to correct the wrongs of the past by not propagating methods and means of the past. Simply put, 2 wrongs don’t make a right. So oppressing and discriminating now will not undo that which was done pre 1994. But I do concur and understand your sentiment. It is far easier to poke your head in the sand than pick up the shovel and dig your way out of the trench. Such is human nature - and you are astutely correct- to choose the easy route and complain like a toddler than to actively and positively change the status quo


2 wrongs don’t make a right. The disconnect here is you blaming the larger black African community for this particular racist. You said it’s a “HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY,” right? So your responsibility as well? So I feel you’re contradicting yourself in your response.


No my benevolent South African. I to have used pit lattines and relieve myself in nature. I have seen what land expropriation without compensation results for the land. I to also voted and played my part but my singular vote cannot supplement and correct the bribery of a T-shirt and some form of social hampers every 4/6 years. I also engaged in dialogue with fellow black Africans to understand the grass root unfiltered narrative in my neck of the country. They told me that the n-2 and n-1 black African generation often restricts dialogue from the youth - which are calling for not just change but positive change. So I take my human right night’s duty seriously as per my industry to build infrastructure and provide drought disaster relief for severely remote communities- which is where I was educated in respecting the local chiefs and kings and how to approach with culture sensitivity in my line of work. I count all those among my blessings because I have actually seen the sheer beauty of our country and the tears when a basic human right like water is provided in a place where previous attempts just drained the local municipal budget without results. So my brother or sister, I do take my fellow South African responsibility seriously however the numbers still holds the power. So until such catalyst brings about the reprogramming of latent racial collective mindsets, we still have to fight the good fight and do the right thing, irrespective whether we are in the limelight or not




Ive always seen that RSA is the USA of Africa... We are so Americanised 😅🤞🏽Im a perfect example 😎 In this world we\`\`ll never be on the same side, agree on social behaviour, or anything in Life in general... We are different like that and we dont want to embrace that... I keep thinking segregation is our best option as the human race 🤞🏽😩 or every country should be like North Korea ❤💯⚡🔥 because this \`\`freedom\`\` is too much for us... Otherwise, we\`ll never have PEACE 😇 unless if you have a I DONT CARE MENTALITY cause caring is suffering, emotionally and spiritually draining 😩🤞🏽😅


You "americanised" yourself, boy.


We are all products off the system, shaped by our environment and driven by our desires!!!


This man should be suspended immediately the chance to explain himself and without any investigation whatsoever. He should also be criminally charged with Crimen Injuria and locked up. We're mos anti-racist now, right?


Right?!... ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS|downsized)


Step 1 be a leader in an African country Step 2 take all of the money from the government Step 3 Blame everything on the whites and colonization Step 4 Profit


All the corrupt Gupta porkers returning.its like a bad horror movie


Let's hope the BBC covers this as well


They won't. Even in the UK it's trendy to hate whites 


LMFAO... Sorry, but as a sex worker I was confused a lil BBC 😏😅💀


Wtf... don't do it lads. Just don't.


Analdildo Mxgshitama is a racist POS who should be expelled from parliament and charged in terms of our new hate speech litigation.


What abominable diatribe


He's black so it's cool bruh


This guy seems like a totally grounded and reasonable human being…..


MK is not going to survive long. Zuma will be 87 when we have the next elections, he will be too old or dead to manage his messy party. Listen to what Prince Mashele had to say about MK. Andile should be forced to resign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4uBLNgirSI


Did you listen to Bab\` John Hlophe?!... Dr. Prez Zuma is US and we are HIM Before HIM there was someone, there will be someone after him... THERE ALWAYS IS 🤞🏽😃😩 The Marathon Continues 💯⚡ Until [Top 10 greatest African kings in history - Afrinik](https://afrinik.com/top-10-greatest-african-kings-in-history/)


Least we forget where the origins of this party. They will be butchering each other once the honeymoon is over. Remember, this is a congregation of bitter rejects.


