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Get me off of this planet


Thats what I am saying..,




That’s the average ex or current Twitch employee in a nutshell.


Edit for everyone down voting. Deer was a part of the Council, which means not even a Twitch employee at any point but still had access to years of his DMs...... >Members of the Twitch Safety Advisory Council are not Twitch employees but serve as advisors with tools to help combat hate on the platform.


Hate against Deers?


Why wasn't she outside in a field with the rest of the deer? Bet you any money she never ate a single piece of grass in her life




Lots of people should


Or at least keep their kinks to themselves.


Because she’s outstanding in her field.


Worlds gone insane


Yeah, for example, a 40 year old man was sending sexual messages to a minor


If you were sending it to a deer would you get in trouble for bestiality


They like pedos more than trans folk here, huh?


Is a woman pretending to be a deer classed as trans-folk?


Apparently. The "identifies as a deer" thing is insane or trolling but whatever, at least it doesn't affect anyone else. Certainly not even comparable to a 40-year-old man sending sexual messages to a minor.


Thats what I am saying, we are so fuked....


"How you are a deer but not me?"


Why you deer but no me


I just lost it 😂




God damn this made me lol


That’s your average San Francisco coworker


Mental illness.


You're reading PROGRESSIVE PROGRESS!!!!!




Lmao, this just gets more interesting 


Mental illnesses


Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


Lol first time on reddit?


Oh dear..


This story keeps getting weirder and weirder , both a trans female seems to be a leaker(who identifies as a deer), while another trans female came out and accused Doc of cheating her, getting free cam shows without paying or following through on their agreement. This is playing out like some badly wrote fan fiction.


Playing out like a fever dream i’m still hoping to wake from any morning now


They refer to her as an "internal leaker" and then elsewhere mention she just reported the stuff she found to higher-ups. Either way, it's odd to refer to her as a "leaker" when they don't accuse her of leaking anything publicly. They aren't accusing her of leaking to rolling stone or anything. Just odd phrasing.


Might have leaked it to outside sources such as Slasher, who then reported it to Rolling Stone.


They specifically say "internal leaker" and I'm not sure what that means. I know slasher works for rolling stone now. Was slasher working for twitch at the time? Is that what you mean? I feel like they're either saying she spoke about it to coworkers or just using inflammatory phrasing to say she reported it to higher-ups, but I dunno. This site reminds me of those National Enquirer magazines I'd see in grocery store checkout lines as a kid


I don’t know what you’re not understanding here. La creatura was contracted to work for Twitch. It went through Doc’s messages, as per its stated intention of getting rid of people they don’t like, then reported these to higher-ups at Twitch then probably along to Slasher. You’re grasping at straws here.


The website is probably part of that, I'm not aware of the site, first I ever looked at something there, but I doubt their journalistic standards are at a high level. The page looks like something I did as a introduction to web programming 15 years ago.


When I try to scroll to articles written before the June 19th, the next page just repeats and showed the same stuff lol. I dunno. I mentioned in another comment that it looks like those National Enquirer magazines I'd see in grocery store checkout aisles as a kid. There are big "don't trust the mainstream media" advertisements plastered all over if you disable adblocker lol.


>This is playing out like some badly wrote fan fiction. Ironic or...


Remindme! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-06-29 22:00:11 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-06-29%2022:00:11%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/comments/1drjz7d/deer_lady_appears_to_be_the_leaker/law74gx/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FDrDisrespectLive%2Fcomments%2F1drjz7d%2Fdeer_lady_appears_to_be_the_leaker%2Flaw74gx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-06-29%2022%3A00%3A11%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201drjz7d) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


“Badly wrote” Ironic




That's a fuckin groaner bud, take my upvote


Angry upvote


This content invites users to harrass one or many individuals or reveals personal information. Your content directly violated Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


If twitch hired a deer why won't they hire my dog?


Good question, should send in a job appeal!


Dog is overqualified


Why you hire deer but nah me?!




