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Ngl Adult Gohan with his kid haircut is fire


He’s got a ponytail - man code for “I’m going through some things”


https://preview.redd.it/izaszw91x98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=071b1c0643b401c67c9ce73bd74eee6ba3a33118 Going through it, below it, around it, and ultimately rising above it.


- miyamoto musashi


Pictured - man going through some things.


https://preview.redd.it/f6gq2goiim8d1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034ff5bff0c2ef4b8bb51fe6edab51202eb2cc6a Absolute fucking facts right there, spit your shit king


Don't call me out like that, man..


Bruh ikr lmao


It was the nineties! Everyone was doing it! Even Tommy! ![gif](giphy|LT2qB0ReO45CU|downsized)


Even superman was rocking the ponytail in the 90s https://preview.redd.it/3ukr0xtlpb8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc26a5d98957c64433687fabb8498ecfd5bc1518




… I think you proved my point




Pictured - man going through some things




for real the guy was a legit power ranger IRL




Oh man, you just reawakened some 12 year old feelings I forgot I had about the green ranger… 🫠




https://preview.redd.it/rk2oxtkr1b8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cb52799c5bfa73a30034833ae2a4df374ab5d3 Always expect a rising fan to intrude a solid fans memes


Pictured - man going through some things.


A man who sold the world


Oh no Not me I never lost control


Has the memory gone are ya feeling numb?


Dr. Freeman, is that you?


Can confirm, had long lushious hair, was going through stuff


But that's the thing Gohan HAS been through things


Sure you aren't thinking of neck beards? Wait I take that back, sorry for making you think about neck beards.


It's too early for this type of violence.


It's literally Yamcha's haircut lol


All of his haircuts were Yamchas




https://preview.redd.it/yhdg9kkld98d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8eb2241da5a625c18111d68444704a16bdcea2f Not that different to the third one imo, and only because Goku cut the back of his hair in the time chamber.


DBS Yamcha lookin like EoZ Goten. Hmmmm


I recognize this character better when lying in the ground all bruised and broken


You're right but it does look like Yamcha though.


A finger curls on the monkey's paw. Gohan now has his Namek bowl cut.


Bro got inspired by his dead uncle.


This is Gohan if you strip away 70% of his character


This is Gohan where Raditz kidnapped him and he was raised by Vegeta until the Namek saga


And then…?


There's a fanfic where Gohan is kidnapped and grows up along side Raditz, napa, and Vegeta serving in Freiza's army, it's call Cold World. It's really fun to read. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13726171/1/Cold-World-Redux


Dragon Ball needs a “What If” series. That would be so sick


For real, just 1-3 episode mini what if stories that run through major events of the story with something changed


Plus an additional 7 episodes where they charge up, taunt their opponent, power up some more, taunt some more, then transform into their final form. And then after nearly losing, their *ultimate* form.


I would like to point you in the direction of Salad Saiyan on YouTube. He does a lot of Dragon Ball What If's and has been for a few now and they are by far the best on YouTube with some of the most consistent upload schedules I've seen.


I mean, the game dragon ball sparking zero comes out soon and you can choose different scenarios in the main story, so you can create what if scenarios by making choices that wasn’t canon


check out Dragon ball Sai. Solid fan manga that shows what wouldve happened if Vegeta was sent to Earth as a baby instead of Goku.


Neat, thanks for the link


BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the HYPERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER for 1000000x10 years.


Then he was betrayed by Videl and trapped in the hyper boner lime strangler for 69^420 years


Gohan being a balanced person and a good dad makes him the best character in the show in my opinion.


I was looking for this comment. Plus, Gohan likes to study. It's like saying " what if Gohan was Goku with extra steps."


This is a flanderization of Goku, too, but the fandom's never had a problem with that.


Feels like most people on this sub don’t understand gohan


See the thing is. 90% of the subreddit just likes to watch the flashy fights, they dont actually read/ hear what's going on. They just know the character names and have their headcanon that they believe is the canon version


You are right, but also remember that some people only watched the anime, where there are a lot of additional scenes and fillers, which makes the characters feel different.


True. But "I really dislike fighting" should have been pretty obvious from Gohans behaviour. Although it is nowhere more clear than in DBZA.


I would even say that Gohan enjoys fighting as a hobby where there is no danger for him or his family, he has been literally traumatized for life since childhood, it is not surprising that he stops training so often.