Okay Mr. Andile "Crybaby" Mngxitama, we'll wait for MKP to fire you so you start crying on TV again. He's really exercising reaching-logic over here: "taxi industry killed ten people today? Fifty whites must die" and proceeds with Anakin Skywalker logic - not just the men, but the women and the children too... and then the dogs... Nyama Vader during his formative years, you guys. Get this fucker out of Parliament, people.


You racists don't get it. It's uhhh...freedom of speech...uhhh a struggle speech...uhhh if you're not racist it shouldn't offend you. What about Gouws What about Gouws What about Gouws (I'm overdosing on copium)


He makes Julius Malema look like a Liberal Democrat. JAIL. There should be no racial division whether black or white.


What the ever loving fuck is this?? This is an MP? I received a Reddit warning not too long ago so I can't express myself the way I want.


"tHiS iS oUr StRuGgLe SoNg" - some reddit user


Why is this allowed? Why is he given a platform? Fucking unreal. This perpetuating racist nonsense needs to stop.




Your post/comment has been removed for violating our community guidelines on hate speech and personal attacks. We strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment, and language that disparages or belittles individuals or groups is not tolerated. Please review our rules and refrain from using language that may offend or harm others in the future. Thank you for your understanding.


Let's sign a petition and report this to the human rights commission.


I mean if Renaldo Gouws was suspended and taken to court by the human rights commision....why aren't they after Andile? Or does it only go the one way.


Someone has to take the case to the commission no? 


Fucked dude that's alot of killing


Your country is the next Rwanda, mark my words.


True that.


WYM... Nah, this a different situation 🤔 This is them and us not US AND US 😐  \`\`[Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_colonial_empire) colonized Rwanda as part of [German East Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_East_Africa), followed by [Belgium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgium), which took control in 1916 during [World War I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I). Both European nations ruled through the Rwandan king and perpetuated a pro-Tutsi policy. The country has been governed by a series of centralized [authoritarian governments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarianism) since precolonial times.  Although Rwanda has low levels of corruption compared with neighbouring countries, it ranks among the lowest in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties and quality of life.\`\`


Modern Rwanda is great, if I were president of my country I would govern it similarly. I mean that South Africa is probably going to become an ethnic bloodbath with all of the whites either being killed or forced to flee.


If we were anything like them then they would've been killed/left in 1994. Chill dude😂, your uncles are living it up in Cape Town


I don’t think anyone takes this guy seriously, good thing he joined MK


MK took him seriously... so seriously that they made him an MP. Chew on that for a bit and reflect on how wise it is to simply disregard an ignore this fool. Also remember that nothing will happen to him either. Different rules for different...


Him and Gouws need to start their own party… but I agree he has no place in our government or society for that matter


Oh and whoever told this guy he looks like one of our fallen struggle heroes was doing the latter a disservice - this man looks like no one else, he just looks and sounds like a joke.


Quietly watching and waiting for the same people to become outraged that this confirmed unabashed racist was sworn in as an MP…


Another black Apartheid-loving poes.


While speaking the white man's language lol




If only we had a functioning HRC, yet here we are.


OP chose his Title Quite nicely...lol...leaving comments for info. However while GNU is on attack for wanting to remove so called "racist" MP's based on past behaviour - I guess this guy should join the queue ...but I guess he won't due to obvious reasons. You get removed for racist slurs, but will be moved around when found guilty of corruption. Strange logic, but then again its Politics. If the shoe fits...


And yet again it shows that the internet does not forget. This was a speech delivered by BLF leader Andile Mngxitama in December 2018. This is the same guy who in 2019 "rejoiced" about the deaths of white 4 learners at a Hoërskool Driehoek when a roof collapsed and fell on them. In the 2019 case he was found guilty of hate speech and ordered to pay R50 000 to each of the families of the four learners who died. Edit: Found this extra info regarding the "Kill 5 white people" comments: On May 2, 2023, Afriforum's complaint against the BLF and Mngxitama regarding his comments in 2018 were dismissed by an Equality Court due to "the complainants [falling] far short of presenting evidence" that such comments could be classified as hate speech given the guidelines outlined in PEPUDA.


