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Heyyy.. sorry but I feel I should remove this post now and lock the comments. While even I agree with some of your thoughts, surely you can understand that quite a few sub members here play and even love the game. It is what it is, but I’m headed to bed and I can see how more comments here could escalate into something less than civil. Thanks for understanding and I truly hope you enjoy the time you don’t spend restarting Dragon City 💕


I accidentally paid 99 cents to stop a fuck up I made and now the entire game changed because apparently when you spend any money it totally changes everything. Not fun anymore.


In what way did it change?


I have to know how it changed.


Same I used to play it a lot but its too oversaturated with these disgusting humanoid and youtuber dragons or heroics or mythical %95 of the dragons in the game can't be used in the arena bc they're not strong enough. and %4 of the remaining %5 Will cost you maybe $100 dollars or more to get up to an above average standard


The p2w and ads is honestly bs...




Lol; so you expect a game that’s 8 years with new game content (development) since you quit to stay same as you remember? With your outdated dragons for you to start beating folks playing now????


The double attack update wasnt that long ago, and it is shitty


Why is reddit always so fucking hostile and aggressive? No, I expect the game to be fun and playable, not the p2w garbage it is now. Obviously I’m not alone because half this sub agrees with me. Instead of making one sentence summaries, actually read the post you dolt.


Asks why reddit is hostile, proceeds to be the most hostile person in the thread.