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Maybe spec your mages to be healers or buffers for your warriors so you're not going through potions as much. Also I think Morrigan starts with a point in herbalism (keep putting points into it too) and can make potions so make sure you keep ingredients around and don't sell them off.


Yeah both them do heals and I’m one level away from mastery herbalist with Morrigan so I’ll be making some in no time hopefully


Potent lyrium potions have the best profit margin as I recall, as long as you buy from the correct vendors. Buy lyrium dust from the circle quartermaster and everything else from the denerim tavern.


Perfect thanks


A lot of quest givers won't pay you if you don't ask for payment. You need to 'be greedy' and may have missed out on a chunk of sovereigns if you've been doing a good playthrough. A big source of money are the Crime Wave quests in Denerim. You need a character with pickpocketing and Stealth for all those quests. Another way to get a big chunk of coins is in the slums in Orzammar. There is a drug dealer who you can buy drugs from with a big investment of like 50 Sovereigns or something. Talk him down as low as possible. Then go back to the Tower and sell it for as much as possible. I think you'll get like 30 Sovereign in profit.


Im doing a grey kinda play through but I rarely ever pick greedy options as they don’t fit with my character but now I might just have to.


I'm similar. If it makes you feel better, they are usually understanding of your... requests for payment.


That’s good to know I’ll be greedy from now on, thanks


some quests do pay big but really the most gold comes from crafting potent lyrium potions that are infinite and sell for a profit early game money comes from the golem dlc mace that sells for like 380 gold


I haven’t done any dlc yet I rushed too much in the beginning chasing for good gear


You don’t play that specific DLC until you’ve finished the base game and Awakening anyway.


Use the money glitch and have unlimited good to buy anything and everything you want.


Yeah I’m not big on doing glitches on games but I might have to now


As far as I am concerned if the Developers added this into the game or failed to remove it / patch it / fix it then it's working as intended.


Usually I’d agree but the money glitch is so stupidly easy to do and money is so badly balanced in the game that I can’t play without it I believe for PC, go to a merchant and click and drag the thing you wanna sell with both mouse buttons and release on merchant side, then buy back, it should sell twice/buy once, use your most valuable item Console, put your most expensive item in “Junk” and make sure it’s empty by selling everything there to some other merchant. Then you just go to a merchant, scroll over to Junk, and press Sell All and Sell at around the same time really quickly, it’ll take a bit of time to get used to then you can do it easily Both glitches are stupidly easy and with valuable items you can have hundreds of sovereigns in a few minutes, if you have the Reapers Cudgel from a DLC you can have thousands in a single minute


Depends are you playing on console or pc ?




If all fails then you can open the console.


Yeah I was wondering if it had one or not it’s good to know it does


It does and there are mods for it.


If you're spending all your coin on potions, 1) try crafting them instead, 2) respec yourself so you're not dying as often, 3) respec the mages so they have healing spells.


If you're playing on PC, hold left click, then hold right click, then manually drag the item over to the merchant's list. You'll be able to sell the item twice. Additionally, upgrade herbology on one character whenever you can. I think Morigan already starts with a point. If so, do it with her. Making potions is cheaper than buying them. Also, keep a lookout for chances to make some extra coin during dialogues. You're trying to save the world here it's okay to ask for some monetary gains. Sell any "potion" not directly linked to health or mana. Their bonuses don't do much, and frankly, you have to remember you have the super electricity defense potion in the middle of the specific situation it would apply. Finally, avoid buying flashy weapons and armor until late-game. Yes, I know that Chasind maul looks very pretty, but you'll find way better shit as you explore.


Dlc aside that mail is the best 2h weapon in the game that’s why I wanted it, I ended up doing the glitch just to buy it. Thanks for the tips


We'll have to agree to disagree on the maul. Granted, I never like mails anyway, too slow. That and I always preferred the badass greatsword welding knight RP so... That said, I'm glad my tips helped you out.


It might be too late for you, but there are belts you can find that increase monetary gain. (AKA get you more money) They are looted from chests and bodies. They are rare, but do help a great deal. There is a promotional item called Embri's Many Pockets that can increase monetary gain that I always use. It used to be available on the Bioware Social Network, but that site is shut down. I believe it and others are now part of the Dragon Age Ultimate Edition. You get it by completing the DLC campaigns and it should unlock through the the Dragon Age Keep website. The Keep does have issues and can be very slow about syncing your progress. There is s sync button in the Careers section you can use to force it, but it can be slow too. Welcome to Dragon Age!


Many thanks, I’m running through all the drsgon âge games right now, and almost done with origins. I’ll definitely try and get those belts when I revisit origins in the future to maximize the gains.


If you’re on the legit path, you gotta ask for coin lol. Otherwise? Look up the infinite money glitch. I know it’s different on pc and console..


1. Buy cheap resourses 2. Craft not cheap potions 3. Sell them 4. Repeat 5. ??? 6. profit


Also I guilty to use bug in first settlement to sell traps as long as i become richest in Ferelden and able to buy all royal court and archdemon itself.


There's an exploit when selling equipment that allows you to sell one twice, then you just buy back the item and sell it again. All you do is click and hold both right and left mouse button and drag over your sellable item to the merchant inventory, release both lmb and rmb at the same time to sell the item twice. Works really good with the blood dragon armor if you have it


I ended up doing this to buy the maul cause I was getting impatient, thanks for the tip