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Z looks devastated, I really feel bad for him.


He got duped like a lot of folks in believing that Doc was prosecuted by Twitch for no reason and everyone cheered and supported him. Of course he is devastated along with everyone in streaming space. Doc was the brand which inspired so many creators and all of them now feels duped because now they will be seen in his shadow. Like association with Epstein is a curse, Doc became a curse for everyone who was ever associated with him. Now not only they have to morn the fall of their idol but also defend their honour. It’s a fucking horrible situation and only Doc is to blame for this shit.


Comparing Doc with Epstein is craaazy.




Doc predicted a bunch of losers with no real life experiences would be exaggerating. Lol.


Yeah, no reason to exaggerate Doc himself said he had inappropriate conversations with a minor. I don’t need hyperbole to stay the fuck away from a person like that.


Seriously, Epstein had an actual island where he committed his disgusting acts.


I would love to know if Doc told his wife what it was for, if he claimed it was for signing the deal with other platform etc etc, if so this is another issue for him now, if he did tell her, it would make me think that the msg's were on the tame side of rude, due to the fact she stayed with him....


Money talks. Rude or tame side of rude it’s fucked. It’s that simple. No grey area, it’s wrong.


This is true you can see examples with everyone from Hillary Clinton to Grimes. Money literally dictates everything and it’s the worst truth.


I mean he already banged other women and she stayed with him lol


He’s not going to fall. He’ll come back and it’ll be massive when he does. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the biggest stream viewer count on his first stream back. So many celebrities have done worse, got minors pregnant, sex with minors etc etc and all have come back with still being sponsored and still going on tours etc.


Fucking Jerry Seinfeld married and fucked his 17 year old wife when he was like 45 or some shit. People revere him as a comedy god. Its crazy. Nobody canceled him.


He only dated the 17 yr old he didn’t marry her. Just clarifying. Still weird tho.




Yeah that and another example the fact that paul walker at 33 years old was openly dating a 16 year old? Nothing happened to him, legal age of consent in California is 16, so I’m assuming that’s why he wasn’t jailed? I’m not saying any of this was right or is right but there are plenty of extemely high profile people doing significantly worse than Doc. I maintain we need transcripts to see the full scope of the situation


Pretty sure the age of consent in California is 18, not 16? Could be wrong tho


Well isn't Doc in California? Maybe the girl was in another state, or else the kid was *super* young.


Hey, Elvis is still beloved and celebrated... Just go ahead and read into what that dude did.


Look at Steven Tyler. He adopted a 14 year old groupie ffs!


More recently, Deshaun Watson had like 30 separate sexual misconduct cases and the NFL gave him 230m guaranteed contract.


He got a 230mill contract? Ok. Make that 31 cases and my name is now on the list for a cut of his money.


The dumbass Haslams gave him the contract. For many fans, that signing tempered their fandom. A lot of them are waiting/hoping for the Haslams to sell.


And Dre is also loved and he got a minor pregnant. What’s your point?


This we live in such a soft world. The man didn’t do anything crazy just cancel culture we live in.


What is cancel culture? Who got canceled? Doc is welcome to stream right now if he wants. Companies saying they don't wanna work with a guy who sexts with underage fans is their choice, just like people choosing whether or not to watch him from here on out.


Oh, being against pedophiles is "living in a soft world" now? Interesting how your mind works


Dude's not a pedophile


"There is no difference between Epstein and Doc." - this comment section


Well, thank god he didn't get the opportunity with that minor and 'only' had to legally settle with minor's family for the sexting. What is wrong with you ?.


Yes this is not an issue imo. People complaining just soft.


Y'all are the crazy ones. This whole comment chain just focused on how Doc can wiggle out of what he did and come back. Y'all comparing him to others rather than making up your own mind because you don't know what you think until someone tells you. Empty af. What's funny is Charlie called this. He said his defenders would blame 'cancel culture.' "35 yr old man can't even solicit minors for sex no more in online chat rooms! What's the world come to? Fucking cancel culture!"


You think wanting to have sex with minors is not crazy?


Lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers admitted to intentionally sleeping with a 14 year old in his biography. Dude is still making millions and touring the world.


Exactly, I don’t get why everyone is saying it’ll be his downfall. This will be his downfall IF he wants it to be his downfall. And let’s be honest, the 2x back to back video gaming champion 6’8 great, isn’t going to back down. He’ll be back, he’ll address what happened and move on. Just what everyone does when something like this happens. Lay-low and let it settle.


