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Positive news without a proved source = must be fake Negative news without a proved source = lets keep the hate train going


That seems to be everyone's mentality šŸ˜­


Champions together in the arena so had to post it šŸ¤£ went up to get food. All out of carne asada


Exactly lol, bunch of zombies


Negative news with a proved source???? DOC ADMITTED IT HIMSELF!!!!!


Doc never admitted what all the zombies are exaggerating. He said sometimes leaning towards inappropriate, that's a shit load of difference to instantly being a pedo lmao


Which I also agree also. Only time will tell maybe he does get his name cleared to go or maybe he doesn't. He's in the Lords hands with this one


Then he should release the dms.


Why canā€™t you see this man is in crisis control mode and covering his ass? Any idiot can gather from his statement that he was being intentionally vague even still after being caught. ā€œSometimes leaning inappropriatelyā€ is a proverbial fire escape because he knows that the details incriminate him.


He also said that Twitch are purple snakes when in fact he was banned for as you said communicating with a minor where conversations were "sometimes leaning towards inappropriate." This is in and of itself proof at the very least that Doc was dishonest about who is to blame and who is at fault. He was and is. Twitch did their best to protect the identity of the victim while preventing further abuse of their platform.


You got it boss šŸ¤£


Huh? The original tweet was from a former twitch employee that was in a position to know this info and two other twitch employees confirmed it shortly after. This letter is from an anonymous email (a proton burner account) with nobody backing it up. It was definitely made up by some doc fan. Absolutely hilarious you think these are the same.


I mean this is coming from Proton mail, which is essentially anonymous (if you want it to be) and is encrypted. It's also free and it's servers are outside of US jurisdiction. You could literally create an account right now, put some BS email together, send it to some Twitter user and call it a leak. If it's reasonably well written in corporate-speak, you would likely have quite a few people believe it is true. If this source was legit, they could have contacted someone like Jason Schrier or another well known gaming journalist. They could have proved who they were to the journalist under the condition they would remain an anonymous source and shared the info they had. This is extremely standard stuff for the media, why wouldn't this person just do that? Not to mention, the email doesn't even line up with what Doc said in his own tweet. At least Bloomberg has a lot to lose reputation-wise if their anonymous sources turned out to be phony. I mean Doc referenced them in his tweet so they clearly are not, but I'm trying to make a point.




Lol @ you >The verdict against Rolling Stone is the second major punishment against a news media company this year. Gawker Media was ordered to pay $140 million in an invasion of privacy case filed by Terry G. Bollea, the former professional wrestler known as Hulk Hogan. Gawker and Mr. Bollea settled their case this week for $31 million, but not before Gawker was forced into bankruptcy and sold. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/05/business/media/rolling-stone-rape-story-case-guilty.html >WILMINGTON, Del. ā€” Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems reached a $787.5 million settlement agreement Tuesday afternoon, the parties announced, narrowly heading off a trial shortly after the jury was sworn in. https://www.nbcnews.com/media/fox-news-settles-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-rcna80285 https://elawtalk.com/high-profile-defamation-lawsuits/


No brakes on this hate train.


Its bs they never revealed the age of the victim.


Alright thanks for the clarification man.


Except for the fact that the doc stated in his OWN statement that he wrote AFTER this letter above leaked that he knows she was underage.


The only thing known is the victim was underaged at the time. The exact AGE and SEX has not been reveled. And the Doc also didn't refer to his victim as a HE or SHE.


Okay yes I did know that atleast haha


Does anything other than the word underage matter? He was 34 with a wife and kid....


Sorry man I was just acknowledging what I have learned from all this so far. No matter what I'm not saying that underage would be appropriate in the first place in any terms for anything.


No need to apologize my reaction was to @[dalesCRASHEDmustang](https://www.reddit.com/user/dalesCRASHEDmustang/)'s comment not to you.


Gotcha brotatochip


Ahhhhh wait wait so statement from Doc was after this?


This was the letter that all started it. So yeah.


Dayum now I have to keep track of the timeline haha had no idea.


The email says he was kicked out from midnight society, but Doc said in his tweet that it was a joint decision from him and the board to step down. Smells like a bullshit email.


Seems to be the general consensus for sure!


Fuck me. You still.clinging to this?


Have no idea just found it. Read it. Posted it šŸ¤£


Then you are so far out of the loop it's incredible.


It's my timeline that's really jacked. I don't do good putting things in order lol


by now if this was real, others would have come out "unknown" to confirm this email, why is it only this one? It's literally been rumoured for years in the industry what he did, heck even people who worked at mixer and now at twitch (on discord) have said they heard the same thing about Drdisrespect talking to a minor and doing inappropriate stuff. [https://x.com/Fwiz/status/1806453997357891906](https://x.com/Fwiz/status/1806453997357891906) "It was a rumor circulating in the industry, and no evidence was provided at all. So we passed on doing a deal. We never promoted him, either, which pissed him off. You can't demonetize/deplatform without evidence. Now they can act." DrDisrespect has now been demonetize.


Gotcha. Yeah I was curious why it was making the rounds really fast and I would think if it would be something credible then a lawyer or someone would let Doc know to make another statement right away but I think with this whole situation just needs time to get the whole truth .


Not that nonsense again that has been literally posted at least a dozen times now. The mail states the whispers were "many, many, many **weeks**" before the ban. They were three **years** before the ban. Someone with real knowledge would have known and written that instead if this vague nonsense. It shows that this email was fabricated before it became publicly known that the incident was in 2017 already.




That's the part that got my attention really fast! Only thing is though. Is source credible or not....




Me too man. Me too!


You are going to be hugely disappointed, there will be MORE stuff coming soon, which won't be good for Dr.


Of course this is true!! This whole thing is a big witch hunt!!


Yeah I really think just need time to tell.


Only Doc can verify any of this at this point. Heā€™s on vacation and probably threw away any contact with social media. People say itā€™s fake, havenā€™t heard why. At this point though itā€™s up to him to defend himself with specifics rather than vagueness. If he canā€™t then itā€™s not unreasonable to assume the worse.


Great answer broski!!! Your right on the money šŸ’°


Old news. Damn we really just steady posting the same stuff over and over. Mod went on vacation


I had no idea man I'm a bit out of the loop my bad!


Itā€™s not really your fault brother this sub is an absolute mess. Mod is MIA


I guess they decided to bounce or something lol