I am for free expression, but this person identifies as a deer. I think she might have bias against humans




You’ve opened up the perfect joke opportunity but I’d get thrown out of the comedy club.


Might be controversial to say but if one identifies as a deer, isn’t that a pretty good foundation to say they are mentally ill?


Probably, but I would also say the same thing about someone who sends inappropriate messages to minors


so basically an animal leaked this ahaha i cant take this shit anymore


It is crucial to note that no official victim has come forward to report Dr DisRespect for inappropriate behavior. The allegations against him were internally leaked by the Twitch Trust & Safety team, raising significant concerns about privacy and the ethics of such actions. FFS....


This could be why twitch settled. 


Seems like twitch settled because the act of them actively looking for dirt on Doc was worse than the dirt they found... Which points to the dm logs not being as bad as the twisted imaginations of Redditors want them to be.


Lets be real here, and I'll probably be downvoted to oblivion. Texting minors with sexually inappropriate conversations, regardless of intent is wrong. But it is a huge leap from actively having sexual relations with a minor. One is a social faux pas, the other is criminal. There are people here going on like he Sexually Assaulted their child.


Yes, and they are doing it because they are bad faith actors who have never liked Doc or his community. Not hard to see what's going on. This sub for the past few days has seen a huge inundation of first-time posters who are just here for their victory lap.


I agree, funny thing is, I wasn't even a Doc fan, I came here for the drama, but its crazy to see the Cancel Culture Bandwagon hoppers here seeking their social justice boners.


This community has gone from #11 to #2 under streamer subreddits. It has quite literally been overtaken by unhinged LSF members who never liked Doc and actively hated him based on his views and association with people like Nick.


Was the term " sexual" even used at all in this case? I thought it was inappropriate? How we leveled up to sexual is beyond me.


I am unaware if it was, now that you mention it.


Everyone but doc claims it was sexual in nature.


You don’t sort of feel like that’s splitting hairs? Like, if you knew someone who liked to share sexual texts with underage girls but swore he would never act on anything, would you be okay with that person being around kids? It’s just a social faux pas, after all. Or would you think they’re a fucking creep and keep your kids far far away? Like, wtf? No. He didn’t have sex with children (that we know of), but he sure as fuck wanted sexual conversations with children. If you can’t see why that makes him a creepy fucking predator then I sure hope you don’t interact with children.


>You don’t sort of feel like that’s splitting hairs? No >Like, if you knew someone who liked to share sexual texts with underage girls but swore he would never act on anything, would you be okay with that person being around kids? I wouldn't be ok with having them around my kids. >Like, wtf? No. He didn’t have sex with children (that we know of), but he sure as fuck wanted sexual conversations with children. Just because he may be a creep, being a creep is just creepy, not criminal in itself. Takes much more than that. >If you can’t see why that makes him a creepy fucking predator then I sure hope you don’t interact with children. Ahh there it is, the oblivion I was talking about, the good ole 'if you present a dissention option than mine, you must also be like the person being talked about' I'm glad people like you don't have any real power in the world, because if you did, there would be no such thing as defense lawyers.


Bro you literally said intent doesn’t matter. Like, that’s your fucking quote. Lmao. Where I live, intent is PLENTY to get you convicted. For several reasons (not like we’re ever gonna get all the details) this has remained a civil matter, but saying intent doesn’t matter is actually insane to me. Lol at your last bit. I never said I thought you had any intent with these children (not that intent matters to you ofc) Just that I don’t trust someone with your logic to be looking out for the best interest of children around you. What really is your “dissenting” opinion, by the way? The we should be chill to creeps until the actually fuck kids? Foh with that shit guy.


Splitting hairs of what? If 18 is the standard for defining an adult, then indictment and judgment is the standard for a crime worthy of calling someone a pedophile. Moving the goalpost to support your feelings towards someone you already have a bias against is morally bankrupt behavior. It's evident you're just clowning on Reddit because you're making unverifiable claims like >but he sure as fuck wanted sexual conversations with children. Which you have to know is an inflammatory lie. Close the app, little brother.