Because at the end nobody gives a shit and quickly forget. I don't 


You are absolutely delusional my dude. He's done.


Dre got a minor pregnant, he is still touring the world. There was a streamer who had sex with a minor, he is still getting sponsors for his streams. Please explain how I’m delusional.


Didn’t Karl Malone get a 12 year old pregnant when he was 20? Aside from a couple dirty looks, no one bats an eye about him.


He sure did! Jerry Seinfeld had sex with his wife when she was 17 years old. Dre also got a minor pregnant when was 23.


And doesn’t drake text with 15 year old celebrities like Millie Bobby brown? I mean the list can go on and on.


Yeah, you can definitely tell the age of all these people who are against doc and are leaving him. To not know any of this.


Unfortunately I think you have a misguided opinion on how this world works. People have done much worse and come back like nothing has ever happened. The sad reality is that Doc will come back to a huge audience. He will receive abuse constantly, initially, but over time the noise will dampen and strong moderation will see it disappear completely. He's only done if he decides he's done.


The world has a short term memory my man. Hell look at Chris Brown, he is all over my time line selling out concerts full of women and he is a known women beater.


Well he just got outed by a trans sex worker. Let’s see how well he recovers.


Nice, another person claiming something happened to them for a way to get some free money. Gosh I haven’t seen that before whenever a scandal comes out about a celebrity.


Cope. I guarantee there's going to be a ton of these stories. This is what happens when a celebrity or someone with power is exposed. Some random person coming out and saying something happened would be met with a wall of blind support for Doc, just like you're doing now. But now people will actually believe them. At least people that aren't desperate to defend a pedophile.






Why you block


Good lord. I have an aching suspicion when the texts with the minor are leaked it’s gonna reveal she was like 14 or 15. Or worse. Dr Disgrace


You don’t have an accurate read this time. He’s cooked. Guarantee it. Sad. Been a fan since the first PUBG streams.


Oh look, a man from the future! Please tell me how you were molested by your uncle 5 years from now!


Doesn’t take a clairvoyant to see the writing on the wall. Now we got ethots coming with receipts about his philandering. Trolling for underage ass on Twitch. Sponsors pulling out. Other streamers pulling out. This is not the same at all as when he came out cheating on his wife the first time.


It’s all business decisions, no brand and no streamer is going to benefit from siding with him, obviously. But give it time, they’ll be back. I can tell you that no one remembers that Jerry Seinfeld fucked his 17 year old wife at the time and got her pregnant. And how Dre got a minor pregnant. But look at them both now, no one talks about that shit anymore. Just like how no one brought up him cheating on his wife during streams after a few years, and it never crossed anyone’s mind. People live and move on after time. If a brand can make money from doc when he comes back, they’ll want to join in.


Epstein? Really?


Lmao you really compared Epstein, a guy that worked for the CIA, befriended some of the most wealthiest and powerful people of the world, and operated an island of underage girls - to a fucking streamer dressed in 80’s video game attire that at worst sexted an underage girl? Lmao yall clowning


My guy just found out santa wasn't real


seems like that was intended by him, to show how devastated he is


Z is talking like doc committed full rape and molested somebody like it was yesterday. Doc went to trail for the sending text messages and was found not guilty. Z is just trying to save face, by recording an "emotional" video. Of course Doc did something wrong, but obviously he is not in jail. So this is all pitchforks for something in the past.


If your brand or boss of a pro esports team told you to say something that doesn't involved you in the problems of other content creator you have to do it or you get fired, that's how it works you can clearly see that in the Optic CM comment about Z tweet.


Dude was in a civil case, it's not like he was ever investigated for a crime. The only judgement related to contracts being broke or not, and we don't have that information. Criminal judgement does not mean the same thing as civil judgement.


He wasn’t found not guilty. There was a settlement


You think that's bad? Imagine an entire subreddit devoted to defending a 40 year old man that sent sexual messages to a minor!


Which one are you talking about?


I can’t even begin to imagine how Z is feeling. He clearly really looked up to Doc and heck even turned down contracts with twitch in support of him during the ban fiasco. I remember twitch hosted a warzone tournament and Z dressed as doc as a big “fuck you” to twitch. Now that all this information has come alight and the actual reason for the ban, it’s fucked up man.


Yeah, this is a really shitty aspect after all that. Z siding with Doc and losing out on potential money here, and Doc just being okay with all that at the time. Really shitty thing to do to a friend.