Yeah, if he had a lighthearted cheery childhood like goku he might like fighting more as an adult. Goku didn't have anything traumatic happen to him until he was gohans age in the cell saga. And said thing was reversed the very next arc with the dragon balls


I wouldn't say he enjoys fighting as a hobby. When you look at his motivations for training, it usually comes down to him wanting to not fall behind so that he can be useful. In the Nappa fight, this is where his desire to be useful was born. When Trunks warns the Z Fighter's about the androids, this is what showed us why Gohan trains. Because when there is something to train for, he needs to measure up to the others. He doesn't want to feel like he did when he first fought Nappa when he felt useless and weak compared to the other Z Fighters. That's why during training, he would always push himself past his limits. And it always surprised others to see how much conviction and determination he had. Gohan constantly repeats this loop where if there is nothing to actually fight for, he simply will not train. Because fighting for him is a necessity. He started training again during the Buu saga when there was a threat. But afterwards he slacked off again because the threat was gone. Then when Frieza returned, he realized that with Gods like Beerus around and Frieza resurrecting, more reasons to fight were going to be common place again and he knew he was falling behind again. Even during Super Hero, it feels like he was starting to slack on his training again before receiving a reality check that helped push him further. If there were no threats, I doubt Gohan would ever train.


I honestly believe that tournaments are considered training by him. Like, "it's just a spar, noones gonna die, don't worry, we just stop once someone gets out of bounds or falls unconscious and then everyone is friends again" playing on loop in his head.


I only understood Gohan when I watched DBZ high. Random questions started popping up. He's a literal kid in life and death situations. He's family is amazing being able to travel and get so strong that they can destroy landscapes with life energy from their hands but there is no emotional support. He doesn't even see his father, his mother as a human is trying her best to give him the normal life as a human but the blood and gore of his father's race is too eye catching for him. Throughout the whole show Gohan has been beaten for just existing and the times that he is the aggressor isn't because he's badass like Goku and wants to fight. He has people to save and protect. Without his daughter, I believe that Gohan would have gone down a really dark road. In the end Piccolo saw this and accepted it because he was the same as Gohan. He grew up around violence but his people was peaceful. If it wasn't for Gohan he would have been killed as a villain by now taking countless lives. Same for Vegeta with Bulma and Trunks.


Dbza Gohan literally has a monologue where he talks about how much he hates fighting, it literally can't be more spelled out for people


16s whole "Good man Doing Nothing" speech as well


God god that speech. No wonder Gohan snapped. Who wouldn’t?


Dbza Gohan isn't canon because dbza isn't canon




Right? He just a nerdy guy who loves insects and wants to occasionally fight.


He enjoys fighting in a competition. The rest of his fights were "Oh god, I'm gunna die, my friend just died, my dad just died, if I lose everyone is gunna die!" Goku got to fight evil dudes and rivals. Gohan kinda just got evil dudes.


I think the lowest stakes Gohan had in a fight is the extinction of the human race.


thankfully the latest arc of the manga has rectified this somewhat (no spoiler)


He had to be blackmailed into the competition. Gohan really doesn’t fight for fun. It’s why his progress lags behind the rest of the Saiyans.


I dont even think that. He's seen his father, surrogate father, and friend die before he even turned 7. Dude doesnt wanna fight but knows he can fight so he must fight.


Gohan likes fighting with Goku it's like spending time doing hobbies with your dad , you just enjoy even if you wouldn't do it alone


Also, no stakes. Competition fighting is very much moving your body for the sake of moving your body. That's basically training for someone whose fight history pretty much consists of "Fights deciding the future of the whole planet/galaxy/universe/multiverse."


Right? The only time he even seems to enjoy training is when it's with Goku. And he's just trying to be close to his dad. Rest of the time it's a necessary evil to him. Fighting for him has never been fun. He didn't have harmless rivals and low stakes tournaments growing up like his dad did. It's always been life or death struggles against genuinely malevolent foes. He's seen friends die horribly, including his dad getting turned into a donut, was forced to survive in the wilderness surrounded by dinosaurs, witnessed a genocide, was nearly tortured to death repeatedly by the instigator of said genocide, *all of this before he was even old enough to finish kindergarten.*


Well he has this amazing relationship with Piccolo because of fighting, but even Piccolo understands that the relationship evolved to more than that. Goku does not understand that. lol.