This makes me way more suspicious of the situation


If this article is true, this would add more weight to the unverified email that was circulating.


I wish my deer would get a job


lol well there goes any credibility to anything graphic and extremely inappropriate






Beahm’s response to the allegations was an admission to inappropriately messaging a minor. Considering that’s him spinning the incident in the best possible light, what more would you need to see from these messages?




That COULD literally mean like one inappropriate joke. Or it could be much more. We still have no idea.


I’m on the cope train too but let’s be honest if they weren’t sexual in nature he would of said so! But I agree this whole thing is weird as fuck. A lot of stuff doesn’t add up


There is no way it was just language. there is a side to this where both sides are in the wrong. I would not be surprised if twitch tried to cover it up. But then somone who wasn't supposed to got access to logs they weren't supposed too. It's the only way it makes sense for twitch to pay out his whole contract. And it also makes sense why there was no criminal actions because the evidence was obtained illegally.


I smell a setup by these freaks.


Doesn’t mean he was sexting. Maybe he was just using bad words like this: GO F U C K yourself u f u c k i n g trash. Something like that




Yeah they really need to release these whispers


Hmmm interesting. This actually makes it sound like he was set up. 🍿


This is going to be wild if this turns out to be another Johnny Depp redeption arc in the next 3-4 years. Remember when he was canceled? Before people freak out, this is in no way me defending Doc.


Humanity is doomed.


“The transgender, FerociouslySteph, went through years of Dr DisRespect’s messages to find evidence against him. This extensive review process supposedly took three years, leading to the delayed ban in 2020. A leaked email described this process as a “witch hunt,” suggesting that the investigation was driven more by a desire to find incriminating evidence than by specific allegations of wrongdoing​.”


The email also states the texts were from 2020 when Doc said that they were in 2017, making it either two seperate incidents of DM'ing a child or that it was the same person which makes her a 13 year old in 2017 potentially..... So if you wanna believe the email which has been proven to be bullshit, then go ahead, but don't cherry pick the info in the email. If you're gonna believe the email you need to believe 2 seperate minor incidents occured, to which they weren't even discussing the 2017 incident in the email.


The comeback will be meteoric.


This whole thing is extremely suspect


Someone is getting sued into oblivion.


His potential lost income is arguably 1000s of times more than any wealth trans female leaker has. Even winning a lawsuit won't replace what was lost.


That wasnt the point for depp either it was to clear his name


He would be able to garnish her wages for the rest of their life/ until paid off in full. Basically, they would always be indebted to doc.


True, but garnishments can only take so much, you can't put someone destitute. That Bowser guy who was sued by nintendo is going through this now, he's going to be garnished for the rest of his life, but they only get something like 15% after taxes because of his income. At the rate Bowser is paying out, he'll be dead before the debt is paid in full.


Money isn’t the point.


For 99.9% of everything that happens in the world today with humans attached to it, Money is connected to it.


please be true


Seems Doc was on the wrong political side talking to minors… sorta ”when we do it, it’s ok, cause it’s minor attraction”. The hipocrisy.


What's hilarious is that when Bloomberg and Rolling Stone were the sources half the comments were 'BLOOMBERG!>?!?!?! YOU ACTUALLY BELIVE FUCKING BLOOMBER!!!!' But when it's an opinion piece from 'PopTopic' (something nobody has ever heard of before) that didn't use a single insider source then its suddenly a valid source? Just a very hilarious observation. If anyone actually read the article it's very clearly just taking the most crazy person in Twitch and pointing the finger on them based off of no sources/insider info.


This reeks of evil intentions. To destroy a man’s life.


Is Doc going to come back Monday and this is going to be some fucking weird ass troll everyone did on us? A deer? What is happeneing? If Cody (the twitch dude who broke the news) Came out as Doc and everyone was also Doc and this was troll I'll just go "figures" because nothing is real in life anyomre


I identify as a 17 yo girl. But yesterday you told me you were a 33 yo man? We were joking about how low our marble bags hang now. Disgusting. I’m reporting you to the police


Someone start a petition so we can just read the damn texts for ourselves already


So, was that email legit, then? The one that said twitch was out for doc?