I've said this many times when I see these posts of black politicians being completely racist towards white people, we are not living in Nelson Mandela's dream of a Rainbow nation. We didn't overcome Apartheid in 1994, we just past on the torch of racism to the younger generation. Politicians are supposed to set the example of keeping Nelson Mandela's dream alive but all I've seen them do is absolutely destroy his legacy. Politicians like this guy, Malema, Ramaphosa and Zuma, don't care about uniting the country and trying to accomplish a Rainbow nation.


Grou jou eie gat tjom Andile - een van die dae val jy self in hom. That is how life works - it has certain rules, the time for them to run its course is just not our time.


Let him be; only God can give him his "just reward"


We can fast track him to God 👆


Hawu\` 😯 I TRUSTED YOU!!! 😭 LOLZ 😅 Ng\`yadlala 😇


As to the ones that turned him this way... 💯 WE SHALL NEVER TURN THE OTHER CHICK 😜 Two wrongs dont make a right, but logic is always right, not ... L ... A ... W ... Maybe Africanised Law Might work 🤓


I have the hots for blonde southie wemen like die antwoord or some shit


These guys are really getting that desperate huh... A damn shame - Tupac


I've commented on here before about examples where I've been around during white on black racism, its an extreme double standard to not treat this guy the same way Renaldo Gouws is being treated


How do people with this much hatred in their hearts get to be in leadership of a country? And how does a people get to follow an ideology this depraved and void of everything that logical and humane? Mind boggling


Anyone who thinks this can be fixed is delusional.


gotta change this sub to /downbad


Needs milk and a chat


Ja né, a person that never can be a racist, being racist before everyone's eyes. Double standards at work in SA. Why arrest one race for being racist, but leaving another race comitting the same crime? Racism in itself is wrong.


My boi thinks he's immortal to a piece of lead in his head🤣🤣💀


Another day of same old white noise in South Africa. Just keep moving..... This past election has especially shown me that fearing this type of rhetoric is a waste of time and energy, especially considering it's spearhead, the EFF actually LOST support. Proving it's a minority voice once and for all, and all we should do is just keep on moving. Sure the gullible are going to fall for it, but hey, what can we do? Gullible naive people fall for all kinds of stuff every single time. It is what it is..... just focus on your own personal circle/community and you will be fine.


The problem is that desperate people are more open to manipulation - irony is that the very people manipulating them are the reason they are desperate.


He Reminds Me Of one of my leaders Khalid Abdul Muhammad [(9) Khalid Muhammad on Donahue (1994) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgBxaeHvKwk)


They killed, and continue to kill millions of Africans. . . Not that I share this man's sentiment, I understand his position. . This is what happens when colonialism was not redressed


It was redressed though. The Truth and Reconcilliation Commission, Affirmative Action, BEE, etc. And you know what? I'm all for it! I agree that Black People of South Africa were oppressed for decades and that reparations have to be made. However, we're 30 years into a Democratic South Africa under leadership of the ANC yet very little progress has been made toward uniting people of all races. And the blame for that can no longer be laid squarely on the shoulders of all White people. We ALL have to take responsibility for moving forward as a Rainbow Nation and rhetoric like that in the clip above should definitely not be part of it.


> They killed, and continue to kill millions of Africans Who did?


[AfriForum’s hate speech case against BLF continues](https://afriforum.co.za/en/afriforums-hate-speech-case-against-blf-continues/) no need for gouwes and all those who spew racism not be held to book


Are you ever going to react to a black politician doing something shitty with anything other than "yeah but what about this white person?"


The rhetoric that this guy spews is definitely to be condemned just as gouws. What I'm saying is that when a black person says shit yall loose your marbles. But when it's gouws yall talk about context


> The rhetoric that this guy spews is definitely to be condemned just as gouws. And yet the country didn't react to this with a fraction as much anger or outrage. > What I'm saying is that when a black person says shit yall loose your marbles. But when it's gouws yall talk about context Guess this sub and black Twitter both have issues with double standards they need to work on.


simma, what do you think about julius singing 'kill the boer' ?


The dairy scandal, state capture, and who knows what else is still ongoing, but racists like this and Gouws get swift justice!


You can go file a report if you think it hasn't. Just have someone who can make a point. Not a mampara lawyer thinking you'll win. Have a solid case, then prove your point