Finally, someone that actually paid attention to the series. Not like the thread that I made a comment on one of the post on r/dbz


Gohan and Chi Chi the most misunderstood characters in the franchise


Yeah aside from naturally not liking to fight, Gohan was traumatized to ridiculous proportions in just the first few arcs. Just off the top of my head: - Kidnapped twice - Forced to live alone in the wilderness for 6 months - Watched every guy he knew die at least once in battle, including his Dad and his mentor - Beat up by space mercenaries multiple times - Witnessed an attempted genocide of the people on namek All before he was even 6 years old…


The genocide was successful, just because it didn't stick for to due to dragon balls, doesn't eliminate the fact he saw lots of people getting slaughtered.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s anything to do with Chi Chi. Gohan has NEVER liked fighting, any time he’s actually trained or put work in has only been to help his friends.


In would say the best Gohan is current Super Gohan, a man who does his job and does it well, but also is ready to help protect the world when needed.


Don’t mess with Dragon Ball fans. If there aren’t flashing lights going off, we won’t pay attention


You do know gohan LIKES to study right?




Chi-Chi don't force him to be scholar. She was certainly strict over his goal to be scholar but it was Gohan's own desire. He don't like fighting Also, most of the scene of Chi-Chi wanting Gohan to study 24x7 are filler. Toei did the character of Chi-Chi dirty for what they thought was funny gag. https://preview.redd.it/viesuh8l588d1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=72e689ad3fb992e89ec541c155921896ffc33c19


In fact, Gohan himself tells us this in this very first appearance in the manga. https://preview.redd.it/fdf11loht88d1.jpeg?width=1208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a6f4989abab02f9d1e3bb8acaf32cd5d5d9f7b


Always had been clear in story but fans refuse to accept Goku literally said to Gohan while sending him to fight Cell was to bring peace back to the world so you can grow to be an scientist and fulfill his dream https://preview.redd.it/d20cnqvgk98d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=f340b473d620001d1316462f87d02cbd8d8553c7


The fans are dumber than Goku


hey i didnt give cell a sensu


"YOUR SON IS DEAD GOKU! DEEEAD! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?" God that part with piccolo is fucking hilarious


Screw it that’s a TFS line right? Any dumb dbz quote is tfs that’s my rule of thumb






"Doesn't look like it..."


It really wasn't his day. Bro didn't get into that school and he never got his movie.


You got a pizza for me!? https://preview.redd.it/z21m5xjewa8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e5edea7d3b5cbdbd8d97959eb10d7bb79f9bbd With stuffed crust


Isn't that a TFS line Nothing like that never happens in actual show


But he did say that in the show. I recently just rewatched that part. Couldn't find a video of the scene specifically on youtube so give me a bit to upload it myself and I will link it here. EDIT: [Here it is](https://youtu.be/xFhT1kySdnM)


Might be dub line which I don't know since I never watched it fully It is not in manga which I generally keeps up with more regularly


Oh yeah maybe so. Its one of the few anime I watched in dub


A lot of things people quote from dbz are dub only. The dub liked to insert a ton of unnecessary dialogue, especially in moments that were originally silent.


Giving Cell was not even that dumb since all Goku wanted was for Cell to make Gohan angry and unleash his rage. https://preview.redd.it/3f8sx8kh1a8d1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccac9e115a485c1565e04e2e3f867f861e565d20


He admitted that it was dumb


And Goku later realized it was a stupid choice when Piccolo pointed out he was just putting Gohan through pointless suffering and confusion.


"tehehehe" https://preview.redd.it/ml5d7d83wa8d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9f36ddeb02d4114afb696be3443a7ec80a5777




He wants to be a scientist, just like his grandfather, it's beautiful


This is the correct answer. I’m tired of everyone hating on Chi-Chi for trying to keep her family alive and set up her son to be educated and successful. She could not have foreseen Radditz showing up. And really, she is the one thing that keeps Goku at all grounded. Earth is Goku’s home because it’s where Chi-Chi is. She deserves better than this.


Story has made it so clear Goku literally said to Gohan while sending him to fight Cell was to bring peace back to the world so you can grow to be an scientist and fulfill his dreams https://preview.redd.it/oxmdy0w0l98d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=cde26d65ca63a99f009a06f88bb885a2eb22e6dc


That was a beautiful way of putting it. Damn, right in the feels.


So do you care to admit you’re wrong?