People will crap on this article but it has just as much as evidence as Slashers article.


I remember this person! Reminds me of this [legendary donation](https://youtu.be/YgP7I90UiwE?si=nwdJWyzjmFttJBUL) in Summit's stream when he was covering this.




Was doc trying to fuck the deer


This deer bitch drives me insane. The fact that this was all sorted and settled and he went on a witch hunt drives me crazy. Mostly because there are other people doing this and worse but they just don’t care enough to do anything about it. [unconfirmed update](https://x.com/_eightthoughts/status/1807144441435873403?s=46&t=Kb5FPVtkEMqQCFdfwXtcQw)




I'm kinda understanding everything but the deer part...


Release the messages.


If this is true this shit is peak comedy


A deer? How the hell did it read messages? Those idiots normally run away at the slightest sound.


Reddit told me it was illegal to view whispers without a report and consent 


Yeah this is why I forgive people for being skeptical of the severity. Doc is horned up moron...but there's legit insane people policing words at that company.


Article says >> It is crucial to note that no official victim has come forward to report Dr DisRespect for inappropriate behavior. The allegations against him were internally leaked by the Twitch Trust & Safety team, raising significant concerns about privacy and the ethics of such actions. If they were looking for dirt like this without actual real person actively reporting him in person...we all know how easy is to catfish on internet with fake identities, story to bait out people (honeytrapped etc) etc etc. This keeps stinking weird weird and weird investigation.


I'm sure a bunch of unhinged people wont attack her /s


The more that comes out about this whole thing the more I lean towards this whole thing not being what everyone think/says it is.


Hmm, that’s interesting. This aligns with something I saw Destiny talking about when theorizing what could’ve happened since a lot of details seem to be missing. Basically he said that it would make sense if Doc continued texting who he thought was an underage girl/boy, but was in fact a grown person trying to bait him. That would explain why there’s no victim to be found/coming forward, the ban, the settlement, the NDA or unwillingness from both parties (Twitch & Doc) to come forward about anything, the lack of a criminal case, and maybe even why it took 3 years for the ban to occur. Hell, even for the reporters it would make sense why they didn’t feel the urge to come out with the story even when they knew an adult tried engaging with a minor. If and only if these details are true, which I don’t even know at this point since the website doesn’t do itself ANY favors, the story just gets more insane as the days go by. Either way everyone involved just looks worse by the minute, goddamn.


So if anybody fucks her is a bestiality?


Okay… she exposed weve looked up too a guy that isn’t what he is . Good for her


It's been a few years and people have clearly forgot that ferociouslysteph never worked for twitch and didn't have access to anything. That twitch advisory council was nothing more than people making suggestions. It's why the statements made by ferociouslysteph about having power etc were pointless. Link in the OP is some tinfoil level click bait trying to somehow circle back around to trans issues for some reason. [https://www.thegamer.com/twitch-ceo-emmett-shear-statement-council-ferociouslysteph/](https://www.thegamer.com/twitch-ceo-emmett-shear-statement-council-ferociouslysteph/) As Emmett explains, the council is not a moderation task force. They will not be involved in any specific cases of streamer moderation or have access to details about cases. He states clearly and directly that the council members "are not Twitch employees, and they do not speak on Twitch's behalf. While we value their opinions and their right to share them, they are independent actors who will have opinions that aren't shared by either Twitch, Twitch employees, or even by other members of the council."


Given the time between it happening and the ban this is pretty much what I thought happened. Someone went looking. Couldn’t have called it was a walking talking deer that was behind it mind.


Call me a bigot or whatever buzz word you like....I'm going to have trouble finding credibility in someone that identifies as a deer.


Why was this post removed?


