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Here is part of the Downfall was the unfollows, so like I said, the most Saddest part watching Z leaving the arena without saying any word, it's been a long ride Zfam and Champions Club, prime and peak moments were in 2020 with good old memories, good luck for both, I'll go cry to a corner if you excuse me.


Unfortunate but understandable...




PR. Just trying to cover their own asses. Doc was banned at the same time many other high-profile streamers (BlessRNG, Warwitch etc) were banned for sex-related offenses. June 2020, Twitch Blackout. Nobody big on the scene at the time bought the excuse that he didn't know why he was banned. And, none of his old buddy buddies came out and said Doc lied to them about the reasons for the ban, which would explain why they were cool with him being banned at exactly the same time waves of sex pests were getting axed and hung out with him anyway. So if they weren't lied to, they knew enough, and still rolled with it. And now that word is out, they're creating distance. Slimeballs, all of them.


You really dont think Tim would have distanced himself from Doc if he knew? I would think so.


Yeah, I really need to stress how big of a deal this controversy was in 2020 for streamers. Basically any full-time streamer online in June was aware of and had convos about it at some point. It's not a simple matter, so apologies for the book I'm about to write. The timing of Doc's ban did NOT go unnoticed in relation to everything else. And it was weird because unlike the rest, there wasn't any public info on it. Very hush-hush. Many assumed that meant it was worse, and now that we know it involved a minor, that checks out. Anyone active at the time, like these folks here, would've been aware of the bans, the timing, and presumably, wanted some kind of explanation. Some folks, obviously more than others, didn't like to keep company with sexual predators for moral reasons. And "I don't know why I was banned" is a BS excuse. Veteran streamers knew it then, and casual viewers know it now, because surprise, Doc knew all along. So as a streamer interested in their own brand image, and presumably as a so-called close friend, a person would want an answer, especially considering the stakes. The way I see it, Doc had 3 ways to play that. *Scenario 1*: I can't talk about it because of an NDA. It's fine though, it's all dealt with/buried and not a big deal, trust me bro. *Scenario 2*: I got banned because of politics/Purple Snakes/contract dispute/punched the CEO, whatever. *Senario 3*: I did stuff with a minor that wasn't exactly appropriate. But it's cool, it's all locked down tight and settled. With the true reason getting out recently, the reaction to Scenario 1 is akin to finding out your partner was hiding STD's from you. They told you something wasn't a big deal, but it was a BIG deal. And now you've unknowingly been associating with a sex pest for the better part of a decade. Scenario 1 logical response: I trusted Doc, he let me down, he betrayed my trust, I am MAD at this person. Scenario 2 logical response: I trusted Doc, he let me down, he betrayed my trust, I am MAD at this person. Same deal. Scenario 3 logical response: "Uhh.... if these allegations are true... I can't approve of that behavior." They could've easily said they were lied to, expressed anger at the betrayal. If Doc didn't tell you? You'd be mad. If Doc lied to you? You'd be mad. But none of them did that. In performances worthy of lawyers, they quitely distanced themselves. No sign or sentiment of being duped or deceived.


I don't think it's a given that doc told anyone the reason. I mean, even if you're friends with someone there can still be secrets you are too embarrassed to talk about and I think what doc did would certainly fit into that category. However, I think there's some merit to the thought that they could have found out from people at Twitch, especially given Tim and Nick's status. But that's not a given either. Twitch is part of one of the biggest companies in the world; they don't need either of them to survive by any measure. If you listen to what they said, though, they only condemned the action, not doc himself. I found that curious. I didn't really care what they had to say about it either way, tbh. But obviously with how social media works they probably woulda been raked over the coals if they kept silent about it.