>Earth is Goku’s home because it’s where Chi-Chi is You misspelled "food"


There’s food all sorts of places, earth is just the one place they cook it


Yes but earth has the best food, Beerus has told us this multiple times


Apparently salt and heat are uniquely human inventions!


My guy are you only putting salt on your food??


It starts that way! It doesn’t end that way! Our ancestors thought hmm, this dead wildebeest is ok, but what would happen if I stuck its leg on the fire for a little bit? Oh man that smells much better!


Food in afterlife and heaven is good tho Goku enjoyed it a lot in other world tournament filler. King Kai has great food too


Little Gohan was so precious and cute 🥺😭 Lil kid had to go through a lot.


Gohan got his neck snapped by an alien at 5 years old and mf’s mad he doesn’t like to fight.


Exactly!!! Some people are too dumb to understand basic things and have no empathy at all


The first fight gohan ever saw his uncle tried to kidnap him Then a weird alien killed his father and uncle Then the weird alien kidnapped him Then he trained until he was 6 And then he had his second fight where half the people he knows died Nothing like gokus first two fights lol


It is honestly a miracle Gohan turned out as well adjusted as he did.


Imagine what Goku would have done if Tao had killed Grandpa Gohan right in front of him lol It wouldn't have been an accidental almost-murder lol


I don't think any character in anime has really started as hard as Gohan did Even Ichigo, who like, months into getting his powers is fighting mid tier demi-gods or whatever, started with some random hollows trying to kill his friends, not his uncle trying to conquer the planet when he was 5 and had no training at all lol


Tbh at least he started with a loving family, Denji from Chainsaw Man didn't even get that


Yeah I mean, that's why his life is better than say, Broly's But I can't think of anyone that has gone from "No fights, ever, no training, a completely peaceful existence" to "Fighting aliens who want to take over/destroy the planet" in a single day Like, before Raditz showed up Gohan was too shy and scared to say hello to Goku's friends at first Within a few hours he got mad enough that he was the strongest person on the planet


Like getting his wittle shit rocked every 2 years and seeing his friends die


Yeah, Gohan hates fighting and to top it off he's always dragged into fights which made him hate fights even more. While goten who grew up in peaceful Era likes to fight because he doesn't know the seriousness and how life threatening a battle is like.


Toei on their way to ruin peoples perception of a character for an unfunny gag: ![gif](giphy|12M8qP3VZ2t9Hq)


Fair enough but she seemed very rather cottly over Gohan in certain scenes like she was just obsessed with studies so much that she did it to Goten who has more of interest for fighting


She quite literally trained Goten herself in martial arts because he liked fighting, she just wants him to also have qualifications unlike a certain other guy who does nothing but train and eat.


Exactly. People who blame Chi-Chi for Gohan's characterization baffle me. That's just how Gohan is and always has been.


Meanwhile in the timeline where this actually happened: https://preview.redd.it/07kc1po2j88d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a904560f3473d055772c2d7bb2e92704228c0ec6


Let me rephrase that for you: "Meanwhile in the timeline where everyone was dead and he had no one strong enough to train with while also constantly hiding from the murderous twins running about for years"


I was making the joke before someone else did. The art kicks ass


Hiding from what? They can't sense energy. He can train still. He has Bulma to invent stuff too.


We’re never gonna beat the allegations as dragonball fans.


So Gohan if he was miserable


Probably illiterate af like Broly.


Gohan if he had many scars on his body and permanent injuries


Tbh I don’t get the hype for wanting Gohan to be like this because he’d be exactly like Goku. I prefer Gohan the way he is honestly


It'd make for an awful story because he'd be just like Goku, but smart enough to know he needs to end a fight as soon as possible. Half the drama of Goku is the whole "I just want to see what they can do" dynamic, and you'd never get that with a capable Gohan.


Eh that's not exactly true. Gohan has his Saiyan moments when he gets overconfident with his abilities. He toyed with Cell, because he wanted him to feel pain for the suffering he caused. That led to Goku's death. He also did the exact same thing with Super Buu. Gohan's not smart enough to know he needs to end a battle as soon as he has the upper hand. I would say the only charcoal who doesn't care about stuff like that is Trunks.