Doc is a fucking coward knowing what he did and letting others defend him for years, he knew his ban was justified but acted like he was the victim while his actual victim is probably scared of the backlash if she exposed him, all the while he's still reaping the benefits from his sponsors and fans not knowing the scumbag he actually is.


this is one of the worst parts of it all that not enough people are talking about. this entire time, he KNEW what it was and still let people defend him knowing fully well that these same people would not support him if they knew the truth. even in his apology, he says "To my team, community, industry friends that have supported me, I apologize, I wish I could've said all this sooner... If any of this has made you uncomfortable, I get it. You don't have to support me anymore." like bro what?.. it's already too late. they were supporting a predator this entire time and you knew and still let them do it. he's so fucking gross and selfish.


This is it for me. Was I like “nah, no fucking way Doc would do that” when it first dropped? Yup. Just seemed surreal. What put the nail in the coffin for me was his response, more anger and cussing out people than any form of sincerity and regret, but absolutely doing so and admitting he did it, and ghosting. To just ghost without saying a thing? I’d get it and maybe however unlikely hold a sliver of hope there’s more to the story, but to respond in the fashion he did and drop his sponsors, affiliates and what I gather are friends outside their streaming arrangements to deal with the clean up? Coward. I honestly feel for Z, seems like a nice enough guy, but I’d honestly assume he’s also been holding out for a miracle hence his delayed reply, or maybe at least a call from Doc to explain himself but I gather he hasn’t and ghosted Z as well. That to me is both reaffirming his shame and guilt, he cares fuck all about “social media no lifers” but I can’t think of more of an admission of guilt than ghosting Z and Timmy as I gather they were all friends and while playing tough guy on X is one thing, you can’t pull that shit with people close to you as they’ll see right through it. He’s done, and shame on him for using and manipulating his “friends” along the way.


The fact that Doc said he would be back in his last message shows that he doesn't think he did anything wrong.


How did you come up with this conclusion? Not being a dick seriously asking. I could be wrong here, but I do find it highly unlikely that someone who is guilty of what you are claiming would then follow through with a law suite against a company that is backed by the most valuable company in the world (At the time). While knowing that everything would have to be disclosed during such a suite. There is a reason why he got paid and there is a reason why both Doc and Twitch have kept quiet about it. One of them being an NDA with the settlement and two he was more than likely wronged one way or another. Twitch felt it was more financial/business prudent to pay the remainder of his contract out. Which by the way he had signed not that long before. Clearly, Twitch felt that they would likely be hurt MORE by fighting him in court rather than just settling. I'm not defending what Doc did but you sure as shit aren't going to convince me that a company owned by a trillion dollar company is just going to hand over millions to a pedo to keep his mouth shut and move on. I could be wrong but that simply makes zero sense to me. Not during the height of the metoo movement and everything else that was going on at the time.


Yeah they would.... It's pretty fucking damning for the company if the story is that they obviously knew about this and did nothing until it was reported. It's a mutually assured destruction situation. Twitch (Amazon) was the medium for this whole situation. You think they want that shit front and center or do you think they'd maybe rather shell out what amounts to pennies to keep a lid on the whole thing? Amazon has a market cap of fucking 1.9 TRILLION. You know what the difference between a trillion and a billion is? A trillion. Now think about the difference between a billion and a million... It's essentially a billion. A few million to avoid a PR blame fest is an absolute no-brainer. They'd barely notice it on the balance sheet. It's a fucking rounding error for them.


>Yeah they would.... It's pretty fucking damning for the company if the story is that they obviously knew about this and did nothing until it was reported. That isn't true either and we don't know the official reasons to as why it wasn't reported initially. All we have are anominous sources, which by the way mean nothing in terms of official reasoning. What's more damning than this is IF in fact they did sit on it for three years and not only continue to hide it but then sign Doc to a new contract and then to single him out and ban him months later? All while eventually settling with him and not correcting an aborrent issue such as this one that continues to this day? I don't know how anyone could continue support that platform one iota. The worst thing they could do is if all of the above is true was take that path to begin with. At the very least taking action in 2020 would have been a prudent thing not a mutual destructive action like you claim. It would have at the very least shown that they were serious by outing one of the biggest streamers in the industry while taking corrective actions internally with their processes then and there. This looks worse. >They'd barely notice it on the balance sheet. It's a fucking rounding error for them. The long term implications compared to the short term at the time are now astronomical. There is no way any logical person would think that the blatant attempt to hide with the settlement was a better path than saying we fucked up early on as they were still somewhat a young company. Now not only not being new to the industry but owned by one of the biggest companies in the world and you continue to hide something like that today? Its WORSE!