I'm going to take this whole thing with a grain of salt until all the details are out. Right now it's all too shady for my liking. Obviously if he did this in full knowledge of the age of the person in question then yea, that's reprehensible and gross. That being said, it's not illegal. You can't prosecute someone for just saying things. There's a reason the law has to catch predators in the act. As an uncle I would DEFINITELY want to have words to someone doing that with my niece but I'm well aware that if he didn't show up on one of their doorsteps then the law has very little ability to do anything about it.


That article seems pretty flawed. Is it saying this person was appointed in 2020, then Doc was banned, but then also says it took 3 years , so that dates don't add up. I would also be worried that twitch is giving access to private messages to no twitch employees. Imagine some random was just giving access to all your WhatsApp messages just because they really like WhatsApp.


I think they meant the the review went three years back. Meaning she was reading every email up to three years back.


What is that dog shit website lmao gotta run the anti virus now


You didn't enjoy the massive "DONT TRUST MAINSTREAM MEDIA" adds?


There is absolutely zero chance a non-employee had access to another user's private DM's. Zero. This is complete and utter fabricated ragebait.


Jfc. You all are going to make the Olympics for mental gymnastics in here. This has become the Copium den.


What the fuck?


Dude WHAT. First messing with underage, now trans who identifies as a deer. What’s next? A Deer that identifies as human? No wonder why he took a vacation, knowing all this could come out would make me want to run away too.


What the actual fuck...


That's enough internet for the day


Damn doc was exposed by a deer


*Turns on high beams*


She seems stable


Yet again, in line with that email. Almost as if someone who knows exactly what happened but bound by NDA is leaving a trail of breadcrumbs to the truth.


Lol if you know Native American folklore, this is actually really ironic.


Deer Guy A Lifetime Original Movie


Woke mob


Of course


Does it eat grass and carry Lyme disease?


Guys getting his reputation ruined by a freak


This reminded me it’s almost hunting season


Paymoneywubby went off about her and it was glorious.




She’s weird sure but like… why are we attacking her? She’s not hurting anyone and certainly isn’t sending sexual messages to minors… right? Oh no she’s saying she’s a deer. Someone hide the children, they’ll be hurt by… silliness


If you read their Tweets, they are so mentally insane it's alarming


Y'all were shitting on the rolling Stones article but trust this goofy tabloid?


Doesn’t sound like a witch hunt at all


“Reports claim that FerociouslySteph went through years of Dr DisRespect’s messages to find evidence against him. This extensive review process supposedly took three years, leading to the delayed ban in 2020.” I honestly can’t believe people believe this horseshit. Right. It took three years of combing through shit to lead to doc being suspended just three days after mixer went down and ninja and shroud were available to be paid by twitch. What an amazing fucking coincidence. Twitch is going overtime with the spin. Twitch knew in 2017. Don’t let them tell you any different.


Can't believe anyone is giving this website any legitimacy, come on guys... It's been well known that the Twitch Safety *Advisory* Council had 0 power. As the title implies, they advise Twitch on changes to platform. That's all. CohhCarnage was on it and he has a rant where he says they never listened to them and that it was ultimately a waste of time, they just existed for Twitch to look like they were doing something. All to say, the infamous deer lady was just another streamer. She didn't have accesa to DMs, no one on that Council did. This website is trash.


Lol this article is just plain ragebait. Firstly the Safety Advisory Council was total bullshit from the outset. They didn't actually do anything, it was a PR stunt.   Secondly, weren't there like dozens of others on the council too? Why single out this person? Well its obvious, its ragebait. They have literally not *one* single thing to implicate steph on this other than that they were appointed to the council around the same time (as were many others).   Dogshit article. Its also so ironic that this article links to another titled "Why You Shouldn't Trust Mainstream Game Journalism Anymore" when they're posting what amounts to middle school lunch room gossip.


No shot you just linked a poptopic article lmao 💀


It'd be poetic if true, but this tabloid trash and will never know the full details. All we ever mostly likely know is Doc is a pedo and a trans chaser. Also Twitch is trash for covering it up instead of going through the proper channels to terminate his contract. They could have wiped their hands clean and never heard about it again. Instead they now have the reputation of protecting pedos in a misguided attempt to save face for their platform.