Thing with that though is he gets that power after they’ve pissed him off and was too weak to do anything about it and so when he does have the power he can then punish them for what they did which leads to the issues. If he was always that powerful then that issue wouldn’t be anywhere near as prevalent


There's literally no reason gohan cant use kaiokenx20 in ultimate if he learned it Like after buu saga he could do that any time lol beast not even needed


Do you think Vegeta is just like Goku? Or Trunks, or Piccolo, or Tien? Just because a character is into fighting doesn’t make them just like Goku Toriyama’s writing ability would absolutely be able to make a more combat focused Gohan distinct


1: Gohan chooses to study, he doesn't like fighting and wanted to be a scholar 2: That looks like a badass super saiyan design for Yamcha and I'm here for it


Chichi didn’t push him to study all the time. He wanted to study, did y’all not hear him say 700 times how he only wanted to be a scholar, not a fighter?


Why do dragon ball fans want the characters to be miserable? Gohan was never interested in fighting. He always wanted to be a scholar.


Chi-Chi never forced him to. I mean sure, he was forced to go to school, but Gohan being an entomologist was simply because that's what interested him. You can't head-canon either that Gohan was manipulated either because Toriyama himself said that's what Gohan preferred. Look, I'm glad we got the Gohan we got now, rather than a Gokulite


Gohan has always been a nerd. He enjoys fighting as a hobby.


Why do y’all want this so bad?


So we just going to forget 4 and a half year old Gohan saying he wants to be a scholar of some kind when he appears in the anime (he also says it in like a chapter cover in the manga). Also Goku has always accepted the idea of Gohan being a scholar. He wouldn’t mind if Gohan also had a bit more of an interest fighting too but he wouldn’t make it any other way after the Cell saga. https://preview.redd.it/33mgctxdbc8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e89e42685e70ab5d3f3ed4819b18e15fa10773


So he’s a dumbass


He looks bland and uninteresting


Gohan if HE (not Chi Chi) didn’t push himself to study all the time




Gohan would have still studied because he actually wanted to be a scholar when he grew up


I’d settle for “Gohan that balances study time with training time.”


How dare chichi want something good for her kid


He likes to study because guess what. Watching your dad die fighting your uncle, watching several people close enough to call your uncles die, watching your other “uncle” die, hearing about a future where you died horribly against androids, watching your dad die AGAIN, watching your future self’s mentor die, watching your kinda gf getting her shit kicked in by a bad guy your dad beat up a while ago, getting your shit kicked in by a random pink piece of gum that’s also Satan, watching another one of your uncles bite it fighting that piece of gum, watching the earth bite it, and after all that is “over” you still have several problems to deal with. That isn’t very fun


I mean…… he reached beast form sooooooo he’s technically surpassed SSJ 3 while still studying all the time lol


Do you mean puddlehan? Cause we already had a gohan that only trained and he died. Also gohan pushed himself to study its just chi chi helping him stay on track with what he wants


It's not a shock that DBZ/S fan can't read. Gohan always wanted to be a scholar.


"Why doesn't Gohan like fighting?" Gohan, before he's 6 years old https://preview.redd.it/k24zax1dp98d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304c7765d13ada5d1ff040283896c3e51fc49541


Sorry but Gohan would have given up the sword way sooner as he doesn't need it..inkie poser boy trunks...he just uses a metal sword like wtf why don't you make an energy sword at least lol


Is this Gohan in the room with us now???


Gohan wanted to be a scientist since he never liked fighting in the first place, Chi Chi only helped him achieve that goal, rather strictly though...


Yall are like the motherfuckers that blame everything that went wrong in breaking bad on skyler


It would be nice if gohan had techniques that leveraged his intelligence, rather than having a mode that gives up on it


Gohan wanted to study and chichi went with it and got mad when he went fighting because she didnt want him to die She used studies to make him stay because she knew it was a passion of his


More like Gohan if chi chi got her back blown by Broly


Nah this wouldn’t have happened. Gohan wanted to be a scholar at his own accord, not chi-chis


Tell me you didnt understand gohan and chichis character without telling me you don't understand gohan ans chichia character


He didn’t like fighting even without chi chi. Now he would’ve been way stronger if he trained during timeskip.


I guess he could be better that being AI art


This is what it should have been after the cell games. Gohan should have focused on fighting once he started his own family Bulma can afford all housing for Z fighters. The protection of earth should be top priority and that means all Z warriors as strong as they can be not worrying about earthly things like rent and morgage.


