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Honestly I may be in the minority but I never cared for any of the friends he would play with, except Shroud back in the day. I’ll get downvoted I’m sure but I never understood why Timmy was popular. Him and Doc were okay together though. ZLaner is a proven cheater and I don’t like him for it. Nick was alright but they didn’t play together much from what I seen anyways. Viss was ok. JDCourage was ok. Shroud was probably the best one he played with imo, but his regulars in Tim and Z. Eh.


I'm with you, when a streamer brings their buddies on it kind of takes away from the show. That goes for any streamer honestly. For me anyways


True he is not so focused on chat while talking to buddies


Z is a proven cheater? Where? Can you show us.


I’ve seen probably 20 different videos on it. lol. Check out the subreddit StreamersCheating or just go to YouTube. There’s in-depth stuff on it and very blatant stuff. I just saw one recently that was blatant cheating.


Show us. Proof it. Since you accuse Z of cheating. 


I just said. Go look, Jesus. I don’t collect these videos on my phone. lol. I’m not a detective. The stuff I’ve seen is insanely obvious. You Z fans are as bad as the doc ones. “Dude idc what ‘proof’ there is Doc is still the man!”


You're crying over being asked for proof when you're accusing someone of cheating? What in the absolute damn is happening? Burden of proof is \*\*ALWAYS\*\* on the accuser. "Hello FBI? Yes it's me. I would like to report a crime. What do you mean what crime? Look it up jeeeeez. Bye!" N2thedarkness slips pills in womens drinks. It's on r/thathappened somewhere if you want proof. I didnt save it on my phone


I dont know what to say anymore. I cant comprehend this level of stupidity and hostility. 


That sounds very scientific and accurate lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/StreamersCheating/s/PYveCsAfRa the first clip that showed up for me when I look on Reddit. This isn’t even close to the worst one I’ve seen of Z. lol. He sees the player tag and thinks dude is on steps but he’s actually behind them.


He probably won't be able to play any multiplayer game that has chat, voice chat, nicknames or whispers. There will be stream snipers galore


If he got convicted of being a sex offender, sure. Off of what we can confirm though, that’s lawsuit territory if he gets blocked.


Without his friends carrying him.. he will be exposed for the truly awful gamer he is.


He could always game with viewers


Yeah. There's loads of money for him playing with kids. Wait. Isn't that how we got here?




He can play with the trans that he was messaging.




Viewers that will immediately be thrashed for supporting a groomer




No shot. He's pretty much become a lolcow at this point. If he streamed with viewers he would most definitely get clowned on


what a groundbreaking point that hasn't been made already


He isn't coming back. Ever.