Yep, fuck him. No way he comes back from this because no one will be willing to stream with him now. Made us all believe he was the victim.


Yup, realizing how many people he manipulated into going to bat for him really makes me hate the guy. Sure what he did was horrible enough but lying for all these years really seals the deal.


This is all twitch's fault if they would have just gave the reason for his ban publicly this would have never happened.


Yeah could you imagine how he feels knowing he turned down a twitch deal out of solidarity with Doc only to find out now that the dude was lying to him the whole time? Yikes. 


Man, it hurts to see Z like this! Still remember watching his first stream with Doc in Verdansk days.. RIP Drippin in Heat!


God damn those were the good days of COD warzone and was awesome seeing a great young talent like Z get his exposure


Went from Dripping in Heat, to Gripping in Heat. It's heart breaking to see this happen.


Z has said many times Doc was his idol and he looked up to him. Z was there for Doc after the ban when no one else could be. Z was the ultimate wingman. I feel for Z, he's a good dude who doesn't deserve any hate or backlash for Doc being a piece of shit.


So true. Those early streams with doc and Z were so damn good. Such a shame what happened. Made us all believe he got persecuted by twitch.


Hard to watch that one. Been watching Z since the first stream with doc. I move my YouTube membership from doc over to Z. Throwing it out there if any one wants to move their support from the champions club over to zfam.


It's probably where I'm going to go.


There is also Viss. Viss was always defending Doc whenever he got into controversy. Before Doc's statement, he was replying @12am about the contract termination questioning if it was because of rumors.


it's about time we rename doc, Dr DisrespectED 💀


Damn. He is hurt. Fucking Guy… hurt a lot of people here.


He's fucking devastated you can see it on his eyes and hear it on his voice. Fuck, poor guy. He said everything right though. 


Everyone please go watch Z when he’s live and show some support.


Heartbreaking. You can see the pain in his eyes. Id say he's been crying.


I’m not a fan of Z but you could tell he idolized Doc like a big brother who’s a superstar. Grief is a MFer. I’m sure he’s swinging between sadness and anger since this all came out. Doc died, and it was his own fault.


His eyes always look like that as he plays warzone for 15h a day


Yeah, I hope Guy sees this one.


Devastating for Z. Dude has to feel like he just lost a father figure 


Probably the most emotional reaction ive seen yet and rightly so. Sucks all around


I feel so bad for Z. He's a good dude and adored doc. I hope docs community migrates to him since he's actually good at games and doesn't bitch the whole time.


but he seems to play Warzone almost exclusively.


And? Docs biggest streams are always warzone


but Doc played other games. Z seems to want to play warzone everyday.


Gutted for the dude. You can tell how much that hurt him. I interpreted his silence as him simply just dreading having to make that video, Doc was really like a super hero to the guy in that space and obviously kick started his career. Sucks, all of it.


Damn, about as cut up as I expected him to be. Z is a real one, and he's always been there for Doc. Heartbreaking stuff. I hope Z finds a way to move past this as soon as possible, and see his own fan base grow as a result. He deserves it.


Man I hope the actual good people in the champions club slide over to support Z and Niko and destroy and anyone else who dropped everything to play and support doc. Those dudes bring the violence and seem like good dudes.


I can’t wait for the first Z stream when he gets his mind right and ready to go live again. I don’t watch too many streamers but Z is one I’ll definitely tune into to support going forward and hope he is able to stream in peace without trolls and stuff


Hopefully a lot of champions club folk who don't follow Z will switch over. Breaks my heart to see him like this. This has been rough for the entire community but Z has probably been the biggest ally and supporter Doc could've wished for.


Don’t he turn down twitch money to play with doc?


Think he did yeah


He did. Hurts to see how far this can affect these people around him. None deserve it. Honestly they deserve some positive attention. Their reactions (Tim,nic,Z) all looked like they were devastated. These guys know him on a personal level and are speaking to save their face while obviously choking back tears. Only the ones we love can hurt us like that.


Lot of people don’t understand Doc put Z on the map and gave him a huge following. Out of all people Z is definitely feeling hurt the most Losing a role model, friend and mentor is such a blow man. I feel bad for Z


Other than ya know…the docs wife and daughter of course.


This hurts so much. You were his hero Doc. Goddamn it.




very good statement.