>I don't think it's a given that doc told anyone the reason. I mean, even if you're friends with someone there can still be secrets you are too embarrassed to talk about and I think what doc did would certainly fit into that category. Totally fair assumption. The hangup though, is he was banned during the most well-known purge of sexual predators on Twitch in the platform's history. A decent person cares if they're associating/making friends with a rapist, pedo, groomer, whatever. I'm sure we agree. For a viewer, it might seem like "I don't know" is a valid answer to why you were banned. From someone who works in that space, which includes full-time streamers, they know Twitch doesn't work like that. They know "I don't know" is BS. I know that, because I'm one of those people. And likewise, many tweets etc still exist of bigger streamers calling out this BS excuse back in 2020, so it's not a secret, more business-specific know-how. Speaking for myself, if a person, much less a father/husband, someone who runs a community etc, can accept "I don't know" from someone banned during a predator wave, knowing that's not a valid excuse.... that's not a good person in my books. That isn't mere stupidity, that is gross indifference to the exact problem Twitch found itself in: indifference to predation on a streaming platform. And if THAT wasn't the scenario, then maybe Doc lied about his ban, in which case the people he lied to would be furious and mention he lied, which would only further distance and absolve them. Even if he said he didn't know and they believed him, that's still him lying, and they would've said Doc lied. But that didn't happen. They used weasel words like "If the allegations are true, I can't approve of that behavior" - zero sense of betrayal, zero indication they were ever fed or believed anything other than what we know today to be the truth.


The fact he lied is a given now, though. He lied to everyone; and if Tim/Nick never directly asked him about it, which is certainly plausible considering it's a private matter, then they don't even have to act shocked or betrayed because we're all in that boat with them. The thing for me, too - as someone who's conflicted about which way to lean on this topic - is that there are TONS of streamers, not just Tim and Nick, who know doc or play with him or whatever, and every one of them that I've seen is shocked by this news. That means if they all came to the same conclusion you did - that it must have been something sexually related - then they were all complicit in it. And I just don't know if I can believe that. I'm not saying there's no way it can be true, but it just leans more toward unlikely for me. Someone would have said or at least suggested something by now because we all know how long secrets last on the internet 🤣 I think you make a lot of solid points. I just don't know and I don't wanna go down the road of making accusations without all the facts.


>I'm not saying there's no way it can be true, but it just leans more toward unlikely for me. Someone would have said or at least suggested something by now because we all know how long secrets last on the internet 🤣 I get you. One of the best examples I can give circles right back to how this all started - [Twitch Blackout](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-53164395). Streamers, concerned with Twitch's inactivity in regards to the growing sexual predator problem on the platform, protested and even outright boycotted Twitch and refused to stream on a specific day. It snowballed, got media attention, and Twitch acted. You want to know something sad? Virtually zero big streamers participated in that movement. It was all 10, 20, 50, 100-viewer peons. Tim, Cohh, Dansgaming, Shroud, any of the big fish you might think of as "chill" or "responsible" did not participate. It was small streamers. Tiny voices that, with only the greatest amount of effort and coordination, can get a basic message across. It took 50, 100, 500 of us to make the same impact as a single one of them would've. But they didn't so much as tweet support for the cause. They did what they always do: stream, and make lots of money. Any change, any push for something, always comes from the little guys, because they're the only ones that are affected. They themselves did not care about the Twitch Blackout event, the sexual predation that plagued Twitch. And they kept not caring after it happened. So it's not an accusation to say people were cool with Doc, it was the continuation of the behavior they already demonstrated. In 2021, guess what happened? Another [Twitch Blackout](https://www.gamingbible.com/news/games-twitch-streamers-organise-twitch-blackout-in-protest-of-hate-raids-20210823) -this time in protest of the lack of moderation tools and protection that led to a proliferation of hate speech, hate raids, and trolls on the platform. Anti-LGBTQ, anti-black stuff, among many other types of filth were rampant. Guess who still chose not to participate? So yes, I'm not thrilled to report that most if not virtually all big streamers are massively wealthy, and completely indifferent to any cause that doesn't directly affect them, unless taking a token stance is good for their optics.