This looks like a Future Gohan who didn’t have the plot holding him back. Thinking on it, though, I actually do like that they have Gohan be a scholar who does not particularly enjoy fighting. It set him apart in a good way from Goku. If he were to just enjoy fighting, then there would be no purpose to even try to make him the main character because we can just still have Goku. If he were to have been written properly after the Cell saga, they could’ve definitely made him a Peter Parker type character. Maybe have him try to balance training, studying, and playing superhero (albeit in a much less goofy way). The Buu Saga could’ve been him struggling to balance both sides of himself and struggle to live up to his father’s legacy. Then it would end with him, resolving this dilemma and finally achieving a balance in his life. Then when Super starts, we have a Gohan who’s a lot more of the Clark Kent/Superman archetype. Someone who’s confident , powerful , and knows who he is.


Chi-Chi pushed him to study but y’all seem to forget Gohan also *wanted* to study. It’s like the first thing he ever says to Piccolo.


Chi chi didn't push him, he wanted to study.


Nah, Gohan isn’t a fighter, even Goku realizes this during the Cell Games. By nature he’s gentle, and it’s only when he really needs to that his ability to fight combines with a willingness to hurt.


Gohan is funnily enough more accurate representation of Kakarot meme. He basically turn into an alter personality when he gets super angry and starts acting like a maniac


Goten has a much healthier relationship to fighting than Gohan, choosing to do it only for his own enjoyment mostly. Gohan was pressured into studying but he was pressured waaaaaaaay harder into fighting, and when allowed to choose between the two, he chose to study at school whilst being a superhero for fun. He doesn't enjoy intense fighting. Goku is very different to both his sons, enjoying intense battles that push him to the limit and not having anything else going on in his life. This is, well, also not a particularly healthy relationship to fighting. Dragonball makes fun of all tis characters' preferences and how so many of its cast decided to do other things with their life than become the very very strongest, because that's Goku's specific hyperfixation. The only one who scaled with him was Vegeta, and even Vegeta has more of an interest in family from time to time.


Idk why everyone hates when chi chi pushed Gohan to study. She already has one warrior in her family she doesn't need another one. She needs a bread winner, & why not the most competent person in her family?


https://preview.redd.it/5ugkzjeqnc8d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e2069c349a3171b0f673471f3e077d9518c114 "Gohan, if Chi-Chi didn't push him to study all the time"


Honestly, I'm choked that the original plan didn't continue. After the Cell Saga, Gohan was supposed to become the main Protagonist I think. He was the most powerful person in the universe (at the time given what we knew at the time) and he would've been such a cool character to see grow. Apparently he "didn't fit the part" for some reason, and so Gohan instead became this doofus Saiyaman and became weaker. They tried to bring it back around during the Buu saga, but they'd already done a lot of damage. Just wish they went with the original idea. I think it would've been sick to see a similar narrative around the Buu saga as Gohan learned from the Kais and took the earrings and Z-Sword and kicked ass. Would've loved to see him train Goten and Trunks and see how that all went as his proteges.


Wasn’t it already established from the beginning that Gohan isn’t a fighter and only does it to protect his loved ones? I don’t think that’s Chi Chi’s fault, that’s just Gohan’s personality. This would just make him a stronger version of his father but with less substance.


Gohan if he wasn't allowed to have a happy fulfilling life.


This looks dope ngl. But as someone who actually enjoys Gohan character, I wouldn't like this, we already got Goku and Vegeta, Gohan just would be one of the bunch. I think Gohan character is pretty interesting because he doesn't like to fight, so he has some inner conflict whenever he needs to do it which I enjoy, makes him more human (I know he's a half human, you get what I mean). Gohan is more relatable as a character, and has more depth than the pure saiyans, and a big reason is because he doesn't like to fight as much and actually wants to study.


This is gohan when he focused on training instead of studying https://preview.redd.it/cc7vje9kcd8d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c8a746ca3ebdaa21b605fc502c1207af88ca50


Wonderful artwork but... gohan WANTED to be a scholar. Chichi was harsh but she acknowledged her sons interest and fostered it. She was a little TOO adamant about it but still. Even Goku acknowledges this a lot. Hes implied plenty of times that hes happy for gohan being able to do what he loves. Point is it's not chichis fault gohan doesnt like fighting


Gohan👏🏽 Doesn't👏🏽 like👏🏽 fighting👏🏽


I swear.. why do people want Gohan to be a carbon copy of Goku so badly??


He doesn't like fighting guys get over it. He only fights to protect people. Sure he doesn't mind fighting for fun and stuff but he isn't like Goku it's not like his life is about fighting


DB fans never beating the illiteracy allegations