Man he is hurt, they were tight probably feels like he got stabbed in the back


What a tough spot to be in.


Yup, we ALL feel the same. Sorry Z.


Z seems like such a good dude. Them glasses looking into my soul lawwwdy


All of this really really sucks


Man that was tough to see how torn up he clearly is. Doc basically built Z’s career after that first game in Verdansk, Z is doing great numbers now with multiple sponsorships. He’s fun to watch, I think he’s grown into an entertainer while also being insanely good at the game he plays.


I remember when Doc was new to YouTube and was trying duos with different streamers on Warzone. ZLaner was the one that Doc and the audience clicked with. Sucks man.


Zs energy is great to watch as well. I forgot what it’s like to watch someone who plays the game and doesn’t complain 24/7


Did Doc seriously think his admission wasn’t going to hurt and impact all his friends? The arrogance to think Z, Tim and Nick would all fall in line and say “No one can stop the 2 time yayayayaya” and then jump back on the sticks with him.


I mean if he didn’t think of his wife and kids when cheating and messaging a minor, what makes you think he’d consider how his actions affected people even further outside his life. He is a narcissist, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


The good thing is the relationship with doc made the guy, so bad as it ended, he’s very fortunate for having had it.


What are you saying really, that Zlaner was fortunate for having a relationship with a pervert that was sexting minors ?. The f.


I love Z


Z chose to not go to twitch just so he can play with doc and not back stab him. Man, devastating.




I know how this makes me feel and it makes it a hell of a lot worse seeing Timmy and Zs reactions


I feel for Z man. Dude was so happy to have Doc as a friend and someone he could be down to stream with. Just think of how many memories the viewers had over the years watching them together, and Z had those memories for real. Those were moments of his life and he always seemed so happy during them. To see him like this is a reminder of how many people Doc's selfishness has affected and just how severely, because Z seems like the kind of dude who can keep the mood pretty light even when things are going rough, and so to see him in this dark place because of Doc and having to address these uncomfortable allegations just because he got caught in Doc's orbit is just sad.


Damn Z I feel the same way.


You can hear and see here that Z is completely devastated by this. I hope he feels piece in time. I hope there's two sides to this story and Doc is able to share the full extent of this Saga which doesn't put him in such a bad light but without seeing the chat logs we wont be able to assess...Chin up Z....


Damn this got me, poor Z


Sucks for Z. Z wouldn't be so big without Doc, and he knows it. I'd say it's like finding out your high school football coach is banging your boys.


Lmao the comparison


Remembering his stream when he was playing in twitch tournament. and he cosplayed doc. Z is the most generous guy ever. Feel bad for him man.


Damn.. really feel bad for the dude. He was with Doc pretty much since the beginning of his youtube career. Fought against "purple snakes" with Doc, went and streamed at twitch dressed as Doc on some tournaments. I dont really care tim, nick etc but this Zlaner guy.. really fucking sucks for him. I know it doesnt mean a shit to zlaner probably but Doc owes him a big fucking apology.


This was obvious from the beginning. Idk why people are acting surprised. Like ofc Doc lied. Cmon ppl 😂


Subbed to Z now.


People seem to think he’s coming back huh lol alright.


Damn, this sucks on so many levels.


I really hope Doc reaches out to him personally, Z deserves that. They had a great bond and even though Z got a lot of exposure through him, Z carried Doc not only through his Warzone gameplay in individual matches but also by partaking in Dripping in Heat in general. If not for that, I wouldn‘t have watched Doc at all, I think.


Feel bad for Z. Doc was a big idol for him, they played many streams together and Z always comes across like a humble dude.


Him(DR) leaving that tweet and then just going dead silent is a god awful move. At least talk to your boys. Tell them wth happened to clarify things. You at the very least owe them that. If it wasn’t nearly as bad as he’s said. Why the hell isn’t he telling his friends?! He Only left more questions. Tim looks hurt, Z. Can’t forget to mention his actual family (who definitely has way more info than us). Now, Instead of you controlling the narrative (with ONLY the truth) the internet will. And all the speculations and lies will become “truth” to people, and The actual truth will become the lie when the irreversible damage is done…I mean that’s already happening, but fhs he’s only looking worse and worse by the day if he lets everyone else tell the story. Absolutely no excuse doing what he did. But: -Did he know from the beginning and keep doing it? -Or did he find out late and shut it down asap (but by that time the damage already was done)? We don’t know unfortunately. We just have that terrible tweet he left that has even his friends questioning him. He needed to clarify but absolutely didn’t and did more damage than anyone IF he’s innocent.