That is sad. I said in another thread that a lot of the bigger streamers simply don't care and will do whatever it takes to make a buck. Tim in particular turned me off a long time ago with the way he's always begging for money and subs. Like, dude, you're a billion times wealthier than probably any of the people watching your stream and here you are shamelessly grubbing for dollars. So, no, it doesn't surprise me in the least that most if not all of them didn't take part in that. I don't put any of them on any sort of pedastal because of their status. It certainly lends weight to your point as well.


I appreciate the discourse, and for you taking the time to read it - I know there was a lot, haha. I also don't begrudge anyone for liking X or Y streamer (unless it's someone like Doc!) - it's not your fight or your struggle to heavily scrutinize a certain streamer. You're on Twitch to be entertained, I get it. My frustration is largely directed at them as a streamer on the platform, as part of a community that struggles to do the right thing, when the efforts of said community as a whole amounts to what one of these people can do by lifting a pinky - which they refuse to do. So while I don't run around trying to "spread the message" - when the topic comes up, I will take the time to say they're not good people. Thanks for the chat, kind stranger.


Likewise! And don't think that just because I'm defending them that means I like them. Nick and Tim can eat a dick, quite frankly lol. I watched them when I first started watching twitch, because obviously they were very visible. I honestly can't remember the last time I watched either for more than a minute here and there. I will admit that I don't get involved to the extent that I know what's going on behind the scenes and such. I'm more of a casual viewer these days. If you wanna shoot me your channel, I'll check it out!


Oh all good. No judgement even if you did, I still have friends and stuff who like the big 'uns. As for knowing the inner workings etc, much less from 4 years ago, which is an eternity as far as the internet is concerned - zero expectations. I can't even say my opinions are popular among streamers, haha. I appreciate you offering, really. I've been on hiatus for a while, but as chance would have it am starting back up soon - if you don't mind me sending you the name via message here in reddit, I'd be happy to do so. This account's an alt, and I'd like to keep Doc fans etc from trolling since I've been pretty open about what I think about the guy here. If you're not comfortable with a DM for any reason that's totally cool. Wasn't my intention to plug or anything, just trying to establish I was familiar with the topic.


Nah, don't sweat it. DMs are fine by me. I've noticed your comments in other threads. If these people could shoot laser beams at someone over the internet, you'd be done for by now 🤣


Tims the slimball?😭😭 Doc messages minors inappropriately, the definition of slimeball Lowest iq subreddit? Worse than buttcoin


Oh Doc is a piece of trash. And Tim's a slimeball. This isn't a competition between the two. I'm not sure why you thought that. What do you call the friend of a pedo, who knows the pedo is a pedo?


You are assuming tim knew and I am not making it a competition, Im keeping the focus on doc. You can continue to focus on tim...but its a weird look.


My thoughts too. There’s no way doc and tim haven’t spoke about the ban when they are close friends. 100% tim knew


Z was completely oblivious to the fact…why is it far fetched to think that Tim was too? 


So he says. Tim’s one of his best friends. Ainr no way they didn’t talk about the ban


They are best streaming friends. Completely different. They didn’t go to school together they don’t even live on the same coast. They literally only hung out twice when doc was not in costume.


>They are best streaming friends. Completely different. They didn’t go to school together they don’t even live on the same coast. People literally fall in love online, my guy. Many of these people will tell you they work too much to be hanging out a lot IRL. A lot of them will also tell you some of their best friends exist mostly if not entirely in an online space. Two people who have the same passion, and the same job, can be really good friends. In this situation that means they're usually not by chance in the same city when they meet. Like, is an LDR not a real relationship, then? "It's not what you think honey, she lives in a different zip code"?


Holy parasocial


There is no way he told anybody the truth. If he did Nick wouldn't have made himself look like a moron defending him until he admitted to it.


You say close friends but they have only hung out twice when doc was not in costume. 1 time after the Dallas stadium stream at a restaurant and after when they went golfing and we got the calf muscle picture. Lots other people were around then too so he’s not devolving secrets then. And he knows Tim is close friends with Ninja and Cloaksy and Tim hangs out with other streamers so he was not really someone to trust with that info. They texted a lot at night and stuff but to say they are close friends is false.


How often do people talk about their pedophile tendencies with their best friends? "Yeah bro, don't worry, I was just cheating on my wife with a minor, don't worry, it's all under wraps though, you'll be fine if you stay my best friend, I love you Tim" Also they were never true friends, shit is just a work relationship essentially. Tim only streamed again with Doc when he was economically incentiviced to do so.


He loves to hide behind his dopey personality. Zero accountability. What a clever boy he is.


Yeah. The video he made pissed me off to be honest. Like “i dont know what doc did” like dude you speak to him on a daily basis, you have access to phone him and find out the fucking facts. Instead you do this pr didn’t know anything bullshit. I aint buying it


….It’s amazing how little people really know about how the real world works. It’s pretty evident that the story that Doc gave his fans is the same story he told those close to him. That he didn’t know at the time. It’s safe to assume that no one in Docs circle knew about this unless by some chance it was leaked by someone else. Nick handled this about as well as he could.


>he didn’t know at the time. You're approaching this from the perspective of a viewer who knows a bit about the story and picks up something here and there, and assuming a full-time streamer who's been at it 5+ years, complete with industry and company contacts, would buy the same excuse. I'm telling you, a lot of streamers back in 2020 pointed out the timing and called out the BS that is Doc saying "I don't know." Even if you didn't know how Twitch works internally, believing Twitch would ban their biggest streamer, and keep them in the dark for 7 years is utterly ridiculous. When someone gets banned literally in lockstep with a handful of other high-profile streamers specifically for sex-related offenses, if you care about women or who you associate with at all, you get your answer. And "I don't know" isn't that.




I didn’t know ab all of this… good god.


Right? I've basically lost all faith in the big-name streamers over the years, and mostly stick to affiliates and medium-sized partners. Less chance of fakeness/snakelike behavior. Plus they can use my view/sub a lot more than one of these dudes pulling in 70K a month.


They all will. Either bc they believe they should personally, for the sake of their brand, or both. Its the right thing to do.


Tim has a history of covering his own ass he's not in it for anyone else... Call it flight or fight. Call it survival mode, call it smart, or call it selfish... Either way, he's not a friend I would want in my corner.


Z is not going anywhere. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain from this. If he stands by his friend his views will just get higher from the respect of the people who stayed.


Are you high right now?


Yeah, Pine Parked out of my mind.


Respect of the people who stayed? As if there's anything respectable about someone who sent sexual messages to a known minor, while being married with a wife and kid.... There are some straight up fucking clown takes on this subreddit sometimes.


You can leave you know. I don’t really like you anyway. You’re kind of uninvited here.


Carry on, my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more!


To save face for himself & his brand. I truly wouldn’t be surprised if they still are talking on the DL. Additionally, how did Tim & Nick NOT know? They collectively have millions of followers and not ONE person told them?


Good. Stick to your word boyo, fuck I just respected timthetatman, what a world.


Will Doc's X account even survive this week? Some of his other sites are already being taken down, Champions club for one.


OJ Simpson had an x account until his death. Alex Jones has an x account. The ayatollah of Iran has an x account. Antonio Brown has an x account. P Diddy has an x account. Unless illegal activity is happening directly on the x platform, they are protected by free speech according to Elon Musk. I could even see x being the platform Doc streams on in the future if he ever returns.


I'm not saying it will be closed on him, im saying he might actually delete it himself. He's gone and shutdown websites that he owns, like Champion's club. It's common for celebrities to go and purge all their social media when they want to go dark.


Elon is all about free speech so yea it will stay unless Doc himself takes it offline.