That’s a tough watch, feel for Z.


Kids with no real life experience. Not really surprised to see a lot of folks feeling duped. For those who did watch Dr doc, I bet its painful to watch everything unfold.


That's legit pain in those eyes.


I really want to see those texts now. I wonder how bad it was and if Doc actually knew they were underage in the moment.


No reason why they can't keep this stuff between Doc and themselves


I feel for Timmy and Doc's other stream buddies, but I really feel for Z. Dude was Doc's first friend post-Twitch ban and stood behind Doc 100% of the time despite being in the dark for years. That's a gut punch.


I feel for him. Doc helped Z blow up and they had rhe best chemistry. Heartbroken for Z.


Did he know she was a minor?


I’ve never really cared for Z, but I can’t help but feel for him


Why include the first part? Just say you feel bad for the guy and leave it at that.


Its easy to feel for someone you like, it can be harder for someone you don't. I don't think he meant anything negative by it, in fact probably the opposite. His words were meant to imply how much he thinks the situation sucks, so much so that it overcame inherent callousness that we all have for people we don't like.


Because he's a rampant cheater who built his career on that and because of that...through exposure in playing with Doc.


Ty for throwing that first part in.


Z is so cringe why he make it so dramatic in the dark parked in his car acting like he’s about to break out into tears 😂


We will never get a music collab


Poor Z. Looks sad asf. Love the dude, but probably won't watch him as playing with the doc was the main draw there. Just a shit situation all around.




Sorry I'm super OOTL with a lot of stuff. Who is Z and what's his relationship that Doc?


Watch this.




If Doc was a true friend, he would've told Z what has happened in the past and there was always a possibility it could come out. That would at least have allowed Z to make a decision to pull away slowly but surely. But to not say anything is so shitty.


Milton clone


Why does everyone look like they’re doing a hostage video? Haven’t they all called the mother fucker up?


Oh buddy. Love all these dudes dropping this dirtbag. Gotta love it.


This is almost exactly like Chris D’elia’s scandal. He took time off and came back no problem. Slightly rebranded but he’s still selling out shows, selling ads, and selling merch.


Who’s coming with me over to Z’s channel to subscribe? Let’s support the guy. He deserves it.


I need a lorekeeper to explain to me what Doc did wrong, I thought I knew but the way everyone is acting is making it seem like he groomed a 11yr old. Is it still him messaging someone under 18 on the Whispers app?


I’m not outraged as everyone else tbh. If you take the average age of consent in the world and average it, it’s going to be under 18. So if he texted someone who was 17, and basically a woman.. idk it’s weird and creepy sure but I wouldn’t lump him in with pedophiles who are attracted to little kids.. At the same time ask yourself if this was your underaged daughter and a 40 something year old was sexting her would you be okay with it? Of course not


Please keep in fucking mind that we don’t know the age. There is no allusion to it from any source except for that email which has ZERO PROOF of being real. Just an anonymous source from an anonymous email which makes no sense compared to the story stated by Doc and the Twitch employees. It states that it occurred “many many weeks before the ban” when it was actually three whole years. So you have no reason to think she was 17 anymore than any other age. This should really be clarified by someone. As far as I’m concerned, 17 and 35 is disgusting no matter what. Really think about that and how they would look standing next to each other before you say ‘she’s basically a woman’. Seriously. Have you seen 17 year olds? They look like high schoolers when they’re not in posed selfies/wearing tons of makeup.


Yeah you’re right


Just sort of seems like everyone is excited to hate something trendy right now. There isn’t even any evidence of “sexting” yet.


Idk how I got into this drama as a terrible casual cod player and only seeing clips of doc on YouTube, but did anyone else notice tim, Nick, and Z all used the same verbiage? Like they didn’t condemn Doc, but instead said that they can’t stand by the action. Idk all 3 videos seemed strange. Gotta be a tough look when one of the boys gets hemmed up for something like this


Almost as if they are full of crap?


Funny how a cheater can be devastated about another cheater….


How do people buy this stuff... It's like he's talking about someone dying. Lmao. I want more, this is hilarious.


Imagine your best friend was exposed as someone creeping on minors. You can’t really associate with your old friend anymore and they kinda are dead to you.


Was he just exposed, or did Z know? Do you know? I don't.


I’m pretty sure Z spoke with Doc before doing this video. I think is being pressured by his sponsors! At the end they will always stay together